It has been dated to around 300 BCE, so that puts the age of the book to around 2,300 years old.
Joel V
2010-01-02 13:06:37 UTC
To my knowledge, the dead sea scrolls are dated around the 2nd century BC.
Dear Dogma
2010-01-02 13:06:22 UTC
The book of enoch is considered to be pseudopigripha, ( ie; not written by either of the two Enoch's mentioned in scripture) and has been dated to between 200-100bc.
2010-01-02 13:24:52 UTC
Richard Laurence,LL.D. ( ArchBishop of Cashel) Translated the Book of Enoch from the Ethiopian Text. He determined it to be from about the mid second century B.C. with additions up to about 54B.C. The Text found in the Dead Sea Scrolls are nearly identical to the Ethiopian text and are felt to be Pseudo Enoch and in fact contained remnants of the ancient Kabballah theology.
2010-01-02 13:16:28 UTC
Actually Fireball the book of Enoch is mentioned in the book of Jude in the N.T.
2010-01-02 13:09:54 UTC
the dead sea scrolls were written about 200 BC
the bible was written about 300 BC
The virtually intact Isaiah Scroll, which contains some of the most dramatic Messianic prophecy, is 1,000 years older than any previously known copy of Isaiah