How would you answer the question of someone who's religion is contradictory to yours?
2010-12-17 08:56:47 UTC
For example: You're Christian, asker is Wiccan asking question about a magick ritual.

How would you answer their question? Why?
Would you be respectfull of their belief? Why/Why not?
Would You Try to Convert them? Why/Why Not?
If yes to above, would you even attempt to offer useful advice, or just quote verses?

Origin of Question: I am not Christian, and whenever I ask a question about my beliefs, I get bombarded with Bible Verses and Jesus.

Please be honest, I've been disrespected before, so I know it happens.
24 answers:
2010-12-17 09:25:56 UTC
I try to be respectful to all people. OK - not always - sometimes the wisecracks just come out like I have logorrhea. I try to answer the question without getting into 5000 characters to make my point. I respect their right to believe in any nonsense they want (joke). I do not try to convert anyone - we don't do that. I don't bother with stuff over most people's head or their ability to check references (anyone else have both versions of the shas laying around?). I try to be useful or entertaining, or sometimes both.

As for disrespect - I am guilty and unrepentant. You must communicate with people on the level of the question they ask. Idiots or trolls get disrespect. You, my friend, get my best wishes for a happy and healthy season of joy and celebration. Buy lots of stuff this season from Jewish owned businesses - we will be happy to see you!
Child of Venus
2010-12-19 20:10:58 UTC
If I were a Christian answering a Wiccan question about ritual advice, I wouldn't answer. Christians typically know nothing about Wiccan ritual and really can't give a knowledgeable answer. You're example is a bad one.

However, if I actually had relevant information that could answer the question of a Christian (being a Wiccan myself), I would answer honestly and respectfully. I use Yahoo Answers to spread knowledge and to learn more by seeing what other people answer. I will defend my beliefs if needed, but I'm mostly just genuinely interested in the beliefs of other religions. My religion does not encourage evangelism, so, no, I wouldn't try to convert them. I believe all people have a right to their own beliefs regardless of whether I agree with them. I will stick up for anyone of any religion that is being attacked, but as long as the beliefs of another do not harm anyone else, I believe that that person has the right to believe what he or she believes. I think all answers should attempt to actually ANSWER the asker's question, and I will thumbs down those that don't. Proselytism is so not necessary.

Venus Bless
2010-12-17 09:07:24 UTC
Most people believe that their religion is the only true religion. That's why you get hammered for your beliefs. Christianity is one of the stronger religions, so yes there will be plenty of people to give you advice along those lines. Just regurgitating verses, does not mean that a person understands what they are saying. Even parrots can repeat what they hear, does that make them all knowing? No one truly knows what is right and what is wrong. The only being that can answer that is God, whomever you say your God is. My foundation is Christianity, but I disagree with quite a few of the beliefs in each religious faction. My belief is that there is one God, and many religions trying to honor him in their own way. Each religion has some truth, which has been passed down from generation to generation, and some fallacies from man's intervention. We are not perfect, so our deciphering of the Holy Word is purely speculation.

To answer your questions:

Truthfully and objectively, to the best of my ability. Everyone deserves to have their questions answered.

Yes. It's their belief.

No. If they are already praising God, what am I converting them to?

I hope this helps you in your travels. Good Luck, and God Bless.
2010-12-17 09:12:44 UTC
What approach do you suggest from Christians on the subject? When we use the bible to show you a verse or to quote one to you it is not about offending you. But just giving you straight BIBLE truth which is the word of God.

I would answer the questions by:

first informing the person that I am a Christian and that My beliefs are different and based on the word of God as it is written in truth in the Holy Bible.

I would tell them that I can respect that their beliefs are different, and that they have every right to believe as they choose, but if you would care to hear a few treasures from the bible about it, I would like to share and we can have an open exchange about our beliefs, no grudges in the end agreeing to disagree if we must in the end.

I would probably really mostly listen and then give you my opinion and Gods truth about it, and tell you of my experiences.

I don't try to convert anyone, I would tell you that also, because in talking with you, I am sowing seeds and God will do the Harvesting if it is His will.

But, I would expect:

that if you don't want bible wisdom or scriptures, then you should say so before we talk, then I could speak with you about my experiences and why I have the opinion I do.

that you not be disrespectful and that our respect is mutual as we enjoy our conversation and experiences.

that you understand that I chose my path in christianity just as you chose yours in wicca.

that we could make comparisons or not and talk peacefully, honestly and without reservation.

Generally, that is what and how I handle it.

But, if you do not want a Christian to tell you about christianity or the word of God, you, dearheart, are responsible to be tactful and courteous and let them know that you are not interested. They should respect that and move on, many do.

As a point of learning, what do you suggest or can you tell me how we could handle it better for you? I am interested in knowing because it would help to have your insight and a different point of view about it.

Thank you.
2010-12-17 09:06:56 UTC
Personally speaking, if I detect a question is asked out of honest interest and respect I answer in the same way. I seldom offer scriptural references unless someone seeks it and I NEVER attempt to convert anyone unless I meet someone face to face who asks me and is seeking the message for which my faith represents. Advise - I often offer my personal opinion & advise. Not only because that just comes naturally to me personally but also because I'm a "MOTHER" and so doing that just COMES automatically too it seems! : )

Even if I don't agree with someone elses beliefs I NEVER disrespect them. We are all uniquely different and because we are - we all SEE things so differently and I have come to realize we all have different spiritual needs and desires, expectations and pursuits. WHO am I to criticize the faith & belief within the heart of another person? If it is a belief that I feel is really 'bad' somehow then I would just choose NOT to respond instead of offering a negative comment.
2010-12-17 09:00:16 UTC
It depends on the question to start. I have answered Christian oriented questions in a very supportive way without asserting any agreement to their belief or asserting my beliefs. At the same time I have answered some quite negatively, things like "Jesus is the one and only!" type where someone isn't really looking for insight.

I have answered pagan oriented questions and inevitably there is someone proseltyzing which is annoying since most pagans don't make a habit of trolling the internet "spreading the word".
2010-12-17 14:22:58 UTC
I would only answer their question if I thought I had a good answer, otherwise i would leave the question alone as it doesn't consern me.

I would be respectful because I believe that everyone has their own path to follow and if it is what they believe then it is what they believe, it nither effects me or bothers me in any way.

no i wouldn't try to convert. in my believes it is wrong to shove your beliefs on people, as said before everyone has their own path, i'm here to follow mine not to drag others from what they believe in. you cant change someones beliefs anyway.

I have seen this happen on every religion on here, including christianity that gets bumbarded my athiest. I'm Wiccan by the way
2010-12-17 09:39:30 UTC
I try to answer questions leaving references to my faith out of it. I'm pagan and understand that not everyone shares my view. Furthermore, someone who knows my religion may not take me as seriously if I disclose it and refraining from being obvious about where my point of view is coming from might mean that my advice is still taken regardless of my religion. I also try to avoid questions that I can't answer. A Christian asking questions specific to their faith might not benefit from my opinions but a Christian wanting to know how to deal with friends that are being bigots or acting in a holier-than-thou manner could probably get something out of what I have to say.

I also keep it to the question asked. I don't belong to a proselytising religion and I also believe that all religions are equally valid routes to spiritual fulfilment, I don't believe that it's right to heap unrelated religious information and dogma on a person who hasn't asked for it. If I was a Christian with no experience with magic or religions that might make use of it occasionally, I wouldn't answer a question about it. I certainly wouldn't bombard the person with hateful messages as, last time I checked, Christianity wasn't about hate or judgement.
2016-10-20 01:25:00 UTC
people who gown like that are doing it for his or her own own style, or for interest, not because of the fact it relatively is a Witch or Wiccan gown code. A Wiccan or Witch is in basic terms as in all likelihood to positioned on a pink sundress or a beige pant tournament. Wicca is a faith. Witchcraft is a prepare which could be blended with any (or no) faith. traditionally, Wiccans prepare Witchcraft, yet not constantly. So in basic terms because of the fact one is a Wiccan does not mean he/she is a Witch. whilst Wicca exchange into based approximately 70 years in the past, human beings initially believed it exchange right into a reconstruction of a few historic Goddess-worshipping Witch faith from historic circumstances. those theories have been thoroughly debunked by ability of the Seventies, however. all of us comprehend now that Wicca is in fact a famous faith, a mix of distinctive ideals & practices and extra of a reinvention of older religions than a reconstruction.
Timothy B
2010-12-17 09:23:45 UTC
First of all if I am not qualified to answer the question I won't, second if It is a question I can answer, I follow community guidelines and answer to the best of my knowledge quote a source when I use one, respect them, share my beliefs if appropriate, but no I do not use this format to try and convert people, just share info I know.
2010-12-19 23:09:03 UTC
It will depend on the asker, and whether or not they are polite and likely to be receptive (open minded) to your response. If they are not going to be receptive, it may be a good idea not to indulge them.

I don't see any point in not being respectful of their belief(s). Trying to "covert" them (to your religion, your way of thinking, or your beliefs) is likely to be counter-productive. Most people will not simply 'see reason' and ditch their beliefs in favour of yours.

I always offer suggestion ("advice") that people may like to follow up (assuming I know something about a subject). I may include quotes, but generally I suggest they learn about things for themselves.
2010-12-17 09:00:53 UTC
Unless you're a Christian you will get destroyed on here, the majority of people on Yahoo Answers are Conservative bible bashing xenophobic morons, they won't respect your beliefs, but rather tell you why you must follow theirs.

If you want respect, I wouldn't seek it in the R&S section of Y!A - I try my best to avoid this part of the website because there is no end of Jesus freaks, zealots and fundies.

As far as I'm concered, Religion & Spirituality covers all religions and spiritual beliefs, not simply Christianity. IF I was a Christian and someone asked a question about Islam or Wicca or Hinduism, it would not be in my business to answer it unless I know the actual answer. Of course, we're dealing with a very special American bran of Christian here whom refuse to respect any belief that is not their own.
2010-12-17 08:59:39 UTC
Try to avoid rising to bait. Spreading religion/ atheism is more of an ego trip in which someone attempts to prove they are a competent/ proficient thinker or they have some otherworldly knowledge
old man on the hill
2010-12-17 09:05:11 UTC
first, because of my beliefs no religions are contradictory to mine, please read the following

how would i answer - the truth of my religion as i understand it

respect their belief - yes

try to convert - no, my beliefs do not expect me to

if i am bombarded with their beliefs i listen, and then ask if they will listen to my response

if the will i tell them what i believe and ask them to respect it as i have respected theirs

my god lives on a mountain. there are many paths up the mountain (christianity, judaism, islam, buddhism, hinduism, taoism, etc). my god does not care what path you choose. my god just asks that you climb the mountain
2010-12-17 08:59:48 UTC
My grand parents always told me to be very gentle to such people and try to talk about the common values you have with them. It decreases the distance, instead if you start saying against him and he does so with you, you both would not listen each other and it would not work.
Penny Lane
2010-12-17 21:27:11 UTC
I avoid those questions because, due to my personality- not my religion- I can be a little sarcastic. So.... if you cant say something nice (or helpful) dont say anything at all.

urban naturalist
2010-12-17 09:01:02 UTC
I'd mind my own business, unless it was a philosophical discussion at which point I'd be interested in hearing their point of view and having a respectful sharing of ideas with them. I find it's only those who are very insecure in their own faith who need to disrespect others about different views.
2010-12-17 09:04:10 UTC
I try my best to answer any question truthfully. (OK I have to admit I have a hard time sometimes truthfully answering someone who has just lost a loved one. I skirt the issue.)
2010-12-17 08:59:14 UTC
I'm an atheist, and I would actually be MORE respectful to a Wiccan than I would be to a Christian.

Although I think their beliefs are silly, Wiccans are generally much more respectful to me, so I feel that they deserve my respect as well.
2010-12-17 08:58:53 UTC
How I answer a question (rude or not) has more to do with HOW the question is asked, rather than the actual content.

Smarmy Snarky Immature questions are handled differently than genuine questions

BTW if you ask a question of a Christian you should EXPECT to be "bombarded" with Bible verses and Jesus....we want you to be in heaven with us, not rotting in hell.
2010-12-17 08:58:14 UTC
In an unbiased manner as possible
2010-12-17 09:03:45 UTC
1. I'd probably answer their questions with Bible verses and Jesus. How else would a Christian respond about a subject if they were asked about the subject based on their Christian beliefs? Plus, God's word is a living, active thing. It never returns to him void when used. It accomplishes some purpose.

2. I'd be respectful of them, not necessarily their beliefs.

3. It's up to God to convert people. I just deliver the message.

4. Scripture is useful advice.

From the Q/A at

Q: Why is it that it seems the Bible doesn't give definitive answers to so many questions we as Christians struggle with? Am I wrong being frustrated when it seems every time I ask my pastor a difficult question, he answers, "The Bible doesn't say"?

A: I am very sorry that you frustrated. What you say about partial information revealed in the Bible and an incomplete grasp of knowledge and understanding on the part of his people is quite accurate. The Bible itself affirms this. "We know in part and we prophesy (proclaim, preach) in part . . . Now we see but a poor reflection in a mirror; then (in glory) we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known" (1 Corinthians 13:9, 12). The many questions of Job directed at God (see the book that bears his name, and in particular ponder Job 28:1-28) coupled with the response of the Lord to Job (Job chapters 38 through 41) impress on us that God has no intention of answering many of our questions and owes us creatures nothing in this regard.

While God has not asked me to defend his chosen course of action in this regard (nor does he need it), allow me to make these additional brief observations.

◦God has revealed the really important or essential things to us with great clarity. I speak of the messages of human sin and divine grace, of our need for and our receiving a Savior, Jesus Christ, and a lot of additional information that is centered in Christ and his perfect saving work on our behalf. Since this information is so much more important and necessary than other things that may pique our interest or curiosity, we do well to be gratefully content. His primary focus is that we be and remain citizens of heaven headed for glory. When we get there, the other information can be shared with us. Besides, by limiting the information he shares us with us now, he leads us to focus on what he HAS revealed, and we are the richer because of that.

◦We humans have often fallen victim to the idea that exhaustive information and knowledge solves all problems and automatically enriches our lives. While we do not wish to be advocates of willful ignorance, it should be noted that our obsession with having curiosity satisfied, searching the Internet for answers to all questions, and assuming that knowledge will solve humanity's and our own greatest problems deserves to be reconsidered. Knowledge is not always a blessing (see Ecclesiastes 1:18), while relying on God's revealed words and promises does give blessing (see Luke 11:28). Again, what God has shared with us, Christ-centered exposition of human sin and divine grace, is what meets our deepest needs.

◦Let us consider ourselves amply warned that any desire to be like God (in knowledge and answered questions) is a dangerous attitude (see Genesis 3:4-7), while being faithful as creatures and forgiven sinners with all our limitations is the path of true wisdom (Proverbs 3:5-6). Let us give God all glory, rejoice in the gift of forgiveness and heavenly citizenship, entrust our limitations to him, and humbly offer ourselves as his servants and servants of each other (see Romans 12:1-5).


Have a good day.
2010-12-17 09:03:52 UTC
Insult him.
2010-12-17 08:58:14 UTC
"Telepathically accept Jesus as your master, or ROT IN HELL FOREVER !!!!!"

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.