Whats the deal about revelation?
2010-06-04 18:25:06 UTC, like many other Christians, i've been taught to believe that the book of Revelation & Daniel is a prophecy of what to come in the end time, which is supposedly now. But what i've recently learned is that 666 spells out Nero's name in Roman numerals and that fire and brimstone that is decribed as hell in Revelation is referring to the fact that Nero set his own city on fire & blamed the christians, which obviously means there has been a misunderstanding as to whether or not the end is really near. Not to mention the fact that Revelation is strikingly similar to the Book of Daniel (which leads to assumptions that it may have been plaigarized. Look, what im pretty much saying is that the Bible is a very dangerous book, given that it is taken so literally and that it has been translated over and over again not to mention the fact that it has been in the possession of many people. What are your thought about this? is the Revelation merely just an account of a historic occurence or is it a bible prophecy that is bound to happen?
Eleven answers:
Martin S
2010-06-04 18:29:33 UTC
666 spells out Nero's name in Roman numerals

And some people said Ronald Wilson Reagan was the Antichrist because there were 6 letters in each of his 3 names. Did either of these men cause people to get a mark put on their hand or forehead in order to be able to buy and sell?

Revelation 13:16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.

it has been translated over and over again

Is Our Copy of the Bible a Reliable Copy of the Original?

by Rich Deem

There are tens of thousands of manuscripts from the New Testament, in part or in whole, dating from the second century A.D. to the late fifteenth century, when the printing press was invented. These manuscripts have been found in Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Turkey, Greece, and Italy, making collusion unlikely. The oldest manuscript, the John Rylands manuscript, has been dated to 125 A.D. and was found in Egypt, some distance from where the New Testament was originally composed in Asia Minor. Many early Christian papyri, discovered in 1935, have been dated to 150 A.D., and include the four gospels. The Papyrus Bodmer II, discovered in 1956, has been dated to 200 A.D., and contains 14 chapters and portions of the last seven chapters of the gospel of John. The Chester Beatty biblical papyri, discovered in 1931, has been dated to 200-250 A.D. and contains the Gospels, Acts, Paul's Epistles, and Revelation.
2016-12-24 13:20:16 UTC
2010-06-04 18:36:29 UTC
Although I am not religious I have accurately found prophecies that have come true. The Bible does prove as history but allegory as well. Though many take the Bible 100% literally that's when they screw things up. Revelations is a powerful book, the Bible prophets were able to predict a coming to the end of the world. The end of the World is supposedly a time of many wars and pain but then a time of everlasting peace and a rise of consciousness comes. Almost like a closing book to the beginning of time. I feel that things will change and there will be a change soon.

To find out about the lost gospels and pretty much everything hidden from you, check out

it's like a library, so much info it's insane!

this opened my eyes!
2010-06-04 19:04:30 UTC
Revelation has NOT come to pass contrary to "popular" belief, nice ideal for those that do not want to see/know the Truth isn't it, if it had already come to pass (hypothetically) HOW did we "miss" Jesus' 2nd Coming??? better yet, WHY were "we" even born and WHY are we still here???Jesus' 2nd Coming will be Visible, Audible, Glorious, Literal and FINAL...Acts 1:10,11 / Luke 24:38,39 / Rev. 1:7 / Matthew 24:30 / Matthew 24:27 / Matthew 24:31 / 1 Thess. 4:16,17/Psalm 50:3 / Rev. 6:14 / Matthew 16:27, 25:31 / Rev. 22:11,12...

1)the red Dragon of Rev. 12 gives the beast her authority, power and location (church recv'd in 476 AD)

2)the beast rules for 42 months (1260 Literal Years) 1 day = 1 yr. in prophecy

3) she has power all over the world (sure does)

4) the beast receives a deadly wound(French Revolution 1798, they kidnapped the pope and claimed atheism, which stripped them of their religious and political power)

5) the deadly wound is healed (Italy gives back to the church the Vatican as a separate nation

6) the beast speaks Great Blaspheme against God( very apparent when they took authority away from God on so many levels)

7)the beast is a pursecuting power (Inquisition, reformation etc)

8) the number of the beast is 666 (in all ancient languages their alphabets have numerical value i.e. Greek, Hebrew etc, if you add up the letter of the "title" on the papal tiara worn by these popes, it equals 666....

Sunday is our "mark" of authority...the church is above the Bible, and the transferrence of the Sabbath day observance is proof of that fact. Catholic Record, Ontario, London, Sept. 1, 1923
2010-06-04 18:29:51 UTC
Revelations is BRILLIANTLY written. The message about Christians facing persection under Nero was disguised so that only Christians can understand it. There was a double meaning in the Book as well. The first meaning was to keep the faith strong among the Christians persecuted under Nero and the second message was about the End Times. The Book of Revelations is a more detailed description about the end times that was already "touch up on" in the Book of Daniel.
2010-06-04 18:33:13 UTC
Actually it spells out Nero's name in GREEK numerals, since all Greek letters at that time ALSO had a numerical value. John wrote on a Greek island, Patmos.

John gives any number of hints about the Anti-Christ, such as that he comes from a "city of 7 hills".

Well DUH, has any fundamentalist Christian been to Rome?

As for prophecies, every Biblical scholar (academic ones) knows that the book of Daniel is forged to appear prophetic, when in fact it was written after the events it :"predicts" occurred.

Dante did the very same thing in the Inferno.
2010-06-04 18:30:51 UTC
the bible also came into existence in a way different than you were taught. in 325 AD, the Roman emperor Constantine started the Council of Nicea. It was that council that decided what went into the bible. For all we know, there could have been a gospel that was just as authentic and eligible as the others, that contradicted everything else, and it wasn't put in because of Constantine and the Council of Nicea.
2010-06-04 18:33:07 UTC
its for tells a prophecy where god comes and causes disaster on the earth and all the people that are sinful spend 30 days tortured without basic necessities to prove they are worthy the good will die ans rise again in heaven the bad will join the devil and if there not dead and want to prove themselves worthy they will get to on judgment day there will be a war against good and evil god vs satan christ and the antichrist and good will triumph over evil god created this so that the good and evil would be separated forever.
2010-06-04 18:33:39 UTC
please yourself. read all the prophecy. gain knowledge of all the things for told that did come true. amd then see the prophecies in a new light, and return and then ask yourself the same question
Ryan S
2010-06-04 18:30:09 UTC
Please, not that 2012 crud. I deal with enough idiots already as it is.
THOR is coming may 6 8thㄨcoming
2010-06-04 18:26:44 UTC
christians use it to draw fear into people.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.