How do we know the bible isn't a matter of opinion since it was written by man?
2009-08-28 01:25:06 UTC
1: Corinthians39-40
"A wife is bound to her husband during all the time her husband is alive. But if her husband should fall alsleep in death, she is free to be married to whom she wants, only in the Lord .
But she is happier if she remians as she is, according to my opinion. I certainly think I also have God's spirit"

This is one example of an "in my opinion" verse. For the people who believe the bible word for word, how do you know the entire thing isn't a matter of opinion. The bible is after all written by man.
Fourteen answers:
2009-08-28 03:19:43 UTC
Briley, it's 6am where I'm at...shouldn't you be in bed?


Ok, here's how the Turtle reads it. As a matter of disclaimer, the Turtle has been known to make mistakes.

In Christianity there is a doctrine known as the hypostatic union. Basically it means, Jesus is fully God and fully man. Not just half/half, but fully each one at the same time. This is based on the fact that the Bible calls Jesus "God" (see John 1 or Hebrews 1 for example), but at the same time, calls him a human being of flesh and bone (see 1John for example).

I am of the opinion that the same concept could be applied to the Bible. On the one hand, it often refers to itself as "God's word", and even implies that *every* word is directly and specifically from God. On the other hand, it is quite obvious that the specific words were chosen by the authors (like in the example you gave, or even just the facts that epistle says, "From Paul", etc.)

So I propose a sort of hypostatic union for the Bible. It *is* the actual thoughts, "opinions", and chosen words of it's human authors. And yet, at the same time, it contains the *exact* words chosen by God himself, before a single one of them was penned in ink. Call it a mystery if you like.

It's a fair parallel if for no other reason than because Jesus is often called "The Word", and of course, so is the Bible. In fact, if you watch closely, there are a number of parallels between Jesus and Scripture. Being of full human and full divine origin being only one of the most interesting.

Now, to answer the real question, why would Paul tell a widowed woman not to remarry? From my understanding, it was most likely because of the persecutions being carried out by Nero at that time. Basically what they would do is kill your children and spouse in front of you, unless you would renounce your, Paul is most likely trying to spare them that. But, I could be wrong...I don't have a great source to back that up. In any event, you'll notice that he says "she is free to be married to whom she wants," so in the end, he leaves the decision to her. At worst, you could call it friendly advice :-P

Alright, now I'm late for work :-P

2016-05-28 10:53:19 UTC
On the contrary there is very solid evidence that the universe rapidly expanded from a single point, and there seems to be some interesting work that indicates that black holes may be creating additional universes or that additional universes are continually being formed. As for evidence that shows the Bible to be inaccurate, it is more accurate to say that there is no compelling evidence to show that it is true. For instance, we know that the earth is over 4.5 billion years old and that life started developing around 3 billion years ago. We know that life evolves and diversifies, this is a proven fact. We know that we share a common ancestor and many characteristics, both behavioral and physical with other apes. We also know that there is no evidence whatsoever for a global flood, just as there is no evidence for any part of the Exodus. The Hebrew people as a whole never lived in Egypt, nor were they slaves there. While the exact route out of Egypt is not known for sure, several of the sites that the Hebrews are said to have camped at, are well known and have been thoroughly excavated with no sign of human habitation of any sort. There simply is no evidence to support the Bible other than locations, civilizations and some significant historical rules; all of which are the same "evidence" that can be used to show that fiction books are "real".
2009-08-28 02:15:33 UTC
well, obviously it was shaded by the opinion of the men who, not only wrote the many parts of the bible, but by those at the council of nicea who decided which letters, accounts, poems, etc would be allowed into the canon and become the final edition.

you only have to look through Leviticus to see how man's opinion shaped the books and the entirety of the bible. come on, seriously, god is gonna get you for planting 2 crops in the same field, or get p*ssed because you wear polyester or eat shellfish - all these are abominations in the eyes of god...IF you take the book as divinely inspired and wholly accurate.

that said - there are some beautiful poems and songs, some half-way decent conversation about morality and goodness in the bible. it's a religious text like any other, in my opinion, anyway...not some magic book that god wrote. there are passages that are good, and some that are atrocious. but in the end, the only good it can do someone (and i say this because i love you and am not going to go off on religion) is if it is read with an open mind and the good points in it can be lifted away from the crap. the problem with this, however, is far too many people insist that every word is holy and divinely inspired, and must be obeyed. that gives rise to bigotry, intolerance and hate.

and then people say their god backs them up in it - and that fails because NO god worthy of worship or love would support half the sh*t in the bible. if you believe in god, then i expect you to believe he gave you a brain and common sense and for you to use it. that's the only way to get through this life, unless you are a sheep. and i'm not a sheep...

sorry if i vented...but common sense and logic should be applied first, then seek to gain what usefulness you can from any situation, event or text.
2009-08-28 01:53:35 UTC
It has nothing to do with 'what right does he have to tell her...'. He isn't telling her to do anything. He is simply stating that when you are single you have less obligations to others (i.e. spouse, children, etc.) and therefore more of your time can be devoted to God's praise, honor and work.

You see, apostle Paul is merely stating what is better for the INDIVIDUAL's spiritual walk. He says that there is nothing wrong with marriage, but if one CAN be single (some cannot and would quickly fall into adultery or fornication) then it is better for them, if they would so choose.

The Bible is the inspired Word of God. It tells us only truths. At times, there are multiple choices we can make that would be acceptable. There isn't always a clear-cut WRONG and RIGHT. There is sometimes ACCEPTABLE and UNACCEPTABLE. This is an example of the latter. I would like to stress, however, that usually things in the Bible that are for our spiritual EDIFICATION are the former.
2009-08-28 03:21:28 UTC
This explains it very well:

The Bible—A Book From God

(2 Peter 1:19-21) 19 Consequently we have the prophetic word [made] more sure; and YOU are doing well in paying attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until day dawns and a daystar rises, in YOUR hearts. 20 For YOU know this first, that no prophecy of Scripture springs from any private interpretation. 21 For prophecy was at no time brought by man’s will, but men spoke from God as they were borne along by holy spirit.

As for Paul, consider what Peter wrote:

(2 Peter 3:15-16) 15 Furthermore, consider the patience of our Lord as salvation, just as our beloved brother Paul according to the wisdom given him also wrote YOU, 16 speaking about these things as he does also in all [his] letters. In them, however, are some things hard to understand, which the untaught and unsteady are twisting, as [they do] also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction.
2009-08-28 01:33:30 UTC
The writer is stating what is permissible by law..If a woman wishes to remarry after her spouses death it's fine..

The writer is just commenting his own opinion that she would be happier if she didn't remarry.

He's not mandating anything, it's just an opinion..To take or leave.

Use some context here..It's a letter to a church
2009-08-28 01:51:09 UTC
We know the Bible is not entirely opinion because of 2 Timothy 3:16.

2 Timothy 3:16 (New King James Version)

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,

Even though this was written also by the same author as Corinthians, he was led by God to write it.
2009-08-28 01:34:59 UTC
The Holy Bible, God's word, was written by holy prophets of God, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
2009-08-28 01:29:19 UTC
ki shut the hell up. let the girl ask questions! Yes of course the bible is written by man with all the problems of any book written by man. not to mention 2000 years ago
2009-08-28 01:39:54 UTC
and quoting Paul while you ask this, too.

there are only ten things from that bible that can be claimed to come directly from God, the rest is stuff people wrote, which at best, would be considered fictional history.
2009-08-28 01:30:09 UTC
we do was written by a man, but close minded, ignorant religious people think "jesus" or "god" wrote the bible

even if its proven to be written by a "man" they will still beleive what they thought was true even when stated to be wrong
Nikon f5
2009-08-28 01:31:17 UTC
The fact is, as you say: Just other human's opinions, from a bygone, fear-filled, uneducated, unscientific time.
2009-08-28 01:28:58 UTC
the only thing we know for sure about the bible is its a work of fiction

the rest is speculations
2009-08-28 06:32:30 UTC
AFTER THERE IS MANKIND [ There is the story of mankind ]:

No age or time is given universe, space, ages old earth or angels, Gen.1:1,2; Job 38:4-7, 30-32, Gen.1:3-25, then intended inhabitant, Adam/man, Gen.1:26, in the image

and likeness of God and Jesus [ as we know him who was with God before the world was, John 17:3,5,24 ]:

Gen.4:25; 5:3; Year 130, Cain killed Abel, Seth is born [ the resurrection of the dead will go back 6000 years to Abel, for Christ 1000 year reign ], year 235, Enos is born to die year 1140, Noah is age 84, Gen.7:6, Noah is in flood, year 1656.

Terah born 222 years after, dies age 205, Gen. 11:32,


N. T. at Matt.1:1-17; goes back to O. T. Genesis, in genealogy, Jesus is son #62.

Abraham son #20, age 75, Gen.12:4,7; has the covenant, 427 years after year 1656,

in 430 years, Exo.7:7; 12: 37, 40, 41, Moses at Exodus with covenant heirs gives

the law that leads to Jesus, Gal.3:16-26; in 40 years Moses dies [Acts 7:1-60],

year 2553, 1513 BCE. Solomon 1Ki.6:1, 480 years later, begans the temple, he has

36 years, [ David son #34, in genealogy of Jesus has been dead 40 years [in 391

years, Judah kings end at Babylon with Daniel and son #48, year 3460 [ 606 BCE,

14 generations before Christ, born year 4064, age 2, Matt.2:11, 13,16; Bible

years at year 4066 end. Luke 6:16,17;

Jesus age 30, Matt.3:16, Luke 3:21-23, baptized, age 33 1/2, year 31 1/2 CE,

ascended to God's right hand, John 3:13-16; Acts 2:27-35, N. T. done year 98 CE.

KJV Bible published 398 years ago, show the progress of mankind, year 5677 to year

6075 at 2009 CE and many more bible translations in the world of religions galore.

Judah kings ended at Babylon with Daniel, year 3460 [ 606 BCE, now at 2009 CE ],

that was 2615 years ago, there will be no king until Jesus at his 2nd coming with

firstfruits, 1Cor.15:22-28,51-53, Rev.14:1-6,7; first resurrected as priest of

God and Christ that are with Jesus at his 2nd coming to reign 1000 years,

[ Rev.20:1-6 ].

At year 2615 after Babylon and Daniel, year 3460, most all prophecy time is now

real time.

1. Year 3460 [ and after Babylon ]:

Plus 2300 day years, year 5760, 1694 CE, word of truth in world.

2. Year 3460 [ and after Babylon ]:

Plus 2500 years, year 5960, 1894 CE, Michael and the word of truth.

3. year 3460 [ and after Babylon ]:

Plus 2520 years, year 5980, 1914 CE, Michael at Rev.12:3,4,6-11,12; Dan.12:1-9,

10-13; in the time of the end gives Satan and enemies have a short time down,

Rev.9:1-5 [ 5x 30 = ] 150, the pit is open for Satan, God's sealed are there,

Rev.17:6,10-14 [ Satan is down all of the 8th that is of the 7 ], enemies under

feet of the holy heavenly, John 14:3, a place is prepared, Rom.16:20, the first

resurrected as priest of God and Christ [ Rev.20:1-6 ]; and holy angels after Gen.

3:15; will be with Jesus, Heb.1:1-13 [ enemies down ], Michael is there to the

last, 1Thes.4:15-17;

4. Year 3460 [ and after Babylon ];

Plus 2544, 45-51 years, year 6004, 6005, to 6011, 1938, 1939 to 1945 CE, WW2 and

holocaust, only fits at Rev.13:11-18, is WW2, German Nation Hitler, rises to and

world power, man wisdom between prophecy.

5. year 3460 [ and after Babylon ]:

Plus 2580 years, year 6040, 1974 CE, 60 years down for Satan and enemies.

6. Year 3460 [ and after Babylon ]:

Plus 2615 years, year 6075, 2009 CE at present time,[ Dan.12:1-12 [ 2x 1335 = ],

2670 years, year 6130. Matt.24:3,7,14,15,21-22-24,34,36, God alone knows the day

and the hour, all time is given for children of the light of times and seasons,

to be alive at his 2nd coming, 1Thes.5:1-9, 21, 22 [ fulfilling ];


Rev.9:1-5 [ 5x 30 = ] 150, pit open for Satan, God's sealed are there, Rev.9:12-

16; 16:12-26; 17:6,10-14; 18:1-6; Matt.24:3,7,15,15,21-22-24,34,36, fulfilling.

Rev.20:1-6, for the 1000 year reign with Satan in the pit, Rev.20:7-10, 12,13,

all are made alive, Abel died 6000 years ago [ Satan 6130 years ago at Eden to

the pit ], Satan at Rev.20:7-10, no more Satan or any like him, the saints are

on the breadth of the earth, joined by those coming down out of heaven from God,

Rev.21:1-5, all is made new, at Gen. 2:2,4, God rest from creating all of day

seven, now all is made new, 2Pet,3:13; Isa.65:17,25; Rev.2:7; as promised, God

is with his heavenly and earthly family, Rev.21:8, earth is cleansed, the kingdom

of the heavens [ new heavenly Jerusalem ], has all in God's kingdom forever.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.