No, it came from YOUR religion which the early JWs had recently left!
You continue to present the same lies and false accusations even though they have been disproved many, many times.
Those who continue to spread such false propaganda only demonstrate that they realize how weak their personal beliefs are. They can neither support their own belief nor scripturally disprove our CURRENT beliefs so they must resort to such dishonest misrepresentations.
First, Christians know without doubt that Christ began his parousia by "returning" and taking up his kingdom power in 1914 because of both the chronology of Daniel and the events foretold in Mat.24 offer proof (cf.2Tim3:1-5; Rv.12:10-12). In fact, the evidence that this date is correct is so overwhelming that it is beyond any possible doubt.
Those who question the fact that we are in the last days since 1914 are like a woman in her ninth month questioning whether she is pregnant!!
Next, Russell is NOT buried "under" a "Masonic pyramid" nor is he even buried under a pyramid. The pyramid was built in the middle of the cemetery. Neither the Pyramid nor the symbols on it have anything at all to do with the Freemasons' organization. The similar symbol used in Masonry is not the same as the one on the pyramid.
But, when it comes to pagan beliefs and symbols, most religions still picture Christ and the saints with the pagan halo or sun disk around their heads. Why doesn't YOUR religion stop using such Satanic symbols?!! Mine has!
Next, Russell did NOT derive the 1914 date from the pyramids. Russell and the early Bible Students beliefs and their faith was firmly based on the Bible as their source. They simply thought that God had directed the building of the Great pyramid by Hebrews as a secondary way to confirm the Bible's chronology.
In the 1800s some religious scholars felt that the Great Pyramid was built by the Hebrews under God's direction. They believed that biblical texts such as Isa 19:19-20 foretold that the Pyramid contained clues to the interpretation of Biblical prophecies that would be understood in the end times.
However, you seem to be ignorant of the fact that the Bible Students didn't invent Pyramidology, but was commonly taught in many mainstream Churches which they had just come out of. It took them time to discern what was true and what was myth. For example, we once celebrated the holidays and used the cross but now recognize them as Satanic myths! But we changed while other religions, like yours, continue to use such things even though your own scholars admit they are pagan!
And there are still theologians and accepted members of mainstream churches who still teach Pyramidology and mix "New Age" metaphysics with no repercussions from their respective organizations. THAT is why religions of Christendom are criticized by us.
JW's have never hidden the fact that they had incorrect beliefs due to ignorance, but we regularly study our history. But, do other religions willingly tell you about the stupid things their predecessors believed? Does it surprise you that many of *your* faith progenitors also believed in Pyramidology?!! How concerned are you about your religion's past beliefs that black people were cursed and were genetically inferior?
Would you not agree now that these teachings are Satanic?!! Your criticism of the JWs changing their belief is hypocritical and illogical since YOU continue to believe obvious myths associated with pagan beliefs.
Further, your logic would condemn the Apostles themselves. At first they thought that Christ was going to immediately and in their lifetimes restore his kingdom on earth. Yet, later they condemned such teachings! So, would you have condemned the Apostles and their current teachings since they obviously had previously “taught something Satanic”?
Such an idea is ludicrous and it is likewise ludicrous to criticize the Witnesses because they imitate the Apostles and correct their beliefs as they gain a greater knowledge!!
So, concern with past beliefs which were incorrect is a waste of time and distracts from the real issue. That is, a FAILURE to correct false doctrine or actions when presented with solid evidence would be proof that a religion or an individual is not God's organization or a Christian.
The Bible shows that God allows his servants to gradually understand (Pro. 4:18; Jn 16:12) just as the prophets and Apostles had to gradually learn and change their understandings (Dan. 12:8, 9; 1 Pet. 1:10-12; Acts 1:6, 7; 1 Cor. 13:9-12).
It is hypocritical and it's illogical to address past beliefs which have been changed in order to cast doubt on current teachings of any religion. What someone taught years ago has no bearing on the accuracy of what is taught now.
Rejecting current beliefs based on past misunderstanding is just plain unintelligent.