It's everybody's personal choice of whether they eat meat or not. Why intrude upon this personal freedom?
Now, I want you to go look into a mirror. Open your mouth. About 3 teeth away from your incisors are some sharp fang like teeth called canines, used for biting into flesh. Mankind evolved as an omnivore, not a herbivore.
But as Vegan's commonly argue, "Why not switch to a Vegan diet, since humanity no longer needs to rely on a diet of flesh"?
Well, for one, some nutrients and vitamins are most commonly found in meat products, and even though various plants can supply the human body with the same nutrients, the digestive system can process the nutrients from meat with greater efficiency, because it evolved to do so.
Secondly, Personal Freedom! It's totally cool if you want to be a Vegan because of your sympathy for Animals, but you need to accept the fact that other people (like me) enjoy their flesh food! You can't just go around parading around telling people what to eat, because then, you're intruding upon a personal freedom: Something most people don't look too kindly upon.
Don't be so arrogant. Not eating meat doesn't make you any better than anyone else. Now make me a BLT.