The Original Sin ?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
The Original Sin ?
Fourteen answers:
Siva is the King of Yack :-)
2008-03-11 14:48:45 UTC
Dear Deito,

I think attachment is the original sin. We think we can hold onto things that have passed or to dreams that have never been. Since the mind can only hold a few separate things it is forced to join different fears and desires into lumps. So we connect our dreams and fantasies into an entity we call our past. This baggage is being created each time we ignore the present reality and escape into our day dream state.

Only by comparing this present moment to another, either the memory of a past event or a fantasy of a future event, do we judge the moment. It is only by such comparisons that we perceive pleasure and pain.

Since the past is just a memory and the future is just a fantasy, only the present moment exists and this moment is eternal. That is why we must fill ourselves with the current moment.

At least this is my current understanding. I hope I have not misunderstood your question.

2008-03-11 20:26:07 UTC
The origional sin is just a fallen angel.

Everything was once just bliss.

Everything will become bliss again.

We just happen to be existing presently between the two states of bliss.(We are in Maya)

We can achieve the state of bliss individually but the reason why we cannot remain there is that the whole of humanity has to be awakened .

Purified drops of water dropped into a polluted ocean will become polluted. However if the ocean consists of many purified drops then it's the other way around and a polluted drop can drop into it and become cleansed.

Actually we shouldn't identify with sin. We should identify with our spirit.

much love
i am Sirius
2008-03-11 21:40:34 UTC've struck a chord in me...can't quite grasp it, but the idea of allowing thoughts to arise without the ego compulsion to connect them to one another in strings of "meaning," which have no inherent function or significance, is giving me pause. We "connect the dots," word to word to word, thought to thought to thought, much like the drawing game of children, which creates a picture, and brings into manifestation. So every dot or thought comes from the previous dot or past thought to the next dot or future thought. All the dots or thoughts make a picture or a thing (an emotion, a situation, a judgment, a desire, etc.). i can sense something of great importance here. Now i must go away and sit with this, letting it percolate through me. Thank you, Deito...please correct me if i am off the target (sin).

i am Sirius
Orpheus Think Tank Repairman
2008-03-11 15:07:52 UTC
Well, I looked and didn't find much yet... but this is what I have so far,

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Original Sin)

So far nothing but the Adam & Eve concept... and I have looked my friend... but I have not given up the search yet...

The GOSPEL TRUTH ~ Are Men Born Sinners?

The Myth of Original Sin ~Written by A. T. Overstreet

Copyright (c) 1995 by A. T. Overstreet


2008-03-11 16:58:37 UTC
This relates to the making of the illusory world through the first incorrect thought of separating from God. Before the Universe came into being, all living things were of One mind, consisting of God and His creations, which are an identical extension of His Mind. However, a thought arose in the mind of God’s children as to what it would be like to live apart from the Creator. This caused such fear and sorrow that the feelings could not be contained within the mind of God’s children, and it had to be projected outwards to create the illusory Universe: our guilt and sorrow could then be projected onto external living bodily creatures rather than being held within our mind. At this point, both time and space came into being, but neither of these is real. All error we see in the world is the result of this one mistake of thinking that we can live apart from God, which in itself is impossible. Only through setting aside all connection to this world can sufficient peace be achieved to allow God once again to reveal Himself to us, which is enlightenment and returning to Heaven. This is achieved through the practice of true forgiveness (i.e. understanding that the Universe is an illusion), and by asking our higher Self (the Holy Spirit) to correct our error of thinking.

What your statement is saying is that the original sin of the belief in separation from God has led to the love of unreal thoughts and the making of bodily life-forms which, like the Universe, are an illusion. In reality, there is Oneness, not the duality or multiplicity which this world shows us. Also, since God was not involved in the creation of the world, everything in this world is of a temporary nature: even stars and galaxies will eventually end. This is how time has come into being: it arises owing to change, whereas reality is changeless and eternal, and therefore time does not exist. The term “connection of thoughts” relates to our connection to the illusory physical world which we have made. We need to set aside any desire for the illusion of this world in order to return to the reality of Heaven, where we are again one with God and each other, and where we have total fulfilment and happiness. Please e-mail me if you have any questions or comments.
2008-03-11 18:42:36 UTC
The Christian version of Original sin maks no sense.(which isn't the original way Lord Jesus taught us anyways) God is fare and to continue to sin for the one sin of another is not practicle nor mercyful. The fact is we are suffering from our previous lives actions.(karma) What goes around comes around. Until one understand Karma, Reincarnation and no one goes to hell eternall, one can't begin to understand the unlimited mercy and love of God. (which Jesus did originally teach. For info read Gospel of the Nazirenes Google

But as far as original sin. Being there is no sin in the eternal kingdom of God. (also known as Krishna, Allah, Jehovah, Vishnu, Rama, etc) our only sin was the thought of envying His position. Like a curious naughty child, we wanted to check out this place of Illusion and try to lord over material existence. After Krishna told us that it will be a very long journey and will be very difficult to over come with lots of suffering, but ultimately we would find our way back to Him. Still we wanted to come here. He never touches our free will >Then BAMMM we took birth here. What a bad bargain that was. I'm going HOME. Thanks.
Senile Old Fart
2008-03-11 19:50:49 UTC
For me the original sin is to think that I'm not part of everything else. What lives in me lives in you making us one in the spiritual sense. Karma works because if I harm you then I harm my true self. Someone complained to Dr Chopra that people cuss to much and he said that people don't cuss around him because of who he is, we bring out in others what is part of ourselves. Knowledge of right and wrong is self knowledge. Knowledge what's betrayal of self and what's affirmation of self makes us judge ourselves as worthy or unworthy. When we bind ourselves by self judgment this way we do so both in the material world and in the spiritual. Only you have authority to judge yourself and because people are cruel they are cruel to themselves. All of these dynamics happen at a subconscious level so it's not as if one were to cheat in a courtroom and pardon oneself. Forgiveness of self must be true and perfect which isn't possible by simply saying it's so from mind or ego. The judgment goes deeper when we judge others because what we judge in others condemns us, this is the very reason why we must release our materialistic tendencies so we can release our outrage and find the ability to love.

This concept is part of the keys to the spiritual realm and I could write an entire book here in answer to your question but it will do no good for those that aren't ready to understand and those that are ready either already understand or will understand shortly.

This is an excellent question by the way.
VAndors Excelsior™ (Jeeti Johal Bhuller)™
2008-03-11 14:19:12 UTC
The Original sin is treachery, infidelity, covetousness.

The seven deadly sins as they are called corrupt moral fibre and contribute if not cause outrightly social and moral decay.

Ravanns covetousness of Rams wife Sita, her capture and the resulting ruination of the house of both Rams and Ravan.

Mankind cannot progress or evolve until it gains mastery of will, and self discipline, until then, it errs, stumbles, regains footing to err once again ....

Discipline, Control and Power of Will.
2008-03-12 08:17:31 UTC
u right there BT only far as u wrote, 'understanding is the frst step of realisations', 'The original sin' began in paradise with Adam and Eva and that curios snake which offered them that forbidden apple, loll, cheers, lippie
2008-03-12 00:32:37 UTC
Dear Deito,

Certainly I'll give you a deep & a detailed answer for your question.I'm not going to blame anyone or any thought for the original sin.

I know that you are a devotee of Hari.Do you believe in the formless God or Hari Conscious?So many rishis & saints have experienced the formless God & have tried to explain it but in vain.

When asked about God, Gautham Buddha was silent as he could not explain soonya to people of his time.

My Guru Vethathiri Maharishi has explained space in a scientific manner.He said that space is Conscious & it has 3 other qualities 1. Force, 2.Totality & 3. Time.The Conscious or Space is not static as everybody think.My Guru has explained it as quivering which is the lowest form of vibration in the whole universe.

The force in the space is self compressive & so the space emerges as a whirling wave which is the fundamental energy particle & the building block of the universe.

The cause of the original sin is this force.If there isn't any force & the space is just the pure Conscious the universe wouldn't have come.If there is only the force & no Conscious[viveka] then the universe will not function in a regular pattern & precise way.

So now in the evolution process the force & the Conscious functions as when one is patent the other is latent & makes the universe function in a proper way.

All the negative qualities in animals as well as human beings are due to the cause of the force functioning in each cell.All the positive qualities are due to thecause of the Conscious[viveka]There is a saying that ,"when there is speed[force] there will not be the viveka".This speed or the force is the cause of all the sin.Anybody if he uses his viveka will not do any sin.

Nature is such that the whole universe functions because of the +ve & the -ve force.Can you blame anybody for the sin?If one uses his super conscious he will not do any crime, it is the negative gorce in him makes to do all the wrong doings.He does it when the force is patent in him.

Now coming to the Toatality, it is the Love which binds the whole universe & that's why we say God is love.An enlightened person has the force, conscious in him.He sees that only his viveka works in him.He never let the force dominate him.The totality or the wholeness is the love of an enlightened man where he is only love.He experiences this.

I hope Deito that you can understand each word of mine & clears your doubt.


2008-03-12 01:49:34 UTC
Original sin:

When you don't see the truth because you don't want.

The truth its out there, just open your eyes and see the light.
2008-03-11 14:08:09 UTC
Original Sin is gullibility!
2008-03-11 23:29:11 UTC
Deito y cry thy Lord Vishnu ?You are the deity of your lord no need to cry....
2008-03-11 17:17:46 UTC
The original sin is elevating Self (or Ego) on to the throne that only God should occupy. Basically, you could call it selfishness (or, self-FULL-ness). It is deeply unsatisfying.

As a Christian, I believe the triune nature of the Godhead helps us understand this. Here is how the monk Thomas Merton explains it: "God in his trinity of subsistent relations makes an infinite escape from every shadow of selfishness. For the one God does not subsist apart and alone in his oneness; he subsists as Father and as Son and as Holy Ghost. These three are one but apart from them God does not subsist also as one. He is three persons but one God. But the persons are not independent and alone. They are one and yet they exist in view of each other, communicating their one infinite being to one another.

... Each of these three exists not for himself but for the other and the one God who exists only in them is a circle of relations in which his infinite reality, love, is ever identical and ever renewed, always perfect and always total, always beginning and never ending, absolute, everlasting and full.

... For the one love of the three persons is an infinitely rich giving of itself which never ends and is never taken but is always perfectly given, only received in order to be perfectly shared and returned. It is because this circulation of the love of God never finds a SELF that is capable of halting and absorbing it, but only another principle of communication and return, that the life and happiness of God are absolutely infinite and perfect and inexhaustible. Therefore in God there can be no selfishness because the three selves of God are three subsistent relations of selflessness, overflowing and superabounding in joy in the perfection of their gift of their one life to one another.

The love of these persons is contemplation. Our joy and our life are destined to be nothing but a participation in the life that is theirs. In them we will one day live entirely for God and for one another as the persons of God live for one another."

Jesus had to be incarnated to defeat the effects of original sin. And because Jesus died that we might live, we can become new creatures in him, by faith. The closer we get to God, the more we have to die to self.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.