Well I do understand that you believe you are helping others by leading them to god and salvation, but I do have to say that there are many out there who strongly believe there is no god, just as you strongly believe there is. It is unlikely that a yahoo answers debate would actually change their opinion, most who don't believe in god would simply dismiss this post as just another religious person shoving their beliefs down other peoples throats and move on with their life.
Now I don't mean to offend with that, I am merely trying to show you another viewpoint, the viewpoint of those you are likely attempting to address with this post.
As far as god being the source of all, while I personally am not christian/catholic/etc I do have my own beliefs. Unfortunately in my beliefs I do still debate the idea of a single being creating the entire universe. I have difficulty believing that a single being of any kind could be capable of such a thing, while I do believe that there is a lot of energy within the universe and such energy is capable of a lot, including the big bang. The part I get hung up on is the concept that if energy is never created nor destroyed where did this energy originate?
Thing is whether you are religious or scientific this is a key question, and no one truly knows the answer. Religion says that it was god, sciences best guess is the big bang...but neither has a lot to prove their side, there is no tangible proof of god and science still cant answer where the energy that caused the bi bang originated in the first place. whether religious or not that is a concept beyond our grasp so we are all just taking our best guess. That said we need to acknowledge that regardless of belief we are really just standing by our theories and need to have understanding for each other despite our conflicting viewpoints.