Religion is merely a tool that helps people reach spiritual goals. Like all tools it can be used either to help or to harm. Or in the words of folksinger Ani DiFranco "every tool is a weapon if you hold it right."
A person can be a good person and follow no religion. A person can be a bad person and follow a religion. Good and bad are not determined by one's religion, good and bad are determined by one's actions and words. If their actions and words are good, they are good. If their actions and words are bad, they are bad. I believe the Bible says "and you shall know them by their fruit" (i.e. by their actions and words...or the stuff that comes from us just as fruit comes from the plant).
A Hindu teacher once said that even if a person has no religion and is not religious, but devotes themselves to others, or just to one other person, like say their child or spouse, and in their devotion it is equal to the same devotion that one would direct towards God; Since everything manifested out of God and thus maintains it's divine spark of creation, then that person, too, through devotion, can also achieve the same results that the person using religion desires. (I'm paraphrasing...he used more elaborate speech, but the same message). Thus, religious or not is not the key, instead it is a matter of spirituality. Spirituality is the realization that we are interconnected and that the way I treat you is ultimately a reflection on how I treat myself (and, if you are I treat God). The person who treats others the way they'd treat God (whether they believe in God or not is what the Hindu teacher was saying) is able to achieve the same results as the religious person.
Since I am a Hindu and since I have friends of other religions as well as friends who are Agnostic and Atheist and I see how they interact and treat others, I can definately say that I do see how the friends who have great care towards others, who treat them with great respect and so on, how similar we seem to be on our spiritual journeys and those who are selfish and self-centered (ego minded) how dissimilar we seem to be spiritually.
Hope that all made sense.
Peace be with you.