The first edition of the NWT was translated in 1961 by the watchtowers Governing body.
JWs like to pretend they dont know the names of the translation team YET its all over the net !
In fact, ex-governing body member the late Raymond Franz wrote a book about his experiences in the watchtower and exposed not only the NWT translators names but their complete lack of skills in translating biblical Hebrew and Greek.
Since the publication of the NWT in 1961 the majority of bible scholars worldwide have condemed the NWT as a perversion and corruption of the Greek scriptures and have rightly concluded that its only purpose in being published was to make it agree with watchtower doctrine.
Many JWs may be surprised to know that the NWT was translated from the Westcott and Hort Greek text of the late 1800's. This same Greek text is the basis for all modern bibles e.g NIV, ASB, NASB, NKJV bibles etc,
Yet none of these bible versions have changed key verses which declare Christs deity as God manifest in the flesh (John 1:1, 8:58, and Col 1:15-17)
The NWT have altered these verses to make it say the opposite to its meaning by attacking Christs equality with the Father.
Actually there are hundreds of verse changes in the NWT which bare no resemblance to the W&H text the watchtower used in the first place.
e.g The name Jehovah has been inserted hundreds of times in the N.T (NWT) when the W&H Greek doesn't do it even once !
Is this HONEST bible scholarship from the watchtower ?
What the watchtower did was use an existing Greek text for the NWT and then DECEITFULLY change and alter verses to agree with there doctrine.
JWs can carry on with the charade that the NWT translators wished to give all the credit to Jehovah by remaining invisible but everyone knows the real reason, they didn't want their 'zero' translation skills exposed !
Here are some dishonest propaganda methods the watchtower uses to justify there unique NWT version.
" The original Greek uses Jehovahs name thousands of times"
*Rubbish ! The original Greek doesn't exist and hasn't for over 2000 years. What we have today is thousands of Greek mss's which are copies of copies etc, compiled into TWO texts used for our bibles.
The Greek Textus Receptus -- The King James Bible 1611
The Westcott and Hort Greek test - NIV, ASB, etc.. and that includes the NWT.
So IGNORE all JWs claims that there are original Greek mss's that say EXACTLY the same thing as there NWT.
- The other propaganda method the watchtower uses, is to quote from NON- watchtower bible scholars who may say something favourable about the NWT.
*Many of these so-called bible experts they quote are NOT all bible scholars but religious scholars who in most cases are not committed christians in the first place.
And why do the watchtower IGNORE or attack the MAJORITY of TRUE bible scholars who call the NWT a perversion ?
( 2Cor 2:17) For we are not as many, which CORRUPT the WORD of GOD.
Unlike the NWT !