Any organized religion has its own dogmas: i.e., a set of codified beliefs approved by that particular denomination.
(American Heritage Dictionary definition)
pl. dog·mas or dog·ma·ta (-m-t) KEY
A doctrine or a corpus of doctrines relating to matters such as morality and faith, set forth in an authoritative manner by a church.
Protestant churches claim that their doctrine is "Sola Scriptura," that is, based on Scripture alone. Catholicism acknowledges that we base our beliefs on both Scripture and tradition. On the surface, it would appear that the Protestant churches have the high moral ground.
However, the fact is that Protestant churches rely heavily on tradition. . .and Catholic tradition, at that. They have no trouble saying the Apostles Creed, for example -- a doctrinal statement and tradition that dates no later than the 5th Century and long before the advent of the Protestant Church. Many of their worship services are similar to the Mass, and they often sing songs such as "Be Thou My Vision," which is an Irish Catholic hymn.
So far from not basing doctrine and practices on anything but Scripture, they have borrowed heavily from Catholic tradition and liturgical practices. They are "cafeteria Christians" who want to pick and choose the doctrines and traditions that please them, as opposed to being obedient to an entire body of teachings. "I'll have some Apostles Creed and a helping of hymns, but forget the rest of that stuff."
That is the primary difference and problem between Protestants and Catholics in terms of dogma and tradition.