H. Stephen Stoker's college textbook defines theory as, 'a hypothesis that has been tested and validated over a long period of time'. A theory is the best answer anyone has come up with so far.
Based on this definition, Evolution isn't even a theory. It is a hypothesis. Evolution has been tested over a long period of time. But it has NOT been validated by all of those tests. Each time one of the supporting so-called "facts" for evolution is discredited, Evolutionists dimiss or cover up the inconsistency.
Scientists are supposed to form hypothesis, experiment on them, reject the ones that are proven wrong, make predictions about the ones that cannot be dissproven, experiment on said predictions. Then and only then, if the hypothesis is validated, it becomes a theory.
If more scientists took an unbiased look at the world around them, they would find all sorts of evidence that the world was inteligently designed. But, they are afraid of the truth, and so they choose not to believe it, and spend lifetimes tying to dissprove it. But in the end we will all see how wise these scholars are when they stand before the Creator.
However, I must caution you to not give such flimsy argument as, "since there's nothing called "the Theory of Creationism" creationism is not a theory. Since it's not a theory, it must be a fact. So creationism is fact". Evolutionists will dismiss this argument as the ramblings of a bible-thumper.
I encourage you to continue studying about creation and evolution. Read your Science textbooks, then see what the Bible says on the same subject.