Can you scientifically prove the existence of your thoughts?
The Realist
2009-06-15 23:04:25 UTC
Is there any one brain cell which I can kill and make you not you? Your thoughts and personality is derived from a collection of different cells interacting with one another. Yet you are one. There is only one you. Where are you though? How can I isolate you down. How many brain cell can be taken away before you are no longer you. Point to one brain cell and say this is me. It doesn't make sense does it.

God lives in the hearts and minds of individual people. Yet he is God.
27 answers:
Prometheus Unbound
2009-06-15 23:10:17 UTC
Yes. I can actually see them in an fMRI machine.
2009-06-15 23:23:54 UTC
The fact that a bunch of things work together to make a bigger thing work doesn't prove the existence of god. We see things like this all the time, in almost every aspect of live. Dozens of workers do different things to keep a restaurant going. Different political figures work together to keep a country running. Judges, lawyers, and a jury work together to bring justice.

None of these things are evidence for a god. And neither are the cells in my brain. And now I will use your own argument against you.

If the cells working together in my brain prove god exists, why did your god make me dyslexic? Hmmm? What about my nephew who is three years old but still can't talk? What about people with mental illness? Is your god in their brains too?
Darth Dirt
2009-06-15 23:18:43 UTC
Do you mean like hooking myself up to an EEG, or CT Scan, and having my brainwave patterns measured on a display? I'd need to find an available machine, but I suppose I could. It's not like the technology is that hard to find.

And no. I do not think it is possible for you to destroy one brain cell and erase who I am. I believe it is possible to perform a lobotomy on someone and change their personality completely, but that involves removing a larger portion of the brain than one cell.

There are people that suffer from Alzheimer's Disease, strokes, and traumatic brain injuries who if they recover are not the same people. Again, they have lost significantly larger portions of their brains than only one cell.

As to how these issues relate in any way to God, and/or religion, is as far from MY understanding as the workings of the human brain is from YOUR understanding. I agree God lives in the minds of individual people... maybe they need lobotomies.
2009-06-15 23:14:29 UTC
Unfortunately there is a condition - dementia - where extensive loss of cortical brain cells lead to a change of personality leaving a person unrcognisable except by physical appearance.
dogpatch USA
2009-06-15 23:17:32 UTC
evidence sure does exists but who is so insecure as to need to. hardly the same as differentiating between reality and imaginary or how much brain damage is enough . My mother is 94 years of age and suffering from dementia much of her previous self is gone yet she is still alive in her dying days .Would you write off your own mother for lack of working memory or a few brains cells dead from lack of life support?

Difficult to deal with for some but such is life it doesn't last forever .

some of us face the brutal reality of this others can't without the god awful crutch. if it comforts you good. peace.
Who aren't you?
2009-06-15 23:15:37 UTC
Maybe you should learn fuzzy logic before claiming such concepts are a god.

When does white become gray? When does gray become black?

No single brain cell could ever be us, nor could taking away any number of brain cells make someone no longer themselves, they just would be less of themselves.
2009-06-15 23:09:13 UTC
Yes, there is a brain cell of which I am comprised, however, yet another cell is connected, whereby thoughts isolated by collection, personality, and interaction are still connected! I'm sure you've thought of this already.

Michael K
2009-06-15 23:11:42 UTC
My thoughts exist as electro-chemical signals in my brain that can be seen on fMRI machines. People who have had brain damage still exist and can still be themselves.

However, a single brain cell does not make a human thought.
2009-06-15 23:23:45 UTC
there are a number of ways to detect human thoughts.

My personality is the result of all my brain cells, not just one, and you can easily change someone's personality by giving them a frontal lobotomy.
2009-06-15 23:19:41 UTC
Prefrontal Cortex. Take the connection of that away and your personality is gone.
2009-06-15 23:14:55 UTC
you are grasping at straws dude!

your grasp of any branch of science is poor to say the least.

all you are doing is backing up every non believer and non christians views on fundie christians.

Mad as a box of frogs!
Truth of Vandarism - the rise and fall
2009-06-15 23:38:46 UTC
There are dimensions of consciousness with specific thought patterns and lines if thinking attributed to the higher superconciousness or the basic level of perception of the physical world. Thought patterns control behavior and form the opinions and views we hold. Proof is offered is the written word here, offered as immediate response to your enquiry, consistent in its pattern and method of process. The most virulent and menacing are the middle aspirant to the power and prestige higher conscious affords. These types play on the fears of the lower strata, gain power by rabble rousing forcing the higher conscious to go to war against these malignant wafflers of sophistry and feigned erudition gained by state educational indoctrination primarily for the purpose of destroying quantum truth to play upon the hopes of the fluctuating multitude of inconclusive facts. This is proof.

If what is inferred pertains to whether my thought are my own or have previously been voiced or related to great thinkers gone before then you would be correct in your assumption. Truth is eternal and absolute as a shining mountain of light. The paths to this mount may be many but the truth is one absolute. The ability to define and quantify truth, relevant to the moment and circumstance confers intellectual aptitude or lack thereof.

The multitude of paths from many nations, regions, races, classes and sects all have a quintessential uniqueness of the One Absolute Truth, cultural and regionalized differentials may mark a distinction at variant with other paths upon being viewed as of one objective, purpose and goal become greater in similarities than differences.

The solar source from where all life emerges to ultimately return is dust, air, light and matter. Four principles of existence have a myriad and copious number of conveyances to transport their random thought paths made securer for the knowledge of what man is, what he is destined to become and his ultimate end. Pearls are of little use to swine and fodder dispensed and gluttoned by swine is not consumed by the pure in spirit. All thinking is true to each, absolute truth is sense to all.

That is truth, an individual truth, unique and personal to each yet as one of a constant recurring immortal cycle held constant in transient time, from where the transcended gain release and liberation whilst the unenlightened die to be reborn time and again until they learn.

Thoughts are the output of internal torment, disturbance and imbalance. Stable souls abide in perfect equipoise and repose. Thoughts are symptomatic of a craving to fulfill a deficiency within. A balance and equilibrium to synchronise a purified One with the entirety.

''My thoughts are not yours and yours are of little consequence to me. My truth and yours may be at extreme polarities for my end is not yours and your thinking is completely nonsensical to me. You may take my thoughts, merited by reason and wisdom and endeavor to gain what you observe as something you deserve and will be found remaining in want, for my past is not nor my end and future yours{west}.''{a non encrypted message for the whore witches{} frenzied for power, being played by steve.}

A quantum brain cell is self evident for it contains the infinite entirety immortally in The One.
2009-06-15 23:11:37 UTC
Whoa, I've lost track of how many fallacies there are in your attempt at an argument.
2009-06-15 23:08:17 UTC
Whoever told you that analogy, I think you need to find them and ask them to explain it again.

Nonsensical driveling about which brain cell makes a person you, does not mean that God dwells within us.
2009-06-15 23:07:30 UTC

2009-06-15 23:11:38 UTC
actually, the Japanese are working on a technology that will translate thought and dream into that we can "see" our thoughts.

I think they're just doing kanji right now.
2009-06-15 23:08:15 UTC
If that's an argument for God's existence, it's a pantheistic argument.
2009-06-15 23:11:47 UTC
I can say them aloud in front of witnesses. I would think that would be proof.
Zero With Everything
2009-06-15 23:08:16 UTC
God has no brain of his own. Therefore, no conscious god.
2009-06-15 23:09:45 UTC
Yes, you see one soul is made of a thousand Jesus farts, and each sacred fart is an individual thought.
2009-06-15 23:08:34 UTC
I thought therefore I'm!
2009-06-15 23:09:31 UTC
I think therefore I am. (did someone say that before me?)
2009-06-15 23:08:30 UTC
If you're this skeptical about your own existence and the existence of others (please look up the word "solipsism"), then why do you believe in something even more far fetched, like god?
2009-06-15 23:08:02 UTC
If an old person falls in the woods, do the trees laugh?

Wait, that's not right... Is it?
2009-06-15 23:12:37 UTC
this desk is made from quadrillions of atoms, is my desk god?
senorchipotle recapitated
2009-06-15 23:12:39 UTC
i think you should go to bed.
2009-06-15 23:08:02 UTC
no cuz I already know they are there so thats what counts....


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