AFTER THERE IS MANKIND [ There is the story of mankind ]:
No age or time is given universe, space, ages old earth or angels, Gen.1:1,2; Job 38:4-7, 30-32, Gen.1:3-25, then intended inhabitant, Adam/man, Gen.1:26, in the image
and likeness of God and Jesus [ as we know him who was with God before the world was, John 17:3,5,24 ]:
Gen.4:25; 5:3; Year 130, Cain killed Abel, Seth is born [ the resurrection of the dead will go back 6000 years to Abel, for Christ 1000 year reign ], year 235, Enos is born to die year 1140, Noah is age 84, Gen.7:6, Noah is in flood, year 1656.
Terah born 222 years after, dies age 205, Gen. 11:32,
N. T. at Matt.1:1-17; goes back to O. T. Genesis, in genealogy, Jesus is son #62.
Abraham son #20, age 75, Gen.12:4,7; has the covenant, 427 years after year 1656,
in 430 years, Exo.7:7; 12: 37, 40, 41, Moses at Exodus with covenant heirs gives
the law that leads to Jesus, Gal.3:16-26; in 40 years Moses dies [Acts 7:1-60],
year 2553, 1513 BCE. Solomon 1Ki.6:1, 480 years later, begans the temple, he has
36 years, [ David son #34, in genealogy of Jesus has been dead 40 years [in 391
years, Judah kings end at Babylon with Daniel and son #48, year 3460 [ 606 BCE,
14 generations before Christ, born year 4064, age 2, Matt.2:11, 13,16; Bible
years at year 4066 end. Luke 6:16,17;
Jesus age 30, Matt.3:16, Luke 3:21-23, baptized, age 33 1/2, year 31 1/2 CE,
ascended to God's right hand, John 3:13-16; Acts 2:27-35, N. T. done year 98 CE.
KJV Bible published 398 years ago, show the progress of mankind, year 5677 to year
6075 at 2009 CE and many more bible translations in the world of religions galore.
Judah kings ended at Babylon with Daniel, year 3460 [ 606 BCE, now at 2009 CE ],
that was 2615 years ago, there will be no king until Jesus at his 2nd coming with
firstfruits, 1Cor.15:22-28,51-53, Rev.14:1-6,7; first resurrected as priest of
God and Christ that are with Jesus at his 2nd coming to reign 1000 years,
[ Rev.20:1-6 ].
At year 2615 after Babylon and Daniel, year 3460, most all prophecy time is now
real time.
1. Year 3460 [ and after Babylon ]:
Plus 2300 day years, year 5760, 1694 CE, word of truth in world.
2. Year 3460 [ and after Babylon ]:
Plus 2500 years, year 5960, 1894 CE, Michael and the word of truth.
3. year 3460 [ and after Babylon ]:
Plus 2520 years, year 5980, 1914 CE, Michael at Rev.12:3,4,6-11,12; Dan.12:1-9,
10-13; in the time of the end gives Satan and enemies have a short time down,
Rev.9:1-5 [ 5x 30 = ] 150, the pit is open for Satan, God's sealed are there,
Rev.17:6,10-14 [ Satan is down all of the 8th that is of the 7 ], enemies under
feet of the holy heavenly, John 14:3, a place is prepared, Rom.16:20, the first
resurrected as priest of God and Christ [ Rev.20:1-6 ]; and holy angels after Gen.
3:15; will be with Jesus, Heb.1:1-13 [ enemies down ], Michael is there to the
last, 1Thes.4:15-17;
4. Year 3460 [ and after Babylon ];
Plus 2544, 45-51 years, year 6004, 6005, to 6011, 1938, 1939 to 1945 CE, WW2 and
holocaust, only fits at Rev.13:11-18, is WW2, German Nation Hitler, rises to and
world power, man wisdom between prophecy.
5. year 3460 [ and after Babylon ]:
Plus 2580 years, year 6040, 1974 CE, 60 years down for Satan and enemies.
6. Year 3460 [ and after Babylon ]:
Plus 2615 years, year 6075, 2009 CE at present time,[ Dan.12:1-12 [ 2x 1335 = ],
2670 years, year 6130. Matt.24:3,7,14,15,21-22-24,34,36, God alone knows the day
and the hour, all time is given for children of the light of times and seasons,
to be alive at his 2nd coming, 1Thes.5:1-9, 21, 22 [ fulfilling ];
Rev.9:1-5 [ 5x 30 = ] 150, pit open for Satan, God's sealed are there, Rev.9:12-
16; 16:12-26; 17:6,10-14; 18:1-6; Matt.24:3,7,15,15,21-22-24,34,36, fulfilling.
Rev.20:1-6, for the 1000 year reign with Satan in the pit, Rev.20:7-10, 12,13,
all are made alive, Abel died 6000 years ago [ Satan 6130 years ago at Eden to
the pit ], Satan at Rev.20:7-10, no more Satan or any like him, the saints are
on the breadth of the earth, joined by those coming down out of heaven from God,
Rev.21:1-5, all is made new, at Gen. 2:2,4, God rest from creating all of day
seven, now all is made new, 2Pet,3:13; Isa.65:17,25; Rev.2:7; as promised, God
is with his heavenly and earthly family, Rev.21:8, earth is cleansed, the kingdom
of the heavens [ new heavenly Jerusalem ], has all in God's kingdom forever.