Here are some important sources about Jesus and the early Christians:
JOSEPHUS (37-100 A.D.).
The historian Josephus who lived in the first century, born in Jerusalem (born in 37 or 38 years, met the primitive Christian community, and as belonging to the Jewish priestly nobility, critically minded followers of Jesus. Also participated in the war against Romans in 70 AD, wrote in his book Jewish Antiquities:
- "(The high priest) gathers Hanan sanhedrim in the Judicial Council and is to appear before it the brother of Jesus surnamed Christ (James was his name) with some other" (Josephus, Antiquities, XX, p. 1, cited by short against the Catholic without God, directed by Ivan Kologrivof. Ed José Olympio, Rio de Janeiro 1939, p. 254).
- "It was at that time (during the uprising against Pilate who wanted to avail himself of the treasure of the Temple in Jerusalem to bring in water from a distant source), which appeared Jesus, a wise man, if ever, speaking of him, we can use this term - man. For he has done wonderful things, and for those who accept the truth with pleasure, was a master. He attracted to himself many Jews and also many Greeks. He was the promised Messiah, and when Pilate, at the termination of notable of our nation, condemned to be crucified, those who previously had loved during the life persisted in love, for He appeared to them alive again the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold, who had also predicted other wonderful things about it, and the kind of people that it takes the name of Christians still exists today. " (Josephus, History of the Jews, Jewish Antiquities, XVIII, III, 3, ed. Cit. P. 254). (1, pg. 311 and 3).
TACITUS (56-120 A.D.)
Tacitus, Roman historian, speaks of Jesus.
"To kill the rumor (which accused the burning of Rome), Nero assumed guilty and broke requintadíssimos torment those whose abominations made them hate, and whom the people called Christians. This name comes to them from Christ, that under the principate of Tiberius the procurator Pontius Pilate had given the ordeal. Repressed forthwith, this detestable superstition repontava again, no longer only in Judea, where he was born evil, but walks in Rome, where do all that is hideous and shameful in the world pour in and find many customers "(Tacitus, Annals, XV, 44 trans.) (1 pg. 311, 3)
SUETONIUS (69-122 A.D.)
Suetonius, Lives of the Twelve Caesars, published in the years 119-122, says that the emperor Claudius:
"Expelled the Jews from Rome, made under the impulse of Chrestos, a cause of disorder," and in the life of Nero, who succeeded Claudius, adds: "Christians, given the sort of people a new and dangerous superstition, were for the punishment "(Suetonius, Lives of Twelve Caesars, n. 25, quoted in Catholic Summa against the godless, p. 256-257). (1 pg. 311, 3)
Pliny the Younger, in a letter to the emperor Trajan (Epist. lib. X, 96), in the years 111 to 113, calls for education about the Christians who gathered in the morning to sing praises to Christ. (4, pg. 106).
In his letter says: "It is my custom, my lord, you refer to everything about which I doubt ... never witnessed the trial of the Christians ... They all admit their guilt or error consists in this: that use is meet a scheduled day before dawn to sing a hymn to Christ as God ... It seemed to me a case about which I must refer you, especially by the number of the accused ... In fact, many of every age, condition and sex, are called in court and will be. The contagion of this superstition invaded not only cities but also the interior, seems to me that still can do something to stop and correct ... "(Ep. X, 96).
TERTULLIAN (155-220 A.D.)
Latin writer. His writings are important documents for understanding the early centuries of Christianity.
He wrote: "Therefore, in those days the Christian name first became known in the world, Tiberius, and he himself received information about the truth of Christ's divinity, brought the matter before the Senate, having already decided in favor of Christ ...".
Jewish tradition also collects news about Jesus. Thus, in the Jerusalem Talmud and the Babylonian data that include, of course, contradict the Christian view, but confirming the historical existence of Jesus of Nazareth.