Is God real?
2014-06-08 23:39:13 UTC
I want to know. As I grew up I realized that magic is fake and I would never be able to fly and that Santa Clause is just my parents. If god is real then why has he made my life hard? There are many religions and many gods, but how can they all be real. I have learned that there is no magic and that every thing has to have a scientific reason. So, tell me, Is god real?
23 answers:
2014-06-08 23:40:44 UTC
God is fake just read the bible and you will understand and the Science we study also gives more proof that god is fake
2014-06-09 02:53:21 UTC
real or fake i don't know bt i belive that god is there..
2014-06-08 23:42:14 UTC
God is just as real as Santa Claus.
2014-06-09 09:32:56 UTC
Yes, the Bible provides compelling evidence that God exists. It encourages us to build faith in God, not by blindly believing religious assertions, but by using our “power of reason” and “mental perception.” (Romans 12:1; 1 John 5:20, footnote) Consider the following lines of reasoning based on the Bible:

The existence of an orderly universe containing life points to a Creator. The Bible says: “Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God.” (Hebrews 3:4) Although this logic is simple, many well-educated people find it to be powerful. *

As humans, we have an innate desire to understand the meaning and purpose of life, a type of hunger that can remain after our physical needs have been met. This is part of what the Bible calls our “spiritual need,” which includes the desire to know and worship God. (Matthew 5:3; Revelation 4:11) This spiritual need not only gives evidence that God exists but also indicates that he is a loving Creator who wants us to satisfy that need.—Matthew 4:4.

Detailed prophecies in the Bible were written centuries ahead of time and came true exactly as predicted. The accuracy and detail of those predictions strongly suggest that they came from a superhuman source.—2 Peter 1:21.

Bible writers had scientific knowledge that was beyond the understanding of their contemporaries. For example, in ancient times many peoples believed that the earth was supported by an animal, such as an elephant, a boar, or an ox. In contrast, the Bible says that God is “suspending the earth upon nothing.” (Job 26:7) Similarly, the Bible correctly describes the shape of the earth as a “sphere,” or “globe.” (Isaiah 40:22, footnote; Douay Version) Many people feel that the most reasonable explanation for such advanced understanding is that Bible writers received their information from God.

The Bible answers many difficult questions, the type of questions that when not satisfactorily answered can lead a person to atheism. For example: If God is loving and all-powerful, why is there suffering and evil in the world? Why is religion so often an influence for bad rather than for good?—Titus 1:16.
2014-06-09 00:12:12 UTC
God is real
2014-06-09 00:09:28 UTC
In John 20:19-31 Jesus, after his resurrection, appeared to his apostles. Thomas was not there and when the other apostles told Thomas about it Thomas said "Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe it." Jesus later appeared to all of them and said to Thomas "Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe." Thomas said "My Lord and my God." because he'd seen Jesus with his own eyes. Jesus said "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

God does not have to prove Himself to you because He is evident in the miracle of the universe. He has offered everyone who believes a free gift: freedom from guilt and sin and, besides that, eternal life. He didn't have to do this since He owes us nothing. He did it because He loves us. You do not have to accept it you do have to believe that God is in order to accept it.

God does not promise an easy life. Quite the contrary, God promises us a hard life and that we might even face persecution and death because we believe in Him. That doesn't mean that every Christian will suffer poverty and hardship but that, if suffering comes to us, we should not be surprised by it.

God is not magical but He is real. Humans have become arrogant and self absorbed so of course they deny God and instead trust in their own intellect and "discoveries." You can make whatever choice you want to but God is available to you if you want Him.

None of those other religions is based on a loving God who freely gives eternal life to those who choose it. Nor do they have gods who teach their followers to love even their enemies and forgive those who harm them. Some teach passive acceptance of fate but that is not the same as actively forgiving those that harm you. Others, such as Islam, are based on an impersonal god who doesn't care about humans and encourages them to hate and to harm unbelievers.
2014-06-08 23:57:22 UTC
There are no gods, its simply personifying authoritarian ideology and pretending its a god-thing,..
2014-06-08 23:46:18 UTC
Yes, God is very real. You'll see your yourself if you ask him into your heart. :) Romans 10:9-If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. It'll be the best decision you ever made in your life, truly.
2014-06-08 23:46:05 UTC
Science is the study of how things work. "Unknown science" is another word for magic.

God never made your life hard, blame sin. There are many gods, but there is only one in this world that you hear from the millions of testimonies, His name is Jesus Christ.
2014-06-08 23:44:26 UTC
Is there a god?

No ;)

2014-06-09 00:26:56 UTC
God is real, Look at everything around you even your body is a proof.You need Oxygen to breath and the air has Oxygen. you need to see and your body is provided with eyes, You need hands and you have them even the number of your fingers is perfect if it's less than five you won't be able to hold things and if it's more it would be agly and it would bather you while using your hand, you need to eat so that you have energy and you have stomach. You don't eat and find that all the food fell down into your legs or something.And there is so many other examples that show you that believeing that there is no god is against logic. I know you might think that everything i mentioned could be explained by big bang theory.But can that theory explain why everything is so perfect.Can you believe that all this is by chance?!!

Islam can explain everything because it's the only right religion.Quran has so many scientific facts that was discoveres later and by the way Nothing you have heared about Islam is true ( I mean all the creazy things such as rabbing women and killing anyone who doesn't believe in Allah)

If you are really searching for the truth just try to learn more about Islam. read translated Quran (from a trusted source don't just listen to anyone who claims that all the creazy things he say is Quran)

Search for Yousef estes videos It's all in English it will be a very good help.And remember muslims have brains too if Islam is the religion of violance wouldn't most muslims convert into another religions espcially women who are Persecuted according to the false information that most of non muslims have.

Sorry for my bad English I am still learning
2014-06-09 00:08:15 UTC
Everard, your statement is a very retarded and irrational one. First of all if your comparing the concept of the theistic God to an elf or a fairy then you never understand the theistic concept of God in the first place. My little newphew would school u philosophically in that.

Second of all I challenged you many times to debate the shroud of turin and you chickened out every time.

It is you everard who wont even approach the evidences for God. You aren't very experienced in critical thinking are you, but then again your atheist, I wouldn't expect much from u in that area.
2014-06-09 00:07:29 UTC
In the beginning there was only God and he is made of magnificent energy more glorious than anyone can imagine. Everyone thinks he is an a form similar to man but he is not. And us as part of the divine are living this life in human form to learn and grow spiritually and when we are done we return to the divine source and we do maintain our individuality. I saw this in a vision and felt the presence of other souls and felt a love more wonderful than can be described in human terms. If only this could be conveyed to those who do not believe. A wonderful future awaits all who desire to return to our source of life and energy and from which all things were made. All souls are a part of him yet with a separate consciousness. All of us are a part of God and it is glorious and wonderful.
2014-06-09 00:01:28 UTC
Well, I know there might not be a way to convince you that god is real, but I do know, my God( Jesus Christ) is very real. I have fasted and prayed for things, when I knew there was no way, and he mad a way, he is all powerful. Only a fool says there is no god. But to those who don't believe, when I was younger, I didn't either, so much wrong went in my life, but a older, wiser man, invited me to church one day, I started going. My life turned around, I have been so blessed through these years. I've had ups and downs, but, I always came out on top, god is watching over me
2014-06-08 23:48:56 UTC
God is real if you want God to be real.
2014-06-08 23:48:03 UTC
God is not magic, He's supernatural and yes He is real.
2014-06-08 23:46:54 UTC
Your question: "Is God real? I want to know. As I grew up I realized that magic is fake and I would never be able to fly and that Santa Clause is just my parents. If god is real then why has he made my life hard? There are many religions and many gods, but how can they all be real. I have learned that there is no magic and that every thing has to have a scientific reason. So, tell me, Is god real?"

Your premise:

If there exists some god then the god is male and has made my life hard.

Your evidence:


Your conclusion:

If there exists some god then the god is male and has made my life hard.

Your modus operandi:

Begging the quesiton ("Please believe that if there exists some god then the god is male and has made my life hard").

Not all proposed gods are male. Pick one from the following list that meets your minimum requirements and start from there to determine if it is plausible that the selected god exists in the real world:


As far as I know there is no evidence for the existence of any god in the real world. But you need not take my word for it. Theology is probably the only academic subject for which there exists no evidence of that which is allegedly being studied.

Yet more theology:






Some history:

“From Jesus to Christ” from PBS Frontline, featuring theologians, too:

Miley Cyrus
2014-06-08 23:46:42 UTC
God is 100% real. God really exists.
2014-06-08 23:46:03 UTC
Only in the mind.
2014-06-08 23:44:28 UTC
I choose to believe not.

Why? Lack of evidence.

So if he does exist, its really his fault im not a believer because he refuses to provide evidence.
2014-06-08 23:43:59 UTC
Nope. Not any of them.
2014-06-08 23:40:12 UTC
yes, ask him to give you faith to believe in Him and also pray to him with your heart.
2014-06-10 21:07:36 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.