This question is about ALL OF US..PLEASE VOICE YOUR OPINION..very interesting will pick your brain a bit!?
2012-12-07 11:27:38 UTC
Okay so I was wondering what does peoples personalities come from (your brain or your soul).. I mean we are all not perfect humans, we have intrusive thoughts,negative thoughts,disturbing thoughts etc(about even our closest ones). Some thoughts even automatic we catch ourselves thinking odd things...and sometimes feel bad for having that little video/image in our my question is what defines who we really are if not those thoughts....

What defines if we are good/bad people...if we all make mistakes and have instrusive/bad thoughts at times.
Are we who we are because of our brain chemistry...(neurotransmiters etc...genes etc)
or are we who we are because of our soul inside our bodies...
let me pick your brain a bit:
Lets say your depressed...your doctor will aruge that you need to take more serotonin,provide you eigther anti depressents to stimulate your brain..or increase your intake of folic acid,vitamin B,Vitamin C and serotonin. However, if you go to a priest he will tell you to pray,to meditate,to try to clense your soul,to tell yourself positive affirmations etc.

Like people who kill they have a bad soul..or is there brain chemistry just out of whack..or both

Can you have a good soul and bad thoughts/

My question to you yahoo answer
1. What do you think about what I just said?

2. Have you ever had weird thought/perverted random thoughts/awful..intrusive thoughts...Can you please share.(with strangers/loved ones?)
Eight answers:
Margaret C
2012-12-07 12:19:11 UTC
Your personality is a combination of your "soul", your genetic predispositions, and your thought processes (brain). I think everyone has bad thoughts and occasional inclinations to do bad.

Every thing you do (except for autonomic nervous reflexes), is based on a choice you make.

You can have negative tendencies and be a good person by choosing to be good. Thoughts are not always something you consciously choose. But you can catch those thoughts and turn them around, or at least negate them.

You always choose what you say (unless you have an involuntary speech disorder).

You always choose what you do (unless you are spastic).

I don't buy "I couldn't help it" as an excuse for harming others, or for making unhealthy life choices.
2012-12-07 12:00:49 UTC
All humans from time to time will have bad thoughts because we are all imperfect, born as sinners. But the question is what will we do when we have those bad thoughts? The Bible tells us that the world in which we live is ruled by Satan the devil. (1John 5:19) So it shouldn't surprise us when people do all kinds of crazy and demonic things. We are easily influenced by the things that we see and hear in this world. So in order to do what is right and not bad, we must focus on what is good from Jehovah God's standard. When we find ourselves thinking bad thoughts, replace it with spiritual thoughts which are always clean and wholesome.

Philippians 4:8- Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well spoken of, whatever virtue there is and whatever praiseworthy thing there is, continue considering these things.
2012-12-07 11:40:58 UTC
I like the fact that you ask yourself this question (and others like it I hope). I will keep my answer short... I think that a combination of your deepest thoughts and actions, along with your true personality define who you are. You can never truly know your deepest inner workings until a particularly distressing situation comes along or until you are faced with a highly significant choice.. Rumor also has it that people reveal their true state of mind and thoughts when they are staring death in the face...

Even though you may let rogue and random thoughts run through your head, they may not define who you are because everyone gets those... In a real situation where you are faced with difficult choices would be when your true character comes out, and from that you can see clearly exactly how your mind operates.
God's Father
2012-12-07 11:39:26 UTC
"What defines if we are good/bad people...if we all make mistakes and have instrusive/bad thoughts at times.

Are we who we are because of our brain chemistry...(neurotransmiters etc...genes etc)

or are we who we are because of our soul inside our bodies..."

I've asked this kind of thing before, at least to Christians, and never had credible responses - in fact usually hardly any at all. My last such question being this one:

If there is not god, then we are probably definied by our dna, and environment, upbringing, experiences etc.

But to someone who believes in God, a god who made everything, who exactly do they think made our brains and/or souls the way they were.

A mass murderer doesn't choose to find killing random people desirable, anymore than you or I might find the thought of such a thing very undesirable.

Whether it's their brain or soul (if it exists), that makes them desire to do this, they didn't create their own brains and souls.

If brains/souls are created by nature, then that is good or bad luck for whoever has the brain/soul, and good or bad luck for whoever that person interacts with.

If brains/souls are created by some god, then he is the one who made them the way he are.

Unless he left how they would be, to our dna and evironment (both created by him, if he made everything).

Or unless he used some other 'random' system to make brains/souls.

In answer to you asking 'what defines whether we're good or bad people', one could initially say our actions, but that doesn't go deep enough.

Because our actions are based on what we desire and don't desire to do. If someone has a desire to do something bad MORE than not desiring not to do it, they will do it. So their desire defined whether they were good or bad.

And whoever, or whatever created such desire, definied whether they would do good or bad. And no one makes their own desires.
2012-12-07 11:31:38 UTC
Heh. What you just typed is exactly what I think every day.

1. I think that's awesome what you just said. Some people never think these things. Spirituality is basically for your mind so you think it helped, but it didn't. You helped yourself.

2. Everybody has those thoughts. Even to people you love the most. Carrying out those awful thoughts is what really matters though.
2012-12-07 11:32:21 UTC
I believe we're influenced most by our environments. So I believe it's our brain. They tell you to pray, but I think praying is just a way to change your way of thinking and give you hope, which you shouldn't need religion to do. You can change your way of thinking, even though its difficult.
2016-11-28 05:12:58 UTC
i could say my voice, i could like to take heed to those issues around me, i could omit the sounds of nature, my well-liked song, video clips, my husbands voice, and it may be very perplexing for each guy or woman that i be responsive to to learn sign language. i could hate to lose my sight! So, i assume my voice is the only i'm left with, lol i be responsive to it extremely is the only my husband could %. for me..I talk way too lots he says:)
2012-12-07 11:28:48 UTC
What are you praying for? Get off your knees and quit praying. Tell the universe to suck your D-I-C-K! Tell god or the creator of life to get down on it's knee's and start S-U-C-K-I-N-G!!!!!! What kind of moron are you? You think you owe this universe something? NA, They owe you, if anything at all....If you want cookies, then you go make cookies! And after you make the cookies, don't you dare expect anything from those cookies. You wanted them, you asked for them. You made them. You serve them. Not the other way around! What you can't tell the creator or god or the universe off?????? Here I'll do it for you....Hey GOD - EAT A D-I-C-K UP!!!!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.