We are not angry "At God", we are angry about the stupidity and outright evil that is being perpetuated by God's followers...
God is a myth... It doesn't matter if you call it Ra or Thor or Christ...
The fact that people, in this day and age, are still using the supernatural as a CRUTCH in order to justify their existence is a sad and outright pathetic thing...
God's played a roll in the far reaches of humanity's past because back then, we were unable to understand such things as why the sun rises and sets and why winter comes before summer...
We were frightened little bunnies trying to cope with the big wide world...
But now that we KNOW that the earth revolves around the sun and that the tilt of the earth is what causes the seasons to change has eliminated the NEED to say that everything is caused by 'God'...
People that need to believe that they are special little snowflakes in the eyes of their big 'daddy' figure in the sky are allowing their own low self esteem and inability to accept the insignifigance of humanity in general, and themselves in particular, because if they actually accepted that they are nothing but an ant on the back of an elephant they would kill themselves!
Small minded people that can't accept reality still cling to myths and fairy tales to keep themselves on a pedestal.
Perpetuating your mythology because you’re too scared to accept reality is slowing down the evolution of humanity as a whole and is continuing the hate and violence that we SHOULD have grown out of hundreds if not thousands of years ago.