No. Religion is NOT the way to god.
A true Christian is one who follows the teachings of Jesus - to love one another; be kind, loving, forgiving, compassionate, etc to all of creation. That's it. Nothing else. That is all that Jesus ever really taught. You don't have to do anything else to be a true Christian.
Jesus never advocated dogma, rituals or worship. And he was very against the dogmatic ritualistic priests of his time.
Sandra Rogers had a near-death experience during which she was shown this:
“I asked the light, which I call Christ, how people from other religions get to heaven. I was shown that the group or organization we profess alliance to is inconsequential. What is important is HOW WE SHOW OUR LOVE FOR GOD BY THE WAY WE TREAT EACH OTHER.
The light showed me that what is important is that we love God and each other, and that it isn't what a person says, but the love in their being that is examined in the afterlife. In reviewing and reliving your life, your acts and thoughts of love bring you and God great joy, and your acts and thoughts of indifference, selfishness, and anger bring you and God deep remorse.
We are all part of God's family, and are all interconnected. Those organizations or religions which claim some singular relationship with God, claim superiority over others, or exclude people for various reasons, GO AGAINST GOD'S LAW that we love one another as we love ourselves.”