Do you believe in Jesus??
2006-03-24 21:17:27 UTC
I do!! Just a question not judging!!
35 answers:
2006-03-24 21:36:31 UTC
Yes I do. There is to many thing that has happen to me not to believe.When I was 5 yrs. old I fell in a camp fire and my hand and face where all the way in even touching the hot coals.My parents pulled me out thinking I would be scared for life but not even my hair was singed.Just like the story in the bible in Daniel 3 19-27.3 men where thrown in the fire and the king saw four men one like the son of man and not even there hair was singed.I cried when I read that story many years later.
2006-03-24 21:40:00 UTC
Yes. Absolutely
2006-03-24 21:36:51 UTC
Was he a person? Sure

Son of god? not necessarily.

Asking if someone believes in Jesus doesn't mean anything. My friend who is Jewish got into a discussion about this with another girl. Yeah, she believes in Jesus but not as the savior and son of god
2006-03-24 22:08:26 UTC
I know he existed as a man, and in history. I know he was a great man and had great ideas.I do not know if he was the son of god. I actually do not believe he was the son of god.I do not believe it is even possible for there to be any "son" of god. god is a spirit. and if god exists there is only one god. by having jesus it makes it TWO and therefore goes against the 10 commandments that there is onyl ONE god.

could he have been some kind of messiah? possibly. maybe he was a messiah but not the son of god. maybe he was a holy man like moses or abraham.

who knows really if any of this is true. who knows if there even is a god.
2006-03-24 23:19:27 UTC
Legally speaking, how could I not? There are too many direct witnesses to rebut them all. Evan those that don't will soon know, at that great and AWESOME day.

Also a lot of people say they believe in Jesus, but their actions say otherwise.
2006-03-24 23:12:07 UTC
Not in the religious sense.

... but think that his story really inspired some great art and song- including the one which I just now got stuck in my head ("Jesus Christ, Super Star"- by Andrew Lloyd Weber).
2006-03-25 03:24:24 UTC
Yes. I believe that he is the son of God, the creator of the world, and that he came to earth in a human form to die on the cross so that we could be forgiven for our sins.

God bless!
2006-03-24 21:22:46 UTC
Yes sir, in Jesus and the holy trinity.
2006-03-24 21:30:50 UTC
Was he a real person? Yes, probably. Was he what those books say, the son of god or god depending on your faith, no. He was probably a man that had some good rules on right and wrong, that is it.
2006-03-24 21:23:06 UTC
I believe Jesus was a man who had - and still has - a profound impact on society.

I don't believe he is the son of God.
2006-03-26 05:09:42 UTC
A man that had his way with words and founded a sect..yes a sect...that became the most powerfull in the world and became the "right religion" bla bla bla
2006-03-25 10:28:57 UTC
Why should I ?

Jesus was a man like all the others......

but CHRIST is the SON of GOD

why you guys are always making the same mistake...jesus is not CHRIST and CHRIST is not Jesus.
Giggly Giraffe
2006-03-24 21:19:14 UTC
2006-03-24 21:29:08 UTC
Yes, I do. I loved "The Passion of the Christ"! I cry every time. Jesus was very real. (correction- IS very real.)
2006-03-24 21:19:16 UTC
2006-03-24 21:39:50 UTC
I look up to him as one of few Great Holy Men the world as ever had.
mexican penguin
2006-03-24 21:26:31 UTC
Yes I do! I work for more people to know Him personally. Sharing about the Gospel and my faith.
2006-03-24 21:29:28 UTC
2006-03-24 21:21:04 UTC
I can't prove it right. I can't prove it wrong. I'm just not sure. The whole story seems very improbable though.
2006-03-24 21:37:47 UTC
2006-03-24 21:25:12 UTC
Yes, he will answer and solve your problems.. it takes one day at a time, but he will
2006-03-24 21:37:33 UTC
Yes with all my heart mind and soul!! God Bless!!
2006-03-24 23:03:37 UTC
Yes I could not live without him he's my everything.
2006-03-24 21:21:04 UTC
yes i believe in him....he is the son of GOD and he was sacrificed to save us. so i better believe in him.
2006-03-25 00:56:06 UTC
I do. It's because I have a personal faith experience with him.
Centralian Bandit
2006-03-24 21:21:28 UTC

Because of His love for me and all He has done, how could I not.
2006-03-24 21:18:57 UTC
Ya! I do. How can I be without? He's my life. I'm dead if not for Him.
This is my nickname :-D
2006-03-24 21:20:26 UTC
Yes, I do!
2006-03-24 21:22:43 UTC
very much i belive in jesus christ?
2006-03-24 21:21:42 UTC
darn straoght. don't leave home without mhim
2006-03-24 21:27:55 UTC
YES!!!!HE is the RISEN SON of GOD!!! My SAVIOR and yours. I LOVE HIM!
2006-03-24 22:07:33 UTC
which one.???.there are numerous jesus...
2006-03-24 21:20:02 UTC
yes and i am proud of it!
2006-03-24 21:26:36 UTC
Sure do!
2006-03-24 21:18:17 UTC

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