Do you believe in God, or in Evolution?
2015-04-14 10:38:42 UTC
I personally believe God created us.
I have never been able to believe that we descended from apes, nor that everything just came about by chance.

I believe in the Genesis account where it says: "God created man in his image."
And I believe in the Genesis account where it talks about men living for nearly a thousand years.
Even science supports the idea that humans can live a lot longer than we currently do.

This is what I personally believe, how about yourself?
And why?
120 answers:
2015-04-14 11:56:11 UTC
I believe that universe has always existed. It explodes, expands, contracts back to a single point of singularity and then explodes in another Big Bang once again. And so for eternity. No beginning, no end.

I do believe that there exists such thing as consciousness which also has no beginning and end. This is what you call God. And we all are part of that consciousness. Everything is part this consciousness. I am a pantheist and believe that everything and anything is God. You, me, toilet paper, my keyboard, etc. Even good and evil is just different, natural manifestations of God and the universe, not a separate force.

I do believe in evolution. Yep. I do not believe a literal meaning of Bible. I think the teachings in it are very wise but terribly misunderstood. The original teaching of Jesus was more closer to Buddhism, over centuries it has evolved into something completely else what it was meant to be.
Radical for freedom
2015-04-16 09:18:01 UTC
Believing in God and believing evolution do not have to be mutually exclusive. I take it the OT understands his/her god but probably doesn't understand evolution too well.

I happen to believe evolution but do not believe in a god. The reason for this is that the prior has strong objective and verifiable evidence to support it as a fact as opposed to the latter which has no such evidence.

However, evolution doesn't say anything about how life began. Evolution only explains the diversity of life. Many people who accept evolution also believe that a god or deity started life and then let evolution take over.

I see a real problem for Christians that take a literal view of the Bible. It forces you to believe in some pretty absurd things even in the face of strong evidence to the contrary. It's such a ridiculous position to hold ( analogous to 'flat earthers') that when they are not taken seriously by any scientific group then the literalist Christians believe they are being oppressed for their views ( most of the time you're being laughed at and for good reason).

I also think that a LITERALIST VIEW OF THE BIBLE DIMINISHES THE GREATNESS OF YOUR GOD. Because you confine what god is to the Bible. You only let the Bible set god's dimensions because if its not in the Bible you're not inclined to believe it. Actually , I think the literalists Christians should check themselves as to whether they really worship God or the Bible itself. ;)
2015-04-16 08:51:50 UTC
I believe that God created the Universe intricately and detailed, with science and reason in a formulaic fashion. God is not a God of chaos, therefore he cannot possibly create something that is unorganized and unplanned. That being said, I do believe that micro evolution exists. Things need to develop and change to survive. Adaptation is so important. If you follow what is known, what is absolute fact in the scientific community, and look at cause and effect of such events, it pretty much spells out Genesis 1. Genesis just does it poetically while science does it with math. Creation and evolution both exist simultaneously because evolution can be recorded and studied, while it also proves creation.
2015-04-17 09:55:13 UTC
I have done some study of evolution in school and other books on the subject. I have seen that the evolutionist themselves are divided on the subject. so why does this exist if evolution as taught is the truth? So what's the different in believing in God or Evolution? Personally I believe in a Creator.
2015-04-15 14:54:05 UTC
Science does not in fact speak for itself. Evidence does not speak for itself. Scientists develop their hypothesis, conduct experiments, and make and record their observations. And then it is the scientists who analyze and interpret the evidence in order to arrive at a conclusion. To say that "Science has decided..." or "The evidence says..." is illogical. Scientists interpret evidence through the lens of their own biases and presuppositions. They are not the unbiased observer often claimed.

Science does not support evolution. Think through the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics and you will know this to be true. Evolutionists even have a term for this, the Arrow of Time problem. Don't listen uncritically to what someone taught you in science class in high school. Apply some critical thinking to the matter.

Evolution and Creation are not compatible. The only reason there is a theory of evolution is because people cannot accept that God exists. If there really is a God and He really did create us, then He has some claim on our lives. We then have an obligation to follow His moral absolutes as found in the Bible. Rejecting God is a decision based on morality not scientific evidence. If God used evolution and told us in His Bible that He created everything in 6 days then He is a very confusing God. God created "ex nihilio" as we read in the Bible.

Natual Selection is nothing more than variation within species. There are no documented cases of a new species evolving from the mutations (natual selection) of a pre-existing species. Ever. All you can get is a different looking form of the same species. The Peppered Moth evidence proves that one color of Peppered Moth can change to a lighter or darker color. But the Peppered Moth never turns into anything other than another Peppered Moth. And this goes for all the other experiments that prove Natural Selection but in no way substantiate evolution from one species to another.

For "The Turin Shroud Is Fake" and others, don t tell me that I only know this information from reading some creationist website. That is an embarassing cop out. Provide a logical and reasonable defense for what you believe. Calling Creationists and Christians funny names and using colorful metaphors proves that you are extremely creative but it does nothing to defend your assertions.
2015-04-15 19:32:40 UTC
evolution is a fact not a theory. if you actually knew all the fact about evolution you you know that evolution is NOT about how human came to be. Evolution explains how life changes, one cant deny that animals change in order to adapt to certain environments for example the Galapagos islands is a perfect example. Darwin never said anything about how us human came to be he actually tired to avoid that concept all together because he knew he would have gotten in trouble with the church. I believe in god and evolution because evolution is a fact! It is true people. I m not arguing whether god put us here or not because that is not what evolution really is.
2015-04-15 09:28:26 UTC
What I believe about the God versus Evolution issue is that it is the silliest issue of our age and actually defines us, our intellectual limitations. See, we look back to past history and see how silly people were to believe the world was flat or whether the sun revolved around the earth, but we arrogantly assume that we are 100% smart and past all error, but we are not. Just as God made the nature of the sun and set the earth revolving around it, and just as God made the earth round, so also did He make creation according to His plan. therefore there is no possible way that He could be wrong and there is no error in Evolution, it is simply a part of how God did things. There can never be any conflict between reality and God because God made reality;therefore, whatever you find in reality is already something that God both knew about and did. It is silly that people waste their time generation after generation arguing Creation versus Evolution when, quite obviously, future people will look back on that and laugh at how silly people were back then to doubt that God had set up Evolution as part of His intelligent design: not the entire design, but obviously just part of it. It is like asking whether you are your arms or your legs, when obviously your arms as well as your legs are both part of you. Never deny any real scientific evidence of the way reality is, but just realise that, that is just a little piece of the puzzle. God is bigger than just Evolution;and yet, there is no reason to doubt that some Evolution takes place. Sometimes God speeds things along as when He rapidly made Adam from the "common clay" and then Eve from Adam's rib, but that does not mean that He always crafts every individual creature like that;in fact, mostly it is set in motion to preceed on its own through normal breeding and evolution, and, you can even see mutations occur in a few generations of farm animals, variations in litters of kittens in your home, and so on, so you know that Evolution occurs over time. Some breeds of dog look a litle different from old prints back in the 1800s and that was less than two hundred years of Evolution. Evolution is just normal variance, and believe me, God already knows about that.
2015-04-16 05:42:44 UTC
I believe in solipsism.

I get on with everyday life like everyone else because how else am I going to escape this mind game other than go along with it. I say mind, but it doesn't exist. You don't exist. I don't exist.

Think about it, I can't see through your eyes and you can't see through mine? So how do you know I'm real?

Real? What does it even mean.

Another thing I strongly believe in is: further than this room, further than my eyesight nothing is happening. I can't see it. It only happens when you look at it. It's like the common, if a tree falls in a forest with no one to hear the fall, did it make a sound? Answer is no. The sound waves where made but there was nothing absorb to the sound waves. Same way that if it did fell and there was no one around to see it, that image was never there.

Therefore, no I don't believe in God and if I had to I would say, I myself is God because I have created my own life.
2015-04-14 13:31:34 UTC
God created evolution.
D g
2015-04-16 10:52:43 UTC

we are and always have been a different branch of a tree that had a common ancestor many years ago..

if you want to see evolution look at some european men.. they have LOTS OF HAIR ALL OVER THERE backs.. why would god give him lots of hair to cover his body..

oh maybe there was a time when all MEN had hair covering their body that was a protection FROM COLD before they could HUNT and wear skins..

maybe before they became good hunters they relied on simpler foods like fruits

these DONT MAKE US APES they make the original homosapien a bit less able to do things..

you dont actually believe adam and eve of your bible just popped into existance and knew how to sew and cook from the apple of the tree of knowledge.. darned one special a fruit and you become smart..
2015-04-16 09:14:05 UTC
I believe in God And micro evolution, created by God
2015-04-14 11:12:23 UTC
Evolution is something that happens. I'm aware that it happens. Not believing in it would be like not believing in geology.

I don't believe in God. A lot of people who do believe in God also accept evolution, as you well know.

The only people who say "everything just came about by chance" are creationists like yourself who want to present a false and simplistic version of the scientific consensus on human origins.

I am an ape and so are you, like it or not.
2015-04-16 14:01:09 UTC
Personally it wouldn't be that hard to say God created the idea of Science and in this case evolution why not if people believe he created the universe I personally don't believe the Earth is only a few thousands years old I do believe it 2 billion or something years old but who's to argue that he didn't think of the elements. For me its not hard to go to church once a week I would rather die and nothing happen then die and find out there is a creator. Going to church for an hour or so on a Sunday for possibly getting eternal life in my mind I will take the chance.
2015-04-16 13:54:55 UTC
Alpha Beta
2015-04-16 19:37:54 UTC
What you believe is your choice. But you did not ask a valid question. One does not believe in evolution. One accepts that evolution correctly describes what we observe and see around us. We can test this and when we do, the theory matches reality and therefore the theory is said to be accurate and the more tests and observations we make, the stronger it becomes because it matches the real world.

There are no such tests for a god. In fact, there isn't even a good theory for a god. The two (god or evolution) can not be considered in the same sentence. But we know (we do know) that evolution is correct and successfully describes reality. That said, if you believe that god created the world, how could evolution NOT be correct?

Please, do not mix things up. Believe in a god if you wish. But to consider a god created it all is just silly. There is no evidence of a creator, doing the creation thing. None. Zero. I do not disgree that all of this was created, but to say a god did this ... is nonsensical.
2015-04-16 06:08:11 UTC
Evolution would have to be more appealing and logically sound considering it has been discovered, studied, and evaluated by science where on the other hand God and the bible ways of teaching the creation of man came from nothing more than literature and the wonders of faith. Evolution is something we can see and God is something we want to sometimes believe.
2015-04-16 01:54:25 UTC
I personally believe we are created by God and given the outmost preference by him, to serve and live like beautiful and kind hearted people that will cherish his creation.

However, evolution itself plays a great deal in explaining how the world is the way it is right now. There are different scientific explanations that with no doubt have a greater chance of being very correct.

This puts all of us in a position where it does not matter what others might believe anymore. But what your conscience keep telling you is right will always be favoring your side.
2015-04-17 07:11:20 UTC
Ask yourself whether God is a spirit, and are we spirits. So if that is not what he meant, what did he mean? We are made so we can be good, not evil. That is in God's image. So evolution has nothing to do with it. But in what way did God create us. Was it as a man (man being an animal, and God was not) Basically you are trying to use a misunderstood term to try and prove your ideas are right. They aren't. God is not simple, and did not create our world by simple techniques. Evolution appears to be right, and God designed it in that way.
2015-04-15 22:21:22 UTC
People populated the Earth from the very beginning in the start of Satyayug. They did not evolve from primates or other species as is a popular concept embraced by modern science. For example we did not evolve from Homo Neanderthalensis also known as the Neanderthal Man. The Neanderthal Man was from a different species.

There is a basic spiritual law of creation that one should be familiar with. Everything in the universe including the universe itself, is first created, then sustained for a period of time, and finally destroyed. Creation, sustenance and dissolution of the universe and its elements are continuous processes which have been taking place since time immemorial.

Through spiritual research, we have found that the entire universe has gone through many such cycles of being created, sustained and then destroyed. The partial destruction of the universe is known as pralay and we have explained this in more detail in the sections below.

After the universe is created and before it is destroyed, (i.e. during the time it is sustained) it goes through many cycles. The smallest of these cycles has 4 Eras. They are Satyayug, Tretayug, Dwaparyug and Kaliyug.
Special EPhex
2015-04-15 19:18:48 UTC
Both. Creation without evolution would mean that everything would remain as it was the moment it was created; and evolution without creation would mean that their would be no preceding form to evolve from. Both creation and evolution are two sides of the same coin, and are different way to explain what we see as sequential change in perceptual observation. It has always be obvious to me that God created the dinosaurs, and I wasn't taught anything that contradicted that.

Growing up influence by a Southern Baptist background, the emphasis of the Old Testament was not highly promoted as much as the New Testament. Therefore, I had always assumed that the OT was meant to be taken metaphorically, not literally, which supports the Spiritual Reality Christ spoke of in the NT. I value and appreciate the lesson of the OT, but cannot take them literally or as having any actual plausibility, given the understanding of the consistency of the material world. Science and Faith has never conflicted with me, because I was conditioned with a more open and inclusive mentality.

Science is physical means of how God reveals Himself to us in material form. There is no way I can look at the amazing discoveries science without recognizing the Wonderment of some Higher Power, by whatever name it is called. Science has shown us that energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed, only made to change form, hence existence is eternal. 'Creation' is a term used as a linguistic convenience, as God is ALL things, as omnipresence suggests, and is not subject to either 'caused' or 'annihilated'. Omnipresence suggests omniscience, by way of God 'being' all, which leads to omnipotence.

Science is the domain of linear realm of material form and content (specifics and details), which signifies appearance and difference. It cannot register the nonlinear paradigm of formless context (significance and meaning), which denote essence and commonality. Science, can be considered to be practical for the material world, however, it has it's limits. The mortal physical realm is merely the superficial surface of existence and is a result of the formless spiritual reality undetectable by material means. The error is seeing science and faith as conflicting, rather than two different paradigms of reality. Life on land operates from different dynamics from life in the sea. Judging faith with science or science with faith is like measuring 'weight' with a yard stick.

These short videos will better explain what I am talking about.
2015-04-15 15:08:23 UTC
There are so many reasons why there is no way but that we were created

There is nothing built in the world without a builder

There is no building without its carpenter

There is no airplane without its engineer

There is no soul without its author

The world could not exist without someone who built it

Millions of daily occurrences cannot be explained by evolution

The desire to disprove God is selfish, for the desire stems from a desperate effort to escape responsibility for ones actions, and a vain hope that there is no day of reckoning

But there is a day when we will all stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ and every one shall give account of the things done in his body.
2015-04-19 01:40:53 UTC
I believe in both of the theories. It seems hard to imagine how Adam and Eve would have had so many ancestors. Anyway humanity almost got wiped out or so it is said with the great flood so the humans had to start again. My tough is this god created some humans and they after leaving the Garden of Eden met humans that evolved from monkeys. AND if not we would not be here without a little incest.
2015-04-15 18:58:47 UTC
Yes. I strongly believe in God. I also believe in evolution.
2015-04-14 14:07:29 UTC
I believe in both there can be no evolution without Creation. First you have to have something to evolve, without it being created, it cannot evolve. Even Darwin acknowledged this. You can find evolution in all created creatures it is how God created all plants and animals to be able to live in different environments, and humans themselves are the most evolved Creation, because we can live in any environment and thrive. Without God there is no evolution.
2015-04-14 21:32:43 UTC
As i have studied and have come to learn that evolution is a Lie that REAL Science refutes on a daily basis...and that being said God is real and even the sciences show the biblical accounts, to be true and new artifacts and materials are being located almost daily that show it even more as a truth.

But one does not need science to know God is real, all it takes is common sense, something few seem to know how to use.
2015-04-15 18:39:20 UTC
I believe in both, but predominately God :) The bible says 1 day to God can be millions of years and if you take genesis and compare it to the theories of evolution you can see they happen in the same order. if each day was millions of years there would have been plenty of time for God to evolve the creatures of earth into what they are today. this of course excludes the idea that we came from monkeys (which I think is ridiculous) but other than that both ideas are actually quite compatible.
Med 10
2015-04-14 11:00:39 UTC
I believe in God. If evolution were true, in all His wisdom He would have factored it in during his creation. I believe the belief in evolution is calling God a liar and the bible a book of lies.
2015-04-17 09:07:00 UTC
I believe in Evolution because there's proof of early human in the Australopithecus and other species of early human evolving from other species closely related to the Australopithecus But... I also believe in god only because I believe in ghost because if there's ghost then their must be a higher being that control's what happens to them.
2015-04-16 08:53:36 UTC
God. God created Evolution. If Life is Evolution then we can be cave men and need no Rules, Morals , Laws and Purpose in Life, We would Just Hunt and Eat and Have Sex and Sleep. There is more to life, Believe me in this cruel world god wanted to save us, but our choice to believe. Just because we see no air doesn't make no air.

God sent Jesus so we could be set free from this evil world
2015-04-17 06:41:41 UTC
I believe in God
2015-04-16 11:09:21 UTC
I believe in evolution but we havent got all the theories right

God is a delusion

I'm not deluded
2015-04-14 10:40:22 UTC
God, of course. Evolution is self-defeating and impossible. I wish they would teach more evolution in government schools! Teach the whole truth, not just the parts that make evolution look plausible.
2015-04-15 05:53:05 UTC
I do NOT believe in God.

I believe that evolution is very likely. Although it hasn't been proven absolutely, there is a great deal of evidence in its favour.
River Euphrates
2015-04-14 10:51:14 UTC
You can (and a huge number of people do) believe in both - it's only those who take a narrow, literal interpretation of biblical creation myths who think the two concepts are mutually exclusive.

Personally, I lack belief in 'god(s)', since inferring the existence of an infinitely more complex 'creator' (who, despite existing, did not require creation itself) in order to explain the existence and complexity of the universe is redundant (at best).

Nobody asks you to 'believe we descended from apes' (or, more accurately, that modern humans share a common ancestor with members of the great ape family). The evidence (from genetics, biology, zoology, paleontology, geology, etc.) speaks for itself.
2015-04-16 19:58:45 UTC
I believe in God, and I don't see anything contradictory about also accepting evolution.

2015-04-15 09:37:54 UTC
Because there is nothing, a dream is formed and we have to come out of that dream. The world we are seeing is a dream dreamt by nothing which is called god. So, as nothing is always there, so dream is always there. So, is universe always there. No beggining, no big bang and no end to it. Evolution and life and universe, everything is in that dream. This world we see through our senses, So, to come out of that dream dreamt by nothing, we must look within. The deeper we go, we will wakeup from this dream and break the cycle of life and birth. Realising that state is what realising god.
2015-04-16 08:29:45 UTC
2015-04-15 16:00:56 UTC
2015-04-15 15:13:15 UTC
Both can influence our lives. It is hard to imagine that the universe just happened and wasn't created by someone. There are so many signs that God has left behind to tell us that he is here without contact. It is clear that evolutionary changes are possible, small ones, not huge changes like a fish deciding to walk on land. Then why can't I decide I want to fly?
2015-04-15 11:17:18 UTC
God of course this evolution nonsense is just that nonsense.Ok look at it this way there had to be a begining

right?and for those who say we came from apes who created the apes?Think about that

Can I have an amen...
2015-04-17 01:44:14 UTC
Evolution, of course. Science makes you think better than thinking about "God".

To avoid a fight here, I would say that everyone has a different opinion on how Humans were created.
2015-04-15 23:40:58 UTC
Yes, I Believe that God created the universe. Evolution occurs by God.
2015-04-15 16:21:14 UTC
Anything God does evolution ensues.
2015-04-14 11:13:47 UTC
I personally believe God created us

- Very fundie, you "believe" in a deity. Evolution is reality, it exists whether you "believe" or not.

I have never been able to believe that we descended from apes,

- Only brain dead fundies ever say that. NO ONE with functional brain cells believes or accepts that.

nor that everything just came about by chance.

- Again, ONLY fundies with few functional brain cells ever say that.

I believe in the Genesis

- WONDERFUL, that was plagiarized from the Sumerian tablets and has nothing to do with creation or a deity. It is a fantasy. Very fundie of you.

And I believe in the Genesis account where it talks about men living for nearly a thousand years.

- They did, at least the Annunaki did.

Even science supports the idea that humans can live a lot longer than we currently do.

- Fundie science, which means fantasy.

This is what I personally believe,

- Yes, you "believe" which means it exists ONLY in your head and has nothing to do with reality.
2015-04-16 05:51:38 UTC
Evolution does not require belief any more than gravity does. It's a fact. And, no, I don't believe in any gods. There's no evidence that they exist.
2015-04-16 03:01:42 UTC
To my way of thinking God did create us--in His image, in other words, He gave us imagination. He creates, we create. He for us, we for Him. It is how we discover His Will for us. God has a toolbox for the Universe and for all that is good. One of the tools He has is evolution. God gave us the insight to see and believe the truth. God would never deny His creatures, and if we can be like Gods--in His image--we can affirm Him through the glory and power of His name.
Yeet Joe Jr.
2015-04-16 13:30:15 UTC
I personally believe that God created the world, and he created man in his image. Not all scientific theories are and were true. For example, there was a theory that the earth was a cube, and that everything revolved around the earth, not the sun. It is now proven that earth, including other planets, revolve around the sun.

And evolutionists, hear me. In our recorded human history, us humans have been the same for a mega long time. I'd say 10,000+ years. We have not evolved since.

Thank you peoples
Invisible Pink RN
2015-04-14 10:50:36 UTC
Do you believe in God, or in Evolution?

Evidently you've not heard that the Catholic church has supported the evidence for evolution for quite sometime now - matter of fact the Catholic school I went to actually *gasp* TAUGHT us about evolution. So the Catholic 'community' actually believes in both.

I support evolution much more so that there being any god/s.
2015-04-14 10:39:57 UTC
I don't believe in God because there is no evidence for God I believe in evolution we came from apes!
2015-04-16 10:20:39 UTC
I believe in evolution... and God. I don t believe that we came to be by evolution, but that God created us and things are constantly evolving. You don t have to choose one or the other. Evolution does not refer to the process by which we were made, but by the process in which things change... and things are constantly changing.
2015-04-16 18:30:30 UTC
I believe in God.
2015-04-15 10:53:24 UTC
Religion and science are not the same thing. They are different. If you are religious, remember that your faith, if it is strong enough, can see the hand of god in everything. That doesn't mean evolution is not a scientific truth.
2015-04-14 10:44:30 UTC
I just believe in evolution. The sheer idea of the world being only 7000 years old is stupid. And I can say this absolutely 100% sure of myself because of the Methuselah Tree.
2015-04-16 09:38:18 UTC
False dichotomy.

Google Theodosius Dobzhansky, an evolutionary biologist who said "nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution"- and was a member of the Eastern Orthodox Church.

Google his pupil, Francisco J. Ayala, his pupil, who was once a Dominican priest.
2015-04-16 05:48:11 UTC
I agree with other posters that these two views are not mutually exclusive and the there is no fundamental contradiction in "believing" both (but I expect the "scientism" people to violently disagree with me).

Personally I see each of these alternatives as equally untestable and unprovable and I cannot "believe" in either one or the other. Nor do I need to have to choose between them. I'm quite comfortable being unsure - and my position has absolutely NO EFFECT on my life and my life choices. Nor do I need to choose one of these to give me a sense of "purpose" in life; any "purpose" there is to my life is created by me and not by some God or evolution.

I can understand a curiosity about these two question but I do not understand the obsession with HAVING TO CHOOSE between them to achieve a sense of security and value. Those who feel "lost in a huge universe" without such an "anchor point" have, in my view, attempted to locate themselves in "the universe" in spite of the fact that they don't live in "the universe" - they live ON EARTH with all the people around them (with all the warts and beauty this entails).

These are difficult questions which most thinking people will have to come to terms with. And I think it is fair to say that MOST people never grapple with these questions in any serious way (this isn't true of those that address the question here).
2015-04-14 10:59:58 UTC
Hopefully your inability to grasp science remains solely a personal problem.

For the first 200,000 years of human existence the our average life expectancy was about 25 -- and most died from childbirth, infections or bad teeth (fossil records). The human life expectancy has essentially tripled from 2000 years ago and more than doubled in the last century with the advent of germ theory, antibiotics and modern scientific discoveries -- most of which derived from the theory of evolution (e.g. applied genetics genetic therapies, microbiology, modern medicine in general, molecular biology, epidemiology, interferon therapies, protein and recombinant molecular engineering and a host of fields that are too numerous to list or count.)

Today, the 2 primary causes of death are cancer and heart disease -- that being said, what happens to the human life expectancy when science comes up with pills that can cure those? Or perhaps one day they will be able to grow a heart from some of your existing cardiac cells to replace your old ticker with a new one. Evidence shows the increase in the human life expectancy comes from SCIENCE and medicine, not your invisible imaginary friends or prayer.

Name ONE successful product or scientific endeavor that is based on the hypothesis/principle of creationism? (HINT: NOTHING)

[EDIT: YOU are a species of ape. You have the same genetic makeup as apes. The 47th chromosome in other apes that we no longer have is evidence of a tiny evolutionary change because it did not truly disappear. It is actually fused to human Chromosome #2 in or about base pair 15,000,000.]
2015-04-15 10:51:13 UTC
I'm an atheist who believes in evolution.

It's more logical, that's why.
2015-04-16 00:40:52 UTC
Both. But the evolution did not take place on Earth.
2015-04-17 09:48:35 UTC
Have you ever looked closely at the creation that your God created in Gods image? Do you remember the Biblical Flood? Why would a mass killing be necessary if God created us in Gods image? Are things better now on this planet?
2015-04-15 16:20:28 UTC
I need not believe in evolution. Why? Because it does not require belief, it is not based in faith. Science is not an ideology based on faith, unlike any religious thought, and science is not a single entity for that matter either. Science is simply a categorization for a process in which one hypothesizes, observes, and formulates conclusions based upon their evidence. Yes, this can and does lead to inaccuracies in the scientific community. However, the accuracy of a scientific conclusion becomes greater with every peer who reaches the same or similar objective conclusion, so long as they follow objective thought and the scientific method. Fringe scientists who "disprove" evolution are not objective scientists. They have an agenda and they will warp their findings to prove that agenda. The key word when trying to understand science and its accuracy is "objectivity". Science, by definition, is objective. No human bias or perception plays a part whatsoever. Religion, by definition, is subjective, as it is entirely based upon human perception. For example, think of a rock. What does religion mean to that rock? What significance does a god have to this rock? The answer to both questions is nothing. And the majority of the universe has the same perception as a rock. As soon as one steps outside of the view of the irrational, backwards mind of a human, religion has absolutely no meaning or significance whatsoever.

To those who are claiming that evolution is impossible, I have one question for you all: Why? I do not want religious answers; I do not want pseudo-scientific answers; I want rational answers. Logical arguments are constituted by two or more truthful premises and a conclusion that follows logical form. Without this, one's arguments are not rational. A species lives in an environment, the individuals of that species who are not able to survive then die, and the individuals who do have the ability to survive to the point of reproduction are able to pass on their genes. Therefore the population will eventually be comprised of only those who can survive at least to the point of reproduction. All of the species that live in their environment do the same, and so it results in never-ending genetic mutations. New species do not arise instantly, but rather over periods of millions of years, as every generation is different.

To those of you who are saying that the only reason for "belief" in evolution is that people are heathens and nonbelievers who are afraid for some reason: when attempting to debate and make arguments, do not attack your opponent, and do not attack their ideas either. Rather, provide logical arguments in opposition to the ideas you do not agree with. Telling me that I don't believe in God because I'm scared is not only false, but also is no grounds for any argument except for you trying to belittle me.

In conclusion: Evolution is objective, religion is subjective, and people are not providing sufficient arguments.
2015-04-14 10:47:42 UTC
Evolution is completely incompatible with the Abrahamic gods re: their texts. Anyone who says it is has not read them and is therefore not qualified to make such an idiotic statement.
🤔 Jay
2015-04-14 10:44:28 UTC
Take a high school course in Biology....Your medical doctor had to do it.

Modern medicine is based on Biology and Evolution.

Evolution is not something to believe, it's something to be understood!

You can understand evolution and still keep your god!
2015-04-14 10:41:38 UTC

And just so you know, you can believe in God and evolution.
the big man
2015-04-17 05:21:58 UTC
you cannot believe in evolution thats entirely up to you

but in the same way i cannot believe in creation

i cannot believe a virgin had a baby,or a man built a huge boat and got two of every species of animal in the world onto it

i cannot believe any of the creation story
2015-04-17 03:52:57 UTC
Funny thing is that yiu act and look like an ape . You also can have a blood transfusion from a Chimp, just select such as humans the same bold grouping. You can fool yourself, the Chimps do not care.
2015-04-16 09:33:56 UTC
Evolution. There's more irrefutable proof it exists.
2015-04-16 00:30:14 UTC
i do believe in both, God and Evolution! -- there's no conflict!
2015-04-16 06:40:47 UTC
hard to say, i definately believe in god, but evolution and science do not lie
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-04-15 09:00:08 UTC
I lean towards EVO; Can't imagine there being two of every type of dinosaurs on Noah's Ark, along with all the other creatures on earth. The "Ark" was less than half the size of an Aircraft Carrier !
2015-04-15 11:06:55 UTC
I don't believe in God, atheist all the way. If God truly exists why does he let so many innocent people suffer?
2015-04-16 02:52:17 UTC
Maybe God 'evolved, then created us. However considering all the children that have cancer, would say that, God if there is one he doesn't care about us, so why should we care about him. You are here for now who cares where you came from! Enjoy life, if you can.
2015-04-16 06:31:16 UTC
Fortunately, you don't have to choose. Its called theistic evolution
2015-04-16 17:14:19 UTC
I believe I have trouble walking in a straight line some days.

I have more things to concern myself with sorry.
2015-04-14 10:54:48 UTC
I believe in rainbows and puppy dogs and fairy tales. And I believe in the family...Mom and Dad and Grandma...and Uncle Todd who waves his penis. And I believe in eight of the Ten Commandments...And I believe in going to church every Sunday, unless there's a game on...And I believe that sex is one of the most beautiful, wholesome and natural things...that money can buy.
save us
2015-04-15 08:19:21 UTC
Accepting the theory of evolution does not require belief so your question is irrelevant.
2015-04-15 19:27:32 UTC
2015-04-16 12:07:54 UTC
i definitely believe in evolution, and do believe in a higher power, somewhat.
2015-04-16 17:16:06 UTC
Let's see here, to I believe in things that are backed up by evidence, or things that are backed up by crazy people?
2015-04-16 17:58:39 UTC
see i believe in god & religion...yes humans earlier lived way more yrs than today...yes humans can live such long yrs & u know god's person's death is in god's hand...& god just do success of life so till u have work u live...evolution still i believe...yes god made 1st human couple & we all r their children...but though we didn't came from apes,we can be a specie & humans earlier may be different than today's & slowly slowly we r changing according to time...that's evolution!i do believe in evolution too & also religion & don't find science against adam started life on earth...he was human...& also 1st prophet...god knows all truth & details but yes i don't find evolution against religious views...u can adjust what today's science says in our religious views...but yes we can never know god..& science can just know god as he is beyond human mind & reach...& is met by devotion!so science can never know him through this way...but u see his existence everywhere!when u believe u find...u don't u just won't accept!i accepted religion as i m sure of its is also true but not is just found by studying materials u have!& u can't see what actually happened but u can fit facts with religious views...:)
2015-04-15 11:41:59 UTC
Pls give us God's address and phone number. Got something to tell HIM.
2015-04-14 12:38:51 UTC
In other words, your ego is far too bloated to let you accept that humans are just another animal species. You demand to be the result of special creation.
2015-04-17 02:45:23 UTC
God is above all creatures , we have been created by him but He is not in our shape or any other creatures ... Nothing in our life can be made by itself, everything must be made by some one ... and so do the whole world by all the natures included the sky, seas, mountains, insects, animals ... etc ....

maybe this program leads you to the truth ...
Guru Hank
2015-04-17 01:33:22 UTC
I believe in compulsory public education, devoid of hoodoo and superstition, and in corporal punishment for recalcitrant students who won't learn their lessons.
2015-04-14 10:56:29 UTC
Stuff you can't believe almost fills a universe.



John Popelish
2015-04-14 11:50:08 UTC
I believe that God is the creator of all things.
2015-04-16 20:06:45 UTC
evolution is the stupidest thing ive ever hear of any one with common sence would quickly figure out that were not from apes.....dddddddddddduuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh
2015-04-14 16:47:39 UTC
I believe in the almighty God only.
2015-04-15 22:10:09 UTC
I believe both
2015-04-16 05:50:22 UTC
2015-04-14 13:11:56 UTC
The inability to comprehend is the reason mankind created the gods in the first place. It enables man to feel comfortable in their ignorance.
2015-04-15 17:24:37 UTC
2015-04-16 09:01:03 UTC
God is my life <3
2015-04-16 14:45:24 UTC
Tom S
2015-04-16 11:19:18 UTC
No, I can not find any reason to believe in ghosts, magic, the supernatural, or mythology.
2015-04-15 18:26:37 UTC
Man created God in his own image !!!! & as the Buddha said "It doesn't matter how we got here !!!"
2015-04-16 13:23:05 UTC
yes, I belive in God. God making of us .one and only.
great knight
2015-04-14 13:35:24 UTC
Jesus Christ is the truth. They know evolution is a lie of their religion of "naturalism" admittedly!
2015-04-16 15:03:10 UTC
Both. Most Christians do.
gus b
2015-04-16 04:00:43 UTC
The person asking the question just proves you can't prove if someone is faking it or not.
2015-04-16 15:39:05 UTC
I believe in Allah
2015-04-16 07:40:47 UTC
Litttle of both
2015-04-17 03:13:55 UTC
Please describe your 'God'. Darwin and Wallace described evolution. Today, R. Dawkins is doing the same.
Ana Maria
2015-04-15 20:50:26 UTC
God is real. He is present everywhere.
2015-04-14 16:06:20 UTC
Both! Deism embraces both.
Steven S
2015-04-15 17:10:51 UTC
God! That is the only way.
2015-04-16 20:13:11 UTC
I believe in God! :D #NoDoubt
2015-04-14 14:16:48 UTC

The evidence for each is overwhelming.
2015-04-16 04:14:59 UTC
there are more things in heaven and earth horatio than are dreamt of in Your philosophy. -
2015-04-16 11:11:29 UTC
The both of them
2015-04-16 20:16:50 UTC
I think that is your choice and should be decided by yourself.
2015-04-16 07:04:12 UTC
Why would that be an either or question?
2015-04-15 17:29:40 UTC
2015-04-16 13:46:20 UTC
100% I believe in ALLAH.
2015-04-14 10:41:06 UTC
Both at the same time.
James O
2015-04-17 13:42:46 UTC
2015-04-14 10:41:31 UTC
There's no evidence of evolution because it's man-made. God created the universe so there is no reason for anyone to not believe in God. God created man, man created Gods. There's only one God and he is surley a loving God.
2015-04-14 10:41:25 UTC

evolution is a theory without evidence

God is obvious because creation cant create itself
2015-04-15 08:39:46 UTC
2015-04-16 00:11:53 UTC
2015-04-15 13:04:39 UTC
WTF even Pope has accepted evolution.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.