Is it possible for both the bible and evolution to be true?
2007-03-30 18:26:45 UTC
I beleive in the bible but I do not claim to know all the answers.
I think it is very well possible that evolution could have happened, Heavenly Father can do ANYTHING! It is possible even that evolution is true and Heavenly Father knew it would pose an issue for those who beleive in the bible and it was another way to test our faith. I like not knowing all the answers, it makes me humble! The Bible talks about everything being created in seven days, how do we know that is the same 7 days that we know to be 7 days now? I like to hear peoples thoughts on questions that have so many answers!
45 answers:
2007-03-30 18:34:37 UTC
You are right. With God, ALL things are possible. Even the impossible. I believe what God's Word tells me. I do not study evolution, nor do I care what is said about it. I am not looking to discredit God or the Bible, so I leave that to the atheists. I haven't got the time to scrutinize the pros and cons of evolution, I am too busy trying to walk closer to God.
2007-03-30 18:33:38 UTC
I personally think so...and there is some Biblical backing for this. In the Old Testament, there's the 90th Psalm and in the New Testament 2 Peter 3:8 both say words to the effect that a day is like a thousand years to the Lord.

In the book of Genesis, there are two accounts of creation: both versions record that God created the earth in 7 days...but maybe those 7 days were actually 7 thousand years or 700 thousand years or whatever.

There was no sense of modern 24 hour linear time or the Gregorian calendar like we use that's why I believe that the theory of Evolution could possibly dovetail with a creation theory.

Neither one can truly be proven... it's all about faith....what you elect to believe. One doesn't necessarily negate the other...because in the end there has to be a source: who made the big bang? who created the monkeys? who made the primodial "broth"? you get the idea....
2007-03-30 18:50:01 UTC
Lets start with this. If you believe the Bible is true, then can I assume you also believe in Original Sin? If yes, then the 'theory' of evolution poses a problem. How can we all be tainted by original sin if say Adam and Eve were just 2 people out of a whole bunch of people that evolved. Why would everyone be affected? It wouldn't make sense. Therefore we wouldn't need to be redeemed and there would be no need for Christ. That's a bit of the theology.

In paractical terms, the odds against life simply appearing from a random collection of chemicals is so astronomical as to be unacceptable. And it would have had to occur many times. Look into the detail of evolution for your answer. The science it requires is so staggering that even knowing the answer no one has yet been able to create life under laboratory conditions, let alone by accident.

Good luck
2007-03-30 18:34:19 UTC
We have to be careful when we use the Bible as a science book -- early astronomers got in trouble because their heliocentric view of the cosmos supposedly contradicted the Bible.

On the other hand, scientists always want to know why the dinosaurs became extinct. Was it a comet? An ice age? Why don't they ever wonder about a FLOOD?

I think that there is strong evidence for evolution within the species, but I don't believe that a worm became a fish became a frog became a dog became a monkey became an ape became a human. Too much miracle in creation for it to have happened as the result of a big explosion.

I don't claim to know all of the details, but I'm confident a creator had a knowing hand in it.
2007-03-30 18:53:50 UTC
Ever climb a latter? Never start at the "top" do we. So why should anything in creation start, say in the middle and work it's way up. "Everything" in existance starts at the "bottom," never midway or at the top, it's the "physics" of REALITY. As much as religions proclaim creation was "instantaneous" as an act of a supreme GOD "facts" state that to be a belief that is "false" for many planets are "still" in the state of evolution, including our own, otherwise volcanoes would not erupt, earths plates would not "shift" to name a few occurances of physics. If only evolutionists and religions would butt heads for awhile, they would find out even all these doctrines of modern religions went through their own EVOLUTION, including Judaism, Christianity, and all the other ones on earth. What people "believe" today is NOT what they believed in ancient time for example. Christians who have not bothered to study the issues of evolution, but adamantly side with Judaism "against" evolution and it's proofs, do not know in doing so, deny the "roots" of their own faith. By "roots" I speak of "where" the bible says mankind got it's start. Adam and Eve. If we did not "evolve," of what RACE were God's creations. They could not have been of every race on earth today. Get my point.......
2007-03-30 18:51:13 UTC
Of course it's possible, and a great many people have no difficulty accepting both the truth of divine revelation and the truth of science. No genuine truth can conflict with any other genuine truth. Unfortunately, science is a lot more united in its truths than religion is. No matter what science discovers, some people's personal interpretations of the Bible will conflict with it, just as each denomination's biblical interpretations conflict with the biblical interpretations of other denominations. This fact alone demonstrates that many such biblical interpretations are objectively wrong, so it should be no surprise that many such interpretations also conflict with the objective facts as revealed by science. True religious belief cannot conflict with true scientific findings. But each denomination believes that its own individual interpretations of the Bible are infallible, and proudly cling to that position, even when it places them in direct and obvious conflict with reality.

2007-03-30 21:05:54 UTC
The Bible says that time with man and time with God are different. Perhaps the time mentioned in the Bible to create the world, six days, is really six "creative periods," and not ;literal 24 hour periods. And with this type of thinking, perhaps God utilized means within the realms of science during the creative periods. Maybe evolution was part of the process.
2007-03-30 18:51:42 UTC
There is greater chance to assume both might turn out false.

For the bible, it is difficult to see it as the truth as there are too many loopholes here and there.

For evolution, it is still a relatively young science, it can still changes over time.

The bible also talk about god don't lie, but how do we know lying means making a promise that would not come true is ok?

The bible also say, Thou shall not kill, but how do we know it means you are alright to butcher a whole city of it's men, boys and non-virgin women and "keep" virgin girls to yourself (some say it does not say it means "laying" with the virgin girls, I say then what is the reason then? to play chess with them? Some say it is because the girls are pure and not defiling the gods, then what says the young boys? They should be killed because god give them a prick*?) , as long as it is under god's name?

God says "Thou shall not commit adultery" but then sleeping with own daughter in law and make her pregnant is good and god are happy?

The bible also says also say a lot of funny things. Is it up to men's interpretation? Or is it for word twisting so it looks right. Is the bible revealing in it's message (if that is the case, then the book has too many contradiction to be the truth) or is the bible so hidden even the most learned will get it wrong (if that is the case, what is the use of the book which bare no meaning?)

If a book is up to own interpretation, then each person will claim his own interpretation under the sentence "God tell me so" when ask to prove god told him, he will claim you commit blasphemy because you disbelieve god's word and defiled god.

Look in this scenario :

I say I am god. Then you say, prove to me. I say "You lord should not be tested, you should be the tested one". Then you say, in that case, I committed blasphemy, so strike me down. I say "You lord is forgiving and willing to give you a chance to find the way and beg for my forgiveness".

So what? Head I win, tail you lose?

If you look around and you say evolution cannot be true because you cannot see it? How can you say god is true and you cannot see it? Isn't it double standard? At least when I think there is a possibility where evolution is true is when I see how bacteria gets more resistant to anti-biotic with abuse of anti-biotic, reason?

Two possibilities:

a. The bacteria evolved into greater resistance because from the generic code of the previous version, it has to be stronger to certain anti-biotic so it might survive.

b. God is too free after creating earth and when he saw men are able to fight bacteria, he create another one just like the previous one, except stronger, but he does not want to create one that can fully resist anti-biotic, but he create in sequence, slowly so as to torture human, since he is omnipotent and too free anyway.
2007-03-30 18:35:51 UTC
No. Read Genesis Chapter 1 again, very carefully. You said God can do anything. He can. I'm not good at finding scripture quickly to back up my points, but there are many other statements in OT & NT that make it very clear that God created every living creature type, just as they were and are.

Yes, species do change over time to adapt to changing environments. Scientists call this "micro" evolution. I don't know where in the Bible this is referred to and what it was called , but it is probably there. "macro" evolution is one species becoming another and is a fallacy of man. This has never been OBSERVED to happen, even in "primative" species. Not even bacteria.
2007-03-30 18:40:25 UTC
Absolutely! But only if one accepts that the Bible cannot be taken literally, and has translation errors, and that the theory of evolution is incomplete.

Einstein proved that 7 days here is NOT always 7 days somewhere else. Also, if literary authors are allowed to take "poetic license" in their writings, why should God be required to talk about recombinant-DNA only, to His target audience, who were mostly uneducated shepherds?
2007-03-30 18:42:37 UTC
The Bible teaches moral and spiritual truth--it's not a science text. And it uses metaphors and stories to communicate much of those truths.

Someone once said that the Bible is TRUE--not factual. That's what he ment.

Think of it this way: Christ said "I am the vine and you are the branches." Now, that is a flat, unqualified statement. But--unless you know some Christians with leaves sprouting from their ears, its obviously a metaphor.

The same is the case with Genesis. It may not be a "factual" description of creation. But it is nevertheless a TRUE account of the spiritual and moral nature of man and his relationship to God who created us.

And, sorry, but this needs to be said--the fring group of right-wing cults that demand that "creationism" be treated as science do not represent the overwhelming majority of Christians and need to stop pretending that they do.
2007-03-30 18:36:52 UTC
not possible!

I dont have all the answers either,but I do know where to find the answers about creation, our existence. The Bible has everything we need.

How do you know about the length of a day? Read the first 4 verses of Genesis. And by the way, God created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th.
2007-03-30 18:36:29 UTC
Open your eyes! Evolution cannot be true. Look around. This is obvious as much as it is elementary.

I appreciate your humbleness, I do, but there is a fine line between being humble and being gullible.

Nobody has all the answers, but God. We do however have the answer to evolution, it is a fraud handed down to the foolish as an attempt to explain what they can't understand.
Armund Steel
2007-03-30 18:31:00 UTC
It can. But that would mean that the bible would have to be taken as a bunch of metaphors rather than being taken literally. That's why the fundies oppose the theory evolution.
Martin S
2007-03-30 18:31:57 UTC
No, it's not possible for a fish to have evolved into a mammal that evolved into a human being, not only according to the Bible that says that each species will reproduce after it's own kind, but also according to scientific investigation.

The theory of macro-evolution is a huge house of cards where there would be animals with partially evolved body parts that natural selection would destroy because they were less competative than the normal members of the species.
2007-03-30 18:30:47 UTC
No. 7 days are 7 days, as described in Genesis - Light and dark, evening and morning. Clearly regular 24-hour days.

Let's face it, the Bible is just religious mythology. You wouldn't go to a science book for a sermon so don't expect the Bible to have any valid science in it.
2007-03-30 18:34:03 UTC
The bible is definetly true but evolution in away is happening. Species are changing all the time, and that is the only way I could see evolution being partly true.
2007-03-30 18:33:18 UTC
Yes. The HF is tricking us by planting dinosaur bones, to test our faith. And when the HF said "Let There Be Light" was he talking about our sun which came 8 billion years later or about the photon decoupling which happened about 100,000 years ATB? If the HF was an all time trickster, it would explain a lot of things, but I would humbly refer you to Occam's Razor instead. The simplest explanation is the most likely one.
2007-03-30 18:32:30 UTC
The bible is like a stone arch in the desert. It just keeps eroding away every time new evidence is found that contradicts it. The bible vs Galileo is a good example.

If you think it is a test, maybe the whole thing is a test.
2007-03-30 19:20:21 UTC
well i am a believer and i believe that god has given me my own destiny to pick and choose the way i want to live my life. a choice to sin or a choose to repent. the bible teaching is made of teachings that go back thousands of years. alot of the teachings are still used. why because they work. to know they work is to practice. love is not a feeling it is an action. it takes practice. on one hand science says the earth is billion of years old. in the bible it says one humans life time is like a blink of gods eye. so if this saying is true then 7days by gods time is a billion times longer in human years. i would rather believe that god is love and has created me because he loves me. for a person not to believe is like a person who doesnt trust anyone. how can a person love another with out the ability to trust. we all can say we love and respect each other. in order to love we must be able to act on it then just preaching it. everyone non believers and believers all sort of fall short of what it means to believe. we all believe in some thing even the non believers. some times we here the answer and we know the answer but dont act on it. or are the ones who dont believe and would sit on the fence and not do anything because of fear that it might be true. to believe is to love others as we love our selves. all these teaching are from the father who sent his son to die for our sins. now that is true love. thats action. Jesus said if you truly love me you would practice my teachings. is he just a man? Son of god? no matter were we come from or what we believe there one thing that always true love eternal. true love brings happeness choosing to love is alot easier than choosing not to. believing that we are just mere matter on earth and when we die we leave this earth to mere nothingness. thats pretty cold. like i said its achoice we can believe and have a good life or we can choose not to and live in confusion. how does a person know how to love when he doesnt believe he can.? how does a person trust without knowing the outcome? it is open water Like jesus said to the fisherman dont be afraid for the lord is with you. to believe is to take action and know god is with you. that is a big relief knowing rather not having anyone there to save you. well i got olot off my chest. hope you the best and god bless you.
2007-03-30 18:31:48 UTC
Obviously. Darwin said the theory of evolution does not preclude belief in God. It only challenges those who want to take the bible literally, and they're challenged by their remotes. I can't believe how many of them can type their belief in YA that the universe is 6,000 or so years old. Amazing.
2007-03-30 18:30:59 UTC
Not if you are a fundamentalist who interprets the Bible literally. If many of the stories in the Bible are allegorical instead of literal, then there is no reason why they could not both be true.
2007-03-30 18:36:56 UTC
Evolution says all things including man evolved from one common ancestor. The Bible says GOD created man from the dust of the earth. It doesn't match.
2007-03-30 18:34:38 UTC
The truth is God created everything possible to make evolution possible...... Thank you God, and Jesus Christ.

Oh... and the Holy Ghost that gets around that's on the earth.
Mr Marc
2007-03-30 18:31:58 UTC
The earth's rotation is slowing. So if a day back then was different than today-it would have been shorter, not longer. There is really no verifiable evidence that the earth is older that the bible says, and no evidence for evolution-just speculation.
Fish <><
2007-03-30 18:30:19 UTC
The Heavenly Father cannot lie. He said He, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit were there when they created the Heavens and Earth.
2007-03-30 18:30:33 UTC
Well since the Bible has plants being created before the Sun, that would seem to be a little problematic.
gc mech
2007-03-30 18:53:15 UTC
the book of Genesis saysthat in the beginning, not necessarily 6000 years ago,that God created the heavens and the earth.the main point is that God created,not let things evolve. God also gave man freedom to choose what he believes.
2007-03-30 18:30:38 UTC
Give Christianity a couple hundred years and they'll say that the bible created Evolution. If you can't beat them, join them.
2007-03-30 18:32:53 UTC
It's not just possible for evolution to be true... it is factual.

God and the Bible, on the other hand, are another story entirely... and a pair of very very tall ones at that.

:::: r u randy? ::::

2007-03-30 18:31:14 UTC
Evolution says death brought man into the world.

Bible says man brought death into the world.

One has to be right and the other has to be wrong. The two theories just do not mix.
2007-03-30 18:32:56 UTC
I agree with you on the day issue, as God said 1000 years is as a day, and a day 1000 years. The problem with evolution is God says he created. Evolution says it happened without God.
Judas. S. Burroughs.
2007-03-30 18:32:16 UTC

6000 year old Biblical Earth VS 4.5 Billion year old Planet with a 3.5 Billion year fossil history of Evolution.

Hm mm I think the Bible Creationists may have to rethink their position so it conforms to the reality of the Earths history!
2007-03-30 18:29:45 UTC
i am not Christian

but it would make more sense that God created with the intention of using evolution in an ever changing world

there are many Christians who think like you do and there is nothing wrong with that
2007-03-30 18:38:47 UTC
don't go too Farr just think how you got your teachings from who what were their intentions and what were their dids you used your logic to join what ever you have but you have to study everything and also go to and click English and click things of love and you will find the truth of Christianity and Muslim and ancient gods..also to Canadian ysee too or Australian they are very helpful.. thanks good luck..
2007-03-30 18:28:54 UTC
The bible can be made to confirm almost anything.
Militant Agnostic
2007-03-30 18:30:23 UTC
the bible is a book. that is true. and evolution is also true. so, yes
2007-03-30 18:29:01 UTC
no evolution says one thing and the bible says another. it will never match
2007-03-30 19:03:57 UTC
faith is all you need now it is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." that is why," in whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of god, should shine unto them." my child, "through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of god, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear."
2007-03-30 18:29:46 UTC
Learn Hebrew. Then you'll know for sure what it meant.
2007-03-30 18:33:28 UTC
if evolution does not contradict biblical truths then it is fine,science and the bible can be in concordance.
2007-03-30 18:28:55 UTC
ya ok....sure
2007-03-30 18:30:01 UTC
perhaps...but whatever has evolved must have first been placed here and created in order to evolve..

things cannot will themselves into existance.

and science will never be able to oppose that statement.
dogpatch USA
2007-03-30 18:30:05 UTC
the bible is false and will always be false
irene k
2007-03-30 18:30:13 UTC
no you cant serve 2 masters did a monkey die for you so you could be saved..................

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