What can we do to get prayer back in schools?
Iason Ouabache
2011-03-31 21:42:31 UTC
The secular humanists were able to get prayer out of school back in the 1970s and it's all been downhill since then. What can we do to get God back into schools where He belongs?
Nineteen answers:
2011-03-31 21:47:48 UTC
You can pray all you want. You just can't force it on others.
2011-03-31 23:24:33 UTC
School is for education not indoctrination!

The reason for the call for religion to be taught or prayers allowed is just lazy parents unwilling to take their kids to church before or after school?!! Or the churches knowing they cannot enthuse children to the religion. Both are demanding others do what they cannot!

Look at the Muslim countries where prayer is a fundamental part of schooling and the violence that spawns!

Be careful what you wish for!
2011-04-01 06:58:12 UTC
Mark wrote: "Please, I went to court for parking in the street during a "snow emergency" and in court when everyone said The Pledge of Allegiance, it was the "One nation, under law, indivisible..." bull crap. Have you noticed that America was at it's best when Christianity was still dominant? In fact, like it or not people, America was founded on Christian beliefs. When you take that out of the equation you get modern day America; corrupt, greedy, arrogant, ignorant, lazy, undisciplined and promiscuous."

First off Mark, that should have been "one Nation under God" Not "Law". Secondly, think more clearly about what you said. During those so-called times when Christianity dominated our nation, we had slavery, ONLY white landowning Males had the right to vote. We had Robber barons who would steal the land right from under a settler just because they could get away with it. We had wholesale slaughter of Indians, Mexicans, Chinese, Irish, Italian and a variety of other immigrants. We had little children working in the sweatshops of the urban east as well as doing backbreaking labor on farms. People would work their tails off for only pennies per day and could ONLY spend their wages at "company stores" (stores owned and run by the companies for which they worked) they lived in company towns and had to pay rent to the company. In effect, the workers were working for free because every penny they made was spent right back into the companies that they worked for.

Your ideal of a Christian run society meant that ONLY the wealthy were free. Everyone else was an effectual slave. THAT is what YOU want to return to? Then why don't you all get together with all the other like-minded Christians and form your own "Christian Nation". Perhaps Iran might be a suitable location for such a country, It's IN the region where Christianity began, the region ALREADY follows a set of Religious laws, I'm sure they would love to include yours as well. BOTH seem to thrive on the exploitation of women, children and other minorities to the betterment of the dominant males. But here in the US of A, we have decided LONG ago to forgo a Religious society in favor of freedom for ALL Americans. IN fact, it was MOSTLY Christians who pushed for precisely that set of circumstances. So that kind of leaves me confused about Christianity. Make up your minds, Are you for Freedom or are you NOT for freedom? You folks seem to be all over the place on this and a few other issues. I haven't seen so many people try to swat at so many ideas at the same time since I watched a couple of blind folks try to play"whack-a-mole" at the carnival. So, Mark, tell us PLEASE? Precisely WHICH CHRISTIAN principles America was founded upon? If my examples of how many areas of our society WERE based upon Christian principles and those despised customs are no longer in effect, then perhaps Christian principles is NOT what we need to return to but, in fact, we need to move even further away from that sort of Christian injustice.

Oh and yes, Oubache IS being just a tad satirical with his questions. It would seem that satire is wasted on many of you. *shakes head*

Brightest Blessings,

Raji the Green Witch
Menard K
2011-03-31 21:46:50 UTC
as long as the SK00l is funded from the public treasury

NO religion will be expressed in said Sk00l!

NOT AT ALL, if you really gotta have religion mixed with your schooling

then YOU go and fund a school that embraces YOUR religion and then you can have it your way.

Also note

that if you do Religion the way that the GOV. likes,

you get a big fat juicy tax exemption

and if you do not do religion the way that the GOV. likes

you get NOTHING!

separation of church & state? or?
2011-03-31 21:46:03 UTC
We can't. Separation of Church and State does not allow religious practices to be imposed on others in public schools. I, for one, am for Separation of Church and State. I think having religion in politics causes more harm than good for Christianity.
ℒ'amour est ℒe chaos
2011-03-31 21:46:36 UTC
How about you pray for it

Seriously though its ridiculous to make some sort of practice of praying in schools. I dont even think they should be forced to do the pledge of elegance.
2011-03-31 21:46:54 UTC
Oh sure why don't we just infringe on everyone elses rights in order to protect your bronze age mythology. That makes a lot of sense.
Immune to Indoctrination
2011-03-31 21:44:44 UTC
You can pray in school anytime you want. Just don't make a huge, dramatic, public show about it. As long as you don't collapse to your knees, clasp your hands together, and start shouting in tongues I doubt anyones going to even notice.
2011-03-31 21:51:16 UTC
Get out of the country or throw away the Constitution!!!
2011-03-31 21:43:42 UTC
You can start a country in Antarctica or on the moon where YOU belong
2011-03-31 21:44:46 UTC
Well here in Canada Catholic Schools are common and we pray all the time, in the morning, before lunch, and mass during special occasions. So perhaps they can do that, build more Catholic Schools or Christian Schools.
2011-03-31 21:43:12 UTC
You could always pray about it, but if you really thought it would make a difference, you wouldn't have to ask us.

If only you had access to a superior being that controlled everything.
2011-03-31 21:49:49 UTC
Please, I went to court for parking in the street during a "snow emergency" and in court when everyone said The Pledge of Allegiance, it was the "One nation, under law, indivisible..." bull crap. Have you noticed that America was at it's best when Christianity was still dominant? In fact, like it or not people, America was founded on Christian beliefs. When you take that out of the equation you get modern day America; corrupt, greedy, arrogant, ignorant, lazy, undisciplined and promiscuous.
2011-03-31 21:44:51 UTC
Why would you want prayer in school?
2011-03-31 21:44:00 UTC
You are the worst kind of human being I could imagine.. religion is child abuse.
2011-03-31 21:43:20 UTC
There is a separation of church and state.

Please tell me that you're trolling.

Nobody wants your bronze age conspiracy theories taught to our children.
2011-03-31 21:43:11 UTC
Move to a country where it's legal. Iran, for instance.
2011-03-31 21:45:26 UTC
based on your questions, i would like to slap you
2011-03-31 21:48:20 UTC
There is nothing you can do.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.