Explain like I'm stupid: If everybody is attending church regularly, then why (details) ?
2007-08-25 08:10:49 UTC
Explain like I'm stupid: If everybody is attending church regularly, then why is there so little TRAFFIC on Sunday mornings?
23 answers:
2007-08-25 08:16:02 UTC
Its been shown many places that all the Churches in America, holding the number of Masses they do, couldn't possible hold half the people who say they attend regularly.
Sara M
2007-08-25 08:25:22 UTC
I guess it depends on how early your are up and out on the road . Lots of folks attend church very early some as early as 8am, while other wait till 10am. But these people stay in the church thru Sunday school for every age. Then they have the family services where all families come together before the Lord and worship him in union.So if you pay attention after noon on Sunday you will be amazed at the traffic. I know cause I used to work at walmart and every Sunday after noon we would be swamped by all the church people buying food and things, because they would be going to the pastors house or some other members house who would be in need of food or clothing. Don't knock these people they have big hearts for those less fortunate. I see that Sundays are the busiest traveling times there is. I should know my husband is a truck driver and he can tell ya the same that Sundays are busier than any other day of the week. Hes been out there on the roads and seen for himself.
2007-08-25 08:49:19 UTC
No traffic? That depends on where you live. There are places in the US that have experienced HUGE problems with traffic and noise on bad to the point it makes headlines in national newspapers!

One example? In a part of Jackson County, Oregon, a constant source of annoyance for many people living there was the traffic and noise problems caused by a mega-church called the Applegate Christian Fellowship. This religious community is based in a normally quiet town called Ruch.

Yet, on Sundays, traffic going to their facility would get so bad, that it would get backed up into the next town, Jacksonville, which is approximately 8 miles away. The noise from the music and preaching over loudspeakers can be heard over a mile away. This has been an ongoing problem since the church's founding in 1977.

When I lived in the area from 1988 to 2001, at times, it seemed like there were only two types of people living there: Applegate members and everyone else. I remember that the local newspapers would constantly be filled with either letter to the editor complaining about the traffic and the noise generated by that church...or with the members of that church defending their so called "freedom of religion" completely oblivious to the fact that their freedom impinged on other people's right to have a nice quiet Sunday. Those "Applegate" cultmembers were so arrogant in their insistence that they weren't doing anything wrong, and many of them can and have done so many things to try to dominate that part of Southern Oregon (some of those actions very questionable)...

However, there were people who were equally as adamant that Applegate Christian Fellowship be contained in space and forced to keep the noise level down. When the Applegaters pushed, people not affiliated with the church started pushing back...through the courts!

Around 1999/2000 or so, the PTB of Jacksonville, OR started attempting to pass city ordinances that affected other churches as to what hours they could services, what time weddings could be held, etc. Needless to say, this idea went over like a lead balloon. Area churches that would normally not have anything to do with each other suddenly started getting together sticking up for each other against the state 'menace' as it were. In the end, the new rules didn't go through...

and I'll bet there are people living there who are still complaining about the Applegate traffic to this day! I moved closer to not my problem anymore lol...
2007-08-25 08:25:34 UTC
I agree with happy pilgrim. Weekday commuting is obvious because everyone is going the same direction for work (in big cities). Since only a fraction of those people go to church and the churches are in residential areas and everywhere then why would there be traffic anywhere near like it is on Monday morning?

Think of it like this: Even if the people went all the same direction on the freeway as if for work ,,, since there is only a fraction of people going to church, then would there be traffic even in that case (what if 7 or 8 out of 10 people called in sick?)
2016-05-17 14:59:30 UTC
The general population of the United States all believe that they are politicians, lawyers and religious leaders, so they lie while believing that they are serving others (as well as themselves) when and as they do so. Also, as one of my late uncles once said, "Figures don't lie but liars figure". Depending how any such poll is conducted, the resulting figures can be skewed to fit the desired outcome. The general polulation of this country likes the "idea" of being "good, church going people" however, they don't want to be bothered by actually being such. Each of the three major monotheistic religions teach their followers to feed the hungry, house the homeless, clothe the naked, see to the welfare of widows, orphans and the elderly, heal the sick, visit the imprisoned, deal with one another with compassion, kindness, love and honesty, etc. while not being ego centered or materially possessed. If these "good, church going people" were doing all of this, don't you honestly believe that this country and the world would be in a much better condition then it currently and presently is? The polls you are referring to came from the media. The media should be placed in the grouping with politicans, lawyers and religious leaders (along with advertisers, car salesmen and insurance companies) in my humble opinion. May it all be well with you.
2007-08-25 08:20:43 UTC
The number of "Christians" in the US (expressed as a percentage of the population) has dropped some 10% in the last ten years. (see 1, below)

Less than 20% of Americans attend church anyway! (See 2)

People are in bed, eating breakfast, or on the golf course. And unlike on a weekday, they don't all have to get there at the same time!
happy pilgrim
2007-08-25 08:17:29 UTC
good question!

Well, the truth is: attendance at church does not compare to the number that go to work on monday morning, that is for sure.

But also: churches are spread out much more than businesses and offices - there are churches down every country road and byway. Therefore, people use different roads instead of the big ones to the cities, etc.

god bless
Cee T
2007-08-25 14:56:10 UTC
What makes you think everybody is attending church regularly? This is a post Christian nation.
2007-08-25 08:19:03 UTC
It is possible that there are so many churches for the population that there is a huge diversity of people attending different services.


Church services start so early that people do not see all the traffic.....
2007-08-25 10:27:45 UTC
I wasn't aware that everyone was attending church seems that many more do not attend, compared to the way it was in the 50's.
2007-08-25 16:26:03 UTC
Only one explanation; everybody is NOT attending church regularly cos the Invisible Sky Monster is losing his sting - people are realising the Pixie is nothing more than an elaborate creation of the (equivalent to) electronic game creators who started these scams years ago.

The televangelist is helping us along cos more people see their blatant manipulation with the ultimate goal being to remove as much money from the pockets of gullibles as possible.

Then again, I'm in Oz where church attendances have been dropping for years and religion in general is looked on as a bit of a joke in general.

In the 2001 Census over ** 70,000 listed their religion as Jedi and in the 2006 census "there was a movement for people to list their religion as 'Pastafarian'."

*** In the words of Robert Hughes: "Any political candidate who declared God was on his side would be laughed off the podium as an idiot or a wowser."

We do not take Invisible Monsters seriously.

*** "Urban Australia was founded by English convicts, or to put it another way, England's rejects. Urban America was founded by English puritans, or to put it another way, England's weirdos. The difference between rejects and weirdos goes a long way to explaining the cultural differences between the two nations."

"Despite being less puritanical in thinking, Australia seems to be more puritanical in outcome. The rate of HIV infection in Australia is 1.2 per 100,000 population; almost 1/12th the American rate of 14.7 ( Australia's divorce rate is 2.7 per 1,000 population; significantly lower than the United States' rate of 4.3 (Australian Bureau of Statistics). In Australia, there are 0.25 paternity tests for every 1,000 people; almost 1/5th the U.S rate of 1.2 tests per 1,000 people (Professor Michael Gilding, Swinburne University of Technology). Australia's murder rate is 1.7 per 100 000 population; almost 1/4 of the American rate of 6.3 (Australian Government Institute of Criminology.)"
2007-08-25 08:19:16 UTC
They walk!

'Everybody' is not attending church regularly, or on Sundays'

You are not, me neither.
2007-08-25 08:16:23 UTC
They are saving the mother earth by sharing the ride and some are walking to church.
Fugitive Peices
2007-08-25 08:18:42 UTC
that would be why their is so little traffic on sundays. we are already in church. unless there is a football game
Get A Grip
2007-08-25 08:17:16 UTC
Lost assumption.

Not EVERYBODY attends church on Sundays.

Have you been out EVERY where to see if they are at home or at church?

Yes I am getting you an answer like you are stupid.

Like I stated, lost assumption.

Get A Grip
2007-08-25 08:17:56 UTC
where i live traffic is awful then!! and the nice restaurants are filled up after church is over.(with the church goers)
2007-08-25 08:14:55 UTC
Because you aren't heading to the churches. Coming home from the bars is not on the route that church goers take.
2007-08-25 08:14:29 UTC
Because they're all in church. LOL OR They ALL go to the late service???
2007-08-25 08:30:14 UTC
Maybe people are walking to church. Hahaha.
2007-08-25 08:17:17 UTC
They're already there.

They're on their way.

They're having church at home.

They've died.

They had to go to a funeral.

They're out of town.

They're working.

They're sick. [even though that's the time to go]

They slept in.

pick one?
2007-08-25 08:15:33 UTC
All the believers are having their weekly opium fix. They can't DUI.

You are very clever, nothing near stupid.
2007-08-25 08:14:50 UTC
2007-08-25 17:07:38 UTC
Because they car pool? I dunno...? Maybe not all people like church...?

[][][] r u randy? [][][]


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