The first thing to understand about God is that He did not merely "create" us. We are His literal children, not "creations". He loves us more than any human being has ever loved another, with a depth the mortal mind cannot comprehend. This, in addition to be the truth, is the foundation from which the answer I provide comes.
We existed as spirits with God prior to mortal birth. We, all of us, were required to be born and jubilantly complied. We were required because we had matured to the point that we needed to be born in this life in order to advance to the next phase in our "evolution". We were happy to do so, because we knew what was in store for us if we successfuly accomplished our purpose in doing this.
We are all here to demonstrate to Heavenly Father, without remembering His face, His voice, and His love, if we will seek after Him or be content to turn our attention inward and gratify our mortal senses instead. Will we try to find Him? Will we try to fill that God-shaped hole in us with Him rather than food, drink, drugs, lust, etc. Will we place His will above ours? Will we obey universal laws to which even He has had to conform? Will we mature into the kind of person who is trustworthy with the kind of power and ability that He has, rather than prove ourselves to be a nightmare with such power? Will we learn to become like Him, or will we learn to become like Satan? Every decision we make takes in one direction or the other, to at least a small degree.
Satan's plan was that we would be forced to obey all laws. That we would be saved without there being anything we could do about it one way or the other. God's plan was that we would be given the freedom to choose what we would do. With that freedom comes accountability. We are accountable for our mistakes, and if instead of learning from them, we allow them to become our way of life, than we have failed and have no one to blame but ourselves. While a merciful God will not hold us accountable for breaking a law in ignorance, we do still have a conscience. Fortunately, judgment is His, our loving Heavenly Father's who wants us to return to Him, rather than any mortal's.
If we are going to become like God Himself, with all His power, authority, and ability (which is the purpose of our creation and our destiny if we prove worthy), we have to prove ourselves to be the kind of people who can be trusted with that power. Imagine a vindictive and petty person with God-like powers. Imagine a criminal with God-like powers. That would be a nightmare beyond description.
Heavenly Father excels human comprehension in every noble virtue. And we must learn to be like that if we are to fulfill the measure of our creation and achieve our destiny and become entirely like Him. As man now is, God once was. As God now is, man may become. He will not, and should not give that kind of power to those who would abuse it.
By the way, those who fail to prove themselves worthy of that kind of power will not necessarily go to hell. There are three degrees in Heaven, and those who miss the mark will almost all go to lower kingdom in Heaven, where their happiness will beyond mortal comprehension.