Who are the four horsemen of the Apocalypse?
Beginning and End
2013-01-30 18:01:54 UTC
What is the proper interpretation of the first four seals of Revelation 6?

In Revelation Chapter 6 the Apostle John witnesses of Jesus Christ opening a 7-sealed scroll. The first four seals, when broken, each unleash a rider on a colored horse, sent to Earth for a specific purpose. Known popularly as ‘The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse’, there has been much debate over who or what these horsemen are. This article will show, by letting the Bible define itself, that these horsemen are spiritual forces that have been on the Earth since the first day of the Church age until the Rapture of the Church and the start of the Great Tribulation.

Eight answers:
2013-01-30 18:09:28 UTC



anthony h
2013-01-31 02:25:10 UTC
First of all, Jesus warned us to see that we are not deceived,

there is no rapture, it is theory put forth by a mad woman named margaret mcdonald, you need to look that up and no where in the bible do you find the word rapture, people have misconstrued the scripture in timothy about being caught up in the air to mean rapture, it does not mean that by translation from the original tongues, it means, to go into the spiritual body, not anyone being raptured out, because the first to go will go with satan who comes at the 6th trump to get his followers, the left behind go with Jesus at the 7th trump. check it out in the word of God.

Jesus said behold, I have foretold you all things, stick to what God says about it, not what men impune into the word of God and pontificate, for it is the way satan deceives people and many believing in rapture will be taken with him unless they come into the full knowledge of the word of God about it.

the four horsement represent these.

white horse: the conqueror, these are those who will stand with satan and whore after him, he has come to reap them. violence

red horse: the taker of peace, he brings war and death. Satan will war against those who follow Christ. he will also bring famine and scarcity.

black horse: holds the balances, marked famine, disease and judgement.

pale horse: is spiritual death.

Note that these are about and is revealed in scripture directly before the defining of the horsemen, deception, which leads to violence, which leads to scarcity which leads to disease and finally death.

The Great Tribulation is when we are delivered up to satan in the synagogues of satan. It is the hour of temptation.
2013-01-31 02:21:56 UTC
Mr. Red, Mr. Blue, Mr. Orange and Mr.Black
2013-01-31 02:09:46 UTC

Here is the true sequence of events portrayed in the Bible book of Revelation:-

I believe that the "7 Seals", "7 Trumpets", "4 Horsemen" and the "7 Churches" are all a part of the 'big picture' of the 'end-time prophecies' in Revelation.

!st seal & the White horse (rider with bow & crown) went forth conquering, 1st century AD, Horse & rider = Angels; White = purity; Crown = victory; bow is success against evil, and church is Ephesus - Trumpet No 1, Alaric & the Goths were warring against Western Rome, 395 - 419 A.D.

2nd seal & the Red horse, rider with a great sword, takes peace from the earth & Kill one another. 2nd, 3rd, & 1st part of the 4th centuries. Red = Bloody persecution, Sword = symbol of persecution. Church is Smyrna. - Trumpet No 2, Genseric & Vandals were warring against Western Rome, 419 - 456 A.D.

3rd seal & Black horse, rider has a pair of balances. Weighing wheat & barley & selling @ exorbitant prices during 4th 5th & 6th centuries AD. Black = moral darkness; weighing grain & selling = Great spiritual famine for Scripture; Oil = Holy Spirit; Wine = atoning blood of Jesus. - Trumpet No 3, Attila & Huns were warring against Western Rome, 456 - 476 A.D. - Trumpet No 4, Odoacer & Heruli were warring against Western Rome, 476 - ? A.D. result was the Fall of Western (Pagan) Rome.

4th seal & Pale horse, rider is Death followed by the grave. Power to kill with hunger, sword & beasts; late 6th to the 15 century AD. Pale = symbol of death; Death & Grave = Destruction of God's people during 'Dark ages'. Church is Thyatira. - Trumpet No 5, Saracens & Islam were warring against Eastern Rome, 1299 - 1499 A.D. The Rise of the Ottoman Empire 1299 A.D. - Trumpet No 6, Turks & Islam were warring against Eastern Rome, 1449 - 1840 A.D. The Fall of Eastern Rome 1453 A.D. Collapse of the Ottoman Empire 1840 A.D.

5th seal; & Souls of the slain under the Altar. Cried out for God to avenge their blood. White robes given them. Wait a little season. 16th 17th and ½ 18th centuries. Souls crying out = Symbolic crying out as Abels blood did; White robes = Victory thru Jesus; Church is Sardis.

6th seal. Earthquake, Sun became black, Moon turned to blood, Stars fall, 2nd coming of Jesus. Mid 18th century to Jesus 2nd coming. These have happened:

Earthquake = Lisbon Nov 1 1755

Sun Darkened = Dark Day May 19 1780

Moon to blood = Colour of blood May 19 1780

Stars fall = stars fell on Nov 13 1833

Second Coming is yet future.

Churches are Philadelphia & Laodicea

7th Seal - Silence in Heaven, happens at the Second Coming.

The 7th Seal - there will be a SILENCE in Heaven for half hour (half hour in prophecy would be seven and a half days using the prophetic guide of 1 prophetic day = 1 literal year. Jesus takes seven and a half days for his 2nd coming. It is silent because the angels come with Jesus for His 2nd coming)

Trumpet No 7,

Jesus verses the Wicked, 1844 till the New Earth.

Judgement begins in heaven (This is so Jesus will know who to call at the first resurrection.)

All the nations are angry and warring with each other.

The Seven Last Plagues - the Second Coming

Destruction of all unbelievers and their nations.

1000 years in Heaven with the saints

The Holy City descends (Rev 21)

The Final Battle, and all the wicked finally destroyed.

The "Saints" are finally rewarded with the New Earth.

I believe we are between v.13 and v.14 of Revelation 6, while the events of ch.7 take place. Then as ch.8 unfolds we will be in the tribulation, and as Jesus Himself said "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." [Matthew 24:22]

Then the end will come - the Rapture - or to give it its correct name, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, who returns for His people. Unfortunately all the unbelievers will not see this glorious event. as they will all be dead, killed by the brightness of His coming. [2 Thessalonians 2:8 }

𝓒𝓸𝓼𝓶𝓲𝓬 𝓓𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓻
2013-01-31 02:26:55 UTC
fred flintstone yogi bear huckle berry hound and scooby doo
Adam of the wired
2013-02-01 03:28:58 UTC
I claim green
2013-01-31 02:04:00 UTC
Groucho / Harpo / Chico / Zeppo
2013-01-31 02:03:22 UTC
Groucho, Chico, Harpo, and sometimes Zeppo.

(Zeppo's the one with the seven-bladed tongue who keeps chanting "holiest of holies". Groucho has the cigar.)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.