1. I'd probably answer their questions with Bible verses and Jesus. How else would a Christian respond about a subject if they were asked about the subject based on their Christian beliefs? Plus, God's word is a living, active thing. It never returns to him void when used. It accomplishes some purpose.
2. I'd be respectful of them, not necessarily their beliefs.
3. It's up to God to convert people. I just deliver the message.
4. Scripture is useful advice.
From the Q/A at www.wels.net
Q: Why is it that it seems the Bible doesn't give definitive answers to so many questions we as Christians struggle with? Am I wrong being frustrated when it seems every time I ask my pastor a difficult question, he answers, "The Bible doesn't say"?
A: I am very sorry that you frustrated. What you say about partial information revealed in the Bible and an incomplete grasp of knowledge and understanding on the part of his people is quite accurate. The Bible itself affirms this. "We know in part and we prophesy (proclaim, preach) in part . . . Now we see but a poor reflection in a mirror; then (in glory) we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known" (1 Corinthians 13:9, 12). The many questions of Job directed at God (see the book that bears his name, and in particular ponder Job 28:1-28) coupled with the response of the Lord to Job (Job chapters 38 through 41) impress on us that God has no intention of answering many of our questions and owes us creatures nothing in this regard.
While God has not asked me to defend his chosen course of action in this regard (nor does he need it), allow me to make these additional brief observations.
◦God has revealed the really important or essential things to us with great clarity. I speak of the messages of human sin and divine grace, of our need for and our receiving a Savior, Jesus Christ, and a lot of additional information that is centered in Christ and his perfect saving work on our behalf. Since this information is so much more important and necessary than other things that may pique our interest or curiosity, we do well to be gratefully content. His primary focus is that we be and remain citizens of heaven headed for glory. When we get there, the other information can be shared with us. Besides, by limiting the information he shares us with us now, he leads us to focus on what he HAS revealed, and we are the richer because of that.
◦We humans have often fallen victim to the idea that exhaustive information and knowledge solves all problems and automatically enriches our lives. While we do not wish to be advocates of willful ignorance, it should be noted that our obsession with having curiosity satisfied, searching the Internet for answers to all questions, and assuming that knowledge will solve humanity's and our own greatest problems deserves to be reconsidered. Knowledge is not always a blessing (see Ecclesiastes 1:18), while relying on God's revealed words and promises does give blessing (see Luke 11:28). Again, what God has shared with us, Christ-centered exposition of human sin and divine grace, is what meets our deepest needs.
◦Let us consider ourselves amply warned that any desire to be like God (in knowledge and answered questions) is a dangerous attitude (see Genesis 3:4-7), while being faithful as creatures and forgiven sinners with all our limitations is the path of true wisdom (Proverbs 3:5-6). Let us give God all glory, rejoice in the gift of forgiveness and heavenly citizenship, entrust our limitations to him, and humbly offer ourselves as his servants and servants of each other (see Romans 12:1-5).
Have a good day.