Very good question, but my answer will be a long one.
I was raised Methodist. My dad was a Methodist preacher. He taught me of the pagan orgins of holidays and other things.
When I was 15, he was put out of the faith for teaching against homosexuality (gay marriage, practicing gay preachers, etc. the church was doing that).
We went to Assembly of God awhile, then left religion altogether.
In high school, my mother got me a weekend job babysitting the nursery school Sunday School class, and caring for the nursery during the main service. I had that preacher try to molest me at a members house (I was working for her during the week), dated the preacher after that and he had no morality either.
I got a secular college degree and a Baptist seminary degree (took a year of Koine Greek there).
I did 5 years of community theatre where I hobnobbed with all the preachers and big religion members.
Then I was sick of association with mainline religion. IN my secular degree, I'd studied many religion/culture history courses and knew more than holidays were pagan.
I left religion thinking never to return to any.
I had heard a lot of the Bible read and read the first part myself (I found God's name in the KJV children's copy I got at age 10....a long story how I got it, but Jehovah is at Exodus 6:3).
I knew some of the signs of the last days and thought we were living in it.
I did not truly know how to pray, etc. so one night I simply spoke outloud (didn't think angels could read our minds) and asked if there was a faithful angel around, could he go tell Jehovah that I wanted a PENPAL (yes, penpal) to tell me about Jehovah and his true religion????
About 3-4 weeks later, I got a penpal (Alice Wolfson, elderly sister in Oakland, CA area) who wrote to me.
She started admirably, but it was simply stuff I either already knew or felt true. She didn't get into the pagan orgin of things, deep differences between JWS/Bible and I was just argumentative for about 8-9 months until the end of Dec. 1986 when she sent me a truth book.
I read it in some 2 months and was 99% sure it was the truth (used KJV Bible). I got another KJV Bible that was easier to read with larger print.
Then I called the Kingdom Hall after I got done with a play.
Then I attended meetings and answered 3 questions my first one, all without ever having seen or read a WT (someone gave me the current one at the start of a meeting). They all thought I was a sister.
I had to say I'd never met a JW, never seen the mags and did not know what a study was.
It was set up with a sister, I studied 2 months before starting door work, and 2 more before becoming baptized. She soon realized I could handle more than 1 chapter a time so we went to 2. Then I asked for 2 studies a week so we did 4 chapters each week.
I read the KJV Bible in a month to answer to my dad who (preacher) has 12-13 degrees 4 of them in theology.
I've since read nearly all Bibles produced by either Protestants or R. Catholics. Not to mention using other references.
Those of you on here who know me have seen my research and answers.
I have been in the faith nearly 22 years as a baptized servant and collect many Bibles, references, Greek and Hebrew and Latin references, history, archaeology and more.
So that is the story....