How do you explain that Jesus said from the cross "my god, my god, why hast thou forsaken me"?
2009-07-10 11:25:38 UTC
My answer is: Under the concepts and precepts of the Christian religion there is no way in hell it was Jesus on that cross. Don't bore me with God had to forsake Jesus or he would not die. With god nothing is impossible.
35 answers:
2009-07-10 11:33:48 UTC
When Jesus says "my god, my god, why hast thou forsaken me?" He is not actually saying these words to God. He is quoting Psalm 22.

Psalm 22 starts with these exact words.

Back then, people knew all the psalms by heart. Jesus spoke these words to remind the crowd there that the psalm, which was a prophecy, was being fulfilled at that moment.

Look at these words from psalm 22:

"So wasted are my hands and feet that I can count all my bones. They stare at me and gloat"

"But I am a worm, hardly human, scorned by everyone, despised by the people"

"they divide my garments among them; for my clothing they cast lots."

Sound familiar?

Psalm 22 was fulfilled at the Crucifixion.

Ninja Penguin
2009-07-10 11:36:17 UTC
Actually, Jesus was quoting Psalm 22 while He was hanging there on the cross. Even while dieing on the cross, He was still trying to teach the people around Him about who He was, the Messiah; referencing this Messianic Psalm was just one of the ways He did so.

Psalm 22 is about how at the darkest times in David's life, it had seemed that God had forsaken him. However, in actuality, it was the times when God was fighting the hardest for David. Even in the greatest tribulations, God never forsook David. Jesus is saying the same thing to those who were crucifying Him and passing by: that God had not forsaken Him, but was going to deliver Him from this tribulation.

God never forsakes the righteous; never forget that.
2009-07-10 11:51:40 UTC
Its Psalm 22. jesus is basically saying he's not even a man but a worm and asks God to be saved, and if God would do it, he will tell people about the God of Israel. Then he gives a loud cry and dies. In the original version of the gospel of Mark, this is where the gospel ends - 15:37 Then jesus gave a loud cry and died.

The next addition ends with Mark 16:8 Then they went out and ran away from the tomb, trembling with amazement. They said nothing to anyone for they were afraid.

The earliest copy of the gospel ends with 16:8 and is from the 4th century.

Very interesting indeed!
2009-07-10 11:33:33 UTC
If someone were to say, "I pledge allegiance to the flag" or "Our Father who art in heaven," most people could either finish the quotation or prayer or at least understand the ideas being expressed. That is because certain quotations in our culture, whether secular or religious, are known and even memorized because of their importance.

This was true of the Psalms in Jesus time. He needed only to say the first line, and most Jews would have known the rest, or at least the message.

Jesus was quoting Psalm 22, a messianic psalm that vividly describes the agony the suffering servant would endure. God the Father did not abandon his Son in his Son’s suffering but allowed him in his humanity to experience the sense of divine abandonment that humans often feel during times of need, and especially when in sin. Just as we often feel that God has abandoned us when we are suffering (even though this isn’t the case), so the Son of God in his humanity experienced that.aspect of human suffering as well. He died for our sins, and the weight of those sins—and thus the feeling of abandonment—must have been exceedingly heavy at that point.

By quoting this psalm, Jesus shows that he is the fulfillment of that prophecy and that he will be vindicated, which is evident in the psalm’s triumphant ending.
2009-07-10 11:32:55 UTC
Bottom line is Jesus was fully God and fully man. When He was on the cross, He had human feelings! Even though He was God, He felt what anyone else would feel if they were suffering. He may have felt abandoned at the moment, but overall, He knew he was doing this to bring salvation to everyone. Yes, Jesus WAS on the cross. He suffered for us all.
2009-07-10 11:31:56 UTC
Jesus needed to suffer everything that we as people suffer, thus in His situation on the cross He was being separated from God so that Jesus would feel and understand what we as human beings go through when we do not know God.

If this is too hard for you to understand, go talk to a pastor. This is not a difficuly concept to grasp, so don't get all p.o'ed saying OH WELL, THAT'S STUPID. Grow up and learn some morals. God sent Jesus to die for you, the least you could do is respect His word. A.K.A the Bible.
2016-10-06 14:24:33 UTC
God had forsaken Him, as God the father would be nowhere close to sin, and Jesus, at that ingredient, the 9th hour, replaced into taking over himself all the sins of the international, previous and contemporary for us. he's with Him now nonetheless, at His spectacular hand, a place of honour and appreciate.
2009-07-10 11:33:46 UTC
Jesus was 100 % man and 100 % God. He died for our sins in his human flesh, tho did not die spiritually. Jesus always was from before the foundations of the earth; he then came down in human flesh in fulfillment of the scriptures to save our souls and God the Father accepted this sacrifice. We cant fully understand it, just need to accept and believe.
2009-07-10 11:30:03 UTC
When Jesus died on the cross, he took apon all of the sin of the world. The sin of the past, the present, and the future. And then he became the sin. Since God is perfect, he had to forsaken his son. Because he was sin. Then Jesus conquered the sin and death when he rose again on the third day. So that way, anyone who comes to him and asks for forgiveness will be saved.
2009-07-10 11:37:32 UTC

"Question: "Why did Jesus say, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?""

Answer: “And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46). This cry is a fulfillment of Psalm 22:1, one of many parallels between that psalm and the specific events of the crucifixion. It has been difficult to understand in what sense Jesus was “forsaken” by God. It is certain that God approved His work. It is certain that He was innocent. He had done nothing to forfeit the favor of God. As His own Son - holy, harmless, undefiled, and obedient - God still loved Him. In none of these senses could God have forsaken Him.

However, Isaiah tells us that “he bore our griefs and carried our sorrows; that he was wounded for our transgressions, and bruised for our iniquities; that the chastisement of our peace was laid upon him; that by his stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:4-5). He redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us (Galatians 3:13). He was made a sin-offering, and He died in our place, on our account, that He might bring us near to God. It was this, doubtless, which caused His intense sufferings. It was the manifestation of God’s hatred of sin, in some way which He has not explained, that Jesus experienced in that terrible hour. It was suffering endured by Him that was due to us, and suffering by which, and by which alone, we can be saved from eternal death.

In those awful moments, Jesus was expressing His feelings of abandonment as God placed the sins of the world on Him – and because of that had to “turn away” from Jesus. As Jesus was feeling that weight of sin, He was experiencing separation from God for the only time in all of eternity. It was at this time that 2 Corinthians 5:21 occurred, “God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” Jesus became sin for us, so He felt the loneliness and abandonment that sin always produces, except that in His case, it was not His sin – it was ours."
2009-07-10 11:37:13 UTC
It was the first time in where Jehovah God had completey withdrawn his holy spirit from Jesus.

God had said at the time of Jesus dedicating his life at 30 years old when he got baptised"This is my son the beloved" So from then he had more holy spirit and since he now remember his spirit life in heaven before he came to earth with his father he was always in that constant warmth, love and goodness that we as humans can never begin to understand.

Imagine how that must feel. Or rather if you beilve in satan and his demons and this world belonging to them , do you ever wonder what it would feel like to NOT have be surrounded by this constant pressure, uglyness and coldness that the world puts out?

God had to withdraw his holy spirit from him to show that this sacerfice that Jesus was making was eniterly of his own free will. It was to give a reply to the one taunting God which is the devil.

You are right that with God not is impossible his name itselfs means " he causes to become " but if you do a little more research on even why the issue of soverignty goes hand and hand with Jesus dying on the cross you might understand a little more.
John S
2009-07-10 11:37:59 UTC
"Don't bore me with God had to forsake Jesus or he would not die. With god nothing is impossible."

Saying "had to" or "otherwise this wouldn't have happened" does not mean God could not have done it differently, BUT that he wanted them to happen a certain way and had they gone differently, things would not have happened just the way they did. Therefore in a sense, they "had to" happen that way.

So you may be taking their meaning of "had to" a bit too literally. I don't believe they are trying to strip God of his ability to do something.. merely that it was not part of his plan.. so it had to happen a certain way, like it did.. for his plan to happen.

SO, saying that God "had to" look away from Jesus at the moment he took on the sins of the world and died for them, is NOT saying that it was impossible for God to do it any other way, but merely that for things to happen the WAY IN WHICH God planned them to happen, he "had to" look away.. separate himself from Jesus temporarily until the sins were atoned for.

He COULD Have done it many different ways.. but he planned on it happening the way it did.. so in that context Jesus "had to" be separated from God while he atoned for our sins.

Make some sense?

Now WHY God CHOSE to atone for mankind's separation and sin in that way.. is an entirely different question.

SO.. to answer your PRIMARY question..

"How do you explain that Jesus said from the cross "my god, my god, why hast thou forsaken me"?"

I explain it as "God looking aware, separating himself from Jesus at the moment that Jesus took on the sins of the world and died. Jesus had never been COMPLETELY separated from God, (after all even we aren't) therefore it could have been extremely painful to be cut-off from God.

Jesus's words actually fit Nicely with the Catholic view of hell.. and that is, of a place DEVOID of God's presence. Cut-off from God, completely and utterly.

Early Christian Creeds from the 2nd and 3rd centuries often stated that Jesus "descended into hell" -- which coincides with Jesus's words on the cross, that is "my god, my god, why hast thou forsaken me"? is exactly WHEN Jesus is experiencing this hell.. this utter separation from God, so that Jesus can complete the work of atoning for sins.

Again, WHY it had to happen just this way, and not some other way.. is a totally different question.

I'm just trying to explain the theological view behind Jesus's statement.
2009-07-10 18:35:02 UTC
For me, it's about fulfilling the Scriptures

But when it came to describing Jesus’ death scene itself, another text was particularly important: Psalm 22. In addition to showing how Jesus dies “according to the scriptures,” it also is an eloquent presentation of the suffering of an innocent one who suffers precisely because of his faithfulness to God’s will, and of someone who is ultimately vindicated by God.

• “And they crucified him, and divided his clothes among them, casting lots to decide what each should take” (Mark 15:24; Matthew 27:35) recalls Psalm 22:18, “They divide my clothes among themselves, and for my clothing they cast lots.”

• “Those who passed by derided him, shaking their heads and saying...” (Mark 15:29; Matthew 27:39) recalls Psalm 22:7, “All who see me mock me...they shake their heads.”

• “Jesus cried out in a loud voice, ‘Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?’ which is translated, ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’” (Mark 15:34; Matthew 27:46) is a direct quotation from Psalm 22:1.

Praise Our Lord, Jesus Christ.
2009-07-10 11:36:04 UTC
Jesus has two natures (Divine & human). Both are real. His Divine Nature did not totally absorb His human nature to the point of making it meaningless. And yet his human nature cannot be used to discredit His REAL Divine Nature either. Both are so real that neither can be used to discredit the other.
Thirst Quencher
2009-07-10 11:33:00 UTC
In other words he is not god no matter what christians would have you believe. The fact of the matter is that christians believe in more than one god, three to be exact, but in order to slip through the first commandment they say they are all the same.
2009-07-10 11:30:35 UTC
Because Jesus carried all the world's sins on Himself, and God had to turn His back on sin. That is why Jesus felt the connection between Himself and His Father temporarily lost. When Christ died, the penalty for all the sins He carried (the wages of sin is death) was paid. Then His connection with His Father was restored, and Christ was resurrected.
2009-07-10 12:10:58 UTC
Different writers gave him different words. The forsaken quote is only in Matthew and Mark and inserted to match a Psalm. It was invented, for an allusion to the old-testament
2009-07-10 12:19:10 UTC
My anwer is:

Dying from torture is a very lonely thing. People go through it and God went through it because nothing is impossible for God.
2009-07-10 11:31:33 UTC
He said that for the Jews who were watching. It is the beginning lines of one of the psalms that described what the Messiah would go through but they were too self absorbed to noticed.
2009-07-10 11:31:40 UTC
when Jesus was praying He said Your will be done not mine before he was taken. it was God's will that Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the whole world. when Jesus said "my God my God why have you forsken me" God left Him cause God cannot look upon sin. God punished Him for our sins Jesus took the punishment that we should of had. God made Him(Jesus) who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf
2009-07-10 11:29:56 UTC
I really like your answer that God had to forsake Him for Him to die. I WAS gonna say that God had to turn His Back because He hates sin and the sins of the world were on Jesus.
2009-07-10 11:30:26 UTC
It was the human side of Jesus. He, too, was capable of suffering and feeling forsaken. It's important to note that those aren't His last words.
2009-07-10 16:28:01 UTC
god is perfect and at that moment jesus had become sin for the whole world and god had to turn his back on sin he truly is perfect!
2009-07-10 11:32:50 UTC
In fairness, the Psalm 22 explanation is reasonable.
2009-07-10 11:30:52 UTC
The pain he was going through was severe thus leading him to feel that God was betraying him by allowing him to stay in the pain he was in. The relief was when he passed away.
2009-07-10 11:53:37 UTC
His connection to the quantum holograph was broken and he could not, under the circumstances, meditate enough to repair it. Who could under those circumstances?
2009-07-10 11:29:53 UTC
when Jesus was on the cross and he took all the sins of the world onto him and God cannot be with sin so God literaly in the sense left him but not for long
Gabrielle Spencer
2009-07-10 11:31:53 UTC
it was jesus who died on the cross, if u believe in the bible look it up, i guarantee it is in there (i'm not making this up)
2009-07-10 11:40:19 UTC
He wasn't putting much trust in his father then, was he?
2009-07-10 11:30:43 UTC
i just sum it all up to the fact he was human with all that it entails
Wish I had soul [._.]
2009-07-10 11:30:32 UTC
haha your bible has three different last words

“Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.”

(Luke 23:46)
Harry D
2009-07-10 11:30:00 UTC
I don't explain it. It's part of the mystery.
2009-07-10 11:36:40 UTC

Watch this clip it talks about your question.
2009-07-10 11:28:55 UTC
He became an atheist
His Boy, Sherman
2009-07-10 11:28:26 UTC
Please be a bit more articulate.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.