Why is it so hard to be Muslim in the west?
2010-09-17 08:41:32 UTC
Every day gets harder and harder. I've already been disowned by my family including my parents because I accepted Islam. I can't get a job because here in the west clean shaven overrides a beard. I can't watch TV because of all the nonsense. I can't get close to any woman or have any relationship. I just can't be happy. Islam was supposed to bring me peace. I'm anywhere but at peace right now.
23 answers:
2010-09-17 09:28:35 UTC
That's NOTHING try living as a homo in a muslim country. Or even as a Christian, Atheist etc.
2010-09-17 08:55:29 UTC
Though you're not the typical Muslim, let's see how hard it is for the Muslims in the West.

They get Welfare and benefits and don't pay taxes.

They get the support of the Liberals and the PC Brigades who make an issue of every little thing that concerns Muslims because they want to protect their Vote Banks.

They can pretty much sue anyone for discrimination at the drop of a hat.

While the Muslims deny any other person any semblance of Human Rights, Liberties and Freedom etc in their Islamic Countries, they get all that and more in the West.

I'm sorry, but, is there something that I'm missing here?

Because, if it's really that hard for the Muslims in the West, then why are they all coming here when Saudi Arabia and the Emirates are Countries that very rich and very modern in their infrastructure?

Why don't you try and go there and live in Peace in the Islamic Country instead of whining about the West.

Experience the Peace of Islam first hand.

If you can't find it there, then, there's something radically wrong, either with you or with Islam, isn't it?

Go and find out for yourself.

2010-09-17 08:50:27 UTC
my freind you are a muslim and islam does bring peace, but those are the STANDARDS of the west designed to create a gap between you and islam havnt u noticed that the west constantly tries to demoralise you, u need a shaved head to get a job in the west? please what they are doing is distancing you from Islam, think about it a person qualified for a job is someone who has the qualification for it why would it matter if the person had a beard or not? as for being family disowned that is very sad, watching TV was never part of being a muslim particularly in the west where, even the commercials contain explicit material,

what you need to do is establish you'rself elsewhere because the west wont let you live in peace as long as your a muslim, proof of that is the burqa ban placed, it is a muslim practice yet they went to the heights of disrupting humanitarian laws to prevent the muslim practice in a country with a majority of muslims but yet it was a western country run by a unislamic ruler

you need to remain steadfast, what you are going through is a test from God to see if u are truly true to your faith or not
2010-09-18 15:00:10 UTC
Salam brother

You don't have to keep away from women.

You can speak with them when there are other people around (minimum one person you can not mary) so it is perfectly possible to find a wife. You can speak in private over the phone, there is nothing haram to that. Television is not recommended, but it's also not forbidden. Don't go from 0 to 100 when you convert, even our Prophet (saw) did not burden his compagnons with everything at once. Just watch it sometimes, not always and the rest of the times you can study thing :)

Last but not least, but I've covered this in your other question, the beard is not mandatory and work is more important in islam than the beard.

I hope Allah (swt) guides you trough this and if you ask Him for help in your prayers, He will.
2010-09-19 13:41:55 UTC
Trials are a part of life. We all go through them. You have to be patient and you have to strive towards Allah and Allah will help you in your endeavours.

“Be sure We shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere, who say when afflicted with calamity: “To Allah we belong and to Him is our return”… they are those on whom (descend) blessings from Allah, and Mercy, and they are the ones that receive guidance.” Qur’an 2:155-157

“No misfortune or disease befalls a Muslim, no worry or grief or harm or distress – not even a thorn that pricks him – but Allaah will expiate for some of his sins because of that.” Al Bukhari


Go to the mosque for very single prayer and get to know the brothers there so that they can support you inshaAllah.

Go to Islamic circles/classes at your mosque and elsewhere even.

May Allah make it give you ease soon after every hardship.
2010-09-17 08:56:04 UTC
Clearly you have some wanting desire to see the truth about your faith. Good for you wanting to be a free thinker. We don't have to plot the downfall of Islam. Your faith will do that all on its own. Why you ask? It’s not the wrong interpretation of the Quran that produces terrorists; it is an exact interpretation of the Quran that produces terrorists. The moderates say the fanatics aren't real Muslims,and the fanatics say the moderates aren't real Muslims based on both of their interpretations from the SAME Quran,Hadith etc.etc

So each time a muslim or as you simply put it "non muslim" kills in the name of Allah, they bring the very downfall of your faith that much closer to a reality. If anyone is plotting yougman - Its the very people of your faith.
Um Huda
2010-09-17 08:44:55 UTC
We are strangers now.


And this is nothing new.

The Prophet, pbuh, said,"Islam began as something strange; and it will return as something strange. Paradise is for the Strangers." His companions (ra) then asked: ‘who are the Strangers, oh Rasool-Allah?’ He (saw) replied: 'Those who forbid the evil when the people become corrupted.'"

Not necessarily does the shaven override the beard. There are many bearded men here who work and good and well-paying jobs. And I know of many of them :)

Remember the companions, many were disowned by their families, their entire tribes even for leaving the way of their forefathers and for embracing the message of One God.

They suffered much more. But remember that Allah never bears upon a soul more than they can take. So this is how strong we are.

Your fellow Muslims are your brothers/sisters and together we have the greatest nation. No race, gender, age, size, or any bounderies come between us. This makes us stronger. We are all one nation. Find strength in the Muslim communtiy near you. Be more active in the masjids. Brothers will help you get a job, if a woman companion is what you want now then the brothers there will help you too find a pious sister to introduce you to.

TV is all non-sense to any sensible person. So make better use of your time. TV is a time killer for those who have nothing better to do with their time. We know time is a blessing from Allah and we don't waste it.

Still don't forget that even though your family may have 'disowned' you your family still has a right over you especially your mother then your father.

Even if they treat you harshly and curse at you a Muslim must always make sure they are there for their family/parents and never be angry at them. Treat them kindly and remember when Allah tells us the advice Lukman gave to his son in the Koran.
Joseph Uchiha
2010-09-17 08:52:14 UTC
Life is hard for everyone and it would probably be a whole lot harder if you were in some of the other muslim countries where freedoms are restricted and persecution is rampant.

also,this may not be what you want to hear but.. ( I'm saying this completly out of concern for you)

If I understand correctly in Islam your entrance into heaven is based on your deeds but there is no specific criteria to know whether or not you're doing enough. Your entire destiny is on the fence.

Do you even have any evidence that you're on the right path? I would challenge you to ask your God to show you if he truly exists and then ask the Christian God to show you if he truly exists and so on. You'll find that the God who truly cares for you will answer you if he hasn't already. Look for the truth and you'll find it.

PS. All you have to do in Christianity is believe and repent and you get a free ride for heaven. No rituals to follow or anything. Being able to have a personal relationship with God is good too.
2016-10-25 14:15:38 UTC
I placed on hijab to delight Allah (swt), no longer persons. There are some muslims in my community, no longer many. And at the same time as peopel seem at me, i fairly do not care. i'm no longer wearing it for them. in simple terms save in ideas who you're protecting your faith for, and perchance, inshallah in case you want, you could bypass back to pakistan. @layla- i comprehend, i want to cover interior the nook too. yet the following is what I do: I close out something else of the international and concentrate on in simple terms me interior the prompt. and then I imagine the day of judgement, continually. Allah loves those who do the right ingredient even if there are those who choose them. @Layla- :O i imagine that you should save you faith no count number the position you're and take a look into to convince your father that faith is significant to you. would Allah (swt) shelter and handbook you.
Truth Seeker and Deliverer
2010-09-20 13:44:23 UTC
You won't reach peace without being tested. Peace comes through understanding struggle, not avoiding it. We are commanded to patiently persevere through hardships such as your own. Lastly, look at Muhammad's example, your persecution does not match that of early Muslims. In the end, it will make your faith stronger and you will be more at peace.
2010-09-17 13:14:49 UTC
Welcome to the west. Here the so called "democracy" is only on paper, in real life they will stick their own kind and fooling with their smiles into thinking they like you too. Allah says in the Quran, they will not be pleased with you until you abandon your faith. That is exactly what these bigots want, which is evident even from the posters here. stick to your religion and keep striving and let them not deter you. If you don't have a big or strong muslim community, try moving to another state like Michigan or california or something. If you like you could also move overseas. Those arabs over there really love white people, even if whites here hate them. For now you could hang out at a Muslim forum.
2010-09-17 08:51:43 UTC
If you lived in a country where Islam was already dominant, where the social and economic system is set up for it is one thing, where it isn't is something completely different. In Saudi Arabia you couldn't get any where near girl in the first place, everybody else wears a beard etc. In the west that whole framework simply could not function. Most of the Moslem's I know have simply given up a large part of that. The girls wear pants and go to classes like the rest of us. They work in the same environment etc. The guys shave, wear suits, or street clothes and only do their prayers in the morning, at noon and in the evening. If they do it any other time it's in a stall in the restroom.
2010-09-18 11:31:25 UTC
Every society has it's do's and don'ts, Western culture has less don't than most. Why does god care soooo much about whether you have facial hair or not anyway??? Tell him that you could be in a worse country, where people fear for their lives on a daily basis from war or starvation and tell him that if you could just get rid of the hair on your chin, you will look smarter and therefore fit in with the local ideal and be able to support yourself!
memo fofo
2010-09-17 14:43:40 UTC
My friend...The answer in Quran:

"O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient." Al-Baqara[ 2:153]

"For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease." Al-sharh [94:5]

Don't worry, God is promising you that "with" hardship, not even "after" hardship, ease will come.

One more thing. If you can not practice your religion in your area, consider to go to another place. I left my own country because of the suppression I suffered. Also you need fellow muslims who can support you mentally and emotionally. If you can get married, do that. It is a big help.
2010-09-17 08:51:47 UTC
West fears from spreading Islam in it.

I think that Zionists control the US and they are enemy of Islam and all true religions.
2010-09-21 07:48:57 UTC
The real success in the afterlife.
2010-09-17 08:44:42 UTC
As if that is the only place.
2010-09-17 08:46:55 UTC
All religions are ridiculous.

You are facing an ever increasing propaganda against Muslims thanks mainly in part by conservatives like Glenn Beck. This won't end. At least for many more years. The religious right are based in an ideology of fear. There is nothing you can do about this.

Muslims are the enemy at the current time (in their eyes).

My advice: lose religion. You will come to find out that your life will be just as good (probably better) without feeling like you are going to disappoint your secondary father in the sky.
2010-09-17 08:51:19 UTC
either ditch islam since it hasn't brought any benefits to you, so why bother praying to allah and kissing the ground 5 times a day, or move to a muslim country
2010-09-17 08:46:31 UTC
Generally, westerners are blessed with the freedom to exercise rational thinking. For Muslims that is forbidden.
2010-09-17 08:46:27 UTC
Anything that is not of God will die.

Only God and His devote creation can have Everlasting Life.

So why bother investing yourself in anything else?
2010-09-17 08:46:02 UTC
Perhaps you shouldn't be practicing Muslim in the West.
2010-09-17 08:47:18 UTC
this is where you catch a clue...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.