It is logically much more proficient to strive to increase the unity of the species, instead of the deleterious power of division which is an inherent principle effect of world-wide, and constantly permeating religious organizations. As an undereducated humanitarian, and as a self-acclaimed citizen of one world, it is my primal goal, to support philosophical education, so people like yourself, become more aware of what it means to be human, and in turn realize the benefits of unitive efforts to solve global problems, such as poverty, inequality, war, and philosophical dilemmas such as: ethic misconceptions, the reality of prejudice, scientific pursuits, and political agendas. Surely one day we will either die divided, or stand united, but that fate is up to the efforts of each and every individual from now into the future.
Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country, takes on a whole new meaning, when the individual realizes the dimension of life MLK pronounced with his audacious voice in his lecture at Yale university; "all life is interrelated". In knowing this one realizes that reality, the world, life itself, is a shared unity, and that what one man or woman contributes to the world affects all other men in an intangible weaving of fate, and destiny that our precious and unknowing children, and all offspring of every earth bound being will have to live in tomorrow.
It is our mission as people, to either make this life, and this world more of a hell, or more of a heaven. Some have given up on goals, and see life as pointless, happenstance, chaos, these people, so heavily inspired by the philosophy of the a-moralist, and at base level a denier of existence named Nietzsche, and the simple analysis of the self of Descartes, are no better then neurotic, self-deluded American people that call themselves religious or Atheistic. We are all apart of the human race, and if you don't know what the means at a very deep level then you aren't really living.
It should be the individuals calling, the individuals humanistic task, for the world to be dominated by democracy, and egalitarianism, instead of the world domination of religious authoritarian command. The time is long over due that we set aside our decaying traditions, and unite in the eternal flow of unselfish love which streams through the conduits of every living thing, from the protozoa to the elephant, from the hardworking ant, to the hardworking man. It is our love for one another that will set us free from the bounds of self-love, which is of the ego. It is our love for one another that will unite us, so we can do away with war, educate our children, live in harmony with nature and our individuality, and explore space, both inner and outer (Referenced: Bill hicks) forever and always until the end of our time. That is a mission worth living for, and it is your choose, a free one at that to awaken to the true creating power that is the heart and soul of all that you and every one else truly is here in the great and marvelous world we can call home, or more suitably the greater self.