What proof do we have that God exists?
2015-04-20 07:35:53 UTC
What proof do we have that God exists?
271 answers:
2015-04-20 16:11:23 UTC
You don't have any proof. "Proof" is for mathematics. In math you start off assuming that some axioms are true and you don't even try to prove those. What you do is demonstrate that IF the axioms are true than via some mathematical operations you can prove some other statements are true.

Science is the study of reality. In science deductive logic is helpful, but the core of science is inductive logic: making inferences based on empirical evidence. These inferences are NOT proof: they merely demonstrate what's likely and unlikely based on observation.

If your deities (Quetzalcoatl, Isis, Yahweh, Ahura Mazda, Vishnu, Allah... whatever ones you believe are real) actually *are* real then they are part of reality and thus fall under the purview of science. Thus no proof is possible. At best you can present empirical evidence which demonstrates the likely existence of these deities and publish the results in the world's premier science journal ("Nature") and then collect your Nobel Prize + prize money and become the world's most famous scientist. Good luck!
sir wayne
2015-04-21 22:45:38 UTC
All of the proof we have confirms a divine architect. The great complication in all that exist and beyond human understanding. The stupidity in human scientific theory such as evolution where man is concerned. The idea that man evolved by trading away strength for intelligence why would this be done or most animals can stand the same day they are born why would man evolve so defenseless as a infant? if you ask any kind of scientist for a reason their answer will have a psychologicaln conclusion but if that was true it would mean a preexisting plan or design which would require a creator or planner.. If man had evolved by definition of the word he would get stronger faster smarter and less defenseless as a newborn.He would adapt to the changing planet and he would not make the same mistakes over and over.
2015-04-21 12:45:52 UTC
Here's the problem, your looking for the wrong kind of proof. You probably looking for visual proof of God. God is a spiritual being not a natural being, you can't see spritual things UNLESS God permits or allows you to. But there still is proof look all around you. Look at the beauty and awesomeness of creation and nature. Who else could have been so brilliant, so artistic as to make stars, rivers, oceans, animals, novas, galaxies, mountains, volcanoes, rainforests, etc. I could go on and on. Things so beautiful could not have just come about. Did you ever question the big bang theory how it almost corresponds with how the bible says the God created universe and light? With the big bang theory basicly, with an instentaneous flash of light, galaxies and the likes were created. Well in Genesis 1:3 God said let there be light and there was! After the light it follows with other creations such as the big bang theory. Scientests almost just took God out of the equation and just added their own tweeks to how God created everything. Hope this helps!
2015-04-21 16:53:44 UTC
Well I won't give you the small coincidences that tell me God exists, because I have many, but also it may not be convincing to someone else. Instead I will just let you know the physical proof of interaction with God. My uncle has physically seen an angel (and a demon), as has my mother in law. My father was physically grabbed and held back from walking into an intersection where he would have been hit by an oncoming car. I was saved by an angel in a car accident, seen in a vision by my mother. I have have given something away that physically showed up again in my home. We also have had a close friend of the family who had a near death experience and went to heaven. Too much evidence for me to ignore!
2015-12-10 06:48:40 UTC
Sensibly means not doing something stupid like jumping off a bridge in order to test if God will save you or not or deliberately spending all your money with out buying your food and rent to see if God will bail you out. But when you justly try to HELP your self, (mainly if you're also prayerful about it) God may be there to help, BUT it must be with in the will of God as well, and not for sinful purpose. And also God will help those who help others. The whole idea that it is a RELIGION is that you dont rely on proof. If there was proof, most would think it did not apply, others would think they had been bewitched. Others would just put it off for later and then later becomes even later and later becomes never. God wants to be believed in. I've been cursed for unbelief and blessed for positive belief. And God will always give it time before blessing or punishing someone or else they wont have free choice because they will know better. You have to want to follow God from with in your heart and soul, NOT because you feel you HAVE to. Heaven aint for slaves.
2015-04-20 14:41:34 UTC
The only proof you ever going to get is after sensibly believing in God. Sensibly means not doing something stupid like jumping off a bridge in order to test if God will save you or not or deliberately spending all your money with out buying your food and rent to see if God will bail you out. But when you justly try to HELP your self, (mainly if you're also prayerful about it) God may be there to help, BUT it must be with in the will of God as well, and not for sinful purpose. And also God will help those who help others. The whole idea that it is a RELIGION is that you dont rely on proof. If there was proof, most would think it did not apply, others would think they had been bewitched. Others would just put it off for later and then later becomes even later and later becomes never. God wants to be believed in. I've been cursed for unbelief and blessed for positive belief. And God will always give it time before blessing or punishing someone or else they wont have free choice because they will know better. You have to want to follow God from with in your heart and soul, NOT because you feel you HAVE to. Heaven aint for slaves.
2015-04-26 18:37:56 UTC
We have no proof. Sorry. We have proof that the stories in which God is mentioned aren't true. For example, Every Christian knows God created the Earth in 7 days. The only problem is that humans created time, and God was way before humans, so how could we know he made it in 7 days? Some people say the bible is proof, but there isn't any proof that the authors met God.
2015-04-21 02:25:54 UTC
Belief in any religion has always been , and always will be , the spiritual decision of the individual .. and it is a spiritual belief we are talking about , because there is no proof .. of course , there are those who will argue and fight over that comment , and those who will just fight over their belief in their god .. religion , along with politics , are the most argued over subjects in all time , and normally by those who have no idea on either subject in the first place .. every belief has its own bible , so in its , form , in the eye of the believer is the actual proof of their gods existence .. I would guess in answer to your question , a further question could be asked : what proof do we have that god doesn't exist ?
2015-04-24 09:50:39 UTC
The proof God exists is in you , many people think that not beliving comes from within themelves but most often it is from God himself so others can see both good and evil to think no God exists is illogical I mean how can a butterfly coimg back from Canida going to Mexico laying eggs in New York State and yet it's offspring grows up and flys to Mexico only a fool would think that evalved over millions of years.
The Duke
2015-04-30 08:38:19 UTC
Everything not man made is proof. The fact that he can't be disproved proves He exists. Folks want to use science to disprove God, but you can't do that definitively. Morals prove the existence of a higher being of good and evil. There can't be good morals without something/one to compare them to.

The book: The Case for God by Lee Strobel outlines some arguments for this much better than I can. And it's an easy/quick read

2015-04-20 08:19:26 UTC
None. There's lots of people with subjective proof - voices, visions, passionate love of Jesus or willingness to believe the Bible is true - but these things have no value at all to someone looking for proof / evidence. I'm sure the people having the experiences believe them, but they could just as easily be the rantings of a delusional person, or lies and desperation.

Lots of people use circumstantial proof - the beauty of the world, the complexity of life, the apparently perfectly tuned nature of the universe. But a lot these "proofs" have very satisfying explanations in science - with evidence - and are frequently rooted in a need for them to be true and in an unwillingness to question. "It's too hard for me to understand, therefore God".

If you're looking for actual solid, concrete, indisputable, repeatable, observable evidence, then there's none. Not one thing, anywhere.
2015-04-21 20:00:03 UTC
The proof that I have that God exists is my Soul Salvation. The Holy Spirit convicted me that I was a sinner in need of a Savior and that Savior was and is Jesus Christ. I resisted for a few years but eventually yielded to the conviction power of the Holy Spirit, Made a conscious decision to turn from my sinful desires (Repent) and by Faith commited my life to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. I did this with all my heart, God knew it and granted me eternal Salvation. Anyone who has had a genuine Salvation experience knows that God exists without a doubt. I don't want my word to be anyone else's proof but If you do as I did you can have your own proof. When Jesus shed His blood on the cross it was to atone for the sins of all mankind from that day forward. Your Salvation is complete but it has to be accepted. Jesus loves you and wants to Save you. It's your choice. What will it be? God bless.
2015-04-24 12:32:24 UTC
My proof is that God created me in the womb of my mom and protected me inside a human being. From the day I was born until now. If your are looking for a proof just look at yourself how God created you perfect. He gave you

eyes to see the brightness of life ,ears to listen , mouth to eat, nose to, legs ,and hands and you don't need to search a proof that God exists. I am sure you will find your answer by yourself. Good question.
2015-04-20 07:55:24 UTC
We can know God exists through logic. Anything with a beginning has a cause, and the universe has a beginning. This has been shown by astrophysics, therefore the existence of a Big Bang is evidence that there is a God, because there had to be something to cause the Big Bang to occur. God does not have a beginning because he is an eternal being that exists outside of time. In the first moments of the Big Bang, energy, space, time, and matter came into existence. God, on the other hand, is an eternal being, and the creator of time, space, matter, and energy. God does not and cannot have a creator, because God is "before" time itself. Since God created time, there cannot be anything "before" God.

The order, complexity and stability of the universe infers a grand design. If every house has a builder, certainly something as complex and ordered as the physical universe has a builder. The order, stability, and complexity of the universe is evidence of an intelligent design, and therefore, God.

Life cannot come from non-living matter. The existence of life necessitates an eternal living God to create life, so is evidence that God exists. Amino acids don't just fall together to form complex chains and proteins. Proteins don't just fall together with fatty acids to form cell walls. Life is far too complex to happen by itself.

Too many weird things happen for there not to be a God. Not just documented miracles, but bizarre coincidences that should never happen. This is evidence for a purpose behind seemingly random events. God is the origin of the design and purpose of human life in the universe. The apparent intelligent design of the universe is evidence that God exists. There appears to be intrinsic meaning and purpose in life. That life has meaning and purpose is evidence of God.

Concepts come from our experiences. Human beings should not have the concept of a perfect, pure, eternal, omnipotent being, yet over 85% of the human race does. These religious concepts serve no evolutionary purpose. Since everything we know and conceive is derived from our experience, the existence of the God concept is evidence that some such being actually exists. This is not just idealization, conceiving of the greatest of all, or a combination of existing forms. God is outside the box, in the sense of not just the oldest or the first, but eternal, outside the time space continuum, perfect and pure. Either God exists or the question would be absurd. The question of God is not absurd, therefore God exists.

The fact that the vast majority of human beings believe they can communicate with such a being and that being can communicate with them, is evidence that something exists. Billions of people, the vast majority of the human race, the most intelligent species on the planet, testify to having a direct, supernatural, experience, in one form or another, with the divine. This eye-witness testimony is evidence that such a being exists.

A person saying they are an atheist due to a lack of evidence, is being illogical and irrational, because they should be undecided, an agnostic, not an atheist. A lack of evidence that God exists, is not evidence that the opposite is true. But an atheist has decided there is no God, when there is no evidence for that belief. This supports the position that a lack of evidence has nothing to do with atheism. Atheism is an emotional decision that a person makes and uses their intellect to try to support and defend it. If it were rational, they would be agnostics, not atheists. This explains why so many atheists don't recognize, near death experiences, and born again experiences of people seeing God, as evidence. Atheists don't see the Bible as evidence, medical miracles as evidence, reports of religious visions, or prophetic dreams, as evidence. They have already made up their minds there is no God, for emotional reasons, and their rationale that there is no evidence, stands, no matter what evidence is presented. All the evidence does not count, for some reason or another.
2015-04-20 14:10:20 UTC
The philosophical ones. Other than that we only have motivations, not proofs. A motivation is something that is personally convincing even though it has a logical flaw in it. It is not a proof.

A scientific proof is not possible because of the limitations of science. The best possible would be philosophical. A philosophical proof would be based on pure logic. Theological reason relies on divine revelation which begs the question. is my source for some of these ideas.
2015-04-30 19:20:02 UTC
The fact that everything else exists.

The fact that every person in human history has agreed that things like murder, rape, and theft are wrong, and they have believed that since birth, no matter the person's religion, or lack of religion. Where would every person in existence have gotten that thought if it had not been for a God putting it in our minds?

The fact that the universe has not yet collapsed on itself. Yes, it can be argued that it's due to gravitational pulls, but even then, gravity never failed.

Things like that are proof.

It's true that no one can prove that God exists by giving tangible, physical, material evidence, like in a court of law, but we still have the things that I just mentioned that can be used as proof.
2015-04-21 07:09:20 UTC
we don't need proof, whats amazing about religion is that its a belief

but people do have reasons to believe and mine Is because when I was eleven my best friend has a stroke while doing PE in school. he was incredibly ill and his parents were called to say goodbye to him, they even sent the police halfway across England to get his dad (who was at work) to come to the hospital because they were going to lose him.

I'm not saying that his survival was nothing to do with the amazing doctors but this was the first time I prayed actually to pray and not because I thought I should. this was the moment that I knew God existed because God worked through the amazing and brilliant paramedics and doctors to save an eleven year old boys life and I am forever greatful.

My friend is now better, he was paralized on one side of his body and still has a weakness down one side but is now cycling for the Paralympic team (hes in the reserve squad I think) and we are both seventeen :)
2015-04-22 03:13:15 UTC
There is no objective proof for the existence of God. Whether or not to believe that he exists is a personal choice. In other words, you believe what you want to believe.
2015-04-22 19:14:23 UTC
All proofs I've seen from these answers are ideas of how WE COULD HAVE BEEN CREATED and yet linking it to the bible.

Any god could have created us. The circumstances of said creation could be wholly different in comparison. How can you tell the Christian God is the one who created us? I believe that a grand creator exists, for all is constructed in a very particular way due to how it all works. However, that is evidence for the outer shell of the circle, not the contents of the circle. We do not know what is inside the circle because we cannot enter it. So we make predictions and pretend to know what we're talking about.
2015-04-20 08:23:24 UTC
I feel that the best proof of some sort of Creator is the repeated sequences in nature, such as the Fibonacci sequence and the whole range of beings that inhabit this planet, along with the basic fact that live even formed here in the first place. It doesn't seem logical to me that all this happened by 'random chance'. I don't believe in an all powerful, all knowing, judging, manipulating, jealous god. I think more along Deist lines for the Creator.
2015-04-21 11:12:47 UTC
I would say the most feasible way of putting it is that it is an extrapolation. In other words you are making a prediction using simple logic - it cannot, however, be confirmed.

Things exist... therefore something must have created them!

If you look at the definition of "proof" then you will realise that it is, in fact, valid. People will obviously argue that it is absurd... but then maybe existence is absurd. I personally advocate uncertainty and I am happy with that.

2015-04-20 15:08:28 UTC
There are numerous amounts of proof of Jehovah's existence. These would include the universe and nature itself(Rev.4:11, Rom.1:19 & 20), the content of the Bible including its numerous prophecies(2 Tim.3:16, 2 Pet.1:20 & 21), and also the fact that in science it's ALWAYS been the case that life can only come from life. In order for such powerful things such as stars, galaxies and even atoms to come about, it would take massive amounts of energy, as well as intelligence to design such things in a way that they actually function. In order for someone to have been responsible for their creation, they would have to be able to produce said energy and more, as well as have more intelligence than anyone that has ever existed, as well as have the longevity to produce all these things. Such an individual in the very least would be seen as god-LIKE, so the existence of an all powerful entity isn't out of the question.
2015-04-26 08:47:19 UTC
There is not one iota of proof that God exists for those who refuse to see or accept the proof. They want TANGIBLE proof of God. They want to see what they cannot see, touch what they cannot touch, and hear what they cannot hear. The reason they cannot accept proof of God is that they expect the proof to be the same as if they were looking at a new neighbor or something. God is a SPIRIT being. One has to discern Him through his spiritual "eyes" so to speak. And THAT gets lost on those who choose to be blind to their spiritual nature. And if YOU choose to trust in your spiritual nature, then you're delusional, insane, bigoted, homophobic, arrogant, ignorant, and crazier than an outhouse rat according to them. That's why I NEVER try to provide proof to anyone who's not seriously inquisitive about God. And you'll rarely find those on this web site.
2015-04-20 19:12:25 UTC
Romans 1:20
2015-04-21 15:00:11 UTC
We have many reasons that God exists.

Psalm 19:1; 104:24.

Romans 1:20.

In contrast to the true God Jehovah, there are false gods.
2015-04-22 16:51:25 UTC
Just learn about one tiny thing to do with your body and you will see that it had a creator. Take the eye for example. A highly efficient, self-adjusting “camera” that transmits impulses to the brain, where the object focused on the eye’s retina is interpreted as sight. The possession of two eyes, as in the human body, provides stereoscopic vision. The loss of sight is a tremendous handicap because sight is probably the most important channel of communication to the mind strongly influencing the emotions and actions. The eye is no accident and neither is universe.

It is easier for some to believe there is no God than to face the reality that is.

The eye is one of the most beautiful parts of the body. (Ca 1:15; 4:9; 7:4) The structure of the eye reveals marvelous design on the part of its Maker, and the process by which the brain interprets what is transmitted through the eye is far from being understood by scientists. All of this points to its Designer’s intelligence. Jehovah God himself testifies to his creatorship of the eye, saying: “The One forming the eye, can he not look?”—Ps 94:9; Pr 20:12.
Don Verto
2015-04-23 07:14:53 UTC
No doubt all combined human knowledge is only a small fraction of 1% of the totality of all knowledge through out the universe.I believe the proof for God's existence is so overwhelming and much bigger than the evidence for our own and our planet's existence.
Dee D
2015-04-21 12:46:21 UTC
Who gives and makes air for humans to breath, and land to live on? Who keeps the oceans and seas in their cradle? Who makes the sun to rise and set at a specific time each day? What person hang the worlds in space where we are on an invisible axis? Who knew to put us third from the sun so that it's not too far away where we would freeze to death, or too close where we would burn up?

All of us know that The Creator God exist! We just ignore Him because we have free will and poor choices. But, everyone have accountability to The One and Only True God.
2015-04-21 15:48:27 UTC
In order to find proof that God does exist, you would have to do some research on famous Church theologians like Saint Augustine of Hippo, Saint Thomas Aquinas.
2015-04-30 21:11:57 UTC
No one should question God's existence! If their were no god then where did you come from? Where did the whole universe and everything inside it come from? From God of course! And if your atheist or just don't believe in a God, don't even think about going into the whole science thing because who also created science? GOD DID and he created your mind and every part of your body too! Their is only one God, and he created everything, from the ground that you stand on to the air that we all breath, to everything around us, what we can see and what we can't see. He is the one and only all mighty God. Asking, "how do you know if God exists if you can't see him?" is just like asking "how do you know that we breath air if you can't see it?". The proof that we have that god exists is in the Holy Quran, that has been sent down from prophet Mohammed ( the messenger of God) for millions and millions of years and it's words have never changed. The whole truth is in the Holy Quran and if you don't believe me then you should go and read it first, before you judge or disagree on anything.

The Holy Quran:
2015-04-20 10:07:42 UTC
a picture is created by an artist, a car is built by a mechanic, but the big bang is made by it self??? randomly the sun is position not too close to burn us, not too far to freeze us, and the earth precision rotation from day to night stay unaltered. This is all coincidentally done by accidental chance??? you can t create nothing out of something, someone (God) have had to created the big bang, someone must be holding or managing the solar system, the planets never collide and the earth rotation is always 24 hours and not a second wrong.

QUR AN: Or were they created by nothing, or were they the creators [of themselves]? 52:35

Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Rather, they are not certain. 52:36 (The Mount) - سورة الطور
2015-04-21 04:16:18 UTC
We have no proof the God humans interpreted the unseen unheard creator of the universe exists as depicted tinthe Bible or any other holy texts written by man. The proof the unseen unheard creator of the universe exists, well the proof is all around. Go outside feel the sun breath in the air. take it all in we're all part of it.
2015-04-23 04:19:19 UTC
Yes, the Bible provides compelling evidence that God exists. It encourages us to build faith in God, not by blindly believing religious assertions, but by using our “power of reason” and “mental perception.” (Romans 12:1; 1 John 5:20, footnote) Consider the following lines of reasoning based on the Bible:

The existence of an orderly universe containing life points to a Creator. The Bible says: “Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God.” (Hebrews 3:4) Although this logic is simple, many well-educated people find it to be powerful. *

As humans, we have an innate desire to understand the meaning and purpose of life, a type of hunger that can remain after our physical needs have been met. This is part of what the Bible calls our “spiritual need,” which includes the desire to know and worship God. (Matthew 5:3; Revelation 4:11) This spiritual need not only gives evidence that God exists but also indicates that he is a loving Creator who wants us to satisfy that need.—Matthew 4:4.

Detailed prophecies in the Bible were written centuries ahead of time and came true exactly as predicted. The accuracy and detail of those predictions strongly suggest that they came from a superhuman source.—2 Peter 1:21

Bible writers had scientific knowledge that was beyond the understanding of their contemporaries. For example, in ancient times many peoples believed that the earth was supported by an animal, such as an elephant, a boar, or an ox. In contrast, the Bible says that God is “suspending the earth upon nothing.” (Job 26:7) Similarly, the Bible correctly describes the shape of the earth as a “sphere,” or “globe.” (Isaiah 40:22, footnote; Douay Version) Many people feel that the most reasonable explanation for such advanced understanding is that Bible writers received their information from God.

The Bible answers many difficult questions, the type of questions that when not satisfactorily answered can lead a person to atheism. For example: If God is loving and all-powerful, why is there suffering and evil in the world? Why is religion so often an influence for bad rather than for good?—Titus 1:16.
2015-04-27 16:32:13 UTC
No one will ever know until death, but to philosophize, if there is a God he is energy and positive thinking. The good decisions and positive feedback we receive as a society is energy therefore you might label it "God". Christ may have been the greatest example of light and energy. He was "God" personified. He was supernatural to put it bluntly which based on speculation, is our best evidence that God exists but I struggle to believe in "God" sometimes. God is simple if he does in fact exist. "He" or "it" is everything positive and natural. And to further strengthen my belief in "something" out there is that something can't be created from nothing. You can't neccessarily put it into more scientific terminology. Science and us as a form of life can't simply "be there". At some time something must have happened but then again there goes "at some time" (time being a very touchy subject as well) so to summarize, the whole philosophical element of what created the universe is an endless loop of scientific speculation and religion. Let's be honest. No one knows what exists unless we have visual, documented, 100% evidence.
2015-04-20 21:12:16 UTC
The Bible was written centuries ago. God chose men to write the Bible. Although it was written by men, God was the one who inspired it and told the men what to write.

There is one who dwells above the circle [or literately speaking: the sphere] of the earth. - Isaiah 40:22

People in the early 1400's usually thought that the earth was flat or some even thought that the earth was carried on the back of a gigantic elephant! The Bible was written centuries ago. Who would have knew that the earth was a sphere? God the creator of everything including the earth of course! That is one scripture that can help us to think about when we are unsure that the Bible is actually accurate. And of course if the Bible is accurate of course God exists.

Click the link below to see a list of Bible Teaching questions with explanations and Bible scriptures below. :]
2015-04-25 11:47:38 UTC
We don't have any, that's why its called faith. We can not prove a spiritual being who lives outside our realm of existence exists with anything within our universe. God created this universe, He is not in it. It is of Him, not around him. You must look at what he created to see the evidence of Him. But the universe explain the nature of God, it does not prove He exists. This is done on purpose. God created the universe in such away so you have to find Him. We wants you to believe he exists, not know. If you knew because it was obvious then it wouldn't be your choice. That is the most important thing God gave us, freedom to chose to believe in Him
2015-04-23 08:36:15 UTC
there are those who will argue and fight over that comment , and those who will just fight over their belief in their god .. religion , along with politics , are the most argued over subjects in all time , and normally by those who have no idea on either subject in the first place .. every belief has its own bible , so in its , form , in the eye of the believer is the actual proof of their gods existence .. I would guess in answer to your question , a further question could be asked : what proof do we have that god doesn't exist ?
2015-04-21 17:32:43 UTC
Rene Descartes had a proof. He was a mathematician who invented analytical geometry. He stated that humans are imperfect. They have imperfect thoughts. How can a human who is imperfect come up with the idea of a perfect thought. He believed that this was not possible. Descartes believed the thought came from God, proving his existence.
2015-04-23 19:18:43 UTC
There is proof that God exist only if you look around you. For example, the human race is unique from the animals- chimpanzees, gorillas, etc.

There are evidence by looking at the pyramid of Giza, the sphinx, the runway lines in Peru, South America, just to name a few.
2015-04-20 16:54:12 UTC
Proof is quite subjective. If ask a believer what proof there is, he or she would say "Trees. Beauty of Space. Complex vascular system that is in every human being." But some people would deny that and say it's all a coincidence. That's a pretty big coincidence that everything happens by sheer and utter luck.
2015-04-23 11:05:44 UTC
Proof is a term that belongs to Mathematics and Law. It does not belong to religion. Or Science for that matter.

Proof is something that can be tested to 100% certainty. Religion like science always has a measure of uncertainty.
2015-04-22 13:50:38 UTC
Stop looking for the proof of God on Yahoo answers
Phillip Royce
2015-04-23 09:05:56 UTC
The word "belief" doesn't satisfy the existence of God. He is and always will be irregardless of your belief. Belief comes to being in prayer and what ask of God . But as to God he's the creator of all things he didn't create people just to live and exist , he wants a relationship , he loves us that much and with that brings knowing in God not just belief
2015-04-25 18:33:04 UTC
The earth and all the other planets that God created sit suspended in air. We are grounded by gravity but it is God that created everything in it and around it. The fact that you were born as a drop or a cell and grew into what you are now is proof. Scientists werent in your mothers womb. It was the spirit of a child that was placed in your mothers womb. The way the stars are set, the clear blue waters he gives us, the fruits that come from the ground, the herbs, the fragrance from flowers, none of that has to do with a scientist creating it. In fact scientists benefited from what God had already placed into this earth. He is the creator. I have been before him in heaven and you are fully aware after you die like I did that you are standing before his presence. Please repent and give your life to Christ. Our Father God is real and his son Jesus Christ is real.
2015-04-22 18:38:35 UTC
The fact that we die is the proof that there is a God

Genesis 2:16-17 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:

But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely DIE.

Romans 6:23For the wages of sin is DEATH; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

We have been dying ever since we have broken God's Holy and righteous law.

What more proof do you need, and if you still don't believe in God, you will see Him when you die , FOR SURE !

Hebrews 9:27-28 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment

So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.
Thundershadow, volniac
2015-04-20 16:10:12 UTC
God is very capable of proving he exists. We don't have to worry about proving it. What we all know is that we didn't put ourselves here. Therefore we are all locked in a search to see what did. The contrast is do you (want to) believe we were put here or do you (want to) believe that we mean nothing. I still say God is NOT a chihuahua wearing a tutu jumping through a flaming hoop. He has no reason to come to you hat in hand begging for recognition. The bible says you must believe that he is and that he is responsive to those looking for him.
Ayush A Singh
2015-04-24 04:17:28 UTC
God exists everywhere. Birth of a child proves that god exists. Suppose there is no existence of god and human is the god then human not creates life. Life is possible due to existence of god.
2015-04-22 10:25:07 UTC
Does God exist? This question has been asked and studied since time began. The Bible being the true source of the clearest answer for us, gives us a definite answer and encourages us in a way that builds our faith in God. Not in the building us up in "blind faith" as many religious doctrines and traditions (a mystery) have the tendency to do, but to help us use our "powers of reasons" and "mental perception" that God created us with. (Romans 12: 1 and 1 John 5:20) Here are some lines of reasons based on the Bible which is the oldest and most accurate book known to mankind to base our facts on:

1.) The existence of the universe and just how orderly it functions, day night, planets, etc, points to a Creator with Supreme Creative abilities. The Bible says this: "Of course every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God." (Hebrews 3:4) Although this logic is simple, well educated people find it extremely powerful!!!

2.) Humans have an innate desire to be able to understand the meaning and purpose of life, they crave and hunger to have their physical needs met, and too the desire to have their spiritual needs met, the wanting to discern who the Higher power is and who God is and how we can worship Him and have a relationship with Him. He created us that way, We are happy when our spiritual needs are met. (Matthew 5:3; Revelation 4:11) This spiritual desire need not only give evidence that God exists but also indicates that He is a extremely loving Creator who wants us to have that need satisfied. (Matthew 4:4)

There are so many other facts that prove that God exists, that He has a name, that He hears prayers, even thoughts and intentions of our hearts (Hebrews 4:12) that He is a real person with feelings and cares so very deeply for His creation, mankind, and that He draws us close to Him (John 6:44) The Bible says He uses His arms to draw us near, His eyes watch over us, His ears listen to us, His hands holds onto our hands, not letting us go. He created us in His image (Genesis 1:26) with the beautiful qualities of love, power, wisdom and justice. And then gave the greatest gift that He had to redeem mankind from sin and death, that being His son's life. He had nothing better to give.

I hope this has helped answer your question, please check out for addition information as to "What is God's name?" "How can I have a personal relationship with Him?" and more to your original question, "Does God exist?" I think you will truly enjoy it so very much!!!! :)
2015-04-21 03:08:45 UTC
No one can claim any proof of gods person, and that is from the start of mankind to the end of humanity. People have not come across a living god.
2015-04-26 12:01:49 UTC
One has just to intelligently look at nature, the universe, at oneself, at a butterfly, and the complexity and quasi perfection of the whole, and instinctively one has to think of a supernatural engineer, maker, or God. If we just observe the wonderful world we are surrounded by, isn't that the strongest existing proof of God existence?
2015-04-20 19:43:25 UTC
Belief in God will ultimately be a matter of faith because absolute proof (or disproof) of the supernatural will never be found. However modern Astrophysics has proven the existence of God beyond a reasonable doubt.

++ First Cause ++

Newton's Third Law of Motion states "For every action there is equal and opposite reaction." Every action in the universe was caused by a prior equal and opposite reaction.

If we logically follow each and every action and reaction back to the beginning then logically there has to be a first action without a prior equal and opposite reaction. Modern astrophysicists call this event the Big Bang.

This first action was completely independent of outside forces. This action was God, the un-caused cause, creating the universe. This proof also fulfills the principle of Occam's Razor.

By the way, it was Georges Lemaître (1894–1966), a Belgian Catholic priest and professor of physics and astronomy, who proposed what became known as the Big Bang theory of the origin of the Universe.

++ Fine Tuning of the Universe ++

A universe in which life has a chance to exist can only happen in where a couple of dozen universal constants coincide, including:

+ Minimum interval of space

+ Minimum unit of time

+ Planck's Constant

+ Maximum velocity

+ Gravitational Attraction Constant

+ Weak Force Coupling Constant

+ Strong Nuclear Force Coupling Constant

+ Rest Mass of a Proton

+ Rest Mass of an Electron

+ Electron or Proton Unit Charge

+ Minimum Mass of the Universe

+ Total Visible Rest Mass

+ Boltzmann's Constant

+ Hubble Constant

+ Cosmological Constant

+ Cosmic Proton/Photon Ratio

+ Permittivity of Free Space

+ Electromagnetic Fine-Structure Constant

+ Weak Fine-Structure Constant

+ Gravitational Fine-Structure Constant

A couple of percent difference in any one of these constants would make the universe completely uninhabitable. Roger Penrose, a peer of Hawking, calculated that the chance of a universe capable of supporting life as we know it as one part in 10 raised to the power of 10 raised to the power of 123.

This fine tuning of the universe, while not an absolute proof of God, can be used to help prove the existence of God beyond a reasonable doubt (which is my claim).


For credible scientific and factually reliable evidence for the existance of God see the Magi's God Wiki: "Why Believe in God?"

I also suggest you read Robert Spitzer's book "New Proofs for the Existence of God: Contributions of Contemporary Physics and Philosophy"

With love in Christ.
2015-04-23 09:59:03 UTC
BERNARD SHAW while smoking his cigarette, he puffed out some smoke into the air and said:'God, that's for you.'

He died at the age of 32 of LUNG CANCER in a horrible manner.

The man who built the Titanic

After the construction of Titanic, a reporter asked him how safe the Titanic would be.

With an ironic tone he said:

'Not even God can sink it'

The result: I think you all know what happened to the Titanic

Marilyn Monroe (Actress)

She was visited by Billy Graham during a presentation of a show.

He said the Spirit of God had sent him to preach to her.

After hearing what the Preacher had to say, she said:

'I don't need your God'.

A week later, she was found dead in her apartment

Bon Scott (Singer)

The ex-vocalist of the AC/DC. On one of his 1979 songs he sang:

'Don't stop me; I'm going down all the way, down the highway to hell'.

On the 19th of February 1980, Bon Scott was found dead, he had been choked by his own vomit.

God is there among us watching and keeping a keen eye over us.
2015-04-23 10:40:29 UTC
Life, and its connection with the universe.

the forces in place.

How the sun effects living things on earth.

How the night brings rest for most living things.

what rain does for us, concerning plants and food for us.

Gravity, the tilt of the sun, the moon's effect on the tides of the oceans, and a pregnant woman.

A person could point out to you, a house and ask you who made that?

You would no doubt say someone did.Right?

The Bible teaches us that the One who made all things is God.

(Hebrews 3:4)(Revelation 4:11)

Learn more at JW.ORG
2015-04-21 19:23:31 UTC
The proof of God's existence is that humanity tries to look for him. In the natural we can see his fingerprints on everything. So our spirits that were cut off from him in the fall of man tries to make it back to him. The only way back to God is through faith in Jesus. If you believe Jesus died for your sins and repent God is the best friend you will ever have.
2015-04-22 07:58:11 UTC
Well, I am completely a SCIENCE FREAK or BELIEVER you say. There is a creator of this whole universe and every single thing in it. You may ask "IF you BELIEVE so much in science, then why aren't you AN ATHEIST? Let me explain.

Human beings often question - Is there a god? Where did we come from and who created us? If your answer is no, there is no god since he is not visible, then its simply like saying we exist and don't exist at the same time i.e. we created ourselves (since there is no other creator) or simply our mothers and their mothers have given birth to themselves. Well, if this is completely seen through the sight of science, then obviously it doesn't leaves in violating the Laws of Physics and the Law of Conservation of Mass and Energy which states that nothing can be created from nothing and something can always be created from something or by someone else. It even has practical applications in our daily life. You see, you are the one who is making food to eat or something else. Now if you are not there in your home, then there is none to make the food. Hence nothing can be created from nothing. We the human, this galaxy, cosmos, universe, etc are one of the biggest examples of creation. So obviously there is someone who created all these with such a great perfection.

Well, you know if you read some holy books like Quran, Bible, Gita, etc, you'll get to know alot of things of this galaxy. Like in Quran, a story of Prophet Mohammad is given saying that he had been to space where his age didn't increase and apparently, he didn't grow old till he returned back to earth. This is what? An application of the famous Theory of Relativity of Albert Einstein which states that age doesn't increases in space and this theory he founded back in the early 1900s, some 1900 years after the birth of Lord Jesus and just 100 years back from today. Now, what would you say, human beings of those times had written all these scientific fuss or they simply wrote these in an instant.

I believe there is only one creator who sent alot of messengers in earth to teach the uncivilized humans of those times humanity, love and peace. Jesus, Moses, Buddha, Prophet, mine and yours as well. Infact, of the whole world's creator or father is one and only one.
2015-04-21 14:59:48 UTC
None. Act and live as if there were no gods, and make decisions based on sense, kindness, and long term good of your neighbors and yourself and you will be fine.

Decide not to waste any money or time building castles for an invisible "creature," but invest in your fellows and help them. Help yourself.

Enjoy your life and if there is a goddess somewhere watching over you, she will be happy that you did that.
2015-04-22 01:55:38 UTC
We have no proof or else all would be forced to believe. God gave us free will and free will comes with choices. So you can choose to believe or not believe. God didn't want to create robots. We have evidence and if there is enough evidence, then I do believe.
2015-04-22 05:38:57 UTC
The government is hiding all the evidence, the ark was found and now it's hidden. In this society, anything bad is good. So if your a Christian, Christianity encourages everything good, love thy neighbor, put yourself before others, have a clean spirit. Your considered evil. The rapture is coming soon. It says exactly what is happening in the bible (beheading of God's people, and threading Christians to do things (the baker, remember?)
2015-04-20 09:26:31 UTC
There is no proof that God exists and there is nothing to suggest that there is no God. That is something that we all have to decide for our selves.

Upon that is based our 'faith'.
2015-04-23 12:17:52 UTC
there is no proof. but that's not what faith's about. there's a lot of impossible to explain things in this universe, so it's natural to fill in the gaps using imagination. I don't necessarily believe in God, but when you start to wonder why we are even here, a God is not a bad explanation
River Euphrates
2015-04-21 11:42:09 UTC
If there was proof, there would be no need for 'faith'.

I try to have a modicum of respect for people's beliefs, but the way that some of them attempt to shift the burden of proof onto those who lack belief is disingenuous (at best).
2015-04-21 02:56:04 UTC
You bathe every day and make yourself presentable. You believe some things are good and other things are bad. You're probably a good friend and you probably do a good job at work. Without God - none of that makes any sense. Everything in your life demonstrates that you're an image-bearer of God and that points to Him.

I could go on and on about how you believe in the uniformity of nature and other things but the point is that this is God's world and you live in it.
2015-04-21 22:16:32 UTC
We have no proof of his existence.

We also have no proof of his non-existence.

Isn't it wonderful? EACH of us gets to believe whatever works best for US.

Belief is not knowledge, btw . it is just preference.
2015-04-20 11:51:29 UTC
what proof do we have that god exist ? do you want a religious answer or an atheist one ? Well I will give you both , religious :," look all around you . god created all the flowers and the trees and humans and animals "atheist........"look all around you hurricanes . Tsunami's , earthquakes drought asteroids . global warming not really perfect for life " now one tells you about their perception of god tells you about the reality of the planet earth .. Invisible looks pretty much like non existence ....Gravity . gases. and magnetism are all invisible . but are measurable and can be demonstrated ...we are waiting for Theist to demonstrate god , they say he is invisible but he should still be demonstrable and measurable ........................ if not he might be considered the second category .. what they claim god created . does not demonstrate the god itself
2015-04-24 20:34:57 UTC
Alright... Here is the thing, God cannot be disproven or proven, there will be evidence, but God wants us to have Faith so if he gave us divinities proof, there would be no need for faith, it would just be fact. More power comes through faith and trust than knowledge and understanding
Weird Darryl
2015-04-21 18:35:37 UTC
None. If you are one of those who say that "God's" existence is proven in their hearts, more power to you. If, however you want ACTUAL proof, then you are probably out of luck. That is why I am an agnostic atheist, namely, that there is no compelling proof for either the existence or nonexistence of "God". For me, the very lack of compelling evidence is enough for me to be convinced that there is no "God."

2015-04-21 18:14:00 UTC
There is no other like me,666. From the left cross of Jesus I am alive Gestas, Nero, Suetonius, Apuleius, Olyvia, Urban, India, Thomason, Wesley. Gods Nation Serves All Of Us In This World, my name is forever written in The Book Of Life.
2015-04-21 16:32:34 UTC
being that there are only two possibilities.. either there is a God who created all things.. or things just sprang out of nothing at all... what seems more logical to you?

When you look at a car.. what are the chances that it was created from nothing? zero possibilities...

when you look at humans.. what are the chances that "the breath of life" "consciousness" and "thought" just sprang out of nothing? That a man, or a mouse or a flower or even a single cell life form can have such intricate complexity can only lead to one thing.. a creator.. We can see it in the most simple of life forms, and in the most complex structures such as DNA... To believe that all this came from nothing.. is as absurd as saying I can make a a building by just thinking about it... There is your proof..
2015-04-23 15:18:39 UTC
peace be upon truth seekers

when you see feet prints on the earth, you then knows that people walked by.

when you see the discharge of a bird then you know that a bird flow over.

NOW, you got all creatures point to the Creator Almighty God.

disbelievers argue based on partial knowledge that there are no INTELLIGENT DESIGN but rather an evolutionary chaos! while we see that from a single cell we see an amazing splits into: eyes, kidneys, skin, ....

is that a random self-existed process?

I wish that you give me your feed back
2015-04-20 10:08:45 UTC
There are sound reasons for believing in God-

Ps. 19:1 "The heavens are declaring the glory of God; and of the works of his hands the expanse is telling."

Ps. 104:24 "How many your works are, O Jehovah! All of tem in wisdom you have made. The earth is full of your productions."

Rom. 1:20 "His invisible qualities are qualities are clearly seen from the world's creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made."

Clearly, we do have evidence that God does exist.
2015-04-21 04:29:21 UTC
I have none at all. I just throw myself out there in hopes that He is out there and does hear me. And yet, when I think about it I realize that there is a fat chance that won't happen. What kind of noise can something so temporarily finite as me make? Not enough for God to hear.
2015-04-21 15:37:16 UTC
There is no absolute concrete proof that God exists. That's why people have faith. Faith is the belief in something that can't be proven.
2015-04-20 09:23:06 UTC
We do not have proof any gods exist. Mythical books written in the gothic age are not proof.
2015-04-21 19:50:55 UTC
We have much proof that it does not exist
2015-04-24 04:23:53 UTC
About as much proof as scientists have of the 'big bang' theory. Non-believers always ask, 'So where did God come from?', but treat you like an idiot if you dare to ask them what caused the big bang.
great knight
2015-04-20 12:02:10 UTC
Endless proof. Here is wisdom: "But if from thence thou shalt seek the LORD thy God, thou shalt find [him], if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul."- The Word of God.

Now, here are some facts left out of history class, and so on.

And and so on. Get a kjversion Bible and believe. That doesn't even go into science or testimony throughout time! So much!
2015-04-20 22:15:37 UTC
Mathematical proof:
2015-05-04 07:21:52 UTC
You can't hear, see or understand God. You pray for help from God and that is the proof.
2015-04-22 04:57:41 UTC
Prayed to god that I will pass my physics exam. Two weeks later I passed. God's existence confirmed.
2015-04-22 12:04:08 UTC
The way that people base proof of the existence of a higher is mostly based on their amount of faith. Everything is your own level of what to believe in.
2015-04-20 19:18:46 UTC
He exists that is why you exist! How can you exist without Him? You breathe and have life because He allows it! He is the giver, the sustainer, the very essence of life!!! Here is a simple example, a goldfish lives in a bowl of water and lives because you feed it! As soon as you stop feeding it and keeping its water clear then it dies, likewise , we are similar to goldfish , if our Creator does not produce food for us and neglects our oxygen needs, then we too are dead!! .Our Saviour came down from Heaven to earth to give His perfect life as a ransom sacrifice! Adam and Eves sin brought about death! Yeshaua died as a perfect man on the stake for us to repent and turn to Him and get our sins blotted out! Please turn to Gods son Yeshua while you still have breathe in your body! Our Elyon wants you to be saved and to live forever! Please start reading your Bible for a full explanation! Also listen to daily scriptures on Bible Gateway.
2015-04-25 18:55:08 UTC
If your really interested if God exists look at the history behind him. It all depends on what you believe in, it's one of those questions that can be answered if you believe.
2015-04-20 07:42:26 UTC
God's creation of our human body is wonderful. This shows God's greatness and existence.
2015-04-24 20:37:35 UTC
What proof do we have that god doesn't exist.
2015-04-21 10:32:29 UTC
I guess the real question is, What proof do you, yourself, need. I'm thoroughly convinced that there is a Almighty Creator. I see intelligent design in all his creations. I see his intelligent design in myself. My brain, my DNA, in my being able to give birth to another human. The breath he gives me everyday. Everyday I see evidence of God around me, and I thank him for my having a humble heart and attitude that allows me recognize that he exist.
2015-04-22 18:21:23 UTC
Imagine humans with hands but no fingers.

Fingers were planned.

So God must exist.
2015-04-26 19:19:35 UTC
The fact that everything exists is proof.
2015-04-21 09:12:00 UTC
An example of 'The Argument from Design'. Largely discredited.
2015-04-20 07:53:31 UTC
The warm breeze that goes through your soul on a nightly walk. The beautiful sky, the trees, the birds, the animals, the wind touching your skin, the love you feel for your loved ones. People in last days would be willingly ignorant of the creation. 2peter3. God bless to all on yahoo answers. God loves you all.
2015-04-20 19:25:47 UTC
The scriptures. Read them, they are true. They testify of His life. Look around everyday, all of hte "miracles" you see are from God, Him allowing this to happen to bless us. He's in everything. He inspired someone to make the house you live in today, he inspired you to ask this question. Although you may get a bunch of people saying God is Dead, He is real and I testify of that.
Art M
2015-04-20 19:17:06 UTC
To answer your question, you have to ask "which God" you wish to prove exists? A silent, uninvolved God who rests quietly observing the results of his Creation? Or an active, involved God who attends to the needs of the dutiful while ignoring non-believers? What concessions are you willing to make about the nature of "God"?

When you answer those questions, you will have the answer to your question.
2015-04-20 07:39:26 UTC
Please define what you mean by "proof". A theist's "proof" is usually a logical fallacy.

[EDIT: And right on queue we have the cases of

1. special pleading "everything must have a cause, therefore GOD/Quantum Puppies/ Zeus/ Unicorn in a teapot

2. Circular reasoning -- "Here is the quote (Romans). It's true because a mistranslated book says its true. The book contains the word of God. Here is the quote ...."

3. Condescension/special pleading -- "You wouldn't understand".

4. Non- Sequitur -- "Look how the banana fits perfectly in your hand. Therefore God."

and the list goes on. ]
2015-04-20 17:46:43 UTC
Various non-Biblical, sometimes even from people of other religions, accounts of Jesus preforming his works in addition to un-debated historical facts allowing for these accounts to occur. Also, God answers peoples prayers and look at the miracles that have occurred.
2015-04-21 11:38:18 UTC
We have 2 things:

testimony from others who have seen clear proof. some reject it and call it all lies.

various evidence that fuels logical and philosophical arguments. some do not find these convincing.

I have epistemic certainty that you will die -- you'll have your proof (whichever is the case) then if you don't find it before.
2015-04-21 21:41:56 UTC
The order, complexity and stability of the universe infers a grand design. If every house has a builder, certainly something as complex and ordered as the physical universe has a builder. The order, stability, and complexity of the universe is evidence of an intelligent design, and therefore, God.
Don S
2015-04-27 18:28:26 UTC
It cannot be proven or disproven. The name of God is used as an excuse for all things we don't understand. And humans used the name of God in their religion to have lucrative businesses.
2015-04-20 12:57:04 UTC
I believe in God, but I believe proof is only proof to one indivisual.
2015-04-21 17:35:33 UTC
1) Who's "we?" 2) What do you mean by "proof?" To stupid people, the fact that the people in their own church believe in God is all the "proof" they need." Intelligent people, however, want to know, they want actual evidence. The Book of Revelation (the last book of the Bible) says that the proof does exist, but it's got nothing to do with believing or with "faith." It makes reference to an actual experience and it refers to that experience or evidence as "the Amen." I am not a Christian, however, but that doesn't mean that i dismiss the Bible. What i dismiss is the Christian interpretation of it. The modern Christian community actually has no idea what the Bible says. The "Amen" spoken of in Revelation is a veiled reference to what the HIndus know as "OM," which is a very subtle sound heard in the depths of the most profound states of meditation. Straight culture insists (without having investigated, of course) that this sound is either "imaginary" or nothing more than sounds made by the body. Wrong. In order to know what I'm talking about, one has to practice deep meditation for a long time to get the desired effect. There will be no quick/easy proof. Jesus the Avatar pointed out that people will demand a sign (demand proof, in other words) but that none will be given them. Exactly. Because those who demand proof are never the kind who investigate. If one wants proof, then he or she needs to go in search of it instead of demanding that it be given to them. The proof or "witness" (as it is referred to in Revelation) can be found by those who go after it. And I must add this: There are very, very few people who are going to go in search of God evidence. Most of them prefer to have an opinion or to become an atheist, neither of which requires any thinking. No effort is necessary. Idiots say, "Oh, you believe in God? Then prove to me that He exists!!" Such people are the ones i speak of. They will not seek that evidence because 1) they're mentally lazy, and 2) there's a certain degree of cowardice involved: They don't want to have to recant and admit later that they were wrong. So as for the "we" you spoke of - they will never find the proof. But a handful of people on the planet are willing to go in search of it through the prescribed methods of meditation and something known as "pranayam" (life-force control) through which one can achieve very high states. Many have taken LSD to get there, but the drug wears off and never gives them a true awakening. It takes discipline and dedication to find the proof you speak of, which is why 99% of the population will continue to demand proof as a means of demonstrating that it "doesn't exist." As i say, this is pure mentally laziness ...
2015-04-26 17:42:35 UTC
die. you will get ur proof am getting sick of ppl asking I need a proof that God exists you want good proof die am not saying to go kill ur self no! just when u die remember your question.
2015-04-22 22:12:03 UTC
if you are not sure you never ask this question this is proof god is exists
Wellll... hello then!
2015-04-22 13:21:55 UTC
His fingerprint is on all creation! A person has to deny Him willingly by ignoring the evidence how all things are created! Thats why more then a few atheist scientists have become christians.
2015-04-21 10:28:12 UTC
Every strand of DNA in our bodies proves that God exists!
2015-04-21 19:51:30 UTC
take the human body, when you examine the wonders of how we are made, how we are able to procreate, our bodies can self heal, our brain can tell different parts of our body what to do and when to do it. Look at the wind, although we cant see if but we certainly can feel its presence and its power.just to name a few things shows that there is a Divine Higher Power, that is God.
2015-04-23 06:01:29 UTC
Consider the human body, the concept of self-awareness, the understanding of what it means to be alive, to dream and create. Could Darwin explain this or Carl Jung, etal? We are more than stimulus reacting to our environment. We have the potential of change, that in itself is God given.
2015-04-26 23:19:39 UTC
Technically there is no solid evidence, I don't know why people chose to believe in what i feel is a fictional character but i can tell you the religion is based on faith and not fact
Peloristic Philosopher (A)
2015-04-20 14:26:42 UTC
There is none. The only proposed proof that believers have reduces to logical fallacies and ignorance.
Epicurean Atheist
2015-04-20 07:55:44 UTC
The Revolutionary
2015-04-23 12:05:29 UTC
I do believe in a grand creator but I do not believe a book from 2000 years ago is a piece of verifiable evidence.
2015-04-22 19:31:14 UTC
Look at every living thing in this world. Do you think that it all came to be just itself? There is an authority that is managing everything in this world and out in the Universe as well.
2015-04-20 20:31:02 UTC
All the proof I need is when I look up and down and all around
Ken Milby
2015-04-21 11:05:34 UTC
Just the fact that we are in existance for one thing ! God almighty is three beings in one. God the Father ! God the son ( Jesus Christ ) and God the Holy Spirit ( Wich lives in the hearts of all that choose to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior !!! Jesus created everything, including science and mathmatics. Just open your eyes and see his majesty through nature.
2015-04-22 02:12:20 UTC
Don't ask. Just keep your faith strong with God. God is the reason why we exist
2015-04-22 16:28:32 UTC
His essence in our hearts is Proof that GOD exist.!!!!
Alan H
2015-04-21 07:56:23 UTC
A God that could be proven by a finite mind would hardly be God
2015-04-20 23:59:58 UTC
All we have is a lot of people talking. Ever notice something? Whenever we hear what God wants, it's always people doing the talking... and, not strange at all, it's always what those people want.
2015-04-21 17:38:29 UTC
NONE, that is the genius behind organized religion, I didn't read anyone's post above but I bet you anything the "faith" response was used 4 or 5 times on this page atleast.. genius!
2015-04-20 10:29:59 UTC
No proof or disproof of God
2015-04-29 01:20:29 UTC
Could Mt. Rushmore have been created by millions of years of wind and rain?

If you saw a statue of a man in the forest, would you think that maybe millions of years of evolution created it?

If you saw a computer, would you assume it evolved over millions of years?

Why is it that we can look at ourselves and say we created ourselves over millions of years, but things that simply look like humans could never have created themselves?
2015-04-21 08:48:31 UTC
Go outside take a deep breathe then look around..................that's the only proof one needs to prove God.
2015-04-22 19:16:56 UTC
The thing you have to realise first is that God will not force his way into your heart if you accept him the he will always show his love for you here are things that helped me

The everything skit

The footprints in the sand

God's not dead
Immune to Bieber Fever
2015-04-21 03:13:25 UTC
If we had prove that god exists , it would be a fact and not a belief!
2015-04-20 07:52:40 UTC
If you don't believe in GOD then stop breathing in the air of GOD for five minutes and let see what happen.
2015-04-21 17:12:58 UTC
really bad proof, only a few similarities between the bible and science like the expanding universe when they said god stretched out the heavens or something like that.
2015-04-21 21:27:42 UTC
Atheists prove there is a God

if there was No God there would Be Nothing for the Atheists Not to believe in

to hard read what i have said again

if there is No God there are No Atheists you can only have atheists who dont believe in god if there is a god
2015-04-21 12:20:42 UTC
Like I tell everyone who asks this question. Breath in. Do not breathe out. Die. Revive yourself with no mechanical means or outside assistance.

You are God.
2015-04-24 17:14:40 UTC
2015-04-23 08:17:23 UTC
try the spirits...ask God for the Holy Ghost...That is all the proof you will need. Do acts 2:38
2015-04-22 10:58:59 UTC
Newton's flaming laser sword (or Alder's razor): If something cannot be settled by experiment then it is not worthy of debate.
2015-04-27 14:35:10 UTC
Consider an orange and you will find proof.
2015-04-21 15:32:24 UTC
The plain and simple answer to this question is that there is no physical evidence of his existence. You can only believe in him.
2015-04-22 07:06:28 UTC
You can't prove God exists and you can't disprove it either.
It Is Always Now
2015-04-20 07:37:51 UTC
We don't have any proof. We don't even have evidence either. We have a book of contradictions and scientific errors, contradicting anecdotes from theists, misunderstandings of science, and appeals to faith.
2015-04-21 12:54:17 UTC
Proof, empirical proof, is not a factor. Faith is.

I respect those that have it. I do not count myself amongst their number.
2015-04-27 10:08:53 UTC
There are many types of proofs and evidences. What types and how many of them are you willing to accept?
2015-04-23 11:20:15 UTC
god is the one who created all of this in front of you and the stupid science can't say god is real or not who do you take god for? god is beyond everything mere people using science won't figure this out
Ernest S
2015-04-20 07:52:05 UTC
God has shown sufficient to all.

Tell me, why should God reveal Himself or prove Himself to those who do not want Him?
2015-04-22 07:54:50 UTC
Look around, how can you possibly believe that a God didn't exist, who do you think made all this? ....the tooth fairy.
2015-04-20 22:04:03 UTC

you are living proof He does.
2015-04-23 11:43:03 UTC
Devil here.

You have no proof.

First part of my job is done.

The next chapter is just getting started.
2015-04-22 17:17:51 UTC
Well, there is a volcano in the north-west corner of the Arabian peninsula (Mount Bedr?). That's where he lives apparently.
2015-04-20 19:58:18 UTC
When you do things right, things goes right, you do wrong, things goes wrong and you won't have peace of mind, and i believe this is the proof.
2015-04-22 14:29:57 UTC
no proof at all. He says we need faith but i don't get it if you want to 'save' everyone and you can do everything. Trust is more important than faith. logic has got humanity farther than faith.
Mercedes Miles
2015-04-23 07:27:13 UTC
He does exists!
2015-04-22 08:13:32 UTC
All you need is faith and then you'll realize all the "proof" with all the blessing you and other around you receive
2015-04-22 14:55:43 UTC
None. All of the "irreducible complexity" and such are just nonsense spouted off by scientifically illiterate brain-washed creationists.
2015-04-22 09:11:10 UTC
"The Sacrifice has Already Come."

Isaiah 16:5

Luke 2; He came for us all.
2015-04-20 07:49:48 UTC
Look around at the beauty of the universe.

Then consider your own presense, & the fact you can ask this question over the internet on a computer
2015-04-22 11:20:31 UTC
2015-04-22 12:54:37 UTC
2015-04-22 09:04:23 UTC
Do you watch the movie: God Isn't Dead? This movie its good for your doubt.

Sorry for my english, I am Brazilian
2015-04-22 13:28:56 UTC
Only the good word if religious nutters like the old catholic priest who chase yiung choir boys. Ver truthful and honourable their word is Ha !
2015-04-20 12:15:25 UTC
many feel if you cant see it or feel it, it does not exist. However god is above human reasoning, we come to know god on a level of "eyes of faith" we do "see" him in the creation/our bodies/galaxy/science/ ECT.
2015-04-27 13:29:24 UTC
Lrac Nagas
2015-04-20 07:39:53 UTC
None, if someone could prove that a god exists I would no longer be an atheist.
2015-04-21 16:10:42 UTC
Simple: Fossil dinosaur dung and fresh human turd that you step on. GOD is ALL things known & unknown.
2015-04-21 17:52:04 UTC
i do not believe that because the universe exists,

that a god exists or created it. that is irrational.
2015-04-22 04:10:22 UTC
Humans are quite complex to understand
2015-04-21 08:52:10 UTC
what proof you have that he doesn't exist
chev varann
2015-04-30 05:12:24 UTC
2015-04-21 15:09:17 UTC
Will in Italy back in fall, half of a mountain got sliced and fell over. (No one was hurt tho)
2015-04-21 03:42:27 UTC
Because Australia hasn't fallen off the bottom of the earth.
2015-04-21 17:48:07 UTC
what proof do we have that He doesn't? Of course He does....
2015-04-28 01:54:21 UTC
quaran is the main proof that go exists
Maurog IV
2015-04-20 07:38:28 UTC
Look around you, don't you see the mountains, trees and midgets?

There are noodly appendageprints everywhere, yet still they don't believe!
2015-04-22 20:41:29 UTC
There is this 2000 year old book that contradicts itself all over the place...
2015-04-22 10:55:15 UTC
None that religious zealots haven't made up.
Atheist Frog
2015-04-20 07:42:06 UTC
We have substantially more evidence for Bigfoot than for god because ANY evidence is more evidence than ZERO evidence.
2015-04-22 05:24:25 UTC
If you have faith and believe that is your proof
2015-04-30 10:09:47 UTC
the EXACT same proof that she does not exist.
2015-04-20 14:44:44 UTC
In Romans 1 Paul claims that all anyone has to do to see evidence of a Creator is look at the creation. Its perfection, its consistent order render the evolution and big bang options totally wanting. And according to Paul this should be sufficient evidence, because God says those who deny it are without excuse. But in my opinion the quickest way to prove God’s existence is to begin studying Bible prophecy.

There are over 100 historically verified, fulfilled prophecies in the first 35 verses of Daniel chapter 11 alone.

See for yourself:

God called King Cyrus of Persia by name in Isaiah 44:24-45:6 as His agent for freeing the Israelites from Babylon 150 years before Cyrus was even born. Daniel 9:25 prophesied Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, on what would be the first Palm Sunday, to follow a decree to rebuild Jerusalem. The prophecy was given in 535BC. The decree was given 90 years later by King Artaxerxes Longimanus of Persia. The prophecy was fulfilled 483 years later, to the very day. You just can't make this stuff up.

Josephus recorded a supernaturally ordained meeting between Alexander the Great and Jeduah, the reigning High Priest of Israel at the time. Alexander was making his way south toward Egypt, conquering nation after nation as he did. When he came to Jerusalem, the High Priest and his retinue, in their finest robes, opened the gates and met him outside the city, as God had told them to do. Alexander had previously seen this exact event in a dream and took its fulfillment as a sign from God. He spared the city and offered sacrifices in the Temple. When Jeduah opened the scroll of Daniel and read to Alexander portions of what we know as Daniel 8, written 200 years earlier, Alexander correctly interpreted it as referring to him (Antiquities of the Jews, Book XI, chapter 8, paragraphs 4 and 5).

Or just take a handful of Old Testament prophecies concerning the first coming of Jesus. In Psalm 22 David described a crucifixion hundreds of years before it was used as a method of execution including what it feels like, the words Jesus spoke from the cross, and what the soldiers did with His clothing. In Isaiah 53 His life and death were described in detail right down to His burial place. In Micah 5:2 the place of His birth was revealed. In Daniel 9:24-26 the day of His execution was given. In Zechariah 9:9 His entry into Jerusalem was described, and Zechariah 11:12-13 tells us how much the priests paid for His betrayal and who the money ultimately went to. There are many more examples, and all of them were part of the public record hundreds of years before the fact.

Apply any legitimate standard you want: forensic logic, statistical analysis, rules of evidence, you name it. Even a person of modest intellect will quickly be persuaded. God exists, He is Who He says He is, and He has done all that He claims to have done. No blind faith is required, no rush of emotion, no hocus-pocus; just cold hard logic. In fact it takes a whole lot more blind faith and a stubborn willingness to believe in spite of the facts, that the Big Bang or evolution constitute the beginning of life.

Prophecy is the way God validates His word. No other so-called holy writings offer this proof. Only God has consistently told His people what He was going to do and then did it to prove Himself to them. The problem ages ago is the same today. The world doesn't believe in biblical prophecies, doesn’t know what they say, and won’t know what to look for.

But once you see that God's track record for fulfilling prophecy is without error or blemish, you’ll know beyond all shadow of doubt that you can trust Him. Trust Him to save you from the penalty due you for your sins; trust Him to return like He promised to take you to be with Him forever, and trust Him to guide you through the remainder of your uncertain and undefined life on earth in the meantime.
2015-04-21 15:45:35 UTC
Is there anyone who still believes in god ?
2015-04-29 03:16:01 UTC
Find out yourself and shought - Who am I and who made me?

Hope you get the answer soon!

Keep it in mind that Science cannot make - you!
2015-04-27 08:13:32 UTC
None. THAT shouldn't even be a popular thought.
2015-04-21 17:55:03 UTC
When we see a painting, we know there is a painter. When we see a building, we know there is a builder. When we see creation...all things..we know there is a creator.
2015-04-22 02:37:49 UTC
Feeling only
2015-04-22 06:34:18 UTC
You're alive
2015-04-22 10:53:46 UTC
None. Simple.
2015-04-30 10:16:44 UTC
How about the fact that everything else, including us, exists. . . . What, no?
2015-04-21 08:13:30 UTC
Google it, you will find out so many interesting things
2015-04-20 20:31:45 UTC
2015-05-01 02:56:52 UTC
God wanted me to confound you. I never ask why.
2015-04-20 17:03:12 UTC
There is NO PROOF . For those that "believe"...just faith.
2015-04-27 07:45:10 UTC
honestly? i dont think that there is any physical proof, thats all for science and physics. its who we are and our beliefs
Morton L.
2015-04-20 07:36:44 UTC
Absolutely JACK.
2015-05-04 15:44:58 UTC
there is no proof and there never will be
2015-04-21 21:46:53 UTC
we need to say we became and evolve from something, so we god created everything
2015-04-20 11:48:21 UTC
None! It s people s subconcious
2015-04-26 16:47:40 UTC
2015-04-22 14:36:30 UTC
2015-04-22 05:46:22 UTC
Look in the mirror, do you realy think evolutioan made somting as ugly as u?
2015-04-23 07:13:20 UTC
Watch Gods not dead.
2015-04-21 00:54:08 UTC
2015-04-22 02:03:26 UTC
exists just in our ideology
2015-04-28 02:31:42 UTC
Simply walk on wrong path .He will teach u with his stick....and then u will see the god is in everyone.
2015-04-22 11:56:30 UTC
you are god doing gods work
2015-04-20 07:37:33 UTC
Freethinking Liberal
2015-04-21 12:01:59 UTC
2015-04-22 11:54:54 UTC
Look up, look around, look at yourself in the mirror. Need I say more?
2015-04-21 18:05:46 UTC
you need to read the bible thats the only true proof
2015-05-03 03:09:38 UTC
absolutely, positively, 100 % ZERO !
2015-04-23 11:25:36 UTC
We do not have any, you will have to find some for us all...0423/2015
2015-04-20 07:37:13 UTC
the universe and life

that which may be known about God is manifest in them; for God has shown it to them. For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:


God has revealed His power through His creation.

Atheism is a pretense - an emotional choice to deny the reality of the Creator. But God isn't fooled. The unbeliever has no excuse.
2015-04-20 07:38:06 UTC
Nothing can create nothing however something can create something.

God is the uncreated Creator

Ignorant to believe the universe was created without a Creator.
Ursus Particularies
2015-04-23 13:34:20 UTC
2015-04-20 17:27:59 UTC
His word and his works
2015-04-26 13:02:32 UTC
The universe.
2015-04-22 13:46:52 UTC
The sun came up this morning, again!
2015-04-23 00:09:25 UTC
none, although in the minds of those who choose to believe good for you.
2015-04-20 07:37:20 UTC
None, that's why religious retards call it faith. Great claims require great evidence... So far there is none.
2015-04-22 04:33:40 UTC
You could look at the wonder of nature.
2015-04-30 00:08:09 UTC
2015-04-20 07:40:15 UTC
Existence of life. If you don't believe in God you're very delusional.

My favorite evidence is God's rainbow.
2015-04-20 08:26:00 UTC
Look in the mirror
2015-04-22 15:06:41 UTC
Our logic and senses. Read the quran!
Joy Nwosu L
2015-04-22 09:41:51 UTC
Look around you!
2015-04-22 14:38:04 UTC
None.....that's where faith comes in.....Mo Atheist.
2015-04-20 07:45:36 UTC
2015-04-20 20:18:42 UTC
Mr Coconut
2015-04-20 16:34:38 UTC
2015-04-22 12:04:21 UTC
Churches, sky, people, etc.
Roberta B
2015-04-20 16:21:37 UTC
What many atheists call "evidence" is not the same as what makes them atheists. The reason for this is that people will usually accept what is in agreement with their world view, and evidence has no such bias.

This is true of pretty much every philosophical stance, so ultimately, no matter what evidence you or anyone presents, a person must make up their mind and heart.

All I can do is present some of the reasons why people acknowledge the existence of God, specifically in the Creator of all things, and point out some of the problems with atheism.

People believe in God because God makes himself known through his works. Also, because just like a house is constructed by someone, the one who constructed all things is God. Thirdly, a real, ultimate Creator, by definition, has to be uncreated, so there must be only one.

The God of the Bible recommends himself to be the Creator because of consistent fulfillment of prophecy. Secondly, every few months a discovery in science or archeology is made that corroborates some aspect of the Bible's account. Third, the morality of the Bible's commands about how to live our lives works for everyone - respect for life, respect for property, respect for reproductive powers, respect for truth, and most of all, to put God's service in the center of our lives.

There is a lot of evil in this world, that is, a lot of self-destructive, selfish, violent, senseless behavior, and this is a puzzle in the minds of many of the most dyed-in-the-wool evolutionist/atheists, because they would expect that all of these "millions and billions of years of evolution" would result in a more productive behavior pattern. But it is caused by the evil in many humans, and because, right now, Satan is the ruler and god of this world. John 14:30; 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 God our Creator, because he is a just God, has a plan to get rid of the evil in the world, and undo the evil that has been done.

Think about that: Why don't people love one another, without God? Why is there war and crime and hunger in a world of plenty and lots of scientific discovery? It is not about the man made aspects of some religions, it is about man needing God to guide their roadway. They are doing a pretty bad job of it now.

Fear of punishment, and faith in that punishment does not lead a believer in God to do right. God is not a slave driver, making you do what you don't want to do. If it is in your heart to want truth and righteousness and love, you will be drawn to the true God.

Also, agnostics do not want to commit themselves to either one or the other position. The problem with that is that the agnostic does not obligate him or herself to being accountable to God with the way that they live their lives, but this stance would not please the God who in their mind may or may not be there.

Suppose your child said "I am not sure whether or not I love you. I am not even sure that you are my parent- I don't remember being born." This might give you some idea of how our Creator might feel about this position.

The Bible says "If you search for him, he will let himself be found by you."

2 Chronicles 15:2, also James 4:7-8

This search has to be honest and sincere, not like the so-called experiments conducted by scientists, as though God is some kind of phenomenon. In this way, the agnostic and the atheist might find the real reason why faith in God will never die.

Acceptance of the existence of an absolute example - an intelligent, purposeful Creator, can move one to believe that all humans are brothers and sisters. Acceptance of an absolute unimpeachable moral code, one which includes mercy and compassion, but which no one can influence with bribery or threats, can move one to believe that we are obligated to treat one another with love and respect. The God of the Bible sent his Son to provide a visual example, and to provide a way of salvation, eventually, from the sinful tendencies with which we still find ourselves. This makes moral sin something to avoid, which, again, atheism in its basic philosophy does not completely condemn.

Atheists sometimes point to people who are atheists and who are moral. It should also be noted that atheism does not make them moral. There are atheists who are very amoral but who are still atheists. If a Christian is amoral, they are acting against the teaching that they apparently accepted at some point. Jesus himself said repeatedly that if someone comes to him saying "Lord,Lord" but does not do the will of his Father, he will reject them. Matthew 7:21; Luke 6:46

Greed, passion, jealousy, pride, ambition, pain, fear - I could go on and on, and all of these at one time or another will induce humans to do stupid, self-destructive, and ILLOGICAL things. Atheists say that their choices are completely based on reasoning and science and logic, but humans have a tendency to lie to themselves, too, and their choices too frequently turn out to be based on any one of these kinds of things.

Now there is an additional statistic, that atheists are more likely to commit suicide or be depressed or abuse drugs.

So we have incentive to do better morally in our lives, by our acceptance and love for our Creator, and by the example set by Jesus Christ.

Sometimes atheists will point to certain church practices and history as proof that God would not exist in the midst of this confusion. But what they are doing is blaming God for the works of humans. Despite having the scriptures, many churches and religions still teach and practice ungodly and non-Christian doctrines, which make that worship in vain.

It is logical that the evil of the world will one day be done away with by the power of a just Creator.

By the way, creationism is NOT a common belief of all those who accept the existence of a Creator - it is a term that was appropriated and defined by specific religious groups as including the unscriptural belief that the earth or the universe was created in six 24-hour days.The Bible, specifically the first two chapters, define the word "day" as 12 hours, 24 hours, or the creative period. This indicates that the word day is a fixed period of time, not necessarily 24 hours long.

Just because a Creator of the universe cannot be seen does not deny his existence, because we don't see gravity, or the wind, or electricity, but we know that they exist, because we see their effects. Similarly, when we see lives radically changing for the better because of a new found faith in a Creator, we are seeing the effects of God in their lives. I have seen this many, many times, and no atheist can deny that this happens.

The truth is that there is no proof that there is no intelligent Creator - and the tremendous complexity and interconnectedness of our existence strongly indicate that one does. Atheists generally do not want to talk about beginnings or of finding final answers to important questions, which is the whole point of it all. Who am I? What am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going? Is this life all there is? We could give our opinion about these questions, but opinions are not answers.

It is true that most great scientists in history believed that the earth was created.

To insist that scientific methodology was conceived only in the last 300 years is unreasonable, especially in view of our knowledge of ancient cultures and their accomplishments - they were not all ignorant deluded illiterate goat herders.

It is also true that the modern scientist accepts that at some point in the distant past, the universe began to exist.

This fact brings Kalam's Cosmological Argument into play. (Google it)

It is also true that an alternate cause of the universe is intelligent rather than a mindless force. The question then is, is the ultimate source of that existence someTHING or someONE -- that is, a mindless random source, or an intelligent one?

Because information has never resulted from randomness, the intelligent answer is superior.

Therefore, there exists an intelligent, powerful, purpose-oriented, uncreated Creator as the one true God.
2015-04-22 12:56:43 UTC
What evidence is there against him?
2015-04-20 07:40:35 UTC
the holy bible and every thing we see shows god designed it
2015-04-21 04:47:36 UTC
the bible.Read it.You will know everything you need/know about God
2015-04-28 16:39:01 UTC

Can u make one like that? no?why?
2015-04-20 07:37:03 UTC
Somewhere between zero and none.
2015-04-22 11:19:05 UTC
2015-04-21 08:38:12 UTC
Life, the universe, and everything.
2015-04-23 22:40:25 UTC
Ask, and ye shall receive...
2015-04-26 17:25:37 UTC
absolutely none
2015-04-24 04:12:07 UTC
Lord Xenu
2015-04-23 11:15:55 UTC
2015-04-23 10:22:21 UTC
2015-04-21 17:41:39 UTC
wall street.
2015-04-28 21:39:59 UTC
2015-04-22 10:12:30 UTC
Same excuse they always say "faith" :p
2015-04-22 07:21:18 UTC
Read the Bible. you have to have faith and you have to believe.
2015-04-22 10:59:25 UTC
everyother thing that we look at even us
2015-04-21 15:01:52 UTC
Sorry, but none.
2015-04-26 05:05:26 UTC
2015-04-22 07:43:29 UTC
"Remember your faith.Faith has made you whole."enough said.
2015-04-22 05:22:24 UTC
The bible bro READ IT OR GO TO HELL
2015-04-29 14:45:58 UTC
absolutely nothing.
2015-04-23 14:22:25 UTC

for a start.....
2015-04-22 21:31:20 UTC
2015-04-29 23:41:30 UTC
you create just one life -----
2015-04-21 10:20:17 UTC
The messengers and their miracles...
2015-04-25 14:16:05 UTC
miracles do happen
2015-04-20 07:36:58 UTC
A universe which has clearly been intelligently designed
2015-04-25 21:49:31 UTC
good question
2015-04-20 15:24:59 UTC
there is none
2015-04-20 13:28:38 UTC
2015-04-20 07:52:31 UTC
Deborah Nicholls
2015-04-22 12:04:25 UTC
Not enough that it is.
2015-04-22 08:46:05 UTC
2015-04-23 11:20:51 UTC
el atlatl
2015-04-22 14:09:15 UTC
2015-05-01 15:40:13 UTC
The Bible says the bible is true.
2015-05-01 14:57:21 UTC
2015-04-22 10:13:00 UTC
Mike Cooper
2015-04-21 17:53:32 UTC
2015-04-24 13:03:45 UTC
2015-04-21 07:32:00 UTC
nothing but the Bible
2015-04-23 10:54:08 UTC
2015-04-23 14:39:08 UTC
The rainbow my friend......
2015-04-27 09:12:50 UTC
Our reality is one of cause and effect.If all causes are also effects of other causes nothing would happen i.e nothing would exist.Therefore see we see that we DO exist ,there must a source ,an origin from which all things came.Now one might think okay ,I agree that everything had to come from something uncreated but does it have to be a God ?!

Well the answer is simple .Some might think all things came from the Monad that is the primeval blob of energy and mass that erupted to cause the big bang.However ,from observation we see that the amount of energy and mass in the universe is finite so it does not seem rational how something eternal could be having a set value when nothing was there to set such a value.This means that the one thing from all things came from must be infinite .And since the universe we observe is not infinite by itself we can conclude that the limited universe which we live in came from something infinite which is distinct and separate.

Some people even now may refuse to accept the idea of an supreme being but there is no other explanation for the world we see around us.WE ourselves are the proof of a single genderless deity who is all-powerful.We need no miracles for proof ,only understanding ,knowledge and wisdom.

Here are some facts that evolution cannot explain

1)There is not a single specimen of a transitional animal and too many “missing links” including for humans.

2)The bodies of plants and animals seem to have the ability to ‘learn’ from the surrounding and pass off that information to descendants in the form of resistance and other mutations.Although a large part of evolution is based on this ,no one can explain how this mechanism came into being.The discovery of nylon-eating bacteria has been used by critics of creationism and intelligent design, in both print articles and on websites, to challenge creationist claims. These bacteria can produce novel enzymes that allow them to feed on by-products of nylon manufacture which did not exist prior to the invention of nylon in the 1930s.The daily decisions we make about lifestyle, diet, exercise, thought patterns and environment can directly affect the physical sequence of our DNA. Stressful events and factors in our lives can link various methyl groups to our genetics, or change the histones that make up our DNA. Think these changes are too insignificant to notice? Think again. These subtle shifts in the well-being of our nuclei can go so far as to impact the genetics of our children, making them more or less susceptible to hereditary factors such as high blood pressure or life expectancy.

3)Some intrepid biologists at the University of Southern California (USC) have discovered bacteria that survives on nothing but electricity — rather than food, they eat and excrete pure electrons. These bacteria yet again prove the almost miraculous tenacity of life — but, from a technology standpoint, they might also prove to be useful in enabling the creation of self-powered nanoscale devices that clean up pollution. Some of these bacteria also have the curious ability to form into ‘biocables,’ microbial nanowires that are centimeters long and conduct electricity as well as copper wires — a capability that might one day be tapped to build long, self-assembling subsurface networks for human use.As you may recall from high school biology, almost every living organism consumes sugar to survive. When it gets right down to it, everything you eat is ultimately converted or digested into single molecules of glucose. Without going into the complexities of respiration and metabolism (ATP!), these sugars have excess electrons — and the oxygen you breathe in really wants those electrons. By ferrying electrons from sugar to oxygen, a flow of electrons — i.e. energy — is created, which is then used to carry out various vital tasks around your body (triggering electrons, beating your heart, etc.)

4)Some say that Humans and Apes share 98% of their DNA but this is untrue.A new report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that the common value of >98% similarity of DNA between chimp and humans is incorrect.Roy Britten, author of the study, puts the figure at about 95% when insertions and deletions are included. Importantly, there is much more to these studies than people realize.

5)One would expect that, at the very bottom of the fossil record, the remains of living creatures would be extremely sparse. Contrariwise, the earliest fossil stratum reflects an “explosion of life” that is so profuse it baffles Darwinists. They portray it as one of the “major” mysteries of the history of life.Similar explosions have occurred in history at certain instances and nobody knows why.Some claim that such lifeforms may have been introduced by meteors from other planets but this is a baseless thing cooked up by evolutionist to avoid having to accept creationism .An individual once said “Evolutionists claim that only they do not follow blindly but many of them have toyed with the idea of infections from alien organism .This is fallacious because it presume DNA accidentally occurred elsewhere ” Another thing to point out is that the idea of Panspermia (that life originated from outside sources) implies that an organism had not only evolved extremely fast since the beginning of time but it also supposes that it’s evolution was so fast that it traveled millions of kilometers for thousands of years.It also supposes that such life could support itself on such a journey.

6)The earliest forms of life should be characterized by a lesser complexity than that which supposedly evolved much later. But such is not the case. The so-called “simple” forms of life are “incredibly complex” (Simpson, 15). The alleged upward swing of the evolutionary chain presents many a problem. A fern, for instance, has 500 chromosomes in the nucleus of each of its cells, a crayfish has 200, while humans have only 46. This is an anomaly.So pose the fallacious “Scaffolding” argument that life was complex and then devolved .But this implies either an overly abnormal ultra-fast evolution into a complex organism before it devolved or it implies the illogical ,that life emerged as complex forms.

7)Advanced organisms have two sexes. Gradual evolution could not have produced sexuality. To say that it could have done so is to assume that both sexes evolved from the same ancestor. Even if one sex of a species evolved, it would have died without a mate. As put by Parker, “…we can’t even imagine that males evolved from females, or vice versa.. ” If sex emerged by accident both sexes needed to have formed from the same parent at the same time ,with compatible sexual organs and also the desire to mate AND the ability to conceive.

8)Evolution demands long, uninterrupted spans of time. Yet the geologic record is one of catastrophes that interrupted life on earth. Gould admits that these “great dyings” are a problem because “our strong biases for gradual and continuous change force us to view mass extinctions as anomalous and threatening.For example when the great Ice age occurred ,millions of plant and animals perished yet life reemerged when the ice age receded and such organisms were adapted to the new surrounding.This also applies to the mass extinction at the end of the age of dinosaurs.

9] Now just think,suppose a evolution did happen and a micro organism ‘did’ form by accident.At the immediate second it became alive it had to have the ability to eat,breath,excrete ,reproduce etc.(Characteristics of living things) at the very instant it was born. IF even one of the mechanisms did not exist then the organism would die the next second it was born.So how did everything come exactly as life would require it?And that too in a single instant the ‘mistake’ happened?Let us now consider single aspects at a time- So suppose if the organism was born it would have to have evolved the ability to reproduce.But it had no ancestors to evolve the ability from.So it could not multiply (without considering it would die due inability to breath,inability to eat,missing digestive system for specific food it eats etc.) and therefore no offspring.Therefore no life would be there today.The same applies to the other requirements for life.Further more,DNA is like a DVD that requires a computer to be of any use.DNA just floating around does not do anything.It requires a body capable of reading the information and then implementing it.You see ,so the first DNA organism ‘also’ had to have a DNA containing all the information of the body structure (even though the body structure was by accident-so how did it know?How did it ‘generate’ the information into encoded DNA?) and also a system capable of containing the information and processing it.So you see,too many parts of living beings required a sudden leap to have formed and these leaps have had to come about in a controlled and/or meaningful manner.Scientist have created proteins in situations similar to those of a young earth.Guess what.Like DNA,protein does not mean life.It requires an already fully functioning body to be of any use in life processes.

10) How on earth can a cellular organism form since the cell wall and the organs need to have been accidentally created at the same moment and the cell organs have to be formed ‘inside’ the cell ,the cell needs to be able to transport resources (food) in and excrete wastes to prevent dangerous buildup.To do this the cell wall needs to be fine tuned to only allow specific materials in and specific materials out while at the same time any mechanism within the cell must be accidentally ,one that perfectly needs only those resources which are allowed in and specifically produces those chemical products capable of being ejected form the body.This is the argument for intelligent design.

There are many but it’s too long and also difficult to find because most things like this are simply classified as ‘weird’ and then ignored
2015-04-23 13:38:47 UTC
2015-04-20 15:12:18 UTC
This. . .
2015-04-22 20:17:00 UTC
none!! ^^
2015-04-23 03:10:56 UTC
kelly k
2015-04-22 11:07:13 UTC
we don't. its all beliefs duh

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.