>>realize that that is exactly how atheists feel when religions interfere with political matters.<<
Then atheists have no right to say the Catholic Church didn't do enough to stop the Holocaust. Their contemporary complaints sound just like the Nazi complaints:
“This treasonous political Catholicism is once again at work today, eagerly attempting to sow weeds that will destroy the constructive efforts of the National Socialist government. Then there are those familiar practitioners of Jesuit sophistry who hide behind the mask of the innocent citizen who attempt to tear down everything that does not agree 100% with their opinions and theories. We know the phrases that these peculiar politicians always use, phrases of ‘racist nonsense,’ ‘false nationalism,’ ‘hate-filled enemies of religion,’ of the ‘nationalization of religion,’ we know them all — these eternal arguments of political Catholicism, this if and but.”
“At present, the political agitators are making the most noise about the Law for the Prevention of Genetically Ill Offspring, and there enough cases known in which the faithful have publicly urged the violation of this law. They urge disobeying the law, even if the result is unhindered births of the physically, mentally, or psychologically ill, resulting in thousands and tens of thousands of cripples running about, vegetating to the honor of political Catholicism, half human, half animal!”
“According to the dogma of the Roman Catholic Church, these people are more important than all scientific knowledge, so they cry bloody murder about the National Socialist state whose wise genetic policies and careful, justified elimination of incurable defectives are working to make the German people once again into a healthy, strong, youthful people.”
“Closely related to the agitation against the Law for the Prevention of Genetically Ill Offspring is political Catholicism’s battle against the powerful discoveries in the area of racial science. Bishop Gföllner is even clever enough to declare that the National Socialist standpoint is completely irreconcilable with Christianity, calling it a return to despicable heathenism. Nearly all Roman Catholic politicians fighting the National Socialist state play the same tune.”
“Every German-thinking people’s comrade must resist the arrogant attempts of such people to oppose the state and National Socialist principles. When, for example, an itinerant Catholic preacher stands behind the pulpit and preaches to Catholic Germans that he prefers a *****, a mulatto of pure soul, to a sinful Aryan, when he says that the Semitic race must be esteemed because Christ the man is of Semitic ancestry, when he calls on his hearers to fight for Rome and to be dissatisfied, then even the most faithful Catholic can only shake his head about such backwardness, narrow-mindedness, and ignorance, and leave such an apostle of agitation and hatred to himself.”
“We must now consider whether the countless attacks and complaints of Catholic agitators against National Socialism and the German people are isolated events, or whether they are part of a systematic, organized campaign. The multitude of such occurrences makes it clear that political Catholicism’s battle against the new Germany is organized, that it is aimed at disrupting National Socialism’s constructive efforts, that both an open and a concealed war is being waged against the German people, a war in service of Catholicism’s centuries-old plans for world domination, a continuation of a centuries-long Catholic battle against the German spirit. Consider the various statements by bishops and cardinals, above all the arrogant behavior of the Bishop of Münster, who had the gall to call for a speaking ban for Reichsleiter Alfred Rosenberg, the Führer’s representative, and threatened protests from Catholic circles if his demand was rejected.”