Joseph Smith translating scriptures is an interesting thing to consider.
When he started he relied on a device, a heavenly machine of some kind, with a technology that is familiar to God, but was not familiar to people 200 years ago.
Imagine explaining how you can push a button on a black berry, or text capable cell phone, and you could talk to someone on the other side of the World, or text someone in Russia, even if you lived in Buenos Aries Argentina?
Could you imagine trying to explain that kind of thing to people back then?
Superstition they would shout? We both know this. It would quite literally blow their minds.
Joseph Smith, is often described as being not too smart. But that is not really true, I think. Just because someone does not have a lot of educational degrees that they have gained through years of schooling, does not mean that they are not smart.
A person with a high I.Q. has a high I.Q. regardless of how many days they spent in College or not.
It only took three months for Joseph Smith to Translate The Book Of Mormon.
Just the names in The Book Of Mormon alone are still being studied for their linguistic roots. All sorts of things are being studied about The Book Of Mormon, that are very interesting... even all these years later.
After a certain amount of time Joseph Smith had cracked the language Himself.
He did not need the seer devices supplied by God anymore, to help him translate an ancient language that was no longer used anymore. The Spanish conquistadors saw to it, that the Language of Central America was completely eradicated off the face of the Earth, and most of the Natives themselves were killed, sad to say.
Joseph Smith alone, had mastered a language in just a few short months, to the point that He did not need any sort of translation devices to assist him.
He did not need any additional help from any sort of seer machines, when it came to translating the Bible, both Old and New Testament.
In the case of the Bible, Joseph Smith, simply looked at it, then whenever something that was lost needed to be added, He added it.
So Joseph Smith was clearly growing over time as a Prophet. His abilities were increasing, perhaps exponentially, as time went on in His ministry.
Some people say that Joseph Smith did not finish translating the Bible, but anyone who looks at his Joseph Smith's Inspired Translation Of The Bible, can see as a self evident fact that he completed the New Testament. Also He completed Genesis, most if not all of Exodus, and went through many other parts and certified that it was mostly translated correctly.
Joseph Smith did all this, while under threats against his life, building a new Church, establishing cities, being in the middle of major religious conflicts. People getting shot, mobs rising, extermination orders were written.
It is amazing that He ever found any time at all to translate the Bible. But He did over the years. A little time here, a little time there. So therefor the Bible for the most part has been translated correctly, because Joseph Smith Himself saw to it that it was.