Who knows God's name?
2006-03-14 14:32:19 UTC
Some say Jesus...
26 answers:
2006-03-14 14:35:25 UTC
On one celebrated occasion, God pronounced his own name, repeating it in the hearing of Moses. Moses wrote an account of that event that has been preserved in the Bible down to our day. (Exodus 34:5) God even wrote his name with his own "finger." When he had given Moses what we today call the Ten Commandments, God miraculously wrote them down. The record says: "Now as soon as [God] had finished speaking with him on Mount Sinai he proceeded to give Moses two tablets of the Testimony, tablets of stone written on by God's finger." (Exodus 31:18) God's name appears eight times in the original Ten Commandments. (Exodus 20:1-17) Thus God himself has revealed his name to man both verbally and in writing. So, what is that name?

In the Hebrew language it is spelled with four letters. These four letters, called the Tetragrammaton, are read from right to left in Hebrew and can be represented in many modern languages as YHWH or JHVH. God's name, represented by these four consonants, appears almost 7,000 times in the original "Old Testament," or Hebrew Scriptures.

The name is a form of a Hebrew verb ha·wah', meaning "to become," and actually signifies "He Causes to Become."* Thus, God's name identifies him as the One who progressively fulfills his promises and unfailingly realizes his purposes. Only the true God could bear such a meaningful name.
2006-03-16 08:44:20 UTC
Jesus is God according to the Bible:

John 1:1,14 “ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…The Word became flesh (Jesus Christ) and made his dwelling among us.”

John 14:6 (Jesus speaking), “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Titus 2:13 “while we wait for the blessed hope—the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ,”

Jesus is God the Son, the second member of the Holy Trinity (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.)
2006-03-14 14:51:59 UTC
God has many, many names in the Bible (yhwh, el-shadai(or however u spell it), Jehovah, etc.) God is not Jesus. Jesus was His son, who came and died for our sins so that we could be saved. I guess why people say they're the same has to do with the concept of the Trinity (how God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one.) They are one, they work together, but they are totally different. Example: water. It's made up of two elements: hydrogen and oxygen, but together they are one thing: water. God has many names, he doesn't have one name he sticks to.
Ms. Cute
2006-03-14 15:19:56 UTC
Psalm 83:18 "That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the earth."

Here are some other places that Jehovah's name may appear in your bible: Genesis 22:14, Isaiah 12:2, Exodus 17:15, Ezekiel 48:35
2006-03-14 14:35:10 UTC
That's a common mistake, Jesus is not God himself, but a part of the trinity, God as supreme being, is unmeasurable, and can not be named, is not like any stuff from his creations to be named like.

To make it quicker: God has no name and Jesus is not God
2006-03-14 14:40:52 UTC
God has no definite name. His name is Allah in arabic, and Jesus is apparently God's son.
2006-03-14 14:42:15 UTC
God has many names.... This is what we make it believe that god is one and his name is only _______! whatever people believe it is. Christians say Gods name is Jesus. Muslims says Gods name is Allah. Sikhs says Gods name is Wahegure. and etc... but like Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Gurunanak, Buddah are all prophets that God sent to save us froom the evilness. BUT GOD is one, who has many names, and he who has different ways of bringing his people close to him and save them.
2006-03-14 14:34:14 UTC
Which name do you want. Yahweh, is the name God uses in the old testsment to speak of himself in the first person. It translates literally into "I am." Most bibles use "the Lord" as its translation for easier reading.
2006-03-14 14:42:02 UTC
there are a lot of names...God, Jesus, Jehovah, Iam, Yaway.
2006-03-16 05:02:23 UTC
Since human fisrt faith on god upto now, count how many languages were used by mankind and still count how many languages are still using by mankind, god names mentioned in every languages at least two. (following are estimated figure. past used languages by human upto 5000, there are 3467 languages are currently using by human, so altogether god has 16934names, which language u want god name?
Goblins Await
2006-03-14 14:34:03 UTC
God is just God. Jesus is a part of God whom God sent to earth.
2006-03-14 14:38:21 UTC
I know His name. But it is too sacred to be spoken of freely. It is not Jesus. Jesus is God's son. PLease visit

Hopefully i helped :)
2006-03-14 14:34:34 UTC
gods name is Jehovah
2006-03-14 16:43:02 UTC
your god's name is Yahweh- a rendering of the pronunciation of the tetragrammaton. he spoke his name to Moses.
2006-03-16 14:55:07 UTC
each religion has a different name of God
manin a mask
2006-03-14 14:44:26 UTC
in psalms 83:18 it says i am jehova, god of your father noah and his father lamech and his father all the way to adam
2006-03-14 14:46:27 UTC
it depends on what religion you non-denominational,

and we mostly call him god. hes a part of three,

god''the son'',god''the holy spirit'',and god''the father.''

hope i was of some assistance.
2006-03-14 17:32:33 UTC
his name is "I am who I am" this is what he told I believe it was Moses when Moses asked what his name was
2006-03-15 08:59:25 UTC
definitely ALLAH............. HE is the almighty.... jesus, adam, and so on are only HIS prophet..... HE sent them to all human as guidance 2 live in this world....... get it????????????????
2006-03-16 11:16:15 UTC
i know his name because im his son its JEHOVAH
2006-03-14 14:34:03 UTC
Eye of Sauron
2006-03-14 14:41:19 UTC
Yep, know it.
2006-03-14 14:32:50 UTC
2006-03-14 14:32:46 UTC
do u know?
2006-03-14 15:44:09 UTC
2006-03-14 14:33:28 UTC

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