Yes, to varying degrees everyone interprets data according to their core beliefs.
You do have some really interesting points about
'intelligence'. Jesus praised God stating that God hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes
Of course, one needs to compare scripture with scripture and read the context. But it is, nevertheless a truth. There is something within the heart of God that delights to choose the despised and rejected of this world and then turn them into something great for His kingdom.
A short story:
In a West Country village there was a man called the ‘Village Fool’ . He ws called a fool because whenever the locals mockingly offered him a choice between a £20 or a £1, the fool would hastily grab the £1. .So they laughed, mocked and called him a Fool.
As this man fame spread, many people came to visit the village just to try it and see for themselves, the fool who refused £20.. And on and on it went.
Who was the Fool?
This question was a burning subject of debate in Ancient Greece.
“Who were the fools and who were the wise”.
One group called the Epicureans believed it was wise to fulfil ever pleasure, passion and appetite that ‘grab them’. They lived their life’s to do whatever their heart felt good to do.
‘Eat, drink for tomorrow we die.’
The Stoics on the other hand said
“The Epicureans were Fools, if a man lives that way, instead of being free as they suppose, they will actually become trapped, enslaved and eventually ruled by these very same lascivious practices that they suppose will free them”.
A stoic taught that passions and appetite should be rigidly subdued. To be indifferent to pleasure or sorrow.
To go to the height of a mountain top and maintain that stoical attitude and to be unmoved and impassionate by the love of a women.
So they would argue, who was wise and who was foolish, and their favourite place of debate was ‘Mars hill’ in Athens.
One day while these great intellectuals and Scholars were debating and listening to one another’s ideas, a short, bald and probably bandy legged Jew (not much too look at) told them the truth about God.
The majority on hearing just began to laugh and ridicule.
The apostle Pauls next port of call from Athens was Corinth, where later He wrote to Corinthians saying-;&version=50;
God requires faith and a humble heart not just knowledge.
If you could reach God by purely intellectual means, only the cleaver people would find God and then they would rather likely have an monopoly of power on all other ‘lesser’ mortals..Isn’t our Father wise, even a child can believe. How wise is our Father.
How could sin be dealt with, without repentance and a humble knowing that we have done nothing to deserve this free gift of Grace? In fact, to find God purely on an intellectual basis would certainly increase the pride of the individual who found Him.
The bible says that ‘God resists the proud but gives grace to the Humble’
I know who I believe and I know through experience, He is Faithful.
I don’t blindly believe in a distant God. God has proved himself again and again.
In Hebrews 11 &12
In these chapters we have the testimony of Gods faithfulness in the lives of men and woman who have trusted Him.We have an even greater cloud of witnesses than we find in these scriptures, because we have another 2000 years worth of testimonies to Gods faithfulness.
I’ve people all around me who can bare testimony to the faithfulness of God. God is Faithful, He is faithful and true.
In fact, He is The Truth.