Do you think the bible makes sense?
2020-11-13 17:56:18 UTC
Do you think the bible makes sense?
68 answers:
2020-11-17 17:18:15 UTC

2020-11-15 00:21:19 UTC
 No because the bible contradicts itself many many times while the truth doesnt do that at all.
Your Word is a light to my roadway
2020-11-14 21:15:35 UTC
Yes, to those who God allows to understand his word because they earnestly search for him to do his will.
2020-11-14 19:47:57 UTC
If the persons who believe the bible is truth and makes sense, they need to learn one thing; why was it necessary to make another religion starting from about year 71CE.  What was happening before that time to cause the persons in power to write the NT; and who were they, really.  Why are the gospels  written as about the war and problems that were facing Rome at the time?  What was one of the words used to mean Rome at that time? Heaven.  What is meant by, In my father house their are many mansions?  That can refer to only one thing, the Roman Emperor Vespasian's Palace, and yes it did have many nice units in it. Read carefully, I did at age 12 and by age 13 I was aware that the NT was not about any Jesus.  Yes the NT makes sense if one can understand by research what is being referred to, and just reading and believing and not knowing why it was written, who the persons were in the story, there is no way anyone will ever understand to complete story behind the the NT story.  One also needs to understand the works of Flavius Josephus from which was gathered most of the stories of NT. The NT became a collection of comic parodies designed to fool the enemies of Rome to believe that the Messiah the Judeans were taught was to come, had arrived.  This was to have caused them to stop fighting Rome's rule over them.  What is Jesus? Nothing but a character invented from the life of Moses.  BTW, all of the so-called prophecies mentioned in the NT are nothing but verses taken from the OT, none of which mean what the NT writers wanted the Jews to believe. At best, the NT was and remains nothing but a political ploy to be used on the ignorant.  Today it is still being used for the same reason with calls for the foolish to give their money to preachers and priests.  Stop allowing yourselves to be fooled by what is nothing but fiction.
2020-11-14 17:00:22 UTC
During the millennia in which it was oral legend or one-off written manuscripts, the Bible stories were modified for effectiveness and consistency.  Thousands of man-years were expended in this work.  These efforts were not completely successful --- witness the two different origin stories in Genesis 1 and 2, or the somewhat different accounts of Jesus.  But it makes sufficient internal sense to be believed as truth by a great many people.
2020-11-14 14:59:35 UTC
To those intelligent enough to understand the symmetry, yes!  It makes perfect sense.
2020-11-14 13:10:34 UTC
Absolutely!  The Bible was created for imperfect humans as a guide for Christians. It may be difficult to understand if you are using the King James Version which was made for King James in an old type of speech that the King wanted it to be written in. It is very popular and widely distributed even though it is not a translation, but just a version of the Bible. 

The best copy of the Bible is translated from the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts into the English language we speak today, not the Kings English. 

The Bible has been protected for centuries and provides essential principles for Christian living. Since God created humans, who better than him knows what we need!
2020-11-13 22:33:32 UTC
It makes total sense, when you have access to accurate and authoritative interpretation. Otherwise, it results in total confusion, fragmentation into thousands of conflicting denominations, exactly the opposite of the clearly stated will of Jesus Christ concerning His followers, which was and still is "that they all may be ONE, even as I and my heavenly Father are ONE".
2020-11-13 18:47:00 UTC
It makes sense to me.  I can’t speak for anybody else though.
2020-11-13 18:22:12 UTC
Yes.   At this time in history, it is the only true news that can be trusted.  We are commanded by God to know the Holy Bible and to study it.  We were created by God for His pleasure (not ours) Revelation 4:11 KJV   Are you pleasing God?  Or are you pleasing mankind?
2020-11-18 05:38:49 UTC
Contents. In contents this Book of Books reveals the past, explains the present, and foretells the future. These are matters that only He who knows the end from the beginning could author. (Isa 46:10) Starting at the beginning by telling of the creation of heaven and earth, the Bible next gives a sweeping account of the events that prepared the earth for man’s habitation. Then the truly scientific explanation of the origin of man is revealed—how life comes only from a Life-Giver—facts that only the Creator now in the role of Author could explain. (Ge 1:26-28; 2:7) With the account of why men die, the overriding theme that permeates the whole Bible was introduced. This theme, the vindication of Jehovah’s sovereignty and the ultimate fulfillment of his purpose for the earth, by means of his Kingdom under Christ, the promised Seed, was wrapped up in the first prophecy concerning ‘the seed of the woman.’ (Ge 3:15) More than 2,000 years passed before this promise of a “seed” was again mentioned, God telling Abraham: “By means of your seed all nations of the earth will certainly bless themselves.” (Ge 22:18) Over 800 years later, renewed assurance was given to Abraham’s descendant King David, and with the passing of more time Jehovah’s prophets kept this flame of hope burning brightly. (2Sa 7:12, 16; Isa 9:6, 7) More than 1,000 years after David and 4,000 years after the original prophecy in Eden, the Promised Seed himself appeared, Jesus Christ, the legal heir to “the throne of David his father.” (Lu 1:31-33; Ga 3:16) Bruised in death by the earthly seed of the “serpent,” this “Son of the Most High” provided the ransom purchase price for the life rights lost to Adam’s offspring, thus providing the only means whereby mankind can get everlasting life. He was then raised on high, there to await the appointed time to hurl “the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan,” down to the earth, finally to be destroyed forever. Thus the magnificent theme announced in Genesis and developed and enlarged upon throughout the balance of the Bible is, in the closing chapters of Revelation, brought to a glorious climax as Jehovah’s grand purpose by means of his Kingdom is made apparent.—Re 11:15; 12:1-12, 17; 19:11-16; 20:1-3, 7-10; 21:1-5; 22:3-5.

For more information JW.ORG
2020-11-16 12:08:08 UTC
It may be difficult to understand if you are using the King James Version which was made for King James in an old type of speech that the King wanted it to be written in. 
Doubting Like Thomas
2020-11-16 01:03:07 UTC
The Tom Clancy stories about Jack Ryan contain the names of some REAL people, some REAL cities, some REAL problems. But they are works of fiction, all the same.

A story where the DEVIL takes a wandering preacher up to a MOUNTAIN from which are visible the kingdoms on the OTHER SIDE of a planet shaped like a  GLOBE (or, if you want to be MORE accurate, an oblate spheroid) cannot make sense, because LIGHT doesn't WORK that way.

The same chapter mentions a REAL building ( the Temple) in a REAL city (Jerusalem), but the inclusion of two FACTS does not prove the rest of the chapter isn't just some   LEGEND which grew! in the re-telling, in the years between when the preacher last walked the land, and the Council of Niacea, around the year 325, when the writings were sorted into what became "the BIBLE", and the writings which didn't make the cut.
james o
2020-11-15 22:42:38 UTC
It's a mixture of different texts. Some of these make eloquent sense. Some make me scratch my head.

Patly it is a history of the Israelite People, and in that sense, it tries very hard to prove that the Israelites are the best people on earth. What better way of showing that than to state that they are the chosen people of God?

There are, of course, different texts, depending on which faith or group you choose to take seriously. Some of these are written in Hebrew (and Aramaic), some are written in Greek, some in Sanskrit, and so forth. different opinions maintain that different versions are the correct ones.

If you pick up any of these and just start reading, chances are excellent that in a few chapters the text, whichever it may be, will not make sense to you. In order to understand the text, you need to understand the customs and traditions that were in vogue when the text was written.

One major difference is historical truth. When we say the the most junior ensign in attendance received the surrender of the British troops at Yorktown, there are primary sources that so state.We think nothing of it. It happened that way.

This is a very, very modern view of history. Most ancient historians are assumed to be making stuff up to suit their own ends, and scholarly notations appended to these historians' works will point that out. 

We need to do that same with the Bible. However, when it comes to historians, we argue about who is the most qualified; we even argue that certain objectively qualified experts are completely untrustworthy.

Depending largely on which of these experts you choose to believe, you are going to read the Bible differently; you are going to believe that what it says is literally different from the readings of others. 

Then, too, the innocent little phrase "makes sense" is  quite troublesome.

After all, the Bible, if we so believe, is the story of humankind's relationship with God. When dealing with interactions between humans and God, who are we to suggest that god has to "make sense" to us?

It is reported that Jesus healed the sick. He raised people from the dead. To some people, this does not make sense; to others, it makes perfect sense. It greatly depends on the viewpoint and basic understanding you have of the times of the first century when all of these things were happening.Did Jesus actually heal the sick, or was this simply the method used by his biographers to say, "Look! This was a very, very unusual man!" There is today no way for us to go back and re-examine the facts, so we cannot know. All that we seem able to do is go through life, grasping at whatever signs and portents we might happen to see, and try to put the hodgepodge of all of it together, and from this guesswork, decide what, to us, makes sense.

Oh, and another thing: you can change you mind anytime you want. Hundreds of us do it all the time.

I know a lot of people approach this whole matter with great fear and dread, thinking that they will be eternally punished unless they reach the right decision. I doubt that it works this way at all. I think that our lives are not so much arriving at the destination as the trip involved in getting there. anyway, that makes sense to me, and in that sense, a lot of the writings in the Bible also make a lot of sense to me.

Your mileage is going to vary.
2020-11-15 14:01:54 UTC
Of course it does, with out one loses contact with God, the holy spirit we are all going to meet one day.
2020-11-15 09:22:37 UTC
The Bible is a collection of literature from the Ancient Near East, the first civilizations. If you read it as such, it makes sense. But you have to know about the first civilization. If you're some modern ignoramus, trying to use it to make points in some modern day argument, then, no it won't.
2020-11-15 01:26:44 UTC
it does when you understand it's a history book, and that the correctly translated version was made illegal by the church and the translator executed. the original Hebrew text translates as “And with a male you shall lie down the lyings of a woman.” Genesis 49:4 depicts “lyings” as incest. Thus, the passage should be paraphrased: “Sexual intercourse with a close male relative should be just as abominable to you as incestuous relationships with female relatives.” Lev. 18:22 and 20:13 forbids male incest.
2020-11-14 21:10:28 UTC
Which part?  Do you wish to sell your daughter for 40 pieces of silver?  (That's about $2000) 

The Bible is outdated, and because religion is for the most part immutable, it should be discarded as a modern guideline for politics, law, morality, psychology, science or any other demonstrable field of study.  It's BASIC principles and intentions are sound, however those are the only aspects that pertain to the modern age.

The aspects of the bible that are reflected by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the U.S. Constitution are relevant but you can pretty much toss out the Old Testament. 
2020-11-14 16:23:08 UTC
to have a mutual understanding of terms  SENSE   has several uses  as a noun

1-   a faculty by which the body  perceives an EXTERNAL STIMULUS , that of  sight  smell taste  hearing and touch

2-  a "FEELING "   that something is the case

people can EMOTIONALLY  have conviction 

what can be demonstrated is a standard other  find VALIDATING    such is the court system  anyone can make a claim the  verdict is demonstration TO BE the case

  another use is " MAKES SENSE "  to  be intelligible , justifiable  or  practicable  more specifically  EASY to understand  , that you read the recommendations  and THOUGHTS are REASONABLE  and show good judgement ....

. i evaluate  on the basis of human WELL BEING ... many of the WRITINGS of the  PEOPLE who wrote them  have stories that did not advocate for individual  human well being ...   but actually the opposite  along with  promotion of superiority TRIBALISM  and authoritarianism and promotion of supernatural propositions
No Chance Without Jesus
2020-11-14 14:47:38 UTC
It was written by a superior being....God and we need His help for our pathetic little brains to make sense of it
2020-11-14 13:24:35 UTC
Conscience means “with knowledge”.

Deep within each of us we know right from wrong. When you read the Bible you are reading supernatural words from another dimension. God speaks through it directly to your inner man: it is the only book that reads you back.

But it’s amazing secrets are kept hidden from God’s enemies. He never throws pearls to swine.

Let the leader lead. Go to Jesus like a little child and see what it is he wants to teach you.
2020-11-14 11:37:05 UTC
It makes spiritual sense out of material events that humans experience. However, humans who only look for material sense, without any concept of that which is spiritual, will never find any sense in the Bible. Well, how could they? It 's addressed to people who are spiritually 'alive' to God! The good news is that those who are not may come to spiritual life by reading it, sincerely trying to discover the spirituality behind all material existence.
2020-11-14 11:16:48 UTC
Although the concept of an eternal God may be hard to grasp, we can see that it makes sense. If someone else had created God, that person would be the Creator. Yet, as the Bible explains, Jehovah is the one who “created all things.” (Revelation 4:11) Furthermore, we know that the universe at one time did not exist. (Genesis 1:1, 2) Where did it come from? Its Creator had to exist first. He also existed before there were any other intelligent beings, such as his only-begotten Son and the angels. Clearly, then, he existed alone first. He could not have been created; nothing was in existence that could have created him.

Our own existence and that of the entire universe testifies to the existence of an eternal God. The One who put our vast universe in motion, the One who established the laws to control it, must have always existed. Only he could have breathed life into everything else.​—Job 33:4.
2020-11-14 09:18:36 UTC
There's a lot of things in the Bible, and a lot of ways to look at all of it. To some, I'm sure it makes perfect sense. To some, I'm sure it makes no sense whatsoever. Personally, I think it makes a lot of sense despite being factually incorrect.
2020-11-14 04:27:56 UTC
no , too many stories are inconsistent in it .wheres was jesus in hes younger years i like to know .  was jesus gay , after all he didnt have a girl friend and liked hanging around with the male apostiles didnt her !!!!
2020-11-14 00:45:55 UTC
If it doesn't to you, it means you do not have Jehovah's help (Proverbs 3:5; John 14:26). 
2020-11-13 23:41:03 UTC
IT SURE DOES! ... The Bible is proof that Jesus 

couldn't make up his mind, and it comes *complete* 

with three different selections for Jesus's last words! 


-- "It is finished."

-- "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit."

-- "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" 

What  "w o n d e r f u l"  choices!  The Bible makes sense!
2020-11-13 23:19:31 UTC
Perfectly so.... to the sensible
2020-11-13 19:52:20 UTC
Yes.  Have read it cover to cover dozens of times and it all makes sense.

I know that some people can not make sense out of it.  But odds are that if they were handed a calculus text book and told to read it cover to cover, they would not be able to make sense out of much that is in it.  But that does not mean that calculus is nonsense.  It just means that they did not take the time, effort and work needed to understand it.  (And calculus is far less complex the the understand of God and the Bible.)

For those who take the time read, study and understand, the Bible makes complete sense. 
2020-11-13 18:13:09 UTC
Not the way the LYING pedophile (((ROME))) ***MAN*** catholic church released it to mankind.

The same way they've taken away my ability to ask questions is the same way they (((TOOK AWAY))) (Revelation 22:18) the truth in the Bible to have mankind believe in (((THEIR))) LYING pedophile doctrine of a powerless trinity-water baptism doctrine leaving mankind "DEAD spirits" (Romans 5:12-14) on their way to HELL in "UNBELIEF" (Revelation 21:8).

The catholic church "DENIES THE POWER OF GOD" (II Timothy 3:5) to baptize mankind (John 1:33) to whom GOD COMMANDED YOU "from such turn away"

Instead you are preaching (((THEIR))) gospel of a trinity (I Corinthians 12:6; Daniel 4:35) (((TWO))) baptisms (Ephesians 4:5) and eating His body and drinking His blood (I Corinthians 10:3-4).


"If any man preach another gospel [Catholics have deceived you with that has been (((DEBUNKED))) with the Word of God] LET HIM BE ACCURSED" (Galatians 1:6-9)!
2020-11-16 03:10:47 UTC
I am AN Anglican Catholic

and No in many cases it is Just a story written by a Man who believed it was the word of god where in many Cases it is just the word or a Man
Wellll... hello then!
2020-11-15 21:45:11 UTC
No not at ALL....unless...the Holy Spirit opens the eyes of your understanding. There's a place in the NT where, just before He went to the garden of  Gethsemane for the last time Jesus the bible says opened the eyes of their understanding. Meaning the disciples. 
2020-11-15 15:33:38 UTC
The Holy Bible is not a book about logics, history, mathematics, geography but a personal insight about each and every person looking to understand themselves.
2020-11-15 13:44:50 UTC
The bible is a book of ancient legends that man used to explain his existence.  It makes as much sense as any other book of legends does.
2020-11-14 21:09:13 UTC
No, it certainly makes no sense whatsoever. It is full of really dumb contradictions and is quite ignorant of the Real World that Science constantly discovers. The basic story line is goofy. God was such an incompetent creator that he could not create humans or snakes who pleased him. His reaction is insane. He blames all future humans and snakes for what the first ones did to displease him. Then, about 4000 years later, he has his son brutally killed to compensate for his ineptness. I am a painter. If a painting displeases me, I correct the errors, or if they are too bad, I just start over. I don't blame my paintings for my errors, and I would never brutally kill my own son years later, just because a painting displeased me.. God is an incompetent, psychotic, sadistic tyrant. Christians say he gave us free will and we chose to displease him. There is no free will in this goofy tale. I did not choose to be born after all. I do not like Heaven or Hell. I demand millions of fine choices, not just two awful ones. That would be free will. At the beginning of the Bible, God sends both good and evil to us. He hardened a pharaoh's heart to have an excuse to send plagues upon Egypt. He     also make people not believe in him so that he will have an excuse to burn them forever. Look at the adolescent game between God and Lucifer with Job being tortured and  having his family killed. Richard Dawkins said God is the most evil character in fiction. Thomas Jefferson said that critically reading the Bible proves God does not exist. Mom's father was a Baptist pastor, and both of her parents taught school. She was reading novels before she began school, and she did even better with me. I could spell words before I was two years old. I was reading first grade books when I was age two. I was told to read the Bible daily from ages 4 to 17.5 or so. When I began school at age six, I was reading science books that the sixth graders could not comprehend. Even then, I saw conflicts between Science and the Bible and realized Science has much strong evidence for all of its ideas, while the Bible has no evidence whatsoever. My grandparents had books about Greek and Norse mythology. I soon realized that there is no more evidence for God than there is for Zeus and Odin. I told my oldest nephew some of these stories. His mother, my oldest sister was shocked when he asked her, "Is God just a myth like Zeus and Odin?" I was pleased that he had learned to think critically, but my sister was angry at me. 
2020-11-14 19:12:08 UTC
YES AND SCHOLAR BIBLES are so helpful..
2020-11-14 17:43:18 UTC
Genesis 2 there were generations in the day of there creations. How many generations in day 5 before man 
2020-11-14 17:21:40 UTC
It makes sense to me, yes.  God is the author. 
wind rider
2020-11-14 16:22:48 UTC
To the carnal mind no to the spiritual mind yes.
2020-11-14 15:17:18 UTC
The Bible makes more sense when you can identify and discredit the altered or added verses by the Catholic Church.

And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preach(ed) unto the Gentiles, believe(d) on in the world, received up into glory 1 Tim. 3:16

How could Paul have written in the past tense preached to Timothy while he was still preaching and believed on in the world when the NT was not eveen put together as yet.
2020-11-14 14:26:15 UTC
As an accurate historical work and one that penetrates the past to great depths, the Bible far surpasses all other books.

“The word of God is alive and exerts power.” (Heb 4:12)
2020-11-14 12:38:14 UTC
It's written by lots of different writers so it's maybe reasonable to observe with some of the better thinking writers, that their perceptions are a bit better in terms of self consistency.

Comparison between writings shows that they all have a different sense of the world. The old testament writers are more self consistent. I think that has to do with the fact that the contents of the new testament books were not copied by high quality scribes and in a meticulous way, but that letters were written and past between towns, which meant that the messages get distorted by Chinese whisper type effects. The vulgate for instance also suffers from fraudulent amendments, which later became apparent when earlier Christian scrolls were discovered in Egypt after WW2. 

So, bear in mind that the books are not coherent and that is because of their different authorship, but also in the case of the new testament, government interfere in the religion when the Emporer Constantine got involved. He really wasn't Christian despite pretending to convert; however, he had to find a way to stop the disharmony within the Roman empire resulting from constant disruption of Roman traditions and the resulting religious tensions. 

I think you get my drift: new testament = messy, old testament more varied in ideas and perspectives amongst the writers who spanned a much greater space in time. 

It's worth noting that it is how your mind looks at information that creates an internal sense of things: you are looking for internal consistency, so humans cherry pick what makes sense to them. This is why some Christians claim that the Bible makes total sense, because they have synthesised a coherent message from all the incoherent perspectives. 

You only have to look at how many denominations there are to realise that Christians don't agree on what makes sense, as otherwise, there would be one church. 
2020-11-14 11:58:57 UTC
I’m don’t think even the most devoted Christian would claim to understand the entire Bible and every verse in it. And there are several legitimate reasons for this, each one totally our responsibility.

The Bible is coherent and perfectly consistent in every teaching. It is perfectly accurate in what it describes.

One of the reasons the Bible is confusing or seemingly contradictory in parts is the fact that it teaches spiritual truths.

That sort of thing isn’t like learning how to fix a sink. So it’s perfectly natural for us to run across things in scripture that we just don’t understand. That doesn’t mean the Bible is flawed; we are.
2020-11-14 07:16:20 UTC
The Old testament....  my father can be quite the   yup....   try to behave...
2020-11-14 06:48:09 UTC
No. It's not actuality. Many should have the common sense to realize that if God was really in reality he'd know what's best and exactly what to do with his creation.
2020-11-13 23:31:24 UTC
After diligently comparing the Bible texts in Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic and English; studying in depth, at least seven different English translations, plus the timeless, Catholic Latin Vulgate, I can affirm that the Bible, properly understood in light of the authentic teachings of the Holy Catholic Church, does indeed make sense.
2020-11-13 21:19:10 UTC
Of course.

It's a collection of documents.

Each document is a collection of statements (using the term loosely, including questions and poetic verses).

Each statement is in and of itself sensible (that is: comprehensible).

If you do NOT think it makes sense

please explain why

and please be SPECIFIC.
2020-11-13 18:40:38 UTC
The fact of the matter: Yes: The bible makes perfect sense if you truly believe in God The Lord Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, God will give you wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of God holy word the bible. Read Jeremiah 36:1-32, read Isaiah 8:1, read Ezekiel 2:9, read Zachariah 5:1, read Habakkuk 2:2
Christian Sinner
2020-11-13 18:01:34 UTC
More than I would have ever thought.
2020-11-13 18:00:43 UTC
It makes sense, but that's because it's written to satiate the minds of 5 year olds that can't think about reality in a logical fashion. 
doug P
2020-11-17 02:24:36 UTC
Sometimes the Bible is hard to interpret but most the time it speaks well with with that alternative way with a meaning to a passage that relates to the circumstance and speaks based on a level where people most the time don't have the time to speak or comprehend for. There are so many ways to understand a meaning depending on how you feel about the situation at the moment. Based on your feelings due to your involvement, you can relate differently to a passage or a story.
2020-11-16 08:47:19 UTC
Read it and then ask yourself that question
tony b
2020-11-16 00:00:17 UTC
no i do not its such a mess its a wonder anyone takes it seriously
2020-11-15 21:47:06 UTC
God is a genius. He created the Bible in such a way that would weed out those who do NOT Truly want to learn it.

The more you read the Word of God, the more Spiritual you become, regardless if you understand it or not.

The more Spiritual you become, the more you understand it, and become even more Spiritual.

i have read the entire Bible front to back over 80 times and am still learning from it. How many from this generation has not even read it ONCE, and then turn and wander why the Bible does not make any sense.

Before i was 12 years old, i read the Bible 3 Times. It was on the 4th time reading it, that God seen that i really wanted to learn it, and it was on the 4th time, that the Holy Spirit of Truth opened up the Scriptures to me, and the understanding thereof poured into me.

But woe to this generation who read the Bible, only to put it back on the shelf to collect dust. These will NEVER come to understand the Truths of it.

again, God made the Bible exactly as it is, to weed out those who do NOT Truly want to learn it. Those who TRULY want to learn it, will read it over and over and over again, until they do understand it. Woe to this generation indeed, for who does that?
2020-11-15 15:41:36 UTC
yes, i personally believe the Bible makes a lot of sense. There are parts that are not always understood but with deep study and meditation it can be well understood. We can learn the deep things of God. 2 Tim. 2:4
2020-11-15 14:26:30 UTC
Well I have been reading from front to back or canonically this year, and in many places it doesn't make sense, but then again I admit that I do not know of ancient Hebrew history, on the other hand how God dealt  with characters in the bible, makes total sense, for example David's sexual sin and it's consequence
2020-11-15 13:35:46 UTC
  “It is the best book that ever was or will be in the world, because it teaches you the best lessons by which any human creature who tries to be truthful and faithful can possibly be guided.”—Charles Dickens
2020-11-15 02:39:29 UTC
The bible says in Exodus, Thou shalt not kill... A bit later on in the bible it says, Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.    Not only does that contradict itself, but is hypocritical as well.  God, doesn't want witches to live but he's OK with Satan ruling the underworld, what sort of message does that send to the idiots.   So its not OK to be a little bad, but OK to be the ultimate bad guy. Strange god that, or is it that god isn't all powerful as we;ve been told and is incapable of ridding us of the devil.   One last point, why would the devil, that ultimate evil being, want to punish the sinners, surely he would encourage them to commit sin?    
2020-11-15 01:12:03 UTC
of course it does ! yes, but it makes much  more sense if you have the holy spirit to help guide you into the truth, and it makes more sense if you have the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands, it also counts if you actually read it and study it, using a dictionary or a topical guide and even a concordance.  don't trust just any bible either ! all of them are translated incorrectly in some form or another. usually because of politics or even satanic leadership and there are plain and precious things missing even according to alexandrian type translations. and there are churches that are so completely wrong about their doctrines that no bible that comes from THEM are word perfect and the eternal preserved word of God.
محمد - نور بروق
2020-11-14 18:35:56 UTC
Hello, i add, a gospel or a Torah has wrong teachings and has good teachings even if it are artificial, the person can take the good teachings if he desire, but no person has the right for force another person to take wrong teaching never.
2020-11-14 16:45:40 UTC
We (free-thinkers) don't go against the "game" .
2020-11-14 13:49:40 UTC
 What do you mean "make sense"?

  you can tell any story and it can make sense, but that dont prove its true 
2020-11-14 09:01:56 UTC
Yes, and I am a little more convinced of that every single day ⛪👑🕊
2020-11-14 07:05:15 UTC
The bible makes sense to humble folk because it is written in a way that the message is hidden from proud folk Luke 10;21 Math 11;25
2020-11-13 23:15:31 UTC
With the different books contradicting each other, no.
2020-11-13 22:41:33 UTC
Some parts do, other parts not so much.
2020-11-13 18:06:57 UTC
The King James Bible is the Word of God and makes perfect sense.  When a person dies, they will be in heaven or hell, and they can't get out of hell if that is where they go.  To go to heaven and not go to hell, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, without adding any of your works.  Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, who is God and who died on the cross and shed His blood to pay for all our sins, and who resurrected from the dead.
2020-11-13 17:59:31 UTC
It certainly tries to.  But, educated thinking people laugh it, while it goes to great lengths to make them atheists.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.