2008-01-31 15:47:25 UTC
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index qid=20080131150404AANhvEk&r=w#QcEmWDW4UjAPbuKMyF7xGu7Ob21sbUuUU0FkDKQ5WXZ94giUgCsS
It really is ridiculous. Anti-Semitism by definition is hatred expressed against the Jew as a person because of his/her religion or ethnicity(so according to defintion there are ethnic Jews). Criticism of Israeli political & foreign policy, determined by its elected or appointed leaders, does NOT fit the definition. Calling someone an anti-semite is simply a conversation stopper in order to sidestep.
Also, for more thumbs down I am ethnically Sephardi (latin rite Jew).