Both. Creation without evolution would mean that everything would remain as it was the moment it was created; and evolution without creation would mean that their would be no preceding form to evolve from. Both creation and evolution are two sides of the same coin, and are different way to explain what we see as sequential change in perceptual observation. It has always be obvious to me that God created the dinosaurs, and I wasn't taught anything that contradicted that.
Growing up influence by a Southern Baptist background, the emphasis of the Old Testament was not highly promoted as much as the New Testament. Therefore, I had always assumed that the OT was meant to be taken metaphorically, not literally, which supports the Spiritual Reality Christ spoke of in the NT. I value and appreciate the lesson of the OT, but cannot take them literally or as having any actual plausibility, given the understanding of the consistency of the material world. Science and Faith has never conflicted with me, because I was conditioned with a more open and inclusive mentality.
Science is physical means of how God reveals Himself to us in material form. There is no way I can look at the amazing discoveries science without recognizing the Wonderment of some Higher Power, by whatever name it is called. Science has shown us that energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed, only made to change form, hence existence is eternal. 'Creation' is a term used as a linguistic convenience, as God is ALL things, as omnipresence suggests, and is not subject to either 'caused' or 'annihilated'. Omnipresence suggests omniscience, by way of God 'being' all, which leads to omnipotence.
Science is the domain of linear realm of material form and content (specifics and details), which signifies appearance and difference. It cannot register the nonlinear paradigm of formless context (significance and meaning), which denote essence and commonality. Science, can be considered to be practical for the material world, however, it has it's limits. The mortal physical realm is merely the superficial surface of existence and is a result of the formless spiritual reality undetectable by material means. The error is seeing science and faith as conflicting, rather than two different paradigms of reality. Life on land operates from different dynamics from life in the sea. Judging faith with science or science with faith is like measuring 'weight' with a yard stick.
These short videos will better explain what I am talking about.