For all of you atheists out there?
2008-05-19 09:14:17 UTC
why do you not believe in GOD. Just a curious Christian. Please no bashing and no reporting and no smart comments. Give an honest answer.
44 answers:
2008-05-19 09:59:51 UTC
Well, I may not be your test group per say, but I neither believe nor disbelieve. I enjoy learning about spiritual things and I try things on for size, but I have no religion. I think it's just because I can't/don't really want to believe because as soon as I admit that one thing is correct it's saying that I believe that something else is wrong. Where evidence is lacking I can't really do that. Nothing pulls me towards one thing, or another. Truth be told, I'm kind of rooting for the Heaven's Gate folks. I spent weeks after that happened thinking "wouldn't it be cool..." and why not? Just because less people believe that, nobody can honestly say they have the answer. People talked about them like they were nuts, but didn't they really make the same leap of faith that all people with religion made. Imagine believing that as whole heartedly you believe in God for instance. No one can TRULY, beyond faith, say that they're right and everyone else is wrong.

I think there is a good moral code in the principles of Christianity, but I have to admit that another turn off for me is the institution (as it is with the human institution of many religions), not necessarily the religion itself.
Kent S
2008-05-19 09:20:05 UTC
I was raised christian against my will, (if a 3 year old can have a will) and thank me that I asked questions that no one could answer. I asked questions like where did god come from? How could a man live inside a fish's belly? Am I supposed to believe this without any proof? and till this day I never got an actual answer to any of these questions. It was always god this and jesus that.

So when I was 11 years old I secretly became an atheist, I knew at 11 no one would accept an atheist in my community, because the pastor at the church I was going always called atheist, demons in human form. So I then became interested in what science had to say on the beginnings of life at least on earth. I have gotten more "realistic" answers from science than any passage in the bible.

Becoming an atheist in religious surroundings makes me completely sure that god doesn't exist.
2008-05-19 09:36:31 UTC
I read the bible several times and have attended several different types of christian churches. I personally have a very difficult time just doing what I'm told or believing without question. I question pretty much everything, all the time. I have no concept of belief based on "faith", and need logic and reason to back up my beliefs. I was barely out of kindergarten before I figured out the Easter Bunny, Santa, and the Tooth Fairy were all my mom and dad. It bothered me that I had been lied to.

Now, I'm an open-minded person. If someday I were to find proof of the existence of god, I would be open to exploring it and could change my mind. I do not consider the bible or other holy books as proof, because they are biased sources. I do find the study of religion interesting and have recently pursued some new (to me) paths of inquiry.
2008-05-19 09:19:38 UTC
I see no evidence at all for the proof of any such god, no particular religion. All of what I see in the world that most people use as evidence "Look at the trees, how did they get here? Our earth is so beautiful, our bodies are so complex, there must be a creator", all of that can be explained by biology, cosmology, physics, etc. We have explanations for all of these things, so I see no need to assume someone must have created us.

Also, even if we don't know something (such as the origin of the universe) That doesn't mean it's valid to say God did it. We simply don't know.

Feel free to ask me about anything, I'm always willing to share and debate why I view the world this way. :)
2008-05-19 09:37:32 UTC
whether there is some supreme being out there --who knows. More to the point I will guarantee you that if that is the case--that supreme being does not resemble the god of the christians or moslems or jews---not saying this to be disrespectful--but the actual existance of christ can not be historically documented--there are no first person accounts of the man--the noah story is a plagarism of the epic of gilgamesh--there is no historical (in a literate culture that left records dating back millenia) evidence of the exodous--the 10 plagues of egypt--in fact the moses story is a retelling of the sumerian king sargon myth. The jewish/moslem/christian god--with no disprect to you intended--if it were true--would have to be construed as a egomaniacal,mass murdering, psychotic, sadistic deity. One would expect something supposedly advanced --to be at least as moral as the best of humanity--rather than resembling in many charactersitics the worst. Is why I said if there is a supreme being it does not resemble the xtain/moslem/hebrew god--those ideas were wrtiten by men. Anything advanced--I don't think would resort to death and mass murder to get it's way.--If it did--it's not as advanced as the best of us. It's that simple.
2008-05-19 09:28:09 UTC
There is no evidence of anything beyond the physical realm. No God, no ghost, no spirits, no angels.

The idea of an magical invisible Being living forever in space-heaven, who had to send and kill his own son to save us from the punishment he devised for us is beyond absurd.

The Bible is filled with absurdity, contradiction, errors, and downright atrocities. Hardly the work of an "all-loving God".

The historical and archeological record not only disagrees with the history of Judaism, but the history of Christianity as well. If you had a time machine and could go back to visit Abraham, or Moses, or King Solomon, or even Jesus himself, you would find that they never actually existed.
2008-05-19 09:52:50 UTC
(1) Science does not see any evidence of the supernatural.

(2) No compelling independent evidence of his existence.

(3) No verifiable way to tell -- if a GOD is real -- which beliefs, religions, or rules are correct.

(4) I personally called God's number and I did not get an answer.
2008-05-19 09:23:33 UTC
Look at it this way: Why should we believe in God or any other gods? I personally think that the brains of believers and non-believers act in slightly different ways and that affects how they see the world.

This has nothing to do with one group being better than the others, just different.
~Smirk~ Resurrected
2008-05-19 09:20:50 UTC
I used to believe in "God". Then, when I came to a point in my life where I needed "Him" to lean on, the way so many Christians spout off that they do in difficult times, I honestly found nothing when I searched. There was nothing there. Honestly. So then I started questioning my own belief system and found holes and realized, as I stepped back and looked critically at the whole thing, that this "God" idea is pretty absurd.
2008-05-19 09:20:46 UTC
Because there is no evidence that God exists, and therefore, there is no reason to not believe in God. Or any gods. I don't believe in Thor, Zeus, Horus, or Quetzalcoatl either. :)

Not only is there no evidence that God exists, but there is plenty of evidence that the universe didn't need any supernatural intervention (i.e. the help of any gods) to be as it is now, and for life to form.

There is simply no need to believe in God.

The Bible isn't proof of God's existence, by the way. Using the Bible to prove that God exists is just like using a word to define itself. It is just totally illogical.
Holy Crap!
2008-05-19 09:25:10 UTC
It's a more rational question as to why anyone does. It's like saying "Why don't you believe there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow." Never managed to confirm or deny first hand - but I haven't seen or heard of anyone actually spending the gold anywhere either.
2008-05-19 09:21:56 UTC
My honest answer is that I did try but the inconsistancies and the lack of solid evidence are a huge stumbling block for me.

I also will be honest in saying that based on what I have seen of "his" attitude and track record...I don't think he is a very nice guy.
tuyet n
2008-05-19 09:17:34 UTC
No evidence. Lack of belief is the default state for everything until given a reason for believing it exists. Someone is going to ask why you don't believe in some other deity. Well why don't you? No evidence for them?

Also I suspect that if you're like many theists I've met you may very well be 100% certain other deities don't exist. While there is nothing about the word 'atheist' that says an atheist makes any claim that any deity does not exist. The word is simply descriptive of anyone with a lack of belief in them.
2008-05-19 09:22:40 UTC
Thor, Zeus, or the Christian one? It's a b*tch trying to remember all of them.

Because I don't put too much stock into a thousands of year old book that was compiled by goat herders after having it be orally handed down for generations.
oy vey
2008-05-19 09:27:02 UTC
Oy! How many times is this asked?

Here we go again:

Raised Catholic. Twelve years of Catholic school. Heck I was even a youth member of parish council. I questioned and questioned and finally didn't buy the propaganda they were selling.

Been there, had the t-shirt, gave it up for lent.
What? Me Worry?
2008-05-19 09:26:51 UTC
There is insufficient empirical evidence to support the hypothesis of a god or gods.
ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT••
2008-05-19 09:25:26 UTC
The god concept is incoherent and, insofar as it HAS been inadequately defined, a mess of secondary/relational characteristics and logical impossibilities.
2008-05-19 09:22:39 UTC
This question is asked at least twice every day, why don't you lookup previous answers. we don't believe in things for which the only reference is stories that are hundreds of years old and for which there is no evidence. Do you believe in gnomes, fairies and leprechauns? Oh, and fire breathing dragons?
Bad Liberal
2008-05-19 09:21:10 UTC
You know how you don't believe in Zeus? Or Allah? Or Ra?

We just apply the same logic to the last god in the list.
2008-05-19 09:18:06 UTC
Because I stopped believing in imaginary creatures when I was just a child.

There is no proof that God exists.

There is irrefutable scientific proof that Biblical Creation is a lie.
2008-05-19 09:20:33 UTC
Because there is no evidence of any god, and I find the existence of any god to be totally unnecessary for me with respect to my daily life.
Old Dirty the 4th
2008-05-19 09:18:27 UTC
I have never seen proof or heard an argument that would make me actually believe.

This would be the same as me asking you "Why dont you believe in the Easter Bunny?"
Shades of Grey♥
2008-05-19 09:21:58 UTC
Because it just doesn't *make sense* to me. I prefer religions with an iota of logic attached.


Good one, BLAM! *Exactly* my thoughts ~ Deists look at me like I'm nuts when I say I'd just as soon believe in Zeus and Mount Olympus.
2008-05-19 09:22:16 UTC
I feel science provides better answers personally. I also feel that the books are outdated, superstitious, contradictory and just plain silly.
2008-05-19 09:18:16 UTC
No reason to believe in any god. There is no evidence.
2008-05-19 09:20:32 UTC
sorry, you would have better shown your respect by looking up this question on yahoo.

Your question may just have broken the one million mark for a frequently asked question.

Drinking (respectfully)
2008-05-19 09:19:34 UTC
I haven't seen any deity every single day of my life.

Neither have you.

It's the same reason I don't believe in Zeus...and it's the same reason you don't believe in Zeus either.
2008-05-19 09:19:03 UTC
''no smart comments.'' Obviously your question is not worth it...

So i would just say: for the same reason you dont believe in Zeus
2008-05-19 09:18:07 UTC
For the zillionith time....."I talked to God, and he never talked back. I asked and he never answered. I prayed and he ignored. I begged and he did nothing. I walked away and he disappeared. That's when I realized that all those times, I was alone and that there is no god."
2008-05-19 09:19:13 UTC
because god can not be proven logically, also I do not believe for the simple question of, if god is all powerful, why dose he/she give a rip about us?
Gap™ ( uses the WikiBible™ )
2008-05-19 09:17:35 UTC
I don't claim that there definitely isn't a god, just that I have no reason to believe in one. It's as simple as that. :)
2008-05-19 09:18:44 UTC
For the very same reason you don't believe in greek gods.
2008-05-19 09:21:35 UTC
the bible contradicts itself throughout and your idea of god being a living being just seems preposterous.

but enjoy your faith it will keep you strong in times of need
2008-05-19 09:17:57 UTC
No evidence in anything supernatural.

If any evidence comes along, I will change my opinion.

Would I worship? Probably not.
2008-05-19 09:19:07 UTC
because i can,and i can make my own mind up and I'm not a robot and i question everything again and again.its as simple as that.
Earl Blue
2008-05-19 09:18:18 UTC
Haven't seen any evidence of its existance.
just asking
2008-05-19 09:31:40 UTC
well I just don't believe in your God

the pie in the sky guy
2008-05-19 09:19:56 UTC
Again. lack of proof. How can you submit yourself to the unseen
2008-05-19 09:19:01 UTC
No evidence for, and much evidence against.
2008-05-19 09:19:33 UTC
No evidence. The pretty flowers, and pretty sunsets, and pretty babies IS NOT proof.
2008-05-19 09:19:18 UTC
Because I don't believe in fairy tales.
2008-05-19 09:21:10 UTC
god is just another word for good. everybody, be good.
2008-05-19 09:20:54 UTC
OK, then. I,d give you stupid comment

There is no god
2008-05-19 09:18:11 UTC
which God?

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