Is isa the false prophet/false Jesus of the Bible ?
2011-01-06 06:28:54 UTC
This is a comparison Between the Isa ( Jesus according to the quran ) and the false prophet of revelation ! the second beast coming out of the sea ! ( bible )

Lets start of with Prophet Isa ( Koran / Hadith )


Position - Subordinate to al-Mahdi. Lower in status than al-Mahdi. Help al-Mahdi achieve his goals.

Function - A prominent religious leader. Helps al-Mahdi institute Islam over world. All other religions will be abolished.

Religion - Direct people to worship Allah

Laws - Help al-Mahdi to institute Shari'a Law and Islamic calendar

Behavior - Will claim to be the real Jesus, and act like him. Lying allowed under certain circumstances according to Sunnah of Muhammad.

Christianity - Will abolish Christianity

Proselytization - Will persuade many Christians to become Muslims

Persecution - Persecutes and kills Jews and Christians

Miracles - As a prophet, will possibly be able to perform miracles

"Mark of the Beast" - A beast will mark the Muslims on the forehead to distinguish from non-Muslims.

Slayer - Isa will kill ad-Dajjal.


Position - Subordinate to Antichrist. Lower in status than Antichrist. Help Antichrist achieve his goals.

Function - A prominent religious leader. Helps Antichrist institute world religion over world. No other religion allowed.

Religion - Direct people to worship "dragon" (satan)

Laws - Help Antichrist to change laws and times

Behavior - Horns like a lamb (exercises authority like Jesus), speak like a dragon (lies and leading people astray and away from God)

Christianity - Will direct all to follow Antichrist and his religion.

Proselytization - Will lead many astray from Jesus and God of the Bible. There will be a great falling away (the Great Apostasy) in the End Times.

Persecution - Persecutes and kills Jews and Christians who refuse to follow Antichrist and him

Miracles - Performs astounding miracles

"Mark of the Beast" - Institute the mark on the forehead or right hand so that only those who have the mark can buy and sell.

Slayer - Antichrist will kill the Two Witnesses.

Isa will kill the Christians who refused to submit to Islam, whereas Jesus warned the Christians in the Bible that they will be persecuted and killed for their faith in Him:

"Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me." (Matthew 24:9).

We have examined in detail what the Islamic hadiths say about the coming apocalyptic character of Isa, which is the Muslim version of Jesus. The descriptions are of course very different from that of Jesus of the Bible. We also compared Isa with another apocalyptic character mentioned in the Bible, namely the second beast of Revelations 13, also nicknamed the "False Prophet". We see very important similarities between these two characters. The many anti-parallels between Isa and the False Prophets forces us to conclude that the coming Isa in Islam corresponds to the "False Prophet" in the Bible.

In my next question I will come the Dijjal ( antichrist of islam ) and the two witnesses of revelation !!!
Ten answers:
2011-01-06 06:32:29 UTC
I think Jesus is the false prophet of the Torah...

Deuteronomy 13:1-6
2011-01-06 09:33:25 UTC

The main stream Islam which constitutes 90% of Muslims have a different teachings about the Mahdi.

The Mahdi will be born sometime in the future (maybe soon, no one knows)

He will be from the children of Hassan and not Hussain.

His name will be like the Prophet (pbuh) Muhammad bin Abdullah

He will not know that he is the Mahdi, until it is time.

He will be announced while he is in Mecca and people will rush to give him allegiance.

He will declare war on the foreign forces in the area and his fight will be for about 7 years.

Then the Anti-Christ will appear and fight back and almost win all the earth.

At that point Jesus (pbuh) will descent near the white minaret in Damascus.

He will meet the army of Mahdi at the time of Fajr (dawn) prayer, when they are about to pray.

The Mahdi will retreat to let Jesus lead the prayer.

Jesus insists that the Mahdi continue to lead "this" prayer as it was called for him "Iqama"

Hence after Jesus takes over and lead the prayers and the army and the fight.

Jesus Kills the Anti-Christ (Dajjal)

Mahdi dies at one point.

Jesus continues to live for 40 years as the Caliph.


The minority Muslims misunderstood the gesture of Jesus insisting that Mahdi should lead that prayer and thought that this is a sign for the hierarchy not knowing or forgetting that nowadays if the Imam is late the prayer can not be delayed so any other person can lead the prayer and once that starts even is the Imam arrives he can not lead the prayer, it is too late. But he picks up on the other prayer as usual.


So, yes Jesus is higher in rank to the Mahdi, as we know that Jesus is one of the top five prophets in rank above all other prophets hence all humans. Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad.

Even that we know that we still are not supposed to favor or put one prophet above the others, like the prophet Muhammad taught.


the teachings that Imams from the children of the prophet are higher in rank has no basis what so ever.
2011-01-06 06:50:52 UTC
Prophecy "scholars" used to assume that the Antichrist would be a new Adolph Hitler sort of guy and that the False Prophet would be a renegade Pope.

Since the Iranian revolt of 1979, and especially after 9-11-2001, things have been re-calibrated to focus on Islam and Muslims.

If you ask me the correct interpretative schema of the Books of Daniel, Revelation, 4 Ezra, Enoch, and other prophecy texts is called "preterism." The other two schools- premillenialism and amillenialism-

are based on wrong assumptions, bad hermeneutics, and an erroneous reading of Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic material.
2011-01-06 06:41:42 UTC
Jesus is not a false prophet .

As I told you in my previous answer .I have a "gift of spiritual discernment" by the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus or "Isa" tells me that Islam is a Satanic religion.Allah is the name of the Devil. Al Qur'an(the Koran) is a revelation from Satan.

God can and does reveal his Love and goodness through a Satanic religion like Islam, but the real truth lies in Christianity.Those Muslims are real Devil worshippers- whether they know it or not.
2011-01-06 06:39:36 UTC
Imam Mahdi, Isa vs Dajjal. Dajjal is those who go against God. Imam Mahdi will assist Isa or Jesus to kill those who said he is God.
2016-04-25 13:31:48 UTC
You seem to confuse between Shia and Sunna, Most of the descriptions u just wrote are in the Hadiths if SHIA ,and there's nothing like that in SUNNA ISLAM. Position : Exactly, that's what the SHIAS believe NOT SUNNIS, We Sunnis believe El Mahdi will be the FOLLOWER of Jesus, and Jesus will be in A HIGHER status than El Mahdi. Behavior : LYING ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Why do u ppl don't want to understand that Lying is FORBIDDEN in Islam ?!!!!!?! and u say Jesus will lie ?!!!!! It's not the problem of Sunnis that some weird Shias believe Islam allows them to lie in their believes as what they call "Taqqyah" Shias allow that NOT SUNNIS. Christianity : The only thing mentioned is that he will show the Christians that they r untruthful, he will break the crusade to deny what Christians think is that he was crucified . That's it. Proselytization: He will not persuade them, they will CONVERT alone because they WILL BELIEVE HIM. And because God will make every person has a 1 % belief in God convert to Islam. Persecution: NOTHING mentioned he will kill Christians, as i said, God will make believers convert, But he will fight the Jews who denied him and proud of killing him. ’Miracles: Can u give a verse or hadith says so? ""Mark of the Beast" - A beast will mark the Muslims on the forehead to distinguish from non-Muslims. """ As i said who will have a mark is the ANTI CHRIST , NEITHER JESUS NOR EL MAHDI u seem like confusing between Jesus, el mahdi and Anti-Christ, they are all different ppl, Jesus & el mahdi will be against the anti-christ, it doesn't make a sense that the Anti-christ will appear to fight the anti-christ and will say to ppl to believe in God ! RE:CHARACTERISTIC'S OF THE FALSE PROPHET IN THE BIBLE ( REVELATION ) Position : .As i said, Jesus will never be lower than el Mahdi, i think i showed enough in my previous answer that el mahdi is NOT the anti-christ. 2.Religion : How in the world would someone say to worship Satan, and the WHOLE QURAN IS CURSING SATAN AND WARNING FROM HIM ??!??! 3.Laws: he will change evil laws, like the allowance of adultery..etc , He will put Sharia law. nothing evil in Sharia law. 4.Christianity: false, he will not ask them to follow el mahdi, we will only prove he is not the son of God and they should worship God not him. 5.Proselytization: he won't lead any one, as i said God will make each person has a 1 % belief in God convert to Islam. 6.Persecution : He WON'T ask anyone to follow el mahdi !!!!!! he won't kill Christians read previous answer. But he will fight the Jews because they denied him and believe they r proud of the thought of killing him. 7.NEITHER JESUS NOR EL MAHDI WILL HAVE ANY MARKS .
2011-01-06 06:33:44 UTC
nope, Isa, is the name Jesus gave himself. at least according to one scholar who was recently on

the story of isa isnt even in the bible.

and yes there were missing years of jesus life not accounted for in the bible. from the age of 14 or 15 Jesus disapears from Israel and is said to have appeared in the druid schools in Britain and then later in life in Asia. or the far east. jesus didnt reappear until he had to pay the strangers tax in Israel when he was about 37. Jesus died at age 40
2011-01-06 06:43:36 UTC
Yes I heard so by some Christians
Laughing Out Loud
2011-01-06 06:36:44 UTC
so are you saying jesus is the false prophet, because isa is just arabic for jesus, isnt it
2011-01-06 06:32:44 UTC
Who cares?

All religion is low grade science fiction anyway.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.