What's Wrong With Atheists?
2010-01-16 19:35:24 UTC
1) They don't believe in God but they spend time learning about Him so they can debate His existence.
2) They don't believe in Jesus, but we base our time line around His life (CE and BCE are recent changes, but we know what it revolves around).
3) They don't believe in the Bible, but they study it.
4) They don't believe in heaven or hell and it bothers them that other people do.
5) They believe that given enough time an ape will become a human, but never have anything more than stories, drawings, and man made pictures to present as proof.
6) They claim to think for themselves but all give the same response almost word for word as if they've been brainwashed by the same book/website.

What exactly is wrong with Atheists?
43 answers:
2010-01-16 19:48:25 UTC
They are still in Egypt and don't even realize it. True "born again" people make EXODUS, and come out from bondage and slavery to the world and the things of the world. Hopefully some day they will pursue real freedom. Freedom is different to one in prison compared to one who is on the outside.

"Freedom is the ability to work within a harness" The Torah is the harness.
2010-01-16 19:54:09 UTC
1.If Atheist said they didn't believe in god with out at least studying the bible first they wouldn't have no reason for there non belief. Most do study some for that very reason.

2.The don't base there time around his life, that is what they are given, there is no choice in that.

3. Refer to number one they are the same thing.

4. It does not bother them that other people do what bothers them is when other people try to send them to a place they don't believe in..

5. And All Christians have is a 2000 year old book that has been translated so many times from hundredss of different languages, there is no telling where truth begins or ends. Even if it is the word of your god, man is only human and can make mistakes in translation. That is what makes them different they ask questions and look for answers.

6. They do think for themselves, and at least they are looking at all sides of an argument instead of blindly following only one, and never questioning it.
2010-01-16 19:43:25 UTC
1) They don't believe in God but they spend time learning about Him so they can debate His existence

-I'm interested in learning the truth. I'm not yet convinced that any god claims are true.

2) They don't believe in Jesus, but we base our time line around His life (CE and BCE are recent changes, but we know what it revolves around).

-All the days of the week and several months are named after pagan gods.

3) They don't believe in the Bible, but they study it.

-I read a lot of other fiction as well.

4) They don't believe in heaven or hell and it bothers them that other people do.

-Being told that I deserve to be tortured forever does bother me. I don't think that's an unreasonable way for me to feel.

5) They believe that given enough time an ape will become a human, but never have anything more than stories, drawings, and man made pictures to present as proof.

-Yes, it's so sad that I believe 150 years of unbiased, peer-reviewed research and conclusive confirmation of their biological models from across various scientific disciplines.

6) They claim to think for themselves but all give the same response almost word for word as if they've been brainwashed by the same book/website.

-It's because we hear the same questions over and over and over and over again.
2010-01-16 23:17:06 UTC
Wow what a great display of christian intolerance, hatred, bigotry, sophistry, mendacity and their love of persecuting anyone who dares to think even slightly differently to themselves!!

There are two reasons for atheism - Education and Intellect!!

Acceptance of a supernatural claim tends to promote cooperative social relationships. This communication demonstrates a willingness to accept, without skepticism, the influence of the speaker in a way similar to a child's acceptance of the influence of a parent. By encouraging this kind of behavior where the most intense social relationships occur it facilitates the lack of skepticism and deters more open minded thinking.

They are christian, Muslim or the other religions depending where they were born simply because they were indoctrinated by their parents as very young children. They will go on to indoctrinate their own children and those will go on to indoctrinate their grandchildren!!

Atheists have the intellect to see through the conditioning and escape into the real world!!

Agnostics have the intellect to see through the conditioning but lack the courage to throw of the conditioning entirely.

Sadly Christians are still held firmly prisoner by the self perpetuating brainwashing!!

But as you post shows there is also a third reason for atheism and it is not about belief, God or Jesus but about the intolerance, hatred and persecution from those terribly BAD christian attitudes and conduct!!

As soon as Christians rediscover the loving god and start acting like it the problem will cease!!!!

Of course until then christianity will increasingly get called the "Nasty Religion"!!
Butterfly Christie :~:~:~:~:
2010-01-16 19:44:13 UTC
1) I was a Christian for 20 years and was studying to be a biblical scholar, which showed me how the religion isn't true, but I still have an interest in sudying other religions and mythologies, not just Christianity.

2) Anno Domini wasn't popularized until the 7th century so that doesn't mean anything.

3) I also study the quran, and a number of hindu, pagan and buddhist books.

4) I think it is wierd that people can just believe finite crimes deserve infinite punishment, especially from a book with no evidence.

5) Your thinking of biologists, people who have actually used the scientific method to find out what really went on.

6) Logic will usually bring someone to the same conclusion when they find something that is true, just as scientists come to the same conclusion about certain things enough to call them facts. When you look at something from every conceivable angle and it still shows the same thing, no matter what you would like to imagine it to be, then you know you have come to a logical point.
keith of keithZworld
2010-01-16 20:01:35 UTC
Not sure why you keep asking the same question over and over again. Ah well here we go again.

1. If any person is going to get into any sort of intelligent debate, or course they are going to do their research, on all aspects of the argument. And by the way it isn't just your particular god, it is many forms of deities; from pagan gods, to the gods of greek mythology, to allah, to the deities of egyptian mythology, and so on. If you are going to be discussing such issues, you should know what you are talking about, by researching it and as it happens Yahoo Answers is a great place to research and gain knowledge.

2. That is a matter out of our control, and it really has no significance to me, so the term BC and AD originated from Christianity, big deal. They are only terms we use to describe a particular time period.

3. Again same as my response to number 1, don't be ignorant, know what you are arguing against. Plus I was raised Catholic so I kind of had no choice but to read and study the bible for religion class.

4. No actually it doesn't bother me in the least, an assumption on your part I have to say. I respect your beliefs but don't share them. You can believe in heaven all you want, but don't expect others to share that belief with you.

5. Where did you hear that from? lol What a ridiculous statement. No we don't believe that, at least I most certainly do not. To even call your statement an assumption would be an understatement, thats in whole different class of its own. Again no

6. Really? I don't see any answers matching up to mine. Prove me wrong. I may allow myself to be educated by certain scientific theories and principals. But let me assure you, my thoughts and opinions are completely my own, I have always remained true to myself and never conformed to suit others. If you ask a question about evolution, yes you will pretty much get identical answers, because its a scientific theory that only has one answer, just as if you ask what is 1+1, the answer will always be 2, that doesn't make the responder brainwashed but only educated.

I've never used a website or book to respond to something that requires my own personal insight, its all me.

There is nothing wrong with Atheists, nothing whatsoever, you are obviously just ignorant or simply prejudice.
2010-01-16 19:49:32 UTC
1) It's to know more about what we don't believe, to make people like you leave us alone when they try to "save" us, also many atheists were previously Christians

2) The time measurements and names were created hundreds of years ago when everyone was religious

3) Refer to #1 answer

4) Religion hurts society, in a world without religion we'd still have the Twin Towers

5) Why do we share 90% of chromosomes with chimpanzees if we didn't evolve from them. They needed to evolve around the ice age (or a couple of hundred years before when things started cooling off) so that they could build fire and use tools and hunt. We see molecular evolution everyday and they are observing killer whales around the New Zealand area breaking off into two species.

6) I became an atheist because of the Bible and it's flawed logic. The flood covered the mountains, specifically mentions it covers the whole earth does it not? Well if it covered the tallest mountain that's 29,000 feet in the air, the animals would freeze and/or suffocate. The genetic crossbreeding after the flood (it takes 50 animals to avoid genetic crossbreeding) would wreak havoc on the species. There would be no vegetation for the herbivores to eat and the carnivores would eat the herbivores. The titanic was bigger than the Ark and only held 3,000 people and enough food for the week, yet the smaller ark held all the animals 8 people, enough water, food, and feces for everyone? Right. The fish would die from water pressure change, salt and fresh water mixing, changes in water temperature, and changes in light.

Hope you enjoyed my thorough and informative answer.

2010-01-17 09:00:33 UTC
1.) I do NOT spend time learning about him. Quite frankly, i don't care.

2.) Congrats, everyone knows that. Did you hear about the Egyptians? They revolved their LIFE'S around their "gods".

3.) I do not study the bible. Nor does any other atheist I know.

4.) It does not bother me if other people believe in those, I couldn't care less to be honest.

5.) They have BONES. BONE STRUCTURES OF THE APES. Ever heard of evolution? It's a proven fact, and who ever says it isn't needs to open their eyes and see that nobody can prove their "god".

6.) I don't really understand this question.

You've no right to assume the thoughts of every atheist. I don't care if you hate us, because you can't if your christian. And isn't it a sin to be mean and judgemental to other people?
2010-01-16 19:54:09 UTC
1) You'd be calling me a fool if I didn't know why I don't believe in your religion.

2) What else am I supposed to use? 1/16/4.5 billion?

3) Same as #1, but concerning the bible.

4) It doesn't bother me.

5) Holy f*cking sh*t... when will people understand? That's not evolution! Educate yourself on evolution please!

6) Logic/common sense/ critical thinking.

I got one for ya, why is it that some religious people use the same arguments against atheists? It's like a broken record... That, and coming up with BS statements.
2010-01-16 19:47:07 UTC
1. Do you need to be a wizard to be interested in Harry Potter? Do you need to be a pilot to have an interest in planes? Do you need to be a chef to love cooking? Do you need to be a vet to help out animals? No? Then why do you think you need to be a religious theist to have an interest in religion?

2. It's based on the Gregorian calender, introduced by Pope Gregory XIII. Figure out the rest from there.

3. Do you believe that fictional stories are true to study them? If so, then explain that to the experts of literature ranging from ALL KINDS of fictional stories.

4. It bothers me when people bothers me about them. Believe what you want and do the same for me and we'll have no problems. When you start shoving religion down my throat, you bet that I'll retaliate.

5. Learn what evolution is.

6. Do realize that theists, especially Christians on here, repeat the same arguments as well. You're the case-in-point, as EACH of these questions were asked about a bazillion times already. Yet, you still fail to realize the existence of the search bar.

7. Do point the finger at yourself.

Learn to use the search bar.
Aloofly Goofy
2010-01-16 19:42:55 UTC
1) I was FORCED to learn about God as a child. And how do you think I would come to the conclusion that he didn't exist if I hadn't ruled him out?

2) So I should invent an entirely new calendar that no one will pay attention to just because Jesus is in the old one? And how do I put my new atheist mode of telling time on my birth certificate? In my public records? In my university records?

3) I no longer study the Bible. I enjoy learning about religions, contrary to your beliefs. It's fun and educational, and since my entire family is religious I don't see why I shouldn't better understand where they're coming from.

4) No it doesn't.

5) Dude...FOSSIL RECORD. And atheists don't belong to the holy church of evolution or something. Some theists believe in evolution too.

6) My responses are mostly original. Unlike a lot of the atheists on this board, I don't read Dawkins or Darwin or what have you, and I'm self taught when it comes to a lot of things. A lot of people use the same arguments because they are obvious arguments to make, not because they are reading it off the same page.
2010-01-16 19:52:26 UTC
1) WOW. so you discredit evolution without understanding or even knowing what it is? i wouldnt say quatum physics doesnt work because it defies common sense, i would note i have no understanding in the area and leave the issue to the people that do. only morons dont try to learn.

2) ummm, we just conform, and im pretty sure a guy called yeshua may have lived around in those times, i just doubt the magic. what dating should we use? the one thats been used for millenia and is used widely or a new one that doesnt really accomplish much.

3) ive read harry potter, if people start claiming harry potter is the real deal, i would want to see WHY they think its real. fiction is fiction.

4) it bothers us that tards continually tell us there is a heaven/hell and keep reminding others they will go to hell. some christian sects would even say catholics will go to hell >.> point taken?

5) go wiki human evolution, waste of time to type it out here.

6) because the current scientifically accurate facts are the same facts that we would spout. i would be more worried if we werent on the same page which means some of us are less educated =.=

2+2=4, 2+2=4, 2+2=5

thats when i think there is something wrong

but when it is

2+2=4, 2+2=4, 2+2=4

i think being consistent is better then being wrong to please you.
2010-01-16 19:47:34 UTC
1. Well if you're going to debate, you might as well know something about your topic, am I right?

2. I do believe that Jesus existed, there are birth records of him. He was not the son of God, did not perform any miracles, or die for our sins. Its easier then saying "Its January 16, year 4,466,324,674"

3. Once again, if you're going to debate, you might as well know something about your topic

4. Well it clearly bothers you that I am atheist, so don't accuse me of anything, that's called being a hypocrite

5. The theory of evolution has been proven countless times, go read a book other than the bible.

6. Well all christians believe the same thing in general, so isn't that pretty similar?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with atheists. In fact, religious intolerance from people like you is one of the reasons I became atheist
2010-01-16 19:53:18 UTC
Yoo Hoo... They do not study the Bible. It's obvious. There is only tender mercies in my heart toward them, we all started out depraved. Nothing in us makes us any better. The only righteousness we have, is unearned,we did nothing to merit it. What is wrong with you! It is by the unconditional love we have between ourselves,that they will know we belong to Christ. I've been a Christian for 33yrs. Love never fails. Grow up in the Spirit of Christ. What is wrong w/them? We are. The ground is level at the cross.
Still Crazy After All These Years
2010-01-16 19:52:47 UTC
1) I'm not here to learn about God; I'm here to educate myself about certain people who believe in God so I can learn what people to watch out for and avoid.

2) Do I have a choice as to what calendar I follow? How would I be able to do business in the world without following the standard calendar? This part of your question shows a lack of critical thinking skills.

3) I do not study the bible although I have read parts of it from time to time. I like the Psalms - they are beautiful poetry. I also love the music of JS Bach even though he was writing music to glorify God.

4) I don't give a fig what you believe or don't believe

5) This part of the question just shows you to be uneducated. Apes do not turn into humans; even my 14-year-old grandson knows that. The primates are all descended from a common ancestor. We do have more than stories and drawings and manmade pictures - we have fossil evidence and I'm not going to waste my time going into this any further. You won't believe it or accept it anyway.

6) If you think that saying there is no evidence for God is brainwashing.....I just don't know what to say for that. If I asked why do christians believe in God, are you telling me I wouldn't get similar responses from them?

You are very silly.
2010-01-16 19:47:53 UTC
1) we spend time learning about religions to use your own books and dogma against you- know your enemy is an old strategy.

2) we base our days of the week and months on greek mythology, does not mean we believe it is factual.

3) some atheist study the bible so we can have a good analysis of mythology instead of getting the usual bias that theist have. most bible and religious scholars are atheist by the way.

4) it bothers us because people waste their lives hoping for imaginary heaven and the irrational fear of hell.

5) humans are also primates. we base our knowledge on scientific FACTS and evidence. it's the stupid theists who base their beliefs on drawings, stories, and pictures.

6) we sometimes use the same response because great philosophers have already refuted your fallacious arguments; why waste our breath on you theist if brilliant men have already destroyed your beliefs?

It's theists who are brainwashed, not us.
¤Blackhoof Buccaneers Revenge¤
2010-01-16 19:43:36 UTC
1. Nope.

2. We don't exactly have much choice what calender our society lives by.

3. No, I don't.

4. I don't care if people do. They need to stfu about it to others who don't.

5. *sigh* We already are in the primate category. Humanity still pushes for advancement, our species has probably been driven like that forever.

6. Well when some like you ask the same junk over and over and over and over... I only speak one language. How many different ways can we put it when you don't listen to what we say.

Humans are apes. Who would not be proud of how far our species has come...
2010-01-16 19:37:27 UTC
1) Irrelevant. It's called an interest in religion, and it happens to affect everyone.

2) It has become an acceptable way to number our years, but not before it was forced.

3) Many were Christians, some happen to have been ministers, priests and all manner of clergy personnel. As well, see number 1.

4) It bothers me in particular that some throw away their entire lives, contribute to depravity, and inflict their will about "what is a sin" or not on the vague notion of some unsubstantiated paradise in the projected afterlife.

5) Even someone like me who understands as a lay person, I have to say that your notion is quite watered down and affected by propaganda. Also ironic considering this: They believe that there is a god that created, directs and provides salvation, but never have anything more than stories, drawings, and man made pictures to present as proof. Hmmm...

6) LOL. Seriously?!? I mean really? See 5.

What is wrong with you?
2010-01-16 19:45:28 UTC
1. So people who study mythology have something "wrong" with them? Reading Hesiod's Theogony means I have issues with the Greek pantheon?

2. So have YOU changed what you call the day of the week since they are named for ancient gods or the name of our spring religious festival since it is named for a pagan fertility goddess?

3. See #1.

4. Doesn't bother me at all.

5. Wrong. And to suggest that things written by humans are a lack of proof is pretty ironic considering all you have is a book written by humans...

6. One could readily say the same for Christians.

~Ex-Christian. Atheist.
The Last Unicorn
2010-01-16 19:43:34 UTC
I know things about many different religions. Just because it's interesting to me doesn't mean I should follow it. It's like... A good story really. I really love reading about the Hindu religion. Christianity I know about because I read part of the bible just because I had nothing else to do. I couldn't finish it because it was absurdly boring and ridiculous and it's not hard to know about christianity. I study buddhism but I don't follow it, I study the 7 chakras but don't follow it, I study wiccan practices but I don't follow them. It doesn't bother me that you believe in heaven and hell, it just makes me feel a little sad inside. Apes DO NOT ******* = HUMANS!!!!!!
2010-01-16 19:41:39 UTC
1) They are tired of dumb shits and try to help the world out of it's ignorance hole.

2) The theory of evolution is still called a theory no matter how much evidence is supporting it because of popular vote against it being called a fact, that same popular vote keeps us using his time line.

3) Prove it.

4) Yes in the same way I don't believe in shadow monsters eating my feet, but someone does.

5) No, Study evolution, Ape did not become human, we came from a branch of a tree of species. Think of it as long term adaption.

6) Ironic as **** for you to say that.
2010-01-16 19:42:43 UTC
Nothing is wrong with Atheists. Your ideas about us are flawed. Typically, Atheists base what they believe, not of faith alone, but on scientific evidence and proof. This is why we tend to think alike; unlike storytellers who have different varying accounts from person to person.

Oh wow, look at that! All our answers are exactly the same hmmmmm. What's that tell you? Ask a Christian what's wrong with them and you get all kinds of useless Biblical quotes and excuses.
2010-01-16 19:41:41 UTC
Nothing. Why do Christians not study the Bible as much as atheists do? It sounds to me like Christians are the ones with serious problems.
2010-01-16 19:41:14 UTC
It is called education over indoctrination....and I used to be a christian, until I went to university and took religion academically.

The bible is a fairy tale based on other fairy tales, and if you go to, you can download a book called Bible Myths and Their Parallels in Other Religions. It was written 150 years ago, and was used at Harvard Seminary. It proves that most bible stories were "copied and pasted" and aren't even original, let alone real, and the priests know this too.
2010-01-16 19:58:14 UTC
My best friend is Atheist. She used to believe in God but after her life went seriously downhill (which it still is), she turned her back on God. She believes all of his teachings are a waste of time, she somewhat believes in heaven and hell, she never touches a Bible, and she refuses to go to church but her mom forces her to go every week. Ironically, we go to a private high school (she was forced by her mom, it was either here or be sent to Germany, no joke).

Most people believe Atheists or Agnostics are horrible, mean people because they don't believe in God. Some are, some aren't. My friend, all though if you don't meet her high standards as a person and if you don't she doesn't like you much, is actually really nice and a good person if you take the time and get to know her. Nothing is really wrong with Atheists, it's not brainwashing or anything, it's just who they are. According to my Theology teacher, not all Atheists go to hell. Even though they do not worship God, if they lived a good life other wise, they can be saved. Probably not heaven, but instead purgatory.

Going back to how I said most people thing Atheists/Agnostics are horrible people, I recently helped convert my Agnostic friend to a strong believer in the Catholic faith. He used to be suicidal, and just didn't have the will to live anymore. I told him just to try to pray every night for a week and see how it goes. He started to try harder in school, fixed his relationships with people he knew, and he eventually got back on his feet and started to pray more and more, eventually going to church and working his way up. I believe what people believe in can effect how they act. It's like a role model. You wan't to act like the person you look up to. When you take away God, who do you look up to in life? No one, just yourself. You have no reason to care about things, and thats why most people see non believers as cruel.
2010-01-16 19:39:36 UTC
Living in the bible belt in the US, it effects me. Not to mention I enjoy studying and debating it.
No Gods, No Masters
2010-01-16 19:39:18 UTC
1. I question all unjustified beliefs

2. And? Means nothing about Jesus' validity, just that christians were in power when today's calendar was established

3. Actually, I do not, though I acknowledge it IS a book

4. No, not really

5. Not how that works

6. No idea what you are talking about

What exactly is wrong with you?
2010-01-16 19:40:02 UTC
4) We are fascinated that adults can believe this childish nonsense. So we research it to try and find out how.

5) Your point about the calendar is meaningless
2010-01-16 19:48:33 UTC
6 ) There's only so many ways to say " made the hell up" .

1-5) Give it up already.
2010-01-16 19:40:25 UTC
Why do you assume that there must be something wrong with people who don't share your opinions? That doesn't seem like a very christian outlook on life.
Deez Nutz
2010-01-16 19:39:15 UTC
Oh so many things wrong will all of those statements. But the obsession seems to work both ways judging by all your posts.
2010-01-16 19:39:20 UTC
The last time we left you guys go totally unchallenged we got the Dark Ages. We'd just like to avoid a repeat.
2010-01-16 19:44:49 UTC
never interrupt your opponent when they are making a mistake.

- Napoleon
2010-01-16 19:39:33 UTC
The problem with Atheists is that we think too much.

Not too bad as problems go huh?
2010-01-16 19:39:18 UTC
What's wrong with you? You're a deluded moron who's obsessed with atheists.

Get a real hobby.
2010-01-17 03:41:43 UTC

what do you think is wrong with atheists?
2010-01-16 19:39:35 UTC
There's nothing wrong with Atheists. Oh, and way to answer your own question, moron.
2010-01-16 19:41:25 UTC
What kind of people did Jesus say there would be in the future....tat da
2010-01-16 19:39:48 UTC
What's wrong with us?

1. We're too smart.

2. We're too sexy.

3. Our penises/breasts are too big/perfect.
2010-01-16 19:39:56 UTC
2) the chinese and jews don't
2010-01-17 19:31:41 UTC
i don't know whats wrong with you jerk
2010-01-16 19:41:04 UTC
they just do not believe and wish every one else did not believe either
2010-01-16 19:41:01 UTC
nothing wrong .they are humans but blieving in nothing.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.