What Christian beliefs have been proven false by science...?
2007-08-11 22:45:55 UTC
... but have not been abandoned by any Christian community?

Please cite a source demonstrating that the belief was Christian in origin and not based on observations of the natural world that were attached to Christianity (like a geocentric universe), and please cite the source demonstrating that the belief has been proven false.
42 answers:
2007-08-11 22:50:16 UTC
Uh, let's see... none.
2016-04-01 10:09:56 UTC
Evolution only shows that small biological changes can occur over time. This isn't contrary to Christian belief. Stating that a monkey became man, is on a completely different level. All science is doing is discovering God's creations. Or think of it as a play, God has created the set (solar system/galaxy/etc), and science just discovered something in this set (evolutionary change). This does absolutely nothing to discredit religion...
2007-08-11 22:56:10 UTC
Well, you're talking about a religion of 2 billion people divided into some 35,000 denominations. There is no such thing as a "Christian community," and there is no single doctrine that has ever been embraced by all Christian denominations. Honestly, you may need to refine this thing just a little.

Take, for example, the geocentric universe. What percentage of Christians, in your opinion, believed in a geocentric universe as a matter of religious dogma? Before Ghengis Kahn, there were more Christians east of Iraq than there were in all of Europe, Russia, the Middle East and North Africa combined.

Holy Crap - Look at what that cute little kiity cat has to say! The Church opposed Galileo for saying that the earth is round? Christians believe that humans and dinosaurs coexisted? The Bible says that the earth is 2000 years old?
2007-08-12 09:59:00 UTC
The problem here is defining "Christian beliefs"...

And what is "symbolic" and what is "literal"...

No scientist will ever prove that God does not exist, or that He did not create the universe, or that He did not create life, in all its diversity...

No scientist will ever prove that Jesus is not God, that He did not die on the cross in order to free us from our death penalty, that He did not rise again from the dead and was seen of many...

No scientist will ever prove that Jesus did not do all of the miracles He is credited with, or that prayer does not do any good...

IF any branch of science has managed to turn ANY evidence at all of ANY of these things, it is archeology, and so far, archeologists have pretty much confirmed the history of the Bible.

Doesn't it follow that, if the history is provable, that the rest ought to at least be considered??
2007-08-11 23:38:55 UTC
Let me just mention some of the things that the bible said were true thousands of years ago and that science has just discovered to be true in recent years. These facts were all stated in the bible anywhere's from 2,000-4,000 years ago depending on which book you find it in.

1)The earth floats free in space(Job 26:7)---Job was written 4000 years ago. No one knew this fact 4000 years ago.

2)Creation is made of particle, indiscernible to our eyes(atoms, molecules, electrons,.......)(Hebrews 11:3)--- Not until the 19th century was that known.

3)There are mountains on the bottom of the ocean(Jonah 2:5,6)---This was discovered in the last century.

4)Blood is the source of life and health(Leviticus 17:11,14)---Up until 120 years ago, sick people were "bled" and many died as a result(e.g. George Washington). Today we know that healthy blood is necessary to bring life giving nutrients to every cell in the body. God declared that "the life of the flesh is in the blood" long before science understood it's function.

5)Our bodies are made of the dust of the ground(Genesis 2:7;3:19)----Scientists have discovered that the human body is comprised of 28 trace elements, all of which are found in the earth.

6) The universe had a beginning(Genesis 1:1; Hebrews 1:10-12)---Starting with the studies of Albert Einstein in the early 1900's, science has confirmed the biblical view that the universe had a beginning. When the bible was written most people believed that the universe was eternal. Science has proven them wrong but the bible was correct.

7) The earth is a sphere(Isaiah 40:22)---At the time when many thought the earth was flat, the bible told us that the earth is spherical. Incidently, for those who call christians 'flat earthers', that verse is 2700 years


8)Scripture assumes a revolving spherical earth(Luke 17:34-36)----Jesus said that at his return some would be asleep at night while others would be working at daytime activities in the field. This is a clear indication of a revolving earth with day and night occurring simultaneously.

9)Light can be divided(Job 38:24)---Sir Isaac Newton studied light and discovered that white light is made of 7 colors, which can be parted and then recombined. Science confirmed this 400 years ago, The Bible declared this 4000 years ago.

10)The continents were created as one large land mass(Genesis 1:9,10)---Many geologists agree that the earth was originally one super continent.

11)Hydrological cycle described(Job 36:27,28)---About4000 years ago the bible declared that God "draws up drops of water which distills as rain from the mist which the clouds drop down and pour abundantly on man". The ancients observed mighty rivers flowing into the ocean, but they could not conceive why the sea level never rose.. Though they observed rainfall they had only quaint theories as to it's origin. Meteorologists now understand that the hydrological cycle consists of evaporation, atmospheric transportation,distillation and precipitation.

12)Circumcision on the 8th day is ideal(Genesis 17:12)---Medical science has discovered that the blood clotting chemical Prothrombin peaks in a newborn on the 8th day. This is therefore, the safest day to circumcise a baby. If you do it before that he'll bleed to death. How did Moses know that?

13)The universe is expanding(Job9:8,Isaiah42:5,Je... 51:15,Zechariah12:1 and other verses)---Seventeen times in the Old Testament it says that "God is stretching the heavens". During the 20th century most scientists(including Einstein) believed the universe was static. Others believed it should have collapsed due to gravity. Then in 1929 astronomer Edwin Hubble showed distant galaxies were receding from the earth and the further away they were, the faster they were moving. This discovery revolutionized the field of astronomy. Einstein admitted his mistake and today most astronomers agree with what the creator told us thousands of years ago--the universe is expanding.

14)Light travels in a path(Job 38:19)--- Light is said to have a "way"{Hebrew:derek, literally a traveled path or road]. Until the 17th century it was believed that light was transmitted instantaneously. We now know that light is a form of energy that travel at 186,000 miles per second in a straight line. Indeed, there is a way of light.

15)Air has weight(Job 28:25)--- It was once thought that air was weightless. Yet 4000 years ago Job declared that God established "a weight for the wind".

16)Ocean currents anticipated(Psalms 8:8)----About 3000 years ago the bible describles the "paths of the sea". In the 19th century Mathew Maury...the father of oceanography, after reading Psalms chapter 8, researched and discovered ocean currents that follow specific paths through the seas.

Contrary to all the jibberish you hear in todays secular humanist public schools about how we used to believe a lot of myths in the bible and then science came along and proved the bible wrong.....on the contrary, the bible was way ahead of science. Even though the bible is not a scientific book, when it does speak on science it is accurate. To quote Robert Jastrow:

"This is an exceedingly strange development, unexpected by all but the theologians. They have always accepted the word of the Bible: In the beginning God created heaven and earth... [But] for the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; [and] as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."

- Robert Jastrow

(God and the Astronomers [New York: W.W. Norton and Co., 1978], 116. Professor Jastrow was the founder of NASA’s Goddard Institute, now director of the Mount Wilson Institute and its observatory.)

PS---Robert Jastrow is not a christian.
Heart of man
2007-08-11 22:58:31 UTC
The ones that talk about creation should look in the new testament Peter quotes Psalms 90:4, saying a thousand years are a single day to the Lord. This says that it is a representation of creation not literal.
2007-08-11 23:19:28 UTC
I'd have to look it up, but there was/is a widespread belief that it did not rain before the great flood. (we have fossilised raindrops.) There is/was also a belief that Adam was created about four thousand years B.C. This may have been written then, but archeology proves Homo Sapiens have been around for at least forty-thousand years. (however, one tranlation of the word 'beginning' is 'dateless past', so there is plenty of room for speculation.)
Erica S
2007-08-11 22:56:59 UTC
I doubt it's so much "ha ha, look where the bible is wrong!" as it is "there's less proof the bible is right than that science is right".

take near death expirences, for example. it has been proven in several studies that they are purely biological and not really spiritual at all (besides that no one ver seems to have an NDE and go to Hell, do they?)

it doesn't say "look, there's no heaven" but it does say "you haven't proven heaven exists". science is not about proving faiths wrong, it is about proving science right. there is a big difference between the two.
2007-08-11 22:55:25 UTC
Noah's Ark

If it had happened there would be a world wide uniform signature in the geology that my cat could read. It ain't there. Not to mention the fact that the USS Enterprise couldn't carry 2 of every animal with the food an water for a whole year, let alone a wooden ship.
2007-08-13 11:48:59 UTC
to the people who say "creation vs evolution," isn't that kind of stupid to say? evolution has to come from something already where did the very first organsism come from? isn't creation a better reasoning of existnece?

and to answer your question, none. most people who don't believe state teh bible's meanings to bluntly, and don't bother to think of other meanings. one atheist told me that he has evidence the bible is wrong because it says God rested on teh 7th day, but the bible also says that god needs no rest. I mean, GOsh. there's so many other reasons for the word "rest"

and in response to buthisattva, how the heck would scientists tell which set of bones (his body would've decayed by now) are jesus's? the people who buried jesus in the cave or whatever probably put other people there too.
2007-08-11 22:56:47 UTC
Hard to say, because no two Christians have exactly the same set of beliefs. We know for sure that many of the Genesis tales are fiction, but for many Christians, these are only metaphors anyway and they simply don't care about them.
2007-08-11 22:59:22 UTC
nothing, because in the bible it states that all this before Will come to light . the digs that going on all over the world are reveling tombs art etc.... science has been wrong and now is retracting a lot of there findings and is starting to agree with the bible how funny, but it also show time of this life is almost over.
2007-08-11 22:54:36 UTC
Well, The idea of a 2000 year old World has been COMPLETELY proven wrong by Dinosaurs but they still believe in Dinosaurs...

The Idea of Humans coexisting with Dinosaurs has been proven wrong as there has never been any human fossils found near the same time period as Dinosaurs...

And I believe it's taken awhile but the Church has officially apologized to Galileo for stating the world is NOT flat...
2007-08-11 23:02:13 UTC
1). The Flat earth

Daniel 4:10-11

The visions of my head as I lay in bed were these: I saw, and behold, a tree in the midst of the earth; and its height was great. The tree grew and became strong, and its top reached to heaven, and it was visible to the end of the whole earth.


2). The Immovable Earth

[I Chronicles 16:30] Yea, the world stands firm never to be moved.

[Psalms 93:1 & Psalms 96:10] Yea, the world is established, it shall never be moved.

[Psalms 104:5 ] You did set the earth on its foundation, so it shall never be shaken


3). The stars were shaken like figs on a tree and fell to earth

[Revelation 6:12-14 ] And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.


4). Snow and Hail kept in warehouses:

[Job 38:22] Have you entered the storehouses of the snow, or have you seen the storehouses of the hail?
2007-08-11 23:08:37 UTC
I have found that Christian beliefs or teachings that Buddha was against God or Christ are incorrect. In order for this to be proven by science, people from both Christian and Buddhist traditions would all have to come together in agreement that these lineages merge as one in Christ and point to the same truth. I believe this will happen in the future, when both Buddhists and Christians forgive past interpretations that have kept them separated instead of reconciling the teachings, as natural laws with divine laws that are designed to be harmonious in God's creation.

So far, many Catholic priests have researched Buddhism and concluded that the teachings are consistent with Scripture although not the same. The same way Aquinas reconciled secular Greek ethics with the Catholic scriptural teachings, I believe the same will eventually come about with Buddhism. Other Christians have come to understand Buddha as an "Eastern Moses" who laid down teachings that Christ would later fulfill, the same way Jesus fulfills Judaic laws given by Moses. The main difference is that Buddha taught natural laws while Moses brought divine laws; but in Christ, who joins God and man, the two are made one; there is one truth that is consistent with both the Jews and Gentiles,

as two folds of one flock both governed by Jesus.

Although there are scriptures that refer to Gentiles governed by natural laws, and that Jesus governs the Gentiles,

currently there are still widespread beliefs that other religious traditions are "left out" of salvation in Christ, including and especially the secular gentiles. As a believer in Christ myself, I believe all tribes will eventually join together in Christ and agreement in God's truth, while preserving and respecting our individual cultural traditions and relative ways of expressing universal truth which God created diverse for a purpose. For references to Buddha prophesying the return of Christ, which is not taught by traditional Christian churches:

For Christian teachings that the idea of judging and condemning to hell is not Biblical, please refer to Carlton Pearson "God is Not a Christian" on the "Gospel of Inclusion"

I agree that salvation is universal, in order for Christ to be the one Messiah for all humanity, but I don't find many Christians who believe this, and those that do, like Carlton Pearson have been rejected by their own churches for teaching this.
2007-08-11 23:01:44 UTC
God exists.

Homosexuality is a choice.

God created the Earth.

God created all the satellites, planets and stars.

Some meats are unclean to eat.

Divine intervention is possible.

It is possible to feel pain after dieing.

Sex for any other reason than procreation is unnatural.

The Earth is a flat circle.

The Sun revolves around the Earth.

God created light.

etc etc etc etc
2007-08-11 22:55:24 UTC
Science never tried to prove anything about religion. Science simply ignores religion as a fantasy. There is no need to apply science to fantasies. For example, there is no need to prove that Santa Clause doesn't exist. The absence of God isl obvious to any intelligent person.

2007-08-12 00:57:32 UTC
I personally like the first chapters of Genesis, and the order in which everything was created...I know there are plenty of Christians, especially Creationists, who like to think that they can make it work with what we know about astronomy, geology and evolution...their attempts invariably fall pathetically short...
2007-08-11 22:55:18 UTC
Just a note to SDW, in addition to answering your question with the fact that none come to mind.

Incidentally, that super-reliable carbon dating has shown the earth to be older than the sun, so my faith in it is slightly diminished.

Now, there are a number of internal conflicts in the bible (particularly between the old and new testament), yet, one can not attribute that to science, but rather the shifting of times.

And, as for walking on water, under certain manipulative conditions, it would be quite possible. All you would need would be for some divine force to make the water insanely dense, but not solid. You could walk on mercury, for example, and it's a liquid.
2007-08-11 23:06:58 UTC
Basically God, so that pretty much sums it up. Thanks to science, we now know that God cannot exist unless we say God is every thing. Yet the Christian community seems to follow through with their beliefs
2017-03-05 12:32:23 UTC
Watching tv is easier but I love reading literature more
2017-01-31 22:17:33 UTC
while reading a book, you're stimulating the human brain. You transform your literacy and reading skills and you also along the way, are more literate. Even with today's modern technology, you nevertheless still need to be able to read.

While watching t.v. can be good fun, it is not doing anything to the human brain.
2007-08-12 09:09:00 UTC
Science is not needed to point out the countless logical contradictions in the Bible.
Mr. Bodhisattva
2007-08-11 22:56:53 UTC
Fossil records disproves:

Adam and Eve.

The flood.

History says:

There was never a world wide census taken by Rome.

Pilate Didn't need encouragement to crucify anyone.

Archeology says:

Jesus never rose from the dead as they found his remains.
2007-08-11 22:53:14 UTC
To all of these people who say "Science has yet to disprove any of the Bible" or "Science doesn't disprove it"...... You know NOTHING about science. If you DID, you would not be making that false assumption. Science disproves numerous myths in the Bible. For example:

Creation vs. Evolution

Noah's Ark vs. Evolution / Ecology / Geomorphology

Tower of Babel vs. Evolution / Cultural Anthropology

Jonah and the Whale vs. Common Sense

Age of the Universe vs. Physics / Astronomy / Chemistry

.. in ALL of these cases, science disproves the story as myth. We know these stories to be contradictory to how the earth formed and life exists, has changed, and has resulted in. People who say it hasn't disproven anything don't know what they're talking about, and know nothing about science, or they're blinded by their desire to believe in the infallibility of the Bible.
2007-08-11 22:52:07 UTC
Science has yet to prove any truly Biblical belief wrong. There are a lot of claims and talk but no proof- on the same token, many antibiblical beliefs presented by the scientific community over the years have been proven false.
Jacob Dahlen
2007-08-11 22:54:39 UTC
None, only the beliefs of pagan's that pretend to be Christians have been proved false by correctly applied science...
2007-08-11 23:13:29 UTC
That a priest can change bread and wine into flesh and blood.
2007-08-11 22:52:24 UTC
The belief that Homosexuality is a choice
2007-08-11 22:57:38 UTC
that snakes can talk--source is the bible.

snakes can't talk--my own privately funded research
2007-08-11 22:51:44 UTC
What Christian beliefs have not been proven false by science...?

this way is easier to count !!!!!!!!!!!
2007-08-11 22:54:00 UTC
Ummmm, creationism perhaps?
carl m
2007-08-11 22:52:40 UTC
well the resurrection of jesus was disproven cuz his tomb was found with a body inside

heaven was disproven as a house of god and to merely a group of heated water (gas) driven by wind

and well nobody preforms the acts he did or any of god's mesengers did (other than magicians :)
Jack P
2007-08-11 22:54:28 UTC
Trinity is scientific fact [link]
2007-08-11 22:53:42 UTC
None, because none of the people, which includes the scientist, understands the methods and techniques used to write the bible.
2007-08-11 22:51:50 UTC
creation. tell me something... was there only one species of snake that god cursed to the ground then snakes evolved into different ones like we have now or... god cursed all snakes because one snake got possessed by satan?
2007-08-11 22:50:51 UTC
Uh, the first 11 chapters of Genesis are full of internal contradictions, let alone all of the scientific information that we have to say that the earth is over a billion years old. I don't really have to show you--you learned it in high school, if you stayed awake in your science classes.
2007-08-11 22:52:27 UTC
sorry man.....theres no way to disprove it,stop tryna bring down the christian religion like everyone else in this word and admit that you dont wanna burn in a lake of fire when your dead =D
2007-08-11 22:54:31 UTC
That gay people are born gay.
2007-08-11 22:51:53 UTC
No Christian beliefs have been proven wrong by Science...

In fact, one of our beliefs has been discovered, but Turkey wont allow it to be experimented on...why? I dunno, they're greedy!

What is this belief? Noah's Ark...Mt. Ararat...just look it up.
2007-08-11 22:53:28 UTC
2007-08-11 22:49:27 UTC
Well, they've proven that Jesus didn't walk on water...

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