No traffic? That depends on where you live. There are places in the US that have experienced HUGE problems with traffic and noise on bad to the point it makes headlines in national newspapers!
One example? In a part of Jackson County, Oregon, a constant source of annoyance for many people living there was the traffic and noise problems caused by a mega-church called the Applegate Christian Fellowship. This religious community is based in a normally quiet town called Ruch.
Yet, on Sundays, traffic going to their facility would get so bad, that it would get backed up into the next town, Jacksonville, which is approximately 8 miles away. The noise from the music and preaching over loudspeakers can be heard over a mile away. This has been an ongoing problem since the church's founding in 1977.
When I lived in the area from 1988 to 2001, at times, it seemed like there were only two types of people living there: Applegate members and everyone else. I remember that the local newspapers would constantly be filled with either letter to the editor complaining about the traffic and the noise generated by that church...or with the members of that church defending their so called "freedom of religion" completely oblivious to the fact that their freedom impinged on other people's right to have a nice quiet Sunday. Those "Applegate" cultmembers were so arrogant in their insistence that they weren't doing anything wrong, and many of them can and have done so many things to try to dominate that part of Southern Oregon (some of those actions very questionable)...
However, there were people who were equally as adamant that Applegate Christian Fellowship be contained in space and forced to keep the noise level down. When the Applegaters pushed, people not affiliated with the church started pushing back...through the courts!
Around 1999/2000 or so, the PTB of Jacksonville, OR started attempting to pass city ordinances that affected other churches as to what hours they could services, what time weddings could be held, etc. Needless to say, this idea went over like a lead balloon. Area churches that would normally not have anything to do with each other suddenly started getting together sticking up for each other against the state 'menace' as it were. In the end, the new rules didn't go through...
and I'll bet there are people living there who are still complaining about the Applegate traffic to this day! I moved closer to not my problem anymore lol...