Im an LDS and need convincing? please Help LDS only please?
2008-10-18 09:55:48 UTC
Ok I was born into the LDS/Mormon religion. But am now doubting everything.. How do you mormons KNOW that Joseph Smith REALLY had that vision and it telling the truth about the translations he wrote? I mean when they asked him to translate it again he was unable to and made up some lame excuse. And not only that but the dude had like 31 wives and a sum of what about 100 kids or so. Even though this is placed in some time a long time ago it's fairly obvious thats not a good thing. So how can you prove to me and give me solid evidence that Joseph Smith actually existed and actually translated the bilbles and is not just some scum con artist Jerk Monkey?
28 answers:
Cholla Cacti are not nice
2008-10-18 11:00:44 UTC
It almost sounds like you've made up your mind and you're looking for someone to confirm it. The way you said "How do you mormons know..." makes me believe that you've never had the Holy Ghost testify to you of this truth. Is that correct of me to assume? The way I KNOW (as you emphasized it) that he is a Prophet of God and that he translated the Book of Mormon is because I took the challenge at the end of the Book of Mormon as well as other invitations in the Bible to ask God believing I would be answered. And I was. I cannot give you that knowledge. Each must find it for themselves. But if you immerse yourself in the knowledge of man and not the scriptures you will not find the answer. The fact that in your question you state many things that are not true lead me to believe that you are studying someone else's word and not God's.

Also, just because you are born in the church doesn't guarantee an instant testimony. I was born in the church as well and it took me falling away from the church for a year or so to realize how stupid I was. While we are gaining our testimonies we can ride the coat tails of others but you can't ride them forever. Eventually you will need to gain your own testimony or you will start to doubt as you are doing now. The parable of the sowers refers to people with different levels of testimonies (among other analogies). If you are one who are borrowing light from others than you will be blown away by the slightest of winds. You need to establish your own roots. A testimony comes from exercising faith in and experimenting with obeying the word of God. Go read Alma 32: 26-the end of the chapter. Alma tells us how to gain a testimony and what the role of faith is.

Also remember that you can't go into it with an angry heart. Pray before searching to give you peace and understanding and if you believe, it will come.
book lover duck
2008-10-18 20:22:53 UTC
Many people have a problem like you do. You are right; there is so much evidence from others that I imagine seems confusing to you. Sure, you can look at those arguments. There are some pretty convincing ones that have led away many. But I can tell you that I have a testimony of the truth of the church. I can't force my testimony on you; you have to come up with your own testimony. Try to keep an open mind. If you really don't want the church to be true, then listen to the arguments against the church (but really, some of them are completely false, like the number of wives and children Joseph Smith had, for instance.). If you want to believe the church, then look at the arguments FOR the church, which seem a little less hate-filled and satisfying. The best thing you can do is pray about the truth of the gospel. Pray SINCERELY. I used to have a hard time with that. Go to church regularly and read the scriptures. I promise, just like the end of Moroni, if you pray sincerely about the truth of the scriptures, the answer will come to you. It's easier said than done. If you have any specific questions, please feel free to email me. Doubting something that you have been taught your whole life is really hard. You need some spiritual help. Please take my advice to heart.
2008-10-18 21:05:43 UTC
Joseph could have translated it again, but was warned of the Lord not to. The skeptics don't like Joseph's explanation, but don't offer a credible alternative. The only theory that explains Joseph's refusal to retranslate (other than the one provided) is that he made it up on the spot. If he was secretly reading from an existing book, he could easily have retranslated. Thus the critics are left with one theory - the worst one of the bunch. This theory was abandoned many years ago, because of the complexity and internal consistancy of the Book of Mormon. For one, there are hundreds of references to geography, which are all internally consistant to the point that several have made detailed maps. You wouldn't find that in anything that was made up on the spot. For another thing, chiamus was used extensively in the Book of Mormon. It is an ancient Jewish form of poetry, and requires thought and planning. It can't be done on the fly. One more thing (of many), is that the Book of Mormon contains a wealth of information that has been proven to be true - information that Joseph could not have known. The detailed journey through Arabia, which occurs in the first 40 pages of the Book of Mormon - accurately describes a geography virtually unknown in Joseph's day. By every measure, the Book of Mormon could not have been made up on the spot. The lame excuse - as you put it - is still the best reason that anyone has provided. One additional note - Mark Hoffman planned to forge the 116 pages anyway in order to embarrass the church. Apparently the reason Joseph gave wasn't so far fetched after all.

The only known posterity of Joseph Smith is through Emma, and about half of them died before they reached their first year of life. I have no idea where you got the idea that he had 100 kids. I think he only had about 4 that survived.

Our culture doesn't accept polygamy, but there is no evidence that the Jews didn't accept polygamy. In fact they practiced polygamy until 1100 AD. The early Christians also practiced polygamy. We know this because Paul taught that those members who practiced polygamy shouldn't be called as bishops. It is quite clear that our culture is not their culture, and pretending that Jesus believed as we do and not as they did is naive. We worship the God of Abraham, and Abraham was a polygamist.

The accusation that Joseph Smith was a con artist has been getting a great deal of play lately, but is obviously nothing more than a false accusation. A con artist can't predict the future with any accuracy, and won't sacrifice his life for the con. Joseph had many great prophesies which came to pass, and sealed his testimony with his own life.
2008-10-18 13:41:55 UTC
The only way you can know religions truth is by way of the Spirit.

There are, however, answers to your questions as well as empirical evidence for the veracity of the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith's restorations. These answers and evidences can foster a climate where you can turn to the Lord for the ultimate answer.

Joseph didn't have 100 kids, or anything near that. There is really scant evidence that he had intimate relations with many of his wives.

I assume when you're asking about re-translating, you're wondering about the lost 116 pages. Joseph was told not to re-translate because those who had the pages would alter them and try to use the altered version against him. This is a very reasonable problem. Even in today's scientific age with handwriting experts, most were fooled by Mark Hoffman's forgeries of Joseph Smith's handwriting. How easy would it be back then for someone to alter or rewrite the pages & claim that they were Joseph's original pages.

There is no "proof" that Joseph actually translated ancient records but there are many empirical evidences.

I suggest you look at for some answers and you might want to purchase their new book, Shaken Faith Syndrome (see for a book that addresses the big picture and many of the individual issues.
2016-04-11 02:29:54 UTC
This is a very difficult concept that you're trying to grasp. Someone suggested that you wait until you have the basics down first, and I would have to agree with that advice. Still, if you really want to know, I'll try and explain it as simply as I can. First of all, God is your Heavenly Father. He created you. He loves you as only a Father can...and like any father, God wants you to have all that He does. This is why we were sent to this earth--to learn, to grow, to experience and gain the knowledge that will allow us to draw closer to God. And one day we'll return to Him with that knowledge, more like Him than we are now. There is a difference, however, in becoming a little more like God and becoming God. We can never be God. We can never be His equal, and there will certainly never be a time when we no longer need Him or can replace Him. That just won't happen, because every time we learn and become better, God is glorified further. We will, however, be more like Him than we are now, and compared to our current selves, we'll be like gods. As for God once being a man...yes, we do believe this. Ask yourself this: If God is perfect, how is it that He understands evil well enough to protect us from it? How can He know how difficult mortal life is if He's never experienced it? He had to go through all that we do in order to help us. It's mind boggling, I know, but the one thing I can tell you is that IT DOESN'T MATTER. It's an interesting idea, but really, it can't affect us. All we need to worry about is living by God's commandments and accepting the Savior He gave us. We don't have to worry about where God came from, because knowing that won't help us get through this life. Our focus needs to be only on God and returning to Him. Nothing else matters at all, so why worry about it? This is why you probably won't ever hear this doctrine taught in church, because to us, it truly has little significance. Why waste time thinking of things that can't affect us when we're still trying to master the whole obedience to the commandments thing? I'd bring this up with the missionaries if you like, but in all honesty, there are other, more important things to worry about. Focus first on finding out if this gospel is of God, and worry about the rest later.
2008-10-18 16:11:32 UTC
If what you have stated were actually from the life of Joseph Smith, then you should not believe it. He was never asked to re-translate anything. He didn't have 100 kids. You may have been born into the church, but I don't believe you have ever taken a Sunday School class.
2008-10-19 01:15:17 UTC
Kinda sounds like you've been reading anti-Mormon things. That's your choice, but please remember that anti-Mormon literature is written by people who hate our church. As long as their statements get a reaction, they don't often care if their facts are right--and I hate to say it, but the ones you've listed aren't. At all.

And as for your other questions...well, to be frank, we can't and won't attempt to convince you of anything. That's not the way it works, because while I can tell you again and again that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God and that the Book of Mormon is of God, it won't mean a thing to you. It'd just be words. If you want an answer that you can trust and that will actually do something for you, you need to go to God Himself. Get on your knees and pray, asking with a sincere heart for an answer, and God will provide. Nothing less will be of use to you, because only God has the power to convince someone of truth.
2008-10-18 14:02:36 UTC
I can relate to where you're coming from. I had a lot of those questions before I decided to go on a mission.

There are a lot of good answers already, I just want to let you know that when I doubted, I decided take up the Book of Mormon promise.

I read the whole book, with the intent to pray when I finished to find out if it was true. I read it. I fasted to get an answer and let God know that I would follow it if He gave it to me. I prayed and specifically asked. I felt like I felt the spirit when I did. It was a remarkable feeling--an assurance that I was on the right path.

I've had other doubts since then, and I've had to pray every now and then to reconfirm it in my heart--but God always answers an honest prayer, and I got answers when I needed them, different levels of confirmation, but what I needed at the time.

I've seen the power of that promise in my life, and the lives of many on my mission, honest people who actually read and prayed with real intent.

I KNOW, that if you honestly do those things, you will feel the spirit. I would wager you already have felt it at other times in your life, at church, listening to conference or hearing the testimonies of others.

While that isn't enough forever, don't discount those feelings you've had. Pray for yourself, when you are all alone. I know God will answer your prayer.

As far as the doctrine goes, you know there is a lot of stuff out there that is not true. I've gotten a lot of emails from people here with a lot of lies they heard about the church. You'll get your answer.
2008-10-18 10:43:06 UTC
These are the same types of questions Jesus was asked, i.e., "Prove it." Go read what the New Testament teaches about faith.

Through years of reading about Joseph Smith (yes, including anti-literature too) and reading the Book of Mormon, I am convinced that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, just like Moses, Peter, etc. Was he perfect? No. Neither were Moses or Peter. The Bible itself includes instances where they messed up (e.g., Peter denied Jesus 3 times). If perfection were a requirement to be a prophet, there wouldn't have ever been any.

Study Joseph Smith's teachings and the Book of Mormon with an open mind and pray about it. Many people here will tell you God won't answer such a prayer, but I know for a fact that He does, because he has unquestionably answered mine. And I am no better than anyone else. If he will answer my questions, he will answer yours too.
2008-10-18 12:37:53 UTC
I understand that you're on a search for truth regarding the Church, but you can't start off this search by making off-colored claims that aren't supported by truth. Before you seek to blame, seek to understand. All of Joseph's known children came from his first wife, Emma. I don't know where this number 100 is coming from. There is no evidence that he had children with other women. Does that mean that he didn't? No. Does that mean that he did? No. I just don't know, but I do know that polygamous marriages often had other purposes than procreation—one such purpose was likely to tie faithful families together. Those who assume plural marriage "is all about sex" may be basing their opinion on their own cultural biases and assumptions, rather than upon the actual motives of Church members who participated in the practice.

I agree with Alissa in saying that the Book of Mormon is solid evidence of Joseph's calling as a prophet. I know that no man could simply create it. It is exactly what it claims to be. I know that the revelations he received were too divine for man to invent. Might I even take the words of the Lord in saying:

"5 Your eyes have been upon my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., and his language you have known, and his imperfections you have known; and you have sought in your hearts knowledge that you might express beyond his language; this you also know.

6 Now, seek ye out of the Book of Commandments, even the least that is among them, and appoint him that is the most wise among you;

7 Or, if there be any among you that shall make one alike unto it, then ye are justified in saying that ye do not know that they are true;

8 But if ye cannot make one like unto it, ye are under condemnation if ye do not bear record that they are true.

9 For ye know that there is no unrighteousness in them, and that which is righteous cometh down from above, from the Father of lights."

(D&C 67)
2008-10-18 10:34:22 UTC
Hi Island P - this is a difficult time you're going through, and I feel for you. I was Mormon for 44 years, and went through the temple. I loved the church and did not doubt, although I had seen some of the anti-literature. One day I stumbled across the Smithsonian Letter on the internet that said there were no Israeli descendants in South America, that they were all of Asian descent, and I knew if this was true, the Book of Mormon couldn't be true. You know that cold, startling, take your breath away feeling when you realize something is true? This is how I felt when I read that letter. I set out to prove it wrong, and only ended up finding more and more evidence that couldn't be disputed. There IS a life after mormonism, and I pray for great strength and comfort for you. God Bless.
Light and Truth
2008-10-18 10:15:21 UTC
No one can convince you but the spirit. That neas effort on your part, prayer reading the BoM and following Moroni 10:5

First. The origional translation was of the Book of Lehi. martin Harris asked and begged him to let him showe a copy to his wife. After much concernation he did so. it was stolen. After Joseph was "punished" for some weeks he was granted the right to translate where Christ told him that the Book was put there by Mormon, Christ having known of the inceident. He told him not to traslate the same material because evil men had got it changed the text (which is what has happened to the bible) and when he showed it to the world, they would roll it out and say he was not a Prophet because the translation was different.

Rather Christ directed him to translate the writings of Nephi, which doeth cast greater ligth on the gosple. So they were foiled.

Even though ever today Islam has up to 4 wives and the ancient prophets had many such as Abraham, Isaac, Israel, David, Soloman, this law had to be revealed and it was and Joseph was so agast of the revelation that it took him a number of yeqrs before he revealed it. So now, how much have you heard of any of the wives? Can you name one of them. Yes he did practice it as little as the Lord let him and now as of 1890 none have been done, but the law was established, and we need not worry about it today.

And today the grand fathers of the members knew Joseph Smith personally and they have stories of him, Artists have drawn him. Nothig I say will change anything. You can gain that testimony. Di you even go to youth activities, to church? Many many youth go through what you are, a doubting period, get on your knees, read attend, get involved, serve others, read the latest conference

Go, get moving.
2008-10-18 10:53:20 UTC
Alissa, so you like challenges do you? I propose a challenge similiar to yours about the Book of Mormon. But first you'll have to watch a video and then hopefully you will come to the same conclusion I did.

For those of you that question the story of Joseph Smith and the translation of the Book of Mormon, before you get all high and mighty, you might want to know some of the circumstances that were involved with the process. If you can't duplicate the circumstances, then we know that the book must be true.
2008-10-18 15:36:40 UTC
Hi. Well, it's not easy. My parents converted to Mormonism when I was 10. I believed it all until I was in my late teens. There were things that didn't quite gel. I prayed and was told that the Mormon church was not God's true church. This shocked me but subsequent research showed me WHY it was not God's true church. is a good place to start. Also try for something that might help.

Good luck and God bless you.
2008-10-18 10:57:52 UTC
Once you realize in your brain that the pieces really don't add up, it is almost impossible to convince your heart.

Your own sense of personal integrity will lead you to the truth. It can be very difficult to extract yourself from the church, but many of us have had to do it.

For me, leaving led to a life that I designed. It led to more money, more freedom, more peace. I haven't had any desire to break the word of wisdom or cheat on my husband, just to pick my own future. My children grew up with no church at all and all turned into great, ethical, happy adults.

Good luck.
2008-10-18 11:12:38 UTC
Wow...the only thing I can tell you is to take all these questions to your Heavenly Father. He is the one that has the whole truth. He's the only one that can give you a very straight and honest answer. Everything and everyone else is just their opinions on the matter. Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you.
2008-10-18 10:10:59 UTC
As an ex-mormon and former missionary, I can understand what you're going through. You're right to question these things, and if you don't find acceptable answers to your questions then you shouldn't be in the church.

Nobody can prove that Joseph Smith had his vision -- mormons always "testify" that they KNOW it to be true, but they don't "know" anything, they only believe it.

I can give you evidence Joseph actually existed -- he was convicted of fraud in New York State before he founded the church, and the court records still exist :)

As for the truth of it all: how about the fact that there is no evidence of any kind to support the book of mormon story? None, zero, zip. In fact, all of the archeological evidence from South and Central America plainly proves the book of mormon story to be false. Whatever it is, it's not a truthful historical account -- and was almost certainly completely made up.

You keep asking the hard questions, and when you don't get satisfying answers then you decide what to can either fake it and pretend to believe it all, or accept that it's all made up and change your life accordingly. I understand how hard it can be to leave -- much of my family won't be around me, they all talk about being together in the celestial kingdom except for me, I lost many of my friends...but I'm much happier once I stopped pretending that there were no problems with their "facts," and stopped pretending I believed something that I didn't. I wish you the best.

2008-10-18 11:25:14 UTC
I am former LDS.

Joseph Smith was a con artist Jerk Monkey. Any man who tells another married woman that if she doesn't marry him, or get sealed to him in the temple (as Joseph Smith did with a married woman named Zinna) because some angel with a flaming sword was going to kill him if he didn't, was a predator of females using God and the fear of God to manipulate women into doing what he wanted.

Oral Roberts claimed years ago that if he didn't raise enough money via offerings, God would let him die. He didn't get the money nor the offerings, but that is what religious con men do.

People will tell you that prophets don't have to be perfect. That is not true, prophets in the Old Testament had to show remorse and repentance for their sins or they were removed by God from their office. They were not allowed to continue leading the people astray. Check out Eli and his sons in the OT and how David was called on the carpet over his sin with Bathseeba and Uriah. David was also denied the priviledge of building the temple because of his don't let anyone fool you into thinking that those who claim to be prophets have carte blanche in being imperfect.

The LDS church boasts of having the Holy Spirit as a witness to the truthfulness of their doctrine, but rather what they have is a hired PR firm that directs and helps with all their films so they know how to portray the right image and tug on people's heart strings...that is not the testimony of the Holy Spirit.

The BOM was written by a Christian minister and stolen by one of Joseph Smith's men and they conspired to use it as a true has a Christian heart because it was written by a Christian minister. The LDS church doctrine contradicts the BOM....polygamy and denying Christ is God..which the BOM declares Christ as God. Not only that but the scripture about faith being the substance of things hoped for in Nephi was written thousands of years before in the book of Hebrews in the New Testament in the Bible, Hebrews 11:1 and the saying in the BOM about being in the bond of iniquity and gall of bitterness comes from the book of Acts where the Apostle Peter rebukes Simon the Socerror with those exact words.

The LDS church is built on lies and plaguarism.

Unlike finding architectural evidence that supports the Bible, nothing has ever been found to support the BOM...but then it was first written as a Christian fantasy novel so there would be no proof.

I hope you find what you are looking for.
2008-10-18 10:08:48 UTC
I used to be LDS, and the answer is always faith. Investigation is not something most believers do. They were taught to believe, they want to believe, so for them, they consider it fact. Those that investigate their beliefs usually find their own path. The more I discovered about all religions, the more I realized that none of them are correct. If there is a God or Gods, then he lives in all of us, and does not pick favorites or have tests to decide who gets to heaven or hell. So far, all of the Gods and religions I've read about are obvious myths created by men. God is nothing you know, it is what you search for. Those that think they know the will of any God is just fooling themselves.
2008-10-18 11:00:37 UTC
Yes, Joe Smith was a con-man and a pathalogical liar. There is no doubt about it. He was a very evil man. A man who cheats on his wife and conducts statutory rape is in fact a bad person. See

For support from other ex-mormons, go to the bulletin board on

There are many cults in the world. LDS is just on of many.

Good luck on your break from a brain washing cult. You are not alone. Many people do it everyday.

ps Joe did not translate the Book for Mormons. He copied a fictional book and added in some material from the Bible ver batum.

Also note, The Book for Mormons states that Jesus was born in Jerusalum. He as actaully born in Bethlahem.

Furthermore, if the events in the BOM actaully took place, don't you think there would be some sort of evidence? But there is absolutly none.
2008-10-18 10:03:34 UTC
I am not a Mormon but I had a minister that was born into the religion like you. I know this is going to sound corny but you have to find the answer with God (go to your local Christian bookstore and get a Bible) you may want to look for books written by former LDS members in the religion section of your local library or bookstore

Good Luck and God Bless
2008-10-18 10:14:48 UTC
I am an ex-Mormon. I was born into the church. I have relatives that were a part of the original pioneer setters in Utah. I fell away from the church around 12 years ago.

Part of what led me away from Mormonism was church history. I was troubled by the fact that God would change his mind (as evident by prophecies) about matters of doctrine. Specifically, the past doctrines of polygamy and blacks and the priesthood bothered me. It bothered me that they were doctrinal in the past, and it bothered me that God changes his mind on these issues.

So... I started researching church history. The more I learned about the past of the church, the more I began to believe that it was a scam. The Mormon version of what happened are extremely whitewashed compared to what other accounts show. These "other accounts" range anywhere from books and newspaper articles written in the time period, as well as later books written by historians. Even court documents contradict what the LDS church says happened.

One of the most damning things I have read about B.Young and company was the Confession of John D. Lee. The Mountain Meadows Massacre was certainly a low point in Mormon history.

My advise: don't focus solely on LDS-approved materials. Compare and contrast the different accounts, and accept what makes the most sense.

It benefits you nothing to hold a testimony of untrue things. I agree that the Mormon church teaches a clean and moral lifestyle, but no organization holds a patent on morality.

*** Edit ... Read about the Kinderhook Plates.

*** Edit - Challenger brought up a good point. Research "Solomon Spalding" for more information on "Manuscript Found".
Love Is The Answer
2008-10-18 10:41:21 UTC
You are asking some good questions, and I encourage you to keep asking.

It seems that God is pursuing you... reminds me a bit of this story I read:
2008-10-18 10:06:59 UTC
"And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith."

Don't give up.
2008-10-18 10:07:14 UTC
Try doing this for a while...instead of questioning your faith...question your doubts. Think about things before you allow your doubts to destroy your faith. God gave you a brain...use it.
Nice Guy
2008-10-18 10:07:42 UTC
I'm not a Mormon but Joseph Smith was a con just like any other so called prophet, preacher, pope, televangelist or rabbi
2008-10-18 10:06:17 UTC
FYI, a lot of the anti stuff you read about Joseph Smith is complete bullshwah.

To me I think it's remarkable that a farm boy with little education could make up such a book in such a little amount of time. Id like to see someone recreate something like the Book of Mormon.

The Book of Mormon Challenge

If one scoffs at the missionary's explanation of the Book of Mormon, he is in so many words claiming it to be false: That it is a deceiving fraud formulated through the efforts and talents of a common man. What is produced by one man can always be duplicated by another. The challenge that the Book of Mormon makes to the world is that of duplication. Because the book complies with every one of the following conditions, in order to produce a similar record, one must comply with the same conditions.

Here is the challenge: Can you accept it?

1. Write a history of ancient Tibet covering a period from 600 B.C. to 450 A.D. Why ancient Tibet? Because you know no more about Tibet than Joseph Smith (or anyone else) knew about ancient America.

2. You are 23 years of age.

3. You have had no more than three years of formal school education, and have spent your life in backwoods farming communities.

4. Your history must be written on the basis of what you now know. There was no library that held information for Joseph Smith. You must use none. There is to be no research of any kind.

5. Your history must be 531 pages and over 300,000 words in length.

6. Other than a few grammatical corrections, you must have no changes in the text. The first edition as you dictate it to your secretary must stand forever.

7. This record is to contain the history of two distinct and separate nations, along with histories of different contemporary nations or groups of people.

8. You must describe their religious, economic, political, and social cultures and institutions. Cover every phase of their society, including the names of their coins.

9. Change your style of writing many times. Many ancient authors contributed to the Book of Mormon, each with his own style.

10. Weave into your history the religion of Jesus Christ and the pattern of Christian living.

11. You must claim that your smooth narrative is not fiction with moral value, but true and sacred history.

12. You must include in you book fifty-four chapters dealing with wars, twenty-one historical chapters, fifty-five chapters on visions and prophecies. Remember, when you begin to write visions and prophecies, you must have your record agree meticulously with the Bible. You must write seventy-one chapters on doctrine and exhortation, and you must check every statement with the scriptures or you will be proven a fraud. You must write twenty-one chapters on the ministry of Christ, and every thing you claim he said and every testimony you write in your book about Him must agree absolutely with the New Testament.

13. Many of the facts, claims, ideas, and statements given as absolute truth in your writing must be entirely inconsistent with the prevailing beliefs of the world. Some of these worldly beliefs must be the direct opposite of your claims.

14. Included in your narrations will be authentic modes of travel; whether or not those ancient people used fire; description of their clothing, crops, mourning customs, and types of government. You must invent about 280 new names that will stand up under scrutiny through the years as to their proper application and derivation.

15. You will have to properly use figures of speech, similes, metaphors, narrations, exposition, descriptions, oratory, epic lyric, and parables.

16. You must invite the ablest scholars and experts to examine the text with care, and you must strive diligently to see that your book gets into the hands of those eager to prove it a forgery, and who are most competent to expose every flaw in it.

17. Thorough investigation, scientific and historical evidence, and archeological discovery for the next 125 years must verify its claims and prove detail after detail to be true, for many of the details you put in your history are still buried beneath the soil of Tibet.

18. You must publish it to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people declaring it to be the word of God and another witness for the Lord Jesus Christ.

19. The book must not contain any absurd, impossible, or contradictory statements. Your history must not contain any statement that will contradict any other statement elsewhere in the volume.

20. Many theories and ideas as to its origin must arise, and after discovering and examining the facts, they must fail. You have claimed that your knowledge had come from divine origin, and this claim continues to stand as the only possible explanation. The strength of this explanation must not decrease as time passes, but actually increases to the point where it becomes the only logical explanation.

21. Your record is to fulfill many Bible prophecies, even in t
2008-10-18 10:02:36 UTC
ask palin she will know for sure

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.