Revelation has NOT come to pass contrary to "popular" belief, nice ideal for those that do not want to see/know the Truth isn't it, if it had already come to pass (hypothetically) HOW did we "miss" Jesus' 2nd Coming??? better yet, WHY were "we" even born and WHY are we still here???Jesus' 2nd Coming will be Visible, Audible, Glorious, Literal and FINAL...Acts 1:10,11 / Luke 24:38,39 / Rev. 1:7 / Matthew 24:30 / Matthew 24:27 / Matthew 24:31 / 1 Thess. 4:16,17/Psalm 50:3 / Rev. 6:14 / Matthew 16:27, 25:31 / Rev. 22:11,12...
1)the red Dragon of Rev. 12 gives the beast her authority, power and location (church recv'd in 476 AD)
2)the beast rules for 42 months (1260 Literal Years) 1 day = 1 yr. in prophecy
3) she has power all over the world (sure does)
4) the beast receives a deadly wound(French Revolution 1798, they kidnapped the pope and claimed atheism, which stripped them of their religious and political power)
5) the deadly wound is healed (Italy gives back to the church the Vatican as a separate nation
6) the beast speaks Great Blaspheme against God( very apparent when they took authority away from God on so many levels)
7)the beast is a pursecuting power (Inquisition, reformation etc)
8) the number of the beast is 666 (in all ancient languages their alphabets have numerical value i.e. Greek, Hebrew etc, if you add up the letter of the "title" on the papal tiara worn by these popes, it equals 666....
Sunday is our "mark" of authority...the church is above the Bible, and the transferrence of the Sabbath day observance is proof of that fact. Catholic Record, Ontario, London, Sept. 1, 1923