what do buddhism and hinduism have in common?
2008-10-27 16:37:35 UTC
and what are theyre differences
Fifteen answers:
2008-10-27 16:43:35 UTC
Many things, Buddha came from a Hindu background and as such much of the basis for his teachings where colored by that background.
2008-10-27 16:53:01 UTC
many many many things.

they are almost the same the only difference being, Buddhism is a bit more benign.

Buddha himself was a Hindu and whatever he taught was straight out of Hinduism!

like if you read the Bhagvad Gita (the holy book of Hindus) and read Buddha's philosophy, you'll hardly notice any difference.

Gita teaches you that attachment is what causes all misery in life... Buddha said the same thing.

they are almost the same with hardly any differences.

Hinduism dwells more on the metaphysical aspect of life whereas Buddhism remains a bit more benign. that's the only difference.

Remember that when Buddha preached to people he was highly influenced by Hinduism and he had no intention of 'starting a religion'... his intention was only to impart knowledge and wisdom so there was no need to reinvent the wheel as mystical knowledge is the same in all aspects, you can only say it in different words but the insights remain the same!!!

and not to mention, Hinduism itself is a contribution or a creation of many hundreds and thousands of saints.

I'm an atheist from a Hindu family who grew up in India on both Hinduism and Buddhism :)
2008-10-28 16:50:48 UTC
On page #48 in the Zhuan Falun Lecture on the web:

"Before it vanished, Buddhism went through a number of reforms, and in the end it incorporated things from Brahmanism and formed a religion that’s found in India today, called Hinduism. It no longer worships any Buddhas, it worships some other things instead, and it no longer believes in Shakyamuni. That’s how it is now."

Recently the Buddhist belief is making a come back in India. Many Buddhists and people have taken up the practice of Falun Gong. Many schools in India are incorporating the scripture titled, "Buddha Law", into textbooks, teaching Falun Gong meditation and exercises in PE classes.

Falun Gong is a unique Buddhist School, teaching an ancient practice for the mind and body; the practice is based upon the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance. Falun Gong consists of five sets of powerful exercises.

Falun Gong, Tibetans, Buddhists, and Christians have been persecuted in China. The most offensive human right violation is the organ harvesting from the Falun Gong practitioners in China. Can you kindly sign a petition to stop persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, please ?
Shripathi Krishna Acharya
2008-10-27 16:56:18 UTC
Buddhism is based upon "Patanjala Yoga Sutra", which is abstracted book edited by Patanjala Muni, from good old document called Veda.

Goutama Buddha got enlightenment by following 'Yoga Sutra' and established his own group afterwards. To differentiate between Hinduism and his ideologies, he deliberately changed some old versions called Puranas, and presented a new branch.

Otherwise, there are no mager differences.
2008-10-27 16:44:52 UTC
They have a common ancient history.

Like the Abrahamic religions (Judahism, Christianity, and Islam) all have a common parent in Hammurabi, so too do Brahmanism, Buddhism, and Jainism have a common parent in the Harappan Civilization.
2008-10-27 16:42:50 UTC
Not a whole lot of similarity except that Siddhartha Gautma, the founder of Buddhism, was a former Hindu.

However, they do believe in some sort of reincarnation.
2017-03-05 06:51:09 UTC
2008-10-27 16:44:10 UTC
They both share the common goal of ending reincarnation and believe that the cycle of rebirth and death can be ended through good deeds and meditation.
2008-10-27 17:24:03 UTC
What follows are, of course, purely my opinions and are very simplified (this is Yahoo! Answers after all) . . .

The truth is these two religions, while they look very different on the surface, are really almost identical in their core beliefs, so much so that many modern day Buddhist and Hindus have deep respect for the other religion. Ramakrishna believed the Buddha was an Avatar and many Buddhist believe the varied saints of Hinduism are themselves great spiritual beings.

The fundamental belief that unites Buddhism and Hinduism -- and indeed seperates them from many of the rest of the world's religions -- is the idea that spiritual perfection, so to speak, is available to every and all human beings . . . that anyone can attain it. In Western religions, spiritual perfection is reserved for God only, Jesus in the case of Christianity . . . but in Hinduism and Buddhism it is felt that spiritual enlightenment can be achieved by anyone. Consequently, there are always plenty of living saints or Bodhisattvas or realizers who are felt to have achieved the goal of these religions. When such people become teachers for others, they are called "gurus". That is, in both religions there are always living spiritual teachers called "gurus" who are felt to be living embodiments of the Truth and capable of teaching others to find such truth for themselves.

Furthermore, when you actually look at how both religions claim this final truth is achieved, it is virtually identical. Mahamudra, dzogchen, and advaita vedanta are all extremely similar in how they explain final liberation is achieved, despite coming from these different traditions. And while both religion involve many different schools of thought which seem very different from one another, the "deepest" or most well respected schools of thought among the elite practitioners of these religions are shockingly similar.

Both religions believe in reincarnation, which again seperates them from Western religions. And both religions believe the World is an illusion. Even reincarnation, for both religions, is felt to be an illusory process in the end, with Buddhism believing there is no real individual soul that transmigrates, and Hinduism believing that there is only one soul that transmigrates, namely God (Brahman). In otherwords, the idea of an individual existence, or ego, is felt to be illusory. Indeed, this idea of seperation is felt in both religions to be the root source of unhappiness and suffering, and that that is overcome upon spiritual enlightenment or realization. Both religions believe, in essence, that ultimately all is One, and that seperation is an illusion.

Hinduism believes in God, whereas Buddhism does not. But really the God of Hinduism and the Buddha Nature of Buddhism are essentially the same idea upon careful inspection. God in Hinduism is not a seperate individual entitity that exists "out there" the way He does in Christianity, but rather God is identical with one's own soul. This is extremely similar to the idea of Buddha Nature in Buddhism which is felt to be one's true nature.

Hinduism also believes in gods, plural. That may sound strange given that Hinduism also believes in one God, but it really isn't that strange. Essentially, Hinduism believes the One God can manifest in the form of varied different expressions, or gods, including human incarnations called "Avatars". This really isn't that different from the ideas of many forms of Buddhism which believe in deitys that are manifestations of ones own Buddha Nature and exist on other planes of existence. And similar to the Hindu idea of Avatars, Buddhism believes in Buddhas who are spiritually enlightened beings of the highest kind. In otherwords, in Buddhism the "Buddha" was not the only Buddha, but just the one who happened to manifest in this world at that particular time in order to spread the universal teaching. In Buddhism and Hinduism, there is the idea of various degrees of spiritual masters, with Avatars and Buddhas being the highest kinds respectively.

Buddhism and Hinduism both believe in karma, which in simplified form is essentially the idea that our actions, ideas, thoughts, feelings, motives and desires . . . but actions in particular . . . result in consequences that eventually (this life or the next) manifest in creating our realities. So, for example, if you lie to someone, your karma will make it all too likely that someone will later lie to you, if you love someone, your karma will eventually produce someone who loves you, etc. That is simplified form, but basically it is the idea that what goes around comes around.

Both religions include very profound traditions of meditation (called "yoga" in Hinduism) and spiritual practice . . . and both traditions foundational philosophy are largely based on the "findings" of such practices.

Both traditions were, arguably, founded in India (which seperates them from the Western traditions that were la
2008-10-27 16:40:20 UTC
They are both entirely misunderstood by Western Christians. that's what they have in common
2013-11-11 15:01:17 UTC
Kent S
2008-10-27 16:40:48 UTC
They both end in "ism" thats about it.
The Canadian Atheist
2008-10-27 16:41:30 UTC
The suffix "ism"...
2008-10-27 16:50:59 UTC
The Buddha was a Hindu priest, and some of the teachings are from Hinduism. However historically, no war has been fought over the Buddhist religion.

The author of these twelve principles is Mr. Christmas Humphreys, founder and president of the Buddhist Society of London. They express a common ground for all schools of Buddhism and have been approved by the leading sects throughout the world as a basis for World Buddhism.

(Editor’s note: The author’s original wording, punctuation and spelling have been preserved. The use of the words “man,” “men” and masculine pronouns is meant to include persons of both sexes and is indicative of the author’s historical and cultural milieu and not meant to portray Buddhism as a male-only pursuit. Additionally, the reader may find it helpful to mentally substitute the word “liberation” or “enlightenment” for “salvation” and “harmonious” or “appropriate” wherever the word “right” or “perfect” appears in the text.)

Self-salvation is for any man the immediate task. If a man lay wounded by a poisoned arrow he would not delay extraction by demanding details of the man who shot it or the length and make of the arrow. There will be time for ever-increasing understanding of the Teaching during the treading of the Way. Meanwhile, begin now by facing life as it is, learning always by direct and personal experience.

The first Fact of existence is the law of change or impermanence. All that exists, from a mole to a mountain, from a thought to an empire, passes through the same cycle of existence--i.e. birth, growth, decay and death. Life alone is continuous, ever seeking self-expression in new forms. ‘Life is a bridge; therefore build no house on it.’ Life is a process of flow, and he who clings to any form, however splendid, will suffer by resisting the flow.

The law of change applies equally to the ‘soul’. There is no principle in an individual which is immortal and unchanging. Only the ‘Namelessness’, the ultimate Reality, is beyond change; and all forms of life, including man, are manifestations of this Reality. No one owns the life which flows in him any more than the electric light bulb owns the current which gives it light.

The universe is the expression of law. All effects have causes, and man’s consciousness or character is the sum total of his previous thoughts and acts. Karma, meaning action-reaction, governs all existence, and man is the sole creator of his circumstances and his reaction to them, his future condition, and his final destiny. By right thought and action he can gradually purify his inner nature, and so by self-realization attain in time liberation from rebirth. The process covers great periods of time, involving life after life on earth, but ultimately every form of life will reach Enlightenment.

Life is one and indivisible: though its ever-changing forms are innumerable and perishable. There is, in truth, no death, though every form must die. From an understanding of life’s unity arises compassion, a sense of identity with the life in other forms. Compassion is described as ‘the Law of laws--eternal harmony’, and he who breaks this harmony of life will suffer accordingly and delay his own Enlightenment.

Life being One, the interests of the part should be those of the whole. In his ignorance man thinks he can successfully strive for his own interests, and this wrongly-directed energy of selfishness produces suffering. He learns from his suffering to reduce and finally eliminate its cause. The Buddha taught four Noble Truths:

The omnipresence of suffering;

its cause, wrongly directed desire,

its cure, the removal of the cause,

and the Noble Eightfold Path of self-development which leads to the end of suffering.

The Eightfold Path consists in Right (or perfect) Views or preliminary understanding. Right Aims or Motive, Right Speech, Right Acts, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Concentration or mind-development, and finally, Right leading to full Enlightenment. As Buddhism is a way of living, not merely a theory of life, the treading of this Path is essential to self-deliverance. ‘Cease to do evil, learn to do good, cleanse your own heart; this is the Teaching of the Buddha.’

Reality; But the Buddha, a human being, became the All-Enlightened One, and the purpose of life is the attainment of Enlightenment. This state of Consciousness, Nirvana, the extinction of the limitations of self-hood, is attainable on earth. All men and all other forms of life contain the potentiality of Enlightenment; and the process therefore consists in becoming what you are. ‘Look within: thou art a Buddha.’

From potential to actual Enlightenment there lies the Middle Way, the Eightfold Path ‘from desire to peace’, a process of self-development between the ‘opposites’, avoiding all extremes: The Buddha trod this Way to the end, and the only faith required in Buddhism is the reasonable belief that where a Guide has trodden it is worth our while to tread. The Way must be trodden by the whole man; not merely the best of him, and heart and mind must be developed equally. The Buddha was the All-Compassionate as well as the All-Enlightened One.

Buddhism lays great stress on the need of inward concentration and meditation, which leads in time to the development of the inner spiritual faculties. The subjective life is as important as the daily round, and periods of quietude for inner activity are essential for a balanced life. The Buddhist should at all times be ‘mindful and self-possessed’, refraining from mental and emotional attachment to ‘the passing show’. This increasingly watchful attitude to circumstances, which he knows to be his own creation. helps him to keep his reaction to it always under control.

The Buddha said: ‘Work out your own salvation with diligence’. Buddhism knows no authority for truth save the intuition of the individual, and that is authority for himself alone. Each man suffers the consequences of his own acts, and learns thereby, while helping his fellow men to the same deliverance; nor will prayer to the Buddha or to any God prevent an effect from following its cause. Buddhist monks are teachers and exemplars, and in no sense intermediates between Reality and the individual. The utmost tolerance is practiced towards all other religions and philosophies, for no man has the right to interfere in his neighbor’s journey to the Goal.

Buddhism is neither pessimistic nor ‘escapist’, nor does it deny the existence of God or soul, though it places its own meaning on these terms. It is, on the contrary, a system of thought, a religion, a spiritual science and a way of life which is reasonable, practical and all-embracing. For over two thousand years it has satisfied the spiritual needs of nearly one-third of mankind. It appeals to the West because it has no dogmas, satisfies the reason and the heart alike, insists on self-reliance coupled with tolerance for other points of view, embraces science, religion, philosophy, psychology, ethics and art, and points to man alone as the creator of his present life and sole designer of his destiny.

The Eightfold Path The Buddha-Dharma is the realization within one’s deepest consciousness of the Oneness of all life. For the attainment of this purpose, Buddha showed us the Eightfold Path.

Right Views means to keep ourselves free from prejudice, superstition and delusion... and to see aright the true nature of life.

Right Thoughts means to turn away from the hypocrisies of this world and to direct our minds toward Truth and Positive Attitudes and Action.

Right Speech means to refrain from pointless and harmful talk... to speak kindly and courteously to all.

Right Conduct means to see that our deeds are peaceable, benevolent, compassionate and pure... and to live the Teachings daily.

Right Livelihood means to earn our living in such a way as to entail no evil consequences. To seek that employment to which can give our complete enthusiasm and devotion.

Right Effort means to direct our efforts continually to the overcoming of ignorance and craving desires.

Right Mindfulness means to cherish good and pure thoughts, for all that we say and do arises from our thoughts.

Right Meditation means to concentrate on the Oneness of all life and the Buddha -hood that exists within all beings.

Editor’s note: the reader may find it helpful to substitute “harmonious” or “appropriate” for the word “right” as used above.
2008-10-27 16:40:42 UTC

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