Why does Reverend Ming Yi still wearing his monk robe if he is found guilty?
2009-07-23 19:02:47 UTC
Lately I watched the news and saw that Rev Ming Yi still wearing his monk robe when he attended court. My questions are: 1) If he is found guilty, he will immediately change his dressing to a 'playboy' or a 'fashion' rich man appearance, but why he has not done that? 2) Is he under some threat or offended the top management which unable for him to disclose and therefore made him a scapegoat? 3) If he tells the truth, he might raise some political issues or might get Singapore economy/people to go into chaos?
51 answers:
2009-07-27 23:22:23 UTC
The court case is still on going.

Anyway, it is up to the Buddhist community in Singapore to decide if he can still be a monk. Think they have their own leaders in the community to decide. Not the Court.

One thing I'm not clear is I cannot find any reports that said that he had used the money from Ren Ci, except that he allowed the $50K loan by his assistant, which is the only thing the prosecutor can charge him for. If that is the case, all the things that he spent on was his own money, be it from salary or offerings from being a monk for his monastry. He has 2 sources of 'income'.

As to if a monk can receive so much salary, spend like any other CEO. That has been the same questions people were asking about many other big religious organisation like pastors receiving $500,000 salary and live like a prince.

In any case, most of the CEO or head of big charity organisation are pretty rich and live an upper class life. Even if you put in a team of MPs they still draw huge salary.
2016-02-24 06:41:56 UTC
Lately I watched the news and saw that Rev Ming Yi still wearing his monk robe when he attended court. My questions are: 1) If he is found guilty, he will immediately change his dressing to a 'playboy' or a 'fashion' rich man appearance, but why he has not done that? 2) Is he under some threat or offended the top management which unable for him to disclose and therefore made him a scapegoat? 3) If he tells the truth, he might raise some political issues or might get Singapore economy/people to go into chaos?
2009-07-27 21:34:04 UTC
Unless he gets disrobed (this is a disgrace if you get disrobed) by the Buddhist Abbot, he is still able to wear his "monk" robes. Actually the robes doesn't mean anything. A lot of people misunderstand that wearing those robes will make those monks holy etc. But I think even our "dear" Rev has misunderstood the teachings of Buddhism and that is as a person of the robes (dharma) he should have not material wants and needs i.e. wanting a pet horse (WTF!!!!) and more houses than he can live in. Furthermore, his relationship with his male PA is ambiguous (figure it out yourselves people).

Charity used to be actually the philanthropic works of very wealthy person who decided to give back to society (look at Bill Gates and his charity works in India). But I find in Singapore recently, there has been a lot of abuse with this system. Someone starts a charity and once they ball starts rolling, they declare themselves CEO and get a big fat pay and employ full-time workers for working in the charity! So how much of the money actually benefits the people it is suppose to help in the first place. Using charity money as a personal piggy bank is the worst crime as the money was from a person well to do or not giving part of his hard earned money thinking it will help someone who needs help more. They got no product or service from this gesture. Just a feel good factor that this money will be put to good use. No matter what the amount is, if it had been spend on one self at least it would have satisfied a need that person have like a bar of chocolate or could even be a prada bag. But no, this person selflessly gave to charity in the hope that this money can be put to better use. But instead it is used to satisfy another person's material cravings and that to me is the crime of trust abused.
2009-07-27 19:05:01 UTC
The robe is his last line of defence. It is what separates him from the common criminals. Until proven guilty, he will want to keep wearing his robe so that the people in his religious faith will still associate with him. Believe the last case involving another religious group, the person also wore his religious garb to the findings until the last day where he was found guilty.

I believe he has done much good for the needy but he is basically trying to cover some mistakes with more half truths.

If he really wants to protect the interest of his group, he should just admit his mistakes. I believe he will score more with the people. He can always start again after he comes out from jail. Pls learn from Look at a certain media corp artist or the other religious guy, his big boss took him back. Utlimately all religion teaches "Repentence" and "Forgiveness".
2009-07-27 20:02:08 UTC
I think wearing that monk robe is the biggest mistake. If he was not a monk but a normal CEO that run the charity, people might have been more lenient on how he spend the money as long as the needy people still benefit from it. After all as a CEO that run a big organisation it is nothing wrong to expect some big return for his work and effort. However by wearing the monk robe, he is binded by the Buddhism code. The return he should be expecting should be spirituals instead of materialistic.
2009-07-28 01:30:05 UTC
well, when i 1st heard about the investigation, i wish it was just a mistake.

now, skeletons are falling out from the closet, to much of disappointment - a big shame to buddhism.

whether he fall under any of the above categories, he should remove his robe if he cannot uphold honesty and integrity under any circumstances.

R Ming Yi should know the rules better than anyone if he is a true religion leader. What a shame!!! Pls do not tarnish further of the religion that has so deeply rooted in everyone heart and also for all further leaders who like to do a big part in this aspect.

I hope there is no more leader who abuse the use of religion - have a heart !
2009-07-27 22:38:05 UTC
He is still dun feel shameful. If monk holding such a high salary, wear/carry branded goods & live in a luxury life.. Men should be a monk instead of working in the office or others. Is Ming Yi hving special relationship with his aide, tat is still a big question mark. He can spend like a rich man, dun b surpurised tat he is hving an affair or in a relationship. Well, he still feel tat he is still a innocent goat & hv the right 2 spend on all the charity $ meant for the hospital.
2009-07-27 15:05:14 UTC
First was NKF S$600k bonus for that guy, and now a S$25k monk. If I can be like him, getting paid S$25k monthly as a monk, not only can buy a horse as a pet, have several private properties and BMW to eat wind. Not only I will wear robe and shave botak to do anything or perform any act anywhere, under the name as hero of "Charity". I will want to buy a Panda as pet to keep in Shanghai's "Mandai Zoo", and a F16 fighter jet as my weekend toy, maintained by RSAF as the local agent...Ha ha. Thought charity is charity? But getting paid S$25k monthly isn't it't know must work how many months or even years for others, to get that... mmm..... I think I am in the wrong career, I should be working in a charity, become a monk or nun. Think he is world's highest paid monk if not limited in Singapore...excluding monthly claims and "un-recorded" and "un-declared" private ang-pow money from followers and others during lunar 1st and 15th day. I think I just work 4 years term is more than enough already, can retire as a millionaire dis-honest ex-monk, and part time jocky as a hobby.
2009-07-28 01:17:49 UTC
Still wearing monk robe because:

1) If he don't wear robes, he will just have a skinhead look. Not so fashionable anymore.

2) The robes ARE from house of Chanel. Timeless.

3) He is wearing designer furs and skins underneath. The robe protects them when he visits his Horse at the muddy stables.

4) Easier to squat and sh_t. Or just standing bullsh_t.

5) Ok, since your question is loaded with conspiracy theories: maybe he is an alien?
papa don't preach
2009-07-27 22:39:33 UTC
I don't think it's wrong to wear the robe to court, he's still consider as a monk and he's not found guilty yet. But....... it's very wrong for a monk to OWN a pet horse, BWW, big house, buy LV....etc In buddhism study, there should be no attachment, 4 noble truth. I think it's very wrong for him to own all this from the huge wage he got from Ren Ci, even if he had done all the good deeds before. He had his reputation totally destroyed...
2009-07-27 18:54:41 UTC
He did a lot of damages to the images of charities, after NKF saga, lots of ppl are wary of charities. Yet at this moment, he actually did all this sinful things! I think he's still wearing the monk's robe because he trying to make ppl thinks he's innocent and still being truthful, but if he spend his own money, who cares? Now the problem is he's abusing his power and gain benefit for himself and enjoy on the expense of the needs! is this teaching of Buddha? He's staining the name of buddhism. By the way, if he's a good monk, won't you think he should see things very openly and wont be threaten or wat? Coz Life is just an illusion, no need to clinch on something and dont let go. To me I feel he's really a shame to the religion, to chinese, to Singapore and to his own family!
2009-07-27 21:14:12 UTC
What kind of questions are these? He's only wearing his robe to court because of his capacity as a monk, even though he's under scrutiny for his misdeeds. Of course he has to uphold his image though it's sullied by his crimes so as to protect the "integrity" of the monkhood that he's supposedly sworn into.

There's probably no issue with "top management" that makes him a scapegoat because he's the top dog in his charity. Lastly, what political issues will his crap raise that hasn't already been discussed during the NKF fiasco, and how the heck will that affect Singapore's economy - there's no link there. The only chaos will be that there will once more be scrutiny into how charities are run.

Your questions probably mean nothing and are just fuelling support for BS that will put charities in a bad light due to another piece of **** who's abusing the name of charity. Try to ask more logical questions, and to the others who're answering, think before submitting f**ked up answers that don't help in addressing anything that's being asked.
2009-07-27 22:09:22 UTC
when ming yi know that the whole of singapore that donated moneys to the cause of his works in the hospital nobody expected him to lavish the moneys that ppls gives in support of his monk role,not like last time where monks work without pays, this is a modern world where we practice that whoever served in the community must be pay as a head of the organisation, who can stop it when there is nothing wrong to prove that u take the moneys and used it some where else until ppls poke you from behind with evidences in tact.He now knows that every1 in singapore are watching him in court, he got to play 2 roles to let ppls know that i am a monk who help and raised up the donations every years to $6 millions for the hospital that he work for, that he still wear the monk robe to attend the court proceeding without shame, then what he saying in court its about his poor managements about the moneys ppls donates to him, in his minds he is thinking that it is his personal matters within his trusted friend about the loan he lend it to him nothing to do with his monk role that why until now he still got support by his own members not to removed the monk robe to attend the court, if he is found guilty is only a few years behind bar then after that ppls will still forgive him and still back to his monk role again, what can we say and do, the only ways is to forgive him and prayed that whoever take over his CEO job must be very carefull next time with the charity acts govern by our country .
2009-07-27 19:26:39 UTC
Aiyoooh.. He already brought shame to himself and to Ren Chi Hospital. You no read yesterday meh.. donations down 50% for the hospital. Some more no write about donations down or not for the monastry he also started and run what... Money accounted for or not???

What he wear or not wear same person what... Wear monk robe to gain sympathy he cry in court so many his monk robe... during the charity make people donate more....

Aiyah... after court case still got more charges against him sure have by CAD and CPIB..
2009-07-27 19:18:56 UTC
In a situation like this, do u expect him 2 put on designers' clothings? Btw I think monk robe may eventually become a fashion wear.
2009-07-27 18:32:32 UTC
Imagine him telling ppl tat he drives a BMW, Owns a Horse as pet, hv numerous properties, get paid 25k a mth from ppls donations n all bcos i'm a MONK. A Branded 1 i shld say. Does he really understand the true purpose of being a monk, i wonder. and i really hv doubts wats the real relationship he hv wif tat ex- steward( who looks like a toyboy) which mingyi is trying to defend.
2009-07-27 23:02:41 UTC
He's just a monk. He knows no values, integrity and knowledge of an honest & rightful business man that knows how to manage a non-profit organizations (he claim that he took care of the company well, right?) as he should have. He should read more self-help business books or source information wherever on how to manage & deal with political business issues with his sipiruality ways & thinking. :D
2009-07-28 00:04:08 UTC
Hey what is wrong with all you people???? If I'm getting S$25K a month i'll be probably thinking of getting elephant instead of just horses and I be sure the elephant are not from any circus!!! Then please have mercy on the guy, being in a robe cannot have girls around him (so sad) have to get a toy boy instead.
2009-07-27 22:17:44 UTC
B'cos he got no other clothing after being a monk for so long. Just bear with him for a while more as soon he will be wearing uniform with numbers on his chest.
2009-07-27 20:37:59 UTC
I think the thread starter is typical of some crazy conspiracy theory thinker.

1. Dumb question, he is not even found guilty yet, you're asking a question that is invalid.

2. He himself is the top-most management of his organisation, the CEO himself, under threat by who?

3. You're real dumb, this is an internal issue, about how he loan out money and use fake documents to coverup. Its nothing to do with government, or economy. Are you nuts? What go into chaos?

Why don't you use your common sense?
Rosalind L
2009-07-27 18:45:50 UTC
To gain public sympathy and remind them he is a MONK and hopefully the judge will be more lenient towards him? Whatever he dons matters not as the charges against him are serious and makes a mockery out of his religion.
2009-07-27 16:55:15 UTC
he should remove his monk robe, it's such a shame. No doubt he is a very rich monk that earns S$25 per month. What kind of job is this?
2009-07-27 14:43:20 UTC
Because he still thinks he's innocent and has a right to wear his robe. Can't you tell from his answers in court? E.g Yes, I have been spending on pet horses and flashy cars but I have taken care of my hospital well.
2009-07-27 23:52:02 UTC
Wearing a robe does not mean any thing.

Who knows, robe may become a rich men fashion in Singapore...
2009-07-27 16:56:33 UTC
It doesn't matter anymore what he wear. The damage has been done, to the society, religion and pitiful name of charity.

When a person has all the 'power', in fame and wealth - you tend to stray from your values and beliefs. Afterall, he's still human .....

He's doomed. No one to support him, and a villian in everyone's eyes.

He's to be blamed, for whatever reasons or excuses he may has.

How to prevent this kind of ill-civil minded behaviour from recurring?

The government should step-in as a watchdog in setting guidelines, serve as a governance and auditing agency.

Put a MP team or better still a Ministry to govern it. It's for the benefits of everyone - for the unfortunates that require the charity as well as the benevolent donors. Haven't we learnt our lessons yet?
2009-07-27 20:32:02 UTC
I go to wrong career! If I know be Monk can earn so much income and eng eng drive BMW with his bf go eat wind, eng eng play with my horse pet, eng eng go oversea with bf buy house, no stress and got so much income... hmmm ~~not bad leh!! Why I study so hard and work like a horse for what? And earn so little....:~( Next time, I much tell my children don't be doctor, dont' be lawyer, don't be teacher, have to be MONK!
2009-07-27 21:18:23 UTC
I think Ming Yi should come read this site himself. Wake his idea up.
2009-07-28 01:21:43 UTC
He has the right to wear anything and practise what he thinks is correct. We shold not comment until the court found him guilty.

He must practise what he preached. The Singapore authority did a good job to prevent further damage to charity organisation and enable the needy to benefit.
Mr Horny
2009-07-27 19:49:29 UTC
i did spend but i have keep the hospital well...

well ur head.. for god sake! keep in mind that all those money are from kind people wanted to help the needy. they are not yours! spending those money as u like? plp like him and NFK's are destroying very faith in singaporeans in donation for charity which something we are proud of. i guess he tinks wearing the robe still helps him portray an image of a divine monk? with a heart pure and innocent? vomit*$$@%!@$...

he should juz take them off...omg... hes a goner... prepare sit in jail. ;)
2009-07-27 19:24:48 UTC
Why is it that all Singaporeans likes to criticise and add salt to other people's wound??? Is that all we can do? Criticise only?? Judge yourself before you judge others. Why can't you people see what he has contributed? $25K a month is what he get paid but how much has he scarified and contributed to the hospital? I personally feels that he deserves that. Look at his past contributions to the hospital and society not his flaws. If he is flawless, he won't be a monk he'll be GOD.
white tiger
2009-07-27 21:58:41 UTC
You have my support, for the effort and hard work in running RenChi. Don't worry on " Evil remarks", the truth will come to light. Remember, Jikong (The mad-monk). Only those with wisdom will know what he is doing. Take Care Shifu.
2009-07-27 18:42:55 UTC
Whether you wear a Monk's robe or a bunny suit,if you're dirty like this arsehole of a monk.You cannot wash away this filth.
2009-07-23 20:56:14 UTC
Yeah..He should remove his Monk Robe ! such a bad things le still thick skin,think he still highly respected monk???
jade star
2009-07-27 22:07:46 UTC
There is no higher authority in Singapore to disrobe him.

If he is in Thailand, he would have been disrobed long ago.

Honestly, if he respects Buddhism, he should disrobe immediately

once the investigations started. I have lost respect for him.
2009-07-27 22:46:40 UTC
i find that he should not wear robe, he a disgrace to people in singapore he is liar, he misuse his power.he is not fit to be monk.
2009-07-28 00:04:41 UTC
err..because only the monk robe is big enough to hide that armani suit beneath...
2009-07-27 23:07:08 UTC
Give the man a break :) .... i think he sincerely wants to help Ren Ci, but he's a man after all .... no man is infallible
2009-07-28 00:16:21 UTC
Basically, he is a Wolf in Sheep's clothings!!!!
2009-07-28 01:14:43 UTC
He is innocent until proven guilty. So what's the problem?
2009-07-28 02:02:57 UTC
now i understand meaning of 'wolf disguise in sheepskin'
2009-07-27 10:02:44 UTC
because he is still a monk
2009-07-28 00:26:23 UTC
This idiot mingyi should burn and rot in hell for all eternity! He brings shame to Buddhism.. basterd!!
2009-07-27 18:12:32 UTC
He should be wearing all his branded clothe, watches and shoes. since its all out, me might as well wear it out!
2009-07-27 21:33:04 UTC
Can't wait to see him in CHANGI uniform!
Always Right
2009-07-23 19:05:16 UTC
Becuause he is a baller
justin h
2009-07-27 22:58:51 UTC
his robe was custom made by giorgio armani himself...
2009-07-27 18:42:25 UTC
He is one MONK.........................EY, oh ya, monkey can wear anything to entertain ppl,seeing him in action is a
2009-07-27 11:17:22 UTC
It is correct u said so
2009-07-27 20:37:04 UTC
His robe is ~EA~
2009-07-27 18:34:43 UTC
he still think he is clean & pure
Amelia T
2009-07-27 10:55:04 UTC
because he is delusional.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.