Why do roman catholics believe mary is already in heaven.?
2009-08-10 06:11:04 UTC
The bible does,nt state this,where does the idea that at the end of her life she was transported to heaven,body and soul.
26 answers:
Saint Nearly
2009-08-10 06:14:35 UTC
She actually sent me a message telling me she's there and it's nice.
2009-08-12 01:49:45 UTC
Because if you were God incarnate, the Word Made Flesh and you COULD create your Mother to be born without sin, and then at the time of her passing, if you could receive her into Heaven Body and Soul, wouldn't you?

Do you think that you are capable of Loving your mother more perfectly than God the Son?

Hey Sandra, do you believe in the Trinity?

Do you believe that all public revelation ended with the death of the last apostile?

Do you believe in going to Church on Sunday?

Do you believe in Prayer Meetings?

Do you believe in the Bible (scripture is mentioned in the Bible but it never mentions a book called the Bible that should be the sole rule of faith)?

I could go on, but I hope you get the point. Not every Christian belief and practice is in the Bible.

Note: I'm sorry, did anyone else understand what 'Zena e' was trying to say? At times it sounded like she was in favor of Marian Doctrine, and then she wasn't??? No offense 'Zena e', I just wasn't clear on what you were trying to say.

The Peace of our Lord be with you.
2009-08-10 15:08:38 UTC
1. Jesus promised all who believed in Him the gift of eternal life, and Mary believed He is the Messiah (see Luke 1:46ff).

2. Eternal life means going to heaven. As Jesus said to the thief on the cross next to His, "This day you will join me in paradise." (see Luke 23:43)

3. Mary's body isn't anywhere on earth. That's a good hint. We know where Peter's body is, where Mary Magdalene's body is, Paul's, etc., etc., because, of course, Christians believe in the resurrection of the body, but Mary's isn't here. Do you really think that the Christians who knew Jesus and Mary would have neglected to bury her body properly, when Mary's womb was the very conduit Jesus used to enter earth and become man? Hardly!

4. There is Biblical precedent for a holy person to be bodily assumed to heaven at the time of the person's death -- namely Elijah and Enoch. If God would take them to heaven, why *not* the woman who gave birth to His Son?

5. Revelations 12 refers to Mary being assumed to heaven bodily. There is also an apocryphal book about it, though the oldest copy we have is 3rd or 4th century & written in Ethiopian.

6. The Bible doesn't state how Peter died....or how John died. The Bible doesn't state how MOST people died or where MOST people are buried. The Bible doesn't include MOST of the miracles that have happened since Christ returned to heaven. Many, many, MANY true things have occurred that are not in the Bible. The fact that these events are not in the Bible does not make them false.
Aleria: United Year Of Faith
2009-08-10 14:39:18 UTC
The Bible doesn't say she died either, so should we believe she is still walking around on earth because the Bible doesn't say so?

In Jude we see Satan fighting over Moses body, no where in the Old Testament can you see this, but Jude talks about it. Where does this come from? The Assumption of Moses where Moses is said to have been taken body and soul into Heaven.

The book was not accepted as divinely inspired, but most mainstream religions believe that Moses was assumed into Heaven. This is based upon the part in Jude as well as Moses appearing with Elijah and Jesus in a full body (Elijah was assumed into Heaven as well, body and soul).

So though Mary is not explicitly written as being assumed into Heaven, it is not against the Bible either.

We believe Mary to have been born without sin and to have remained sinless her entire life. As such, death is a result of sin and thus, since she was born without sin and remained sinless, her body and soul were assumed into Heaven. It isn't in the Bible, but it isn't against the Bible either.

The Early Church Fathers also held this belief as well, you should read their writings about Mary. These are the people closest to the Apostles and their disciples and were adamant about passing on exactly what is known and believed and taught by Jesus Christ and the Apostles.
2009-08-10 13:32:42 UTC
A better question is why would she not be in heaven? Humans are body and soul. We will all have new bodies. Why can't Jesus give his mother a body, now? Why are you looking for literal passages to prove Mary was not assumed BODY and SOUL into heaven? Here is you answer: "And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars(Revelation 12:1)". Now, be a TRUE biblical literalist and cease IGNORING the MANY Passages in scripture and sacred tradition that PROVE Protestants are in HERESY!
Karl S, JPA
2009-08-10 18:43:42 UTC
The Marian Dogmas: Immaculate Conception, Virgin Birth, Perpetual Virginity, and Ascension into Heaven.
2009-08-10 16:51:17 UTC
From here.

Besides, the Bible DOES state that the Prophet Elijah was transported to Heaven, body & soul, so why can't Mary, since she is the Mother Of God?
2009-08-10 13:20:39 UTC
She is in heaven, just as all the saints are ( by the way, all christians are saints ). The body is not a natural body, that was left in the tomb when she left it. We are spirit, we have a soul, and live in a body. The body stays at death, and the spirit and soul leave, and go to either heaven or hell. Want proof of hell other than the grave? Read Psalm 86:13.
2009-08-10 13:22:28 UTC
A prayer is a way to communicate not worship!

Hail Mary- says an archangel

Blessed are you among women!

Martin Luther said

There can be no doubt that the Virgin Mary is in heaven. (Sermon, August 15, 1522)

Martin Luther also spoke to her in the first person.

No woman is like you. You are more than Eve or Sarah, blessed above all nobility, wisdom, and sanctity. (Sermon, Feast of the Visitation, 1537).
2009-08-10 15:57:03 UTC
Mary's Assumption into Heaven

Gen. 5:24, Heb. 11:5 - Enoch was bodily assumed into heaven without dying. Would God do any less for Mary the Ark of the New Covenant?

2 Kings 2:11-12; 1 Mac 2:58 - Elijah was assumed into heaven in fiery chariot. Jesus would not do any less for His Blessed Mother.

Psalm 132:8 - Arise, O Lord, and go to thy resting place, thou and the Ark (Mary) of thy might. Both Jesus and Mary were taken up to their eternal resting place in heaven.

2 Cor. 12:2 - Paul speaks of a man in Christ who was caught up to the third heaven. Mary was also brought up into heaven by God.

Matt. 27:52-53 - when Jesus died and rose, the bodies of the saints were raised. Nothing in Scripture precludes Mary's assumption into heaven.

1 Thess. 4:17 - we shall be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so we shall always be with the Lord.

Rev. 12:1 - we see Mary, the "woman," clothed with the sun. While in Rev. 6:9 we only see the souls of the martyrs in heaven, in Rev. 12:1 we see Mary, both body and soul.

2 Thess. 2:15 - Paul instructs us to hold fast to oral (not just written) tradition. Apostolic tradition says Mary was assumed into heaven. While claiming the bones of the saints was a common practice during these times (and would have been especially important to obtain Mary's bones as she was the Mother of God), Mary's bones were never claimed. This is because they were not available. Mary was taken up body and soul into heaven.

Mary's Coronation in Heaven

2 Tim 4:8 - Paul says that there is laid up for him the crown of righteousness. The saints are crowned in heaven, and Mary is the greatest saint of all.

James 1:12 - those who endure will receive the crown of life which God has promised. Mary has received the crown of life by bringing eternal life to the world.

1 Peter 5:4 - when the chief Shepherd is manifested we will receive the unfading crown of glory.

Rev. 2:10 - Jesus will give the faithful unto death the crown of life. Jesus gave Mary His Mother the crown of life.

Rev. 12:1 - Mary, the "woman," is crowned with twelve stars. She is Queen of heaven and earth and the Mother of the Church.

Wis. 5:16 - we will receive a glorious crown and a beautiful diadem from the hand of the Lord. Mary is with Jesus forever crowned in His glory.
2009-08-10 19:02:56 UTC
The Bible does not state that Mary ever died. Does this mean that you believe that she never died? I do not think so.

Not everything we believe is in the Bible.

Catholics believe in the assumption of the body of the Blessed Virgin Mary into heaven after her death.

John 19:26-27 states:

When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, "Woman, behold, your son." Then he said to the disciple, "Behold, your mother." And from that hour the disciple (John) took her into his home.

The minutes of the Ecumenical Council of Ephesus in 431 C.E. indicate that four or six years after the death and resurrection of Jesus, John and the Virgin Mary came together to Ephesus, and for a short time stayed in the building, a section of which is now under Church of the Virgin Mary today.

Later John moved the Virgin Mary to a house he had prepared for her on Bulbul Dagi (Bulbul Hill). She lived there until the end of her earthly life.

St. John of Damascus (P. G., I, 96) later wrote:

St. Juvenal, Bishop of Jerusalem, at the Council of Chalcedon (451), made known to the Emperor Marcian and Pulcheria, who wished to possess the body of the Mother of God, that Mary died in the presence of all the Apostles, but that her tomb, when opened, upon the request of St. Thomas, was found empty; wherefrom the Apostles concluded that the body was taken up to heaven.

This ancient belief was just formalized by the Pope in 1950.

With love in Christ.
2009-08-10 15:23:30 UTC
Our understanding of the Assumption is not at odds with scripture and is supported by early Christian writings and the consistent belief, for many centuries, that she was assumed into heaven.

The first thing to understand is that all Marian doctrines are about Christ, and not about Mary. Because of who Christ was and is, the Marian doctrines become what they are. In other words, Jesus Christ is the one who makes Mary the "Mother of God." It is because of him that she was born without sin, and because of him that she was assumed into heaven.

Also, because the Bible doesn't state something explicitly doesn't mean it cannot have happened. Our understanding of the Assumption is multifaceted.

Moses, Elijah and Enoch were "assumed into heaven" so we know that God does this. He did this for those who were righteous. The assumption of Moses is not explicit in Scripture either, but has always been believed.

Mary was sinless. Sin is what causes corruption of the body. Because Mary was preserved from sin, so that she would be the spotless vessel to carry the Incarnate divine Lord, she would not have been subject to bodily corruption. Again, the dogma of her sinlessness is not about Mary but about Jesus. She is his handiwork, and she was prepared for him.

The Ark in the Old Testament was the most holy thing on earth. It carried the stone tablets of the 10 commandments. The written Word of God. It carried Manna, the bread from heaven, and the rod of Aaron, the symbol of the high priest. All these things...Word of God, bread from heaven, high priest, are also who Christ is. Mary, the Ark of the New Covenant, also carried the living Word of God, the living bread from heaven, and the living high priest, within her body. The old Ark was so holy that when Uzzah touched it, just to steady it, during travel, God struck him dead.

So, how much more holy and pure must the one chosen to carry the most amazing miracle in the world? The divine God became man. He was both God and man while in the womb of Mary. In order for her to "house" the divine God, she had to be without sin because God could not be encased in a sinful body.

So, we therefore know that Mary was sinless because she carried God. Add to that that corruption of the body is a result of sin, and logic says she would not have suffered that.

Also, we know the early Christians believed she was assumed. Also, there is no tomb, no relics. The early Christians took care of the remains of those who close to Christ. St. Peter, Mary Magdalene, and others. So we are sure that they would have taken care of Jesus' closest blood relative, his mother. Yet no one has ever claimed to have Mary's relics.

The Bible is quiet on the how most of the Apostles died as well. Tradition tells us that Peter was crucified upside down and that Paul was beheaded, yet Scripture does not record these events.

The Bible never says that Mary died, that Mary was buried etc.

So we come to understand that Christ assumed his mother into heaven, because that is the most right and divine thing to do. If you could spare your mother death and bodily corruption I'm sure you would. Mary is not divine, but she did do something no other person in the world ever did or ever will, she gave birth to God, she carried the divine person within her, and that makes her special.

ADDED: to by Dan - you were not taught that Mary ascended into heaven. She was assumed, just as Moses, Elijah and Enoch were. The fact that you say you were taught she "ascended" into heaven, just goes to show you weren't listening and that explains your rejection of the true faith.
Kevin S
2009-08-11 17:21:35 UTC
This is a simple matter of a logical flaw.

Ask yourself this question: Why assume that if something is not mentioned in the Bible that it is untrue, or did not occur?

This is the problem with Bible fundamentalism. You cannot use the failure of something to be mentioned in the Bible to justify your causes.
2009-08-10 20:31:03 UTC
Where else would she be?

Mithra worship:

Mithra is one of the Gods of Zoroastrianism. It was arguably the first of the monotheist religions and few people would argue that it has influenced judaism, christianity and islam wit its ideas of the end of the world, heaven, hell and possibly even the messiah. However it's wholy inaccurate to say that Christianity is Zoroastrianism. Mithraism was a cult that was followed by Roman legionaries around the time of the early christians.
2009-08-10 19:04:05 UTC
Mary was born again and now she is in heaven.

All people who are born again will go to heaven when they die.

Mary believed in God her Saviour. The Lord Jesus Christ. Luke 1 verse 47. And my soul hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.

Mary is no different than any other believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.

She was a sinner who needed a Saviour and who trusted in the One who could save her.

Roman Catholics are doing Mary an injustice by praying to her as they make her to be a false god.

We are to pray only to God, who commands that we have no other gods before Him.

You must do the same and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
2009-08-10 16:26:33 UTC
Can you tell me in the Bible where it says Methodist or Baptist Churches or that we will fly in a AirPlane across the Ocean.And better yet tell me the chapter and verse and which book in the Bible that says if it's not in the Bible then it can't be true.
2009-08-10 15:43:33 UTC
Here is the best link to explain our beliefs on Mary and her assumption.

It is important to note that Calvin and Luther both accepted the perpetual virginity of Mary as well.
2009-08-10 15:01:06 UTC
Common sense will tell you that. I dont have to have everything in the world written down for me by some person I will never meet. I can make up my own mind and my own suppositions
2009-08-10 13:35:13 UTC
first of all our body don't go to heaven,only our it is not mention in the bible that she went to heaven...but if you read an understand that only sinner and those who rejected Jesus went to hell...there is no account on who all went to heaven only those who didn't make it...
2009-08-10 13:16:42 UTC
Mary was full of grace....the bible states that.
2009-08-11 17:22:16 UTC

Im glad you stated Roman Catholics

Mary is the Beloved Virgin THEO ( God ) TOKOS ( Bearer)

of Jesus Christ. Virgin Mary Bore Christ when Overshadowed by The Holy Ghost and Jesus was Born On Earth Manifested in Flesh on Earth as Man..

Mary our Beloved Lived and Died. We Commerate the Feast of Domination ( of Mary) on August 15( Read below)

I am Greek Orthodox KATHOLIKOS ( Gr. Universal) Apostolic Christian of the Greek Septuagint and First Greek New Testament

The Bible is for all

There is No Jew or Greek Among you...... no female..or male... we are

one in Christ Gal. 3.28




The Dormition of our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever Virgin Mary

August 15-

Assumption or Dormition. A feast day (August 15) commemorating the "falling asleep" ( koimisis ) of the Virgin Mary. ( Mary was humam

and died ( not immortal)

Absolutely Right.. Nowhere in the Bible does it was Mary was the Immaculate Conception ( Herself) Mary did give Birth To Jesus as a Virgina and that was in the Bible it states ( Greetings. ( Not Hail)

Mary you are highly favoured among women. ( Mary is Called the

Theo ) GOD ) TOKOS ( Bearer) Of Christ and Virgin Mary The Holy

Ghost overshaowed Mary and she Bore Jesus Christ ..

That is an RC erroneous Belief.

If it were True the First Christians of the Bible.. would certainly authenticate this and believe it. IT IS NOT TRUE.

See For yourself

The Greek Septuagint ( Given to us by JUDIASM . RIGHT FROM THE JUDAIC SITE ( But To the Greeks.. ( as It is 70 THE GREEK SEPTUAGINT.


Greek Septuagint

IN GREEK AND ENGLISH ONLINE AND IS TRANSLATED IN WORhttp:LDWIDE LANGUAGES.So fascinated were the Greeks with the Jews that they became the first people to translate the Bible into another language when King Ptolemy II (c. 250 BCE) forced 70 Rabbis to translate the Hebrew Bible into Greek (known as the Septuagint, which means "70" in Greek).


Greek Septuagint

IN Greek/ English online


Greek New Testament in All Worldwide Languages

meant for all but In Greek First

Greek/ English .. OnLine

"All have sinned and fallen short of God ALL WHO LIVED SINNETH


All have fallen short Romans 3:23“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.”


Ezekiel 18:20“The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.”


Will see If I can find more on Death of Mary .. in Olden Scriptural Greek Writings and will add :)


Kyrie Eleison




GAL. 3.28

DO not Add or Delete from the Bible. The Bible is God's Holy Word;

Re belief I believe Mary was a Virtous Woman ( but not the Immaculate Concept. Her parents were Joachim and Anna.

She was a Virgin and Bore Jesus . Theo ( God ) Tokos God Bearer and Fell asleep with 12 apostles at her side ( dormination) and Was a Woman Virtuous, Pure woman in WOrship of God. ( need citings re Greek Scriptures )
2009-08-10 13:17:27 UTC
I dont know about the Mary thing. does not say in the Bible to pray to Mary either. I pray to God in Jesus name cause that what the Bible says to do, so I do it that way.
2009-08-10 13:13:41 UTC
She was chosen by God himself. You don't choose God, he chooses you.
2009-08-10 13:15:30 UTC
Because it is Mithra worship that is the origin of Christianity. look it up, it is identical in every possible way to Christianity but predates it by c1000 years. Mary is the queen of heaven.

Practicing shaman.. quantum physics rocks.
2009-08-10 16:42:14 UTC
When Jesus died on the cross, he gave his mother to his apostle John. That means that he wanted Mary to treat John as her son, and John to treat Mary as his mother and take care of her. Mary moved into John's home, where he said Mass each day. So Mary was close to her Son in the Blessed Sacrament, even though He had ascended into Heaven.

Mary's love for God and Jesus grew even stronger than it had been when Jesus had been present on earth. She grew more holy every day. People came to visit her, she was kind and patient with everyone. Saint Luke (who wrote the Gospel of Saint Luke) painted a picture of her during this time. The portrait of 'Our Lady of Perpetual Help" which was painted centuries later, used Saint Luke's portrait as a model of what Mary looked like.

Finally when she was very old, it was time for Mary to die. She had enough time to say goodbye to all the apostles before she died. The grieving apostles took her body to a tomb near the one that Jesus was laid in. They covered her with a white shroud and laid her to rest in the tomb.

But Mary's body didn't stay there. Jesus came to her and took her body and soul into heaven to be with Him. Mary was the Immaculate Conception - the only person except Jesus who had been born without the stain of Original Sin,the disobedience of Adam and Eve. God and Jesus would not let the body of the Mother of God decay. This was her reward for her love of God and her years of faithful prayers and suffering.

This wonderful summer feast is one of the oldest in Church history. The Feast of the Assumption, honouring Our Lady, was first celbrated in Palestine in the year 529. It was such a strong tradition in the Church, needing no confirmation, that it wasn't until November 1 1950 that Pope Pius XII declared the Assumption of Mary to be a dogma of the faith.

An ancient and beautiful legend about the Assumption of Mary tells the story this way:

When Our Lady felt her time on earth coming to an end, she sent word to all the Apostles. They were out preaching the Good News of her Son 'to all the corners of the world' as Jesus had commanded them. When they received her message, of course they paid their respects to their new congregations and disciples and left so as to hurry to her side. After long sea voyages and treks over land, they arrived just in time to say goodbye and pray with her one last time. Then she died.

Only Thomas was late. He had been delayed by some way or another, and had been travelling day and night since to try and catch up. But he was too late. When he finally arrived, hot and travel stained, he was grief-stricken to learn that she had been laid to rest in a tomb. He wept bitterly, and begged the Apostle's permission to open the tomb so that he could see her beloved face. At first, the other Apostles were reluctant. After all, she had been dead for three days, and it was a hot country. Finally they yielded to his tears and rolled away the stone.

To their amazement, the tomb was filled with flowers all giving off a sweet fragrance. They felt happier and healthier just smelling the beautiful scent that came wafting out of that tomb. Where they had placed her body was only her shroud, filled with more flowers. Her body had been carried up to heaven by her Son and the angels, to join her soul.

Now, it must be remembered that after the great Fall - when Adam and Eve disobedied God and ate of the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and were cast out of the Garden - all the flowers lost their scent, or perhaps we lost the ability to smell them. The herbs lost their healing powers too, and were only good for flavouring our food. Not that that's not a good thing mind you, but to be able to heal sickness and mend broken bones, well that's something more important that a nicely flavoured stew.

It's only right that on the day of her Assumption, Our Blessed Lady's last gift to us should be the restoring of the scent of flowers and the healing power of herbs.

On November 1, 1950, Pope Pius Xii defined as a truth revealed by God that the Immaculate Mother of God, Mary ever Virgin, was taken up to heaven body and soul when the course of her life on earth was finished. This is the dogma of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin.

"It is surely fitting, it was becoming, that she should be taken up into heaven and not lie in the grave until Christ's second coming, who had passed a life of sanctity and of miracles such as hers....Who can conceive that God should so repay the debt, which He considered to owe to His Mother for the elements of His human Body, as to allow the flesh and blood from which it was teken to molder in the grave? Or who can conceive that that virginal frame which never sinned, was to undergo the death of a sinner?..."

"She died, then, because even Our Lord and Saviour died. But though she died as well as others, she died not as others die; for, through the merits of her son, by whom she was what she was, by the grace of Christ which in her had anticipated sin, which had filled her with light, which had purified her flesh from all defilemnt, she had been saved from disease and malady, and all that weakens and decays the bodily frame." (Cardinal Newman)

Jesus and Mary, then, both passed through the gate of death into Heaven. In her own way, Mary was crucified with Jesus, his torment 'pierced her heart like a sword', his death made her 'Our Lady of Sorrows'. She patiently submitted to the will of God in all things beginning with the Annunciation and ending with remaining on earth so long after the Ascension of Christ.

From her place in heaven, she still watches over us, as she watched over Jesus as he grew. As our mother, she is always our refuge, our comfort and our hope. Through the communion of Saints, of which she is the Queen, we share the joy and glory of her Assumption.

Almighty, ever-living God, You raised to eternal glory the body and soul of the immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of Your Son. Grant that our minds may always be directed heavenward and that we may deserve to share in her glory. Amen.
2009-08-10 13:16:22 UTC
When I was a catholic I was taught (because I asked the same thing) that she ascended to heaven eventually too. No death for Mary.

The catholics have lots of traditions that are made up, which is why a lot of reformed religions call them apostates.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.