Is this really the best evolutionists can do...?
2009-05-20 07:10:57 UTC
...funny how they have 'discovered our 47 million year old cousin' but have yet to find a 5 million year old 'Australopithecus'; a 3 million year old 'Sahelanthropus'; or even a 1 million year old 'Homo Habilis'?

Anybody else get tired of evolutionists jumping the gun at 'discoveries' only to ultimately disprove them, all in an attempt to belittle God's word?
33 answers:
Amos C
2009-05-20 07:32:31 UTC
The whole idea of science is to make an assertion and prove or disprove it. Granted, many discoveries proved erroneous or incorrect, however, There was always another possibility or another answer.

Asserting that God's word is absolute and bringing the Bible as a proof is just as ridiculous. The Bible originally stories were told orally from generation to generation, something must have slipped or lost in time. King David initiated putting the Bible in written form and even then, most of the early "books" were translated from ancient Aramaic to ancient Hebrew. Later the Old Testament was translated to ancient Greek, that's already 3rd generation publication, now we have King John's Bible, translated to English from Greek and the list goes on. With so many translations and the assumption the the Bible is the "absolute truth" why then there are so many interpretations and assumptions and arguments between the ones who claim the rights to God?

If every religion claims to be the "only true religion" why can't they convince humanity to convert? Which one is right? I don't know who coined this phrase but i think it's quite relevant, it goes: What does religion has anything to do with God?"
Iain H
2009-05-20 07:58:50 UTC
There are multiple fossils of Australopithecus and Homo Habilis.

I find it amusing that you dismiss evolution because there are currently a few missing bits of evidence, while you accept a claim which offers none.

It's like having a crime scene with fingerprints on the murder weapon, blood splatter on the accused and video footage of the murder taking place. But just because you can't find any hair samples on the victims body you dismiss the theory the accused did it and instead suggest it was the work of an angry ghost.
2009-05-20 07:19:30 UTC
Err...they have all those things.

Your dates are a bit off, but there are several examples of all those species.Sahelanthrops is more like 7 million years ago, Australopithecus Afarensis about 3-4 million, Homo Habilis is the only date you got right. It's about 2.5-1.5 million
2009-05-20 07:40:34 UTC
I get so fed up with Atheists saying everything about everything disproves the existence of God.

This "missing link" doesn't disprove the Biblical Genesis account in the slightest. Day 6 of Genesis accounts for the last 250,000,000 years, which includes the extinction of the dinosaurs (who appeared in Day 5, even the Genesis says great reptiles - gadowl tannyin - roamed the earth on Day 5). The extinction of the dinosaurs allowed mammals to flourish and to eventually lead to the appearance of mankind. The "missing link" only seems to confirm the process God took to make us from dirt (a process which already started during the Precambrian era, heck it even started some 15 billion years ago at the Big Bang) . We, after all, are essentially made from the elements of the earth/universe, and closely linked to the dirt below our feet. Adam wasn't a sudden creation, but was born from hominids before him. God took Adam and placed him within a walled garden and gave him the breath of life, a conscience (neshamah in Hebrew), something hominids before him did not have.

But I get even more fed up with Christians who hold on to the young earth theory, therefore preventing Atheists from entering the Kingdom of God. Atheists assume these Christians have the right interpretation, so to them the obvious difference between scientific evidence and this interpretation persuades them to remain Atheists or to choose to become Atheists. If these Christians had the right interpretation of Genesis, as do guys like Gerald Schroeder and Craig Winn, then Atheists would have no legs to stand on but would have to accept the Biblical account as scientifically accurate.
2009-05-20 07:24:50 UTC
You've really got a siege mentality going on here, haven't you?

Evolutionists aren't trying to disprove God because God is unproven. They are trying to find out answers to the world we live in.

If you honestly believe that the world is 6,000 years old or whatever, then you are just blind. Anyway it is the media that are hyping this up, real, creditable scientists always keep low key on things like these. The same media who are willing to write reports that aliens are frequenting earth, or that there are ghosts residing in castles. So don't blame their eagerness for a story with evolutionists eagerness to disprove the unproven.

Your question before was clearly influenced by a creationist website which is completely indifferent to the facts.
2009-05-20 07:41:43 UTC
No matter what is shown your concepts to refute it make little sense. Your facts are always wrong and yet you spew the like vomit. You will never see the light of truth and I feel sorry that you don't have the mental capability to understand such basic things.

To samworld: The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing man that he was god.
2009-05-20 07:30:20 UTC
So you do agree that these fossils are 47 million years old then? So your whole I.D. / Creationism crap goes out of the water, which means, that at least that part of the bible is a lie or mistruth, and as the bible is Gods word, that means God lied, kinda destroys your whole religion doesnt it?

Gods word doesnt need to be belittled, its stupid enough without our help!
2009-05-20 07:27:32 UTC
Funny how scientists have found millions of pieces of evidence for evolution, yet creationists still find excuses to reject it.

@Joel V, that fossil is pretty far back in the chain. No one is saying that it's an early human. It's a very early primate.
2009-05-20 07:24:31 UTC
"Evolutionists" do not study this field in order to belittle god's word. God's word is the very least of our concern. We study evolution because we are fascinated in how evolution works and how it moulds genomes to create the diversity of life we see today.

You people are like mosquitoes banging your thick heads against the windows of my lab. If I ever give you a second thought at work, it is to swat you with a peer reviewed paper of yet another finding in the challenging field of evolution.

EDIT: Samworld. Buddy, believe me, scientists who study evolution do not do so to disprove genesis or the quran or the creation stories of the Naxi or Australian aborigines' great snake dreaming. They are all myths whereas evolution is real. We scientists deal in explaining reality. You should try it.
2009-05-20 07:19:08 UTC
Once again you have made yourself look very stupid... How big is our world? How many layers of rock? How deep is the sea? Our world is huge, we are still discovering NEW species of animal, and you expect us to find every extinct creature that ever lived?? Hello? Maybe we will discover things tomorrow, maybe not for a thousand years... But YOU cannot say you know everything... Evolution is far more realistic than your notion of a "God"....

* I love the way you give all the answers you don't like a thumbs down, how very adult...
mummy of 2 gorgeous boys :) x
2009-05-20 07:22:51 UTC
to belittle Gods word? what gods word which has only ever been read from a book, a book which was written by people and thats all the proof we have lol we are finding things now which we can see with our own eyes to how things have changed and actually evolved, so what more proof do you need...oh wait sorry silly me i forgot you can make a whole human being out of a rib..duh!
2009-05-20 07:39:27 UTC
you are missing the point, every discovery to our past is important.

talking of belittling gods word I think you have done it yourself, admitting these discoveries are real whether or not they prove to be the missing link shows you are dismissing what you believe to be true.

The contradictory, evil, violent book that you love so much is one of the reasons there has been many wars, bloodshed and these points of view over skin colour, and beliefs have came about.

You are one of the many bloodthirsty creationists that make life a living misery for so many.
Ha ha ha!
2009-05-20 07:17:59 UTC
I think it's interesting how you still follow that book to a tee when speaking of "millions of years" is already out of line with your biblical fundamentalist line of thought.

How many times are you going to bash your head into the wall before you stop asking questions like this?
2009-05-20 07:37:13 UTC
haha so we've found the rest and your laying the gantlet of 4 more fossils to find before we're right. I can see you actually believe evolution but are too scared to admit it. Will your mum and dad be mad. naughty boy
2009-05-20 07:18:47 UTC
Geez, do I have your permission to think differently. To study what's out there and come up with my own conclusions? You seem to be the type that would oppress someone's right to dissent in a heartbeat if you had the power. I'm glad you are totally powerless, otherwise you would be a monster.
2009-05-20 07:16:39 UTC
You are drugged up on creationist product again, you don't even accept how rare a find like this is, you don't even understand basic primary school biology, so what makes your view of any intrest to "evolutionists"? which basically means everyone in the entire world except a handful of fundie muslims and christians.
2009-05-20 07:57:58 UTC
St Darwin isn't going to help them very much on the day of judgment; we have the cross while they hold to fossils and old bones.
the big man
2009-05-20 09:04:18 UTC
theres no point in even answering you,your sort only listen to your own kind
2009-05-20 07:43:51 UTC
They don't want to let go of their pseudo-scientific superstitions. Anything to avoid them having to accept the existence of God. They just seem to get more and more desperate.
2009-05-20 07:17:20 UTC
Have you found the talking snake yet? It doesn't even have to be THE talking snake; we'll accept any old snake that speaks, preferably in English. If not, you might want to pipe down before you embarass yourself. Oops... too late.
2009-05-20 07:15:48 UTC

Explain these from the perspective of magic man in the sky belief. Early studies before he made the final product from dirt and rib? A practical joke by satan?
2009-05-20 07:15:48 UTC
Christians do a far better word of "belittling God's word" and making a mockery of their own faith than any non-Christian -- scientist or otherwise -- could ever dream of doing.

Christians on this site have proven one thing to me about their cult : that it is now nothing more than a parody of itself.
2009-05-20 07:55:47 UTC
And what is the best that creationists can do?

"It says so in the bible, so it must be true."
Tiedye D
2009-05-20 07:26:26 UTC
Are all fundies mental midgets?
2009-05-20 08:04:13 UTC
lol @ how dare i's answer, good one.
2009-05-20 07:21:17 UTC
I read a quote somewhere that explains a lot.

"The best trick Satan ever pulled was to convince people that he didn't exist."

For most evolutionists, proving their theory is not the point. Denying God and creation/intelligent design is. Most scientists nowadays do things just for the sake of doing them (i.e. making mini black holes in Sweden). They tend to ask themselves "can this be done" and forget to ask "should this be done" afterwards. Don't get me wrong, science has given us many good things but once you forget that you are looking for truth and that God is truth you stray onto a path laid with good intentions but missing purpose, and we all know where that leads.
2009-05-20 07:17:18 UTC
Seriously, stop it, I just sprayed coffee out my nose laughing at your puerile question.
2009-05-20 07:19:12 UTC
Where are your horns?

This is the bald satyr, no?
2009-05-20 07:18:08 UTC
Evolution is just one convenient idea in the bag of magic tricks that atheists want to accept to bolster their opposition to God
2009-05-20 07:15:10 UTC
Your questions are getting even more pathetic.
Joel V
2009-05-20 07:16:55 UTC
Evolutionists are so bent on finding the "missing link" that they will throw everything they've got at the smallest thing that they interpret to be close. If I had dug that up I would think it's some sort of monkey-like animal, far from a human being.
2009-05-20 07:19:28 UTC
ur hell ugly dude!
how dare I
2009-05-20 07:16:16 UTC
God created evolution

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.