Is Sunday, Easter or Christmas part of GOD'S word?
2013-01-02 07:40:37 UTC
Why is it that I can find no instructions or examples of christians assembling on Sunday morning in GOD'S word?

It is absolutely clear in Mat. 28:1, Mk.16:2, Lk.24:1, & Jh. 20:1 that our Savior's empty tomb was discovered on the morning of the "first [day] of the week" but there is no indication of the time or day of HIS resurrection in these verses.

GOD'S holy inspired word starts and ends days at sunset not midnight. This means that Acts 20:7 was a meeting at the close of GOD'S Sabbath, on Saturday evening, called Havdalah. Therefore Paul would have left Toras on Sun day morning. Paul did not stay in Toras Sunday morning to remember the discovery of our Savior's empty tomb.

The only place I can find the phrase "Lord's Day" is in Rev. 1:10 and this is not an indication of the day of the week but seems to be the day of HIS return.

As for Christ mass we can find no where in GOD'S word that the church celebrated our Savior's birth, especially not on Dec. the 25.

If we can find no instructions or examples in GOD'S word of christians celebrating these events they must be traditions of men. If they are traditions of men, when did they start, and where did they come from?

Please, no hate fill answers. I am only looking for the truth based on the word of GOD. I am looking for chapter and verse of these instructions or examples. Also no long winded theology based on personal bias.

With Love may GOD Bless,
Eleven answers:
2013-01-02 07:50:26 UTC
2013-01-02 19:51:34 UTC
It is absolutely clear in Mat. 28:1, Mk.16:2, Lk.24:1, & Jh. 20:1 that our Savior's empty tomb was discovered on the morning of the "first [day] of the week" but there is no indication of the time or day of HIS resurrection in these verses.

I have noticed that when someone makes an emphatic statement, the are usually emphatically wrong.

Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils. -- Mark 16:9

You attempted to narrow the field, as it were, regarding evidence as to which day Jesus was resurrected.

Your second paragraph might have relevancy if the author of Acts was Jewish, writing to a Jewish audience, but such is not the case. It is always important to consider who is writing, and who is being written to; who the target audience is. Luke, a Gentile, was writing to a Gentile audience, and would have had no reason to write from a Jewish perspective on time. You have to read your conclusion into the narrative; not a good example of proper hermeneutics.

Paragraph three is correct, but irrelevant, or lacking explanation.

Paragraphs four and five ignore Romans 14 and the Christian liberty to esteem days to God, or not. Christianity is not about a set of rules and laws as was extant in the old covenant. If some desire to esteem the birth of Christ, regardless of the day, you have no right to judge them in this. To judge them is to demonstrate hatred, and not love for one another.

2013-01-02 13:56:41 UTC
Where are the instructions for a marriage ceremony? Where are the instructions for a baptism?

The Hebrew people had an oral tradition for several centuries. When they realized the extent of their danger after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD, they began to write it down. It's now called the Mishnah. Christianity comes from Judaism. Everything we do, well, at least those of us who follow denominations more than 500 years old, comes from Judaism.

Christians around the world celebrate Holy Week. It is set on a lunar calendar, the same as our Hebrew forefathers calculate the Passover. The Gospels tell us Jesus celebrated the Passover with the diciples. He was handed over on Wednesday. Died on Friday. Rose on Sunday.

Using the Gospel of Luke St. John Chrysostom explains that Zachary received his vision in the temple in the seventh month. Tishiri. Sept/Oct by our calendar. It was after this this vision that Elizabeth, Zachary's wife, conceived John the Baptist. In the same Gospel we learn that Mary received Gabriel's annunciation in the 6th month of Elizabeth pregnancy. Which puts us in March consequently the birth of Jesus must have taken place in December 9 - months later.

The Gospel of Matthew records the Magi came with gifts for the Lord. The angels sang, and the shepards celebrated.

Two Gospels record this. So clearly it is important. If you do not wish to celebrate them, then don't. But please, stop bashing Christians who do.
James O
2013-01-02 19:14:09 UTC
I really do not know much about the particulars of SDA and other 7thdayers except that they really do seem to hate and damn us 1st day Resurrection dayers

How do i know that your interpretations of the Bible are not profoundly filtered through the traditions of me of whatever Protestant Tradition you come from and whatever pastors and teachers you have?

I have no problem if you want to keep a jewish Shabbat, God bless you for it and all the Jewish observers, but I am not a Jew and i am a Resurrection-believing Chrsitian,so should i not celebrate jesus resurrection every week?

I actually go to church( usually the Catholic Church) on Saturdays ( often twice) to worship the One God, the Trinity and to hear God's full proclaimed Word. In fact, i usually go at least once a day

The Lord's Day from the earliest Christian references is Sunday( which actually is the last or 7th day of the week for many people, especially in Europe: Don't you call Sat and Sun the weekend?)

What days are ist day, etc of Creation are not mentioned in the Book of Genesis so a saturday Sabbath would not be part of the Noah Covenant for Gentiles but only whatever day is your 7th in your culture and Sunday is so in mine.

Did not St Paul in many of the inspied Epistles tell us that the holy days of old in the OT-including sabbaths- are not binding on us Chrsitians ( especially us Gentile ones)?

Sabbath is mentioned first in Exodus16:23 under Jewish laws not universal commandments such as do not murder, etc and in Acts the ' compromise' of the New Catholic/ Universal Apostolic Church does not mention Sabbath observance as binding on Gentile Christian believers

St Paul said if you want to observe the Jewish customs, laws and ritual regulations one should do all of it, so if i were a 7th Dayer i would be a fully observant Orthodox Jewish Christian,I think

Was not the Ending Service of Jewish Sabbath before sunset?

Since St Luke was a Gentile is not the First day of week for the "breaking of Bread' or Klasis tou Artou ( Eucharist ) showing that that was his Lord's day?

Also, I see radical Sabbatarianism as a needless burden , personally, whether the day be Sat or Sun and not consistent for me with freedom from the burden of 'the Law"(obsessive observance of every Torah or Talmud ritual or abstinence), but whatever floats your boat... as long as it is closer to God and charity and compassion towards others

I often need to work on Sat and Sun but i always am able to get to church those days( and that's because I want to because i want my weekly -and daily- dose of prayer, praise of God and hearing and readings God's Written Word)

God bless you for keeping holy the jewish Shabbat and God bless us Gentile Christians for keeping the Sunday Resurrection Memorial day each week

I do not know anybody who is literally "Bible Alone' because every Christian I know or have read goes by the Bible ( usully certain passages strung together) interpreted ( often creatively) by some sort of or collection of pieces of some Oral Tradition ( paradosis, handing down) goes by

and by someone who claims authority to interpret or who claims some special insight about and on some passage that's different from mine or yours

Since we do not know when Jesus was born Dec 25 is as good a day as any

and should we not observe Chrsit's birth, death and resurrection not only annually but everyday?

Everyday is some pagan feast day somewhere sometime,including the holy days mentioned in the Old Testament and some of those often fall on Saturdays

Do you wear a wedding ring? Where is that is the Bible? Where does the Bible say that every religious custom, song orwhatever has to come from the Bible alone and directly? No where i can find

Live and Let Live

Let us all pray for each other

Glory to the God of grace!

Have a Happy and Blessed Sabbath Day

Blessed and Happy Christmastime ( lasts 'til Feb 2), everybody , and sing a Chrstmas hymn or carole for me if you like as i will you you all here!
2013-01-02 07:53:03 UTC
So, if it's not in the Bible, it's forbidden? Then lose the computer.

In Acts, when it says that they assembled on the First Day, (which traditionally means Sunday) there is no mention as to the hour. This is a tradition passed down before there ever even WAS a Bible.

Further, as far as what is true and what is not, I suggest you remember what is said in 1 Timothy 3:15, as it clearly states the CHURCH is the pillar and foundation of truth.

As far as when these "traditions of men" started, as I stated earlier, they started BEFORE the Bible was even compiled, by those who lived either during the time of Jesus or were taught by those who did.
2013-01-02 07:53:25 UTC
The ten commandments were given during old testament times. But we no longer live under the law, but rather, we live under grace. That's why some of the laws in the old testament do not apply now like they did during old testament times.

However, nine of the ten commandments were REAFFIRMED in the new testament. And which one of the ten commandments was not reaffirmed in the new testament? "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy."

The same principle still applies, that is, setting one day aside for the worship of God is a good thing. But the new testament does not say it must be the Sabbath day, which is Saturday. You can pick any day you want now. And most Christians worship on Sunday these days.


Regarding your second question (and I recommend you stick to only one question), what is Christian about Christmas? The answer is nothing. Christmas is not really Christian. Jesus was not born on the 25th of December. There is nothing in the Bible that says we are to celebrate Christmas. But we can still enjoy Christmas as a great time to spend with families, and I love the colored lights, and all the other things that goes with Christmas. But we need to remember there is nothing Biblical about December 25th.

Still, the story about the birth of Jesus is such a great story, and there is nothing wrong with setting aside a time to appreciate it, and December 25th is as good a day as any. I hope you had a great Christmas.
2013-01-02 08:00:43 UTC
Salve my friend!

The reason we celebrate the birth of Christ when we do is because when the Roman were persecuting the early Church, the Church fathers wanted to blend in, so they celebrated Christ's birth during the Saturnalia, a Roman celebration dedicated to the god Saturn. Easter is celebrated when it is because of the timing of the Passover. About Sunday, this goes back to the Jewish Sabbath tradition.
2013-01-02 15:32:41 UTC
Yes, You don't see the word "Internet" in the bible, either, but you're using it.
2013-01-02 07:52:01 UTC
No, they are all pagan in origin.

xtianity did not steal ideas from ancient pagan religions, xtianity IS an ancient pagan religion. Even Paul tells you not to mix the pagan rituals in with xtianity. 2Corinthians 6:14 - 17

xtianity is diametrically opposed to G*D

G*D denies jesus and all xtian teachings.

Scripture says G*D has no son but the Nation of Israel.

Shemot-Exodus 4:22 And you shall say to Pharaoh, 'So said the Lord, "My firstborn son is Israel." '

G*D said no one could die for the sins of another:

Devarim - Deuteronomy - Chapter 24:16. Fathers shall not be put to death because of sons, nor shall sons be put to death because of fathers; each man shall be put to death for his own transgression.

Ezekiel 18:

20. The soul that sins, it shall die; a son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, and a father shall not bear the iniquity of the son; the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself.

21. And if the wicked man repent of all his sins that he has committed and keeps all My laws and executes justice and righteousness, he shall surely live, he shall not die.

22. All his transgressions that he has committed shall not be remembered regarding him: through his righteousness that he has done he shall live.

23. Do I desire the death of the wicked? says the Lord God. Is it not rather in his repenting of his ways that he may live?

G*D is not a trinity. The origin of the trinity is ancient Babylon. Scripture says G*D is 1

Devarim - Deuteronomy - Chapter 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God; the Lord is one.

Yeshayahu- Isaiah - Chapter 45:7. Who forms light and creates darkness, Who makes peace and creates evil; I am the Lord, Who makes all these.

G*D alone is the only savior

Isaiah 43:11 I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no savior.

G*D alone is the only Redeemer

Isaiah 44:6 Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God.

Scripture says G*D said none share his glory

Yeshayahu- Isaiah - Chapter 42:8. I am the Lord, that is My Name; and My glory I will not give to another, nor My praise to the graven images.

G*D said none sit beside him

Yeshayahu- Isaiah - Chapter 45: 5. I am the Lord, and there is no other; besides Me there is no God: I will strengthen you although you have not known Me.

6. In order that they know from the shining of the sun and from the west that there is no one besides Me; I am the Lord and there is no other

Further more G*D said not to trust in man and that He would not come in the flesh of man.

Jeremiah 17:5 So says the Lord: Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his arm, and whose heart turns away from the Lord.

Scripture says G*D will not come as a man

Throughout the Hebrew Scriptures, there is a sharp contrast made between G*d on one hand, and human beings on the other. First of all, there is always a reprimand against any human being who claims to be G*d, or Divine, as we read in Ezekiel 28:2

I will not execute the fierceness of mine anger, I will not return to destroy Ephraim: for I am G*d, and not a man; the Holy One in the midst of thee: and I will not enter into the city. [Hosea 11:9]

And then there is another verse, in Numbers 23:19, where G*d specifically tells us that if G*d were a human being, then he would be a liar, as all human beings do lie on occasion. Furthermore, this verse tell us that if G*d were a human being, he would be in need of repentance because all human beings sin at some point in their lives. Finally, this verse also tells us that if G*d were a human being, then he would make promises, but not keep them:

G*d is not a man, that he should lie; neither the Son of Man, that he should relent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? [Numbers 23:19]

G*d is the same, G*d does not lie, G*d is G*d and Human Beings are Human Beings, and G*d does not become a Human Being, and Human Beings do not become gods.

This means that basic to the faith of the Jewish People, is the distinction between G*d and man, a distinction which is not found in xtianity. This confusion, the mixing of Man with gods, was common in the ancient pagan world.

Since xtians claim that their Satan/devil is what attempts to separate people from G*D, they then admit to working for their Satan/devil when they evangelize
2013-01-02 07:51:38 UTC
"Easter" was stolen from Astaroth. Originally known as "Ashtar." This holiday coincides with the Vernal Equinox of spring when day and night are of equal length. Known as "Eastre" to the Anglo-Saxons. As the Goddess of fertility, she was associated with rabbits and eggs. The Christians stole this holiday and twisted its meaning. Other names include: Easter, Eastre, Eos, Eostre, Ester, Estrus, (Estrus is when an animal goes into heat; mating season) Oestrus, Oistros, and Ostara. Again, the "Lamb of God" was stolen from the Zodiac sign of Aries the Ram which occurs every spring.


2013-01-02 07:46:33 UTC
no, Easter and Christmas are pagan holidays, ti has nothing to do with his birth or Resurrection.

those pagan days is worshiping the SUN not son

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.