What is Satan doing in Job, did he get a week-end pass?
2008-12-18 11:30:39 UTC
One day the angels came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came with them. The LORD said to Satan, "Where have you come from?"
Satan answered the LORD, "From roaming through the earth and going back and forth in it." (Job 1:6-7)

What precisely is going on here? Wasn't Satan cast down from Heaven for eternity, or to await judgement day in hell, or something? Yet in Job, he seems to just be able to tag along with a bunch of anonymous angels and go straight to the throne. Meanwhile, god seems totally cool with it, when you'd think he'd be all like "OMFG, WHICH TARD LET THIS SCHMUCK BACK IN? WHO'S RUNNING SECURITY? SOMEONE'S GONNA GET FIRED FOR THIS..."

Was god thinking of getting the band back together? Did Satan sneak in? Has he still got his keys or something?

Does God miss Satan, and let him back up every now and then for a chat?
23 answers:
2008-12-18 11:36:32 UTC
In Judaism (the religion the book of Job was written for - not Christianity) Satan wasn't cast down anywhere. He is an angel under God fulfilling a specific role. He's not evil, he's not in opposition to God, he's not the ruler of Hell, etc.

He's "The Accuser". He'd act like the prosecution in a court case, which is similar to how he behaved in Job.

In Christianity the book of Job has to be reinterpreted and Satan's role is completely different from what it was believed to be when the book was around in Judaism. That's why it doesn't make sense there... they're coming at it with a different set of beliefs than what the authors had.
Tater Salad
2008-12-18 11:36:46 UTC
In Job Jesus actually made a bet with Satan. The bet being that if he ruined the life of one of my most faithful followers, Job, he would still be praised. So God killed Job's family, destroyed his home and other equally loving things you would expect a kind god to do. Then Job still praised God. Jesus won his bet, Satan forked over 5 bucks. The end.

Moral of the story? God and Jesus are about as mean as a 5 year old with a magnifying glass at an ant hill.
2008-12-18 14:26:50 UTC
Satan revisits Heaven to accuse a believers. Believers know that Jesus is seated right hand of the throne of God as our Advocate.

"And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night." [Revelation 12:10]

He didn't sneak in--wasn't necessary. Remember God addressed Satan first. It was Job's test. Today Satan plays prosecutor and court is in session just as it was then.

"Then the LORD said to Satan, "Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil." God knew the stuff Job was made of--He knew Job through and through and that he would be faithful." [Job 1:7-9]

God is Judge and a just one. He will hear Satan's many accusations but Satan cannot slip anything over on Almighty God who is omniscient and omnipresent. His appearances in court as the accuser might be looked upon by us somewhat like those "frivolous lawsuits" we hear so much about today. He's got nothing else to do except attempt to torment God's children in someway or other and try to pervert everything that has come from God.

As for God missing Satan, I will not even pretend to know God's sentiments--we don't know His thoughts and ways. It's the other way around; He knows us coming and going. I can only say that as a parent, I would not have the most kind thoughts about someone who was attempting at every moment to torment, rob, kill and destroy my child simply to hurt me through that child. I would probably--make that certainly--lose my cool and do something supremely ignorant.

[Protocol and Hospitality: Jesus is at home, seated at the right hand of God's throne but Satan stands accusing. When a visitor is not offered a seat, it should be considered that the visitor is not very welcome in a place or that the host plans for the visitor's stay to be brief.]

But God is supreme--sinless and totally in control. Heaven is God's rule--His Kingdom. He allows whom He will. God also dismisses whom He will.

2008-12-18 11:36:17 UTC
LOL.....SATAN was expelled ....after the bible was written...NOT BEFORE ADAM AND EVE SINNED

Satan was expelled from heaven and is FORETOLD...not RECORDED IN Revelation 12 verse 7

The book ofrevelation according to the Chapter 1 verse 1 is about the future not THE PAST....

Jehovah ' s witnesses explain that event happened after a prophecy of Daniel 1914....

That is why since 1914 the world began a convoluted way down trip as Jesus said in Matthew 24 verse 3-14
2008-12-18 11:44:59 UTC
Satan is ultimately a pawn of God to show that God wins. Period.

The purpose of Job's story and its presence in the Bible is to show that God is ultimately in control no matter what Satan tries to come up with, and that you'll ultimately be blessed for sticking it out through suffering. Satan's original motivation, too, is to prove that he can sway specifically Job from God. God basically says, "You're on."

So how does Satan get into heaven? God ALLOWS him in for this occasion because God knows that Satan will challenge him and God knows that God wins.
2008-12-18 11:41:16 UTC
Does God miss Satan, and let him back up every now and then for a chat?

Since you read the book, certainly you noticed how this creature (our adversary) had to continually ask God's permission on how he came at Job? It is because this is how it is with God's own, our adversary and accuser, can not just throw a curve ball at us...we are divinely protected (remember how he tells God- 'Of course Job serves you faithfully, you have a hedge around him?" Well, that is all of us- we have a hedge around us, so when the enemy wants to try us, he has to ask our Creator. God will allow somethings to occur- 1. makes us stronger - the more spiritually strong we become, the better we tear down the enemy's camp with much more vengenance towards him. 2. We realize how very much in need we are of God's protection and strength, we also realize how material things are nothing- but spiritual things are of most importance. Many of us have been in Job'sposition- (maybe not quite as bad)- but we come out more blessed, (just as Job) more powerful (just as Job) and more ready to tear down satans kingdom (just as Job, Paul, Peter, all the prophets etc....

Satan is subject to God when it comes to God's people- he can do almost anything he wants with his own. 'almost'- God still can curve that is they cry out.

My God, is God- Job's God.
2008-12-18 11:37:51 UTC
No where in the Bible does it say that Satan is lord of Hell. Hell is designed to punish Satan (Revelations). Satan roams the Earth not Hell (Revelations 12).
2008-12-18 12:49:41 UTC
Satan was doing his strategy of corrupting the line of Jesus since he couldn't be the Father.

He was cast out of the Garden of Eden, but not from earth to hell, as some believe. Nay.............. he was being low-profile in his workings.

He was trying to corrupt Adam's lineage.

He was attacking Joseph through his brothers.

He was leading Pharaoh over the Israelites and caused him to pursue them after freeing them from slavery.

He tried to stop Ruth from being David's grandmother, which continues the line of descendants which lead to Jesus.

He was doing attacks over David's lineage by encouraging David to sin with Bathsheba.

He tried to destroy Israel's hope of a coming of a savior ( Messiah ), otherwise, they would see that they were restored to Glory as God's favored people and and would be faithful in Jesus' coming. There would be a restoration of Holiness in God's people, by confessing their sin and renewing their relationship with God.

Satan had been doing all this before getting to Job, I'd say that he was quite busy dear.
Gary B
2008-12-18 11:38:47 UTC
Satasn was cast out of Heaven, but NOT cast into Hell. He was cast out of Heave becasue he rebelled against the authority of God.

Satan was given the EARTH as his dominion, to confuse and lie as he sees fit.

It is not until the End of Times that Satan is bound (captured) and thrown into Hell.

Hell is not the realm of Satan's RULE, it is the location of his ultimate torture and punishment -- just like all the others who do not believe in God's power.
2008-12-18 11:46:33 UTC
The Bible was written as an example for our learning and admonition.

It is a love letter from God.

God knew that Job would not give up his integrity. The whole example from the book of Job is that he was perfect (mature) and withstood his comforters. His three friends and wife that wanted him to accuse the Lord.

Jobs children graduated into heaven when they died.

It was all a heavy price for Job but it was for your learning and admonition.
Karl P
2008-12-18 11:35:02 UTC
Satan also visits Jesus in the wilderness. In the Bible Satan sometimes converses with important figures as a means of tempting or testing them.
2008-12-18 11:46:38 UTC
you heard your best friend can be your worse enemies at the end of a friendship. will that what happened to God and satan when they ended their friendship they became worse enemies. fighting a war against good and evil here on earth that why were being tested and judge between good and evil.
2008-12-18 11:38:52 UTC
Book of job makes a pretty good case that satan is really working for god.
2008-12-18 11:43:09 UTC
wow, you really have a twisted imagination. and what your doing is blasphemy. you should really rethink what you say. Satan is out to ruin lives, and steer you as far away from the Lord as he can.
2008-12-18 11:34:02 UTC
Satan is about to become President of the united States so he's too busy to take a break right now.
Light and Truth
2008-12-18 11:38:05 UTC
Satan is styled the "accuser of the brethren" (Rev. 12:10. Comp. Job 1:6; Zech. 3:1), as seeking to uphold his influence among men by bringing false charges against Christians, with the view of weakening their influence and injuring the cause with which they are identified. He was regarded by the Jews as the accuser of men before God, laying to their charge the violations of the law of which they were guilty, and demanding their punishment. The same Greek word, rendered "accuser," is found in John 8:10 In his role as the destroyer, Satan can cause illness and death, but only with permission from God. He cannot take people before their time unless they disobey God and thus forfeit their mission (Job 1:6-12).

He (Satan) is the master of deceit, adulteration, and counterfeit. There is hardly a human appetite that he has not prostituted to his own evil designs; virtue he betrays into vice; and things invented and designed as benefactors to mankind he diverts to his own ends. This is given to us in Job, as we learn some of his tricks. There is hardly a human appetite that he has not prostituted to his own evil designs; virtue he betrays into vice; and things invented and designed as benefactors to mankind he diverts to his own ends. No palace of art or temple of music was ever more glamorously decorated than the hell-holes of Satan that are labeled saloons, bars, road houses and gambling clubs. With blazing neon signs and lighted "white ways," the cheap and the tawdry are dressed in tinseled garb and with sensuous music from the nether regions issuing forth from such places, the passersby are enticed to partake.

Since all truths are not of equal value and since those truths most necessary in the process of salvation are gained only through the Holy Spirit of God, one obviously stands in jeopardy if he is not gaining those particular truths through that particular spirit while in this particular life. Job said that the things of God are "past finding out" (Job 9:10), and his "friend" Zophar asks, "Canst thou by searching find out god?" (Job 1:7). Obviously, the correct answer to Zophar's question is "No! The things of God do not yield themselves to searching alone." No one can obtain the things of God except by revelation to himself, and God must reveal himself or else he remains forever unknown. Jacob wrote: "How unsearchable are the depths of the mysteries of him. . . . And no man knoweth of his ways save it be revealed unto him; wherefore, brethren, despise not the revelations of God"
Royal Racer Hell=Grave ©
2008-12-18 11:33:55 UTC
No...not yet..he will be in the near future as spoken of in Rev 12.
2008-12-18 11:36:16 UTC
Satan nad jesus are twins, he snuck past the guards with some catsup speared on his hands
2008-12-18 11:33:26 UTC
Satan was doing his job in Job.
Brent L
2008-12-18 11:33:37 UTC
Yeah, how is it that the lord of Hell has access to God when none of the other damned do? I'd love to hear the answer to this one.
Michael T
2008-12-18 11:34:21 UTC
Whatever was happening there, it was according to God will. That is all I can be sure of.
2008-12-18 11:42:02 UTC
satan is the evil. you should not following satan
2008-12-18 11:34:13 UTC
God will never say, "OMFG". your thoughts on this subject are so skewed.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.