Who has contributed more to mankind? Prophet Muhammad of Islam or the Jewish People?
2009-10-28 05:54:02 UTC
Contributed as in a postive fashion (Science, Arts, Laws, etc.)

Although Muhammad contributed to a Law System, it was theocratic in nature and full intrepretation was left in the hands of the ruler thus some islamic nations would make social progress in regards to tolerance, yet the next ruler would be intolerant and slaughter the non-muslims.

I would have to say that the Jewish people had contributed more to humanity, in regards to science and law.
29 answers:
2009-11-01 04:06:07 UTC
Prophet mad mo with regards to violence, pedophilia, pederstry. Jews with regards to certain medicines,science, music, literature etc. Things that can actually benefit man.

@ shah: is your answer not full of bias ignorance and is bursting with hatred which is part of your composition?

1)- "It is TRUE that the ruling class did interpret Islam their way. However there is one mighty difference here. They used fabrications to try to make them the way of Islam and NOT the Quran."

What interpretation will be right for killtheinfidel ? Is it not a straight statement or are they any other interpretations for it?

"Whenever one deviates from the Quran, then Satan pursues him and obviously his is mislead."

Okay if that is the case then what are your views about mohammad your prophet did he also deviate from his revelations? Or did Satan was misleading him since the cave incident?

"The Jews follow the Talmud which supercedes in authority over the Torah. Talmud is not divine. It is fabricated. Similarly Christians do not follow Jesus or his gospel. They follow the gospel of Mark, Mathew, Luke etc. etc. There is NO gospel of Jesus with them. None of them ever met Jesus."

I see the double standards out here well the quran was not there even after mohammad died. After his death his companions, people that were close to him started making the book. Thus there is no quran with muslims as well.

"So in a very similar way to the Muslims, both the Jews and the Christians are in rebellion to God."

Do you think you are a judge out here and pass a decree against the Jews and the Christians? Who gave you the right to do so? Just because mohammad proclaimed himself prophet you think you can be a judge all the Christians and the Jews. It does not work all times. Thus with your claim that Jews and Christians are in rebellion against God muslims by default become the true people of God that they murder for God.

"Well, the Christians have shed more blood than all the blood shed in all the wars put together. Just the numbers associated with Hitler and Stalin are more than all the historical wars."

FYI, right from the very inception of islam there was nothing but blood shed mohammad himself killed 900 Jews in one day you people murder just because the person is not of your faith and till this day you people's hands are dripping with blood and you have the audacity to point out at some other faith? And who gave you the information that they were Christians there is speculation that they were muslims.

Who told you that the Jews are committing mass murders and horrendous crimes if not your muslim media. Again with the double standards you can watch your biased channels, but other people should refrain from watching or hearing the happenings that have been done by muslims.

Just to tell you I have lost one of my neighbors who was murdered by muslims I saw this with my own eyes and not the media. Shame on you and your inhuman, bloody, deplorable and disgusting attitude and answer.
2016-04-10 19:09:21 UTC
Islam is not a new religion because "submission to the will of God", i.e. Islam, has always been the only acceptable religion in the sight of God. For this reason, Islam is the true "natural religion", and it is the same eternal message revealed through the ages to all of God's prophets and messengers. Muslims believe that all of God's prophets, which include Abraham, Noah, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, brought the same message of Pure Monotheism. For this reason, the Prophet Muhammad was not the founder of a new religion, as many people mistakenly think, but he was the Final Prophet of Islam. By revealing His final message to Muhammad, which is an eternal and universal message for all of mankind, God finally fulfilled the covenant that He made with Abraham, who was one of the earliest and greatest prophets. Suffice it to say that the way of Islam is the same as the way of the prophet Abraham, because both the Bible and the Qur'an portray Abraham as a towering example of someone who submitted himself completely to God and worshipped Him without intermediaries. Once this is realized, it should be clear that Islam has the most continuous and universal message of any religion, because all prophets and messengers were "Muslims", i.e. those who submitted to God's will, and they preached "Islam", i.e. submission to the will of Almighty God.
2009-11-01 04:06:38 UTC
The Jewish People have contributed more to mankind; they have given the gift of Peace.

"G-d is good unto all, and His mercies are upon all His

creatures." Psalms 145:9

The Torah’s ways are ways of pleasantness, and all its paths are paths of peace". Proverbs 3:17

In a warring world, Judaism brought us words of peace. Jews taught that we live together in this world, and we should find ways to live peaceably.

In my opinion, the most important concept that the Jews have contributed to the world is that of “Darchei Shalom.” “Darchei Shalom” is a Jewish-legal Hebrew term that means to create and promote ways of peace, peaceful social relations between all people. The term applies to how Jews should behave with kindness to Jews, non-Jews, and even the idolater.

In contrast in the 7th century, when the Jews were spreading the message of peace, Muhammad was starting his religion which was to spread by murder and plundering. Muhammad in the Koran instructs his followers to convert the infidel. Muhammad ordered the slaughtering of those who would not convert and the taking of their goods as booty.

As soon as Muhammad died, his followers contended for leadership breaking into the Sunnis and Shiites. In the 18th centuries the Wahhabis decided that they could even use jihad (holy war) against those sects that did not accept the Sunni way. Thus, the Sunnis killed the Shiites in the name of Jihad; this continues today.

The Jews have had many groups that have fractioned away from the laws of the Talmud. However, no Jew has the religious right to kill people from these other groups; killing them would be murder.

However, the Jews have a healthy sense of self-preservation, and are allowed to defend themselves against those who try to defraud them, persecute them and kill them. In exile, the preferred way to defend oneself throughout history has been to move from country to country. In Israel, the Jewish homeland, the Jews have a right to defend themselves against warring occupiers.

Yes, the Old Testament has some shocking passages. However, the Jews have been taught by their religious leaders not to accept these passages literally. The Jews have the oral law, a tradition that was passed from generation to generation. The Rabbis from the first to 7th centuries put these into writing in the Talmud.

In contrast, to Muslims who would like to occupy the whole world with the words of Muhammad, the Jews have always been content with only their homeland. Throughout exile, the phrase “next year in Jerusalem” is one embedded in their hearts.

Living peacefully is the gift of the Jews.
2009-10-28 20:46:38 UTC
Not an answer to your question, but a reply to Muzammil.

"Ptolemy's Armagest (the title itself is arabic) is a muslim contribution."

The name is Almagest. The original text is in Greek. Please look it up. And please, this text has nothing to do with religion. See wiki link.

"Almanac's were compiled by muslims( arabic name)."

"Almanac's" what? Which almanac are you referring to? Wrong use of apostrophe, see the link. There are so many almanacs in today's world. (Note proper usage of apostrophe.) If you are talking about the earliest almanacs, see the wiki link.

(BTW, I'm a Malaysian Chinese. If any of you want to know what we think about Islam and how it is shaping this country, kindly visit us and we'll let you know.)
Dark & Light
2009-10-28 06:16:10 UTC
In my opinion, we should not ask who among us have contributed much in the advancement of mankind because all of what is happening is part of God's majestic plan for the whole world and He allowed things to happen as they are and He may have used a group of people to advance science, arts and etc for mankinds' sake.

At the end of the day, God will not ask us what we have contributed for the advancement of science for mankinds' sake but He will ask you what you have put forward of faith and good deeds (for your salvation) in the next world?
2009-10-29 08:08:40 UTC
Well, that's a loaded question. If you ask me, I'll say the Jewish people, but if you ask a Muslim they are much more liable to say that Muhammad did.

Personally, though, even if wasn't Jewish I would say the Jews for the simple reason that Jews had provided the world wonderful comedians, actors, artists and musicians, as well as several Nobel Prize winners and a host of other people in all manner of fields.

Of course, one could argue that they were successful not because of being Jewish, but because of being themselves.
2009-10-28 06:46:19 UTC
Well the list of things muslims have done for the world here are a bit off in truthfullness. Yeah they have done some good things for the world but they have also done alot of bad things as well.

Some things muslims didnt do but people here think they did .

Algebra was created by the greeks long before muhammed was born.

Soap was used by people over a thousand years before muhammed as well.

Metal armor was used several thousand years before muhammed

perfume was used several thousand years before muhammed

bolted locks also before muslim time

hair dye was several thousand years before muhammed as well

academic degrees


trial by jury

Observatories as research institutes

public hospitals


drugstores / pharmacies all of these where invinted several hundred years before muhammed was born.

essential oils

tar both used by the egyptions and greeks before muhammed was born.

Basicly everything on your list was invinted or used by many people way before muhammed was a twinkle in his evil daddies eye. Get over yourselves. Yes in the past muslims help do alot of good things but what have they done lately as a people? They kill hundreds of thousands of people each year. Most of the 1.6 billion muslims live in horrible conditions. They are under educated and hateful. What happend to the muslims of a thousand years ago who were well educated a built some of the most amazing things. Now what do they build what does the muslim world contribute to the world? Not much.
bas 3ashan!
2009-10-31 15:39:39 UTC
first of all, i cant see why u r comparing the 2!

it comes down to personal opinion and religious opinion

but even though i am a muslim, i refuse to be little what others do, so i would say only god knows
2009-10-28 05:58:55 UTC
You're asking if one person has contributed more to mankind than millions of people? Are you aware of how obviously you've stacked the deck?
No Name
2009-10-28 06:02:50 UTC
It seems like so many ingenious things have been invented and discovered by Jews. They are a proud, strong and amazing people. I never could figure out why some people hate them and generally attribute it to jealousy because I never get a good reason told to me.

PS Alterego I can't believe you left out Adam Smith and economics! Probably the most influential Scottish person of all!
2009-10-29 06:43:18 UTC
It is Hazrat Muhammad PBUH who contributed for all the the mankind he improved the living standards for the human...

like people used to bury their female baby before Islam,

abandoned the burning of the widow in Islam,

also gave the opportunity for to have more than one wife (we know the ratio of female is more the male in the world),

ABOVE the All he yet Quran is the greatest truth which has been scientifically and logically been also proofed
harajuku lover
2009-10-31 16:17:07 UTC
well more jews have contributed to science, arts, and law and furthured research so i think jews have contributed more.
2009-10-28 07:52:50 UTC
Your question is a manifestation of your preconceived biasness. Hence it is neither justified nor deserves an answer. But even so:

1)- It is TRUE that the ruling class did interpret Islam their way. However there is one mighty difference here. They used fabrications to try to make them the way of Islam and NOT the Quran.

Whenever one deviates from the Quran, then Satan pursues him and obviously his is mislead.

Having said that, I am 100% convinced that the case is similar to the Jews and the Christians.

The Jews follow the Talmud which supercedes in authority over the Torah. Talmud is not divine. It is fabricated. Similarly Christians do not follow Jesus or his gospel. They follow the gospel of Mark, Mathew, Luke etc. etc. There is NO gospel of Jesus with them. None of them ever met Jesus.

So in a very similar way to the Muslims, both the Jews and the Chrisitians are in rebellion to God.

Having said that you may still wonder to compare the Muslims with Jews and Christians.

Well, the Christians have shed more blood than all the blood shed in all the wars put together. Just the numbers associated with Hitler and Stalin are more than all the historical wars.

As far as the Jews are concerned they are committing mass murder and horrendous crimes in the world. They control the media and thus turn a blind eye to what is happening in the occupied Palestinians territories. The case is that even if a dog of a Jew or an American dies, the CNN, ABC, NBC, Fox News etc. etc., would keep airing the news for weeks. And even if hundreds of Muslims are killed in the bombing on Lebanon (by Israel), it is just brushed down the carpet by giving it a fancy term like "Colateral damage".

Shame on you and your inhuman, bloody, deplorable and disgusting attitude and question.
2009-10-28 11:35:11 UTC
after the Quran was revealed it opened new vistas for the muslims and the humanity. taking clue and encouragement from this the muslims got engaged in all kinds of sciences. at that time the europeans were living in dark ages.Muslims were the first scientists, geographers, they were better than anyone in the feild of astronomy, in fact they laid the foundations for todays science and technology.Alhamdullilaah todays technology has made it possible to dessiminate info so fast and to so numerous via internet

Here are some egs of what I have stated

The most precise solar calender, superior to the Julian is the Jilali, devised under the supervision of Umar Khayyam.

Ptolemy's Armagest (the title itself is arabic) is a muslim contribution.

Almanac's were compiled by muslims( arabic name).

In the feild of astronomy among other things astronomical tables were compiled among them is the toledan table used by Copernicus.

In geography among the most famous names even in the west are Ibn Khaldun and Ibn Batuta, renowned for their written accounts of their extensive explorations.

In 1166 Al Idrusi produced the first world map with all the continents, mountains, rivers etc.

In the feild of humanity Al Zaytunah in Tunis and AL Azhar are the oldest universities they date back to 700 years and are the oldest existing universities. Indeed they were the models for the first European universities like the Bologna, Heidelberg, and the Sorbonne.In fact the the word alumni comes from the arabic word Alim.
2009-10-28 05:58:56 UTC
Hey, I would say that everyone contributed more, in a good sense, to mankind than Mohammed. Why you specifically mention Jews, I have no idea.
2009-10-28 05:59:58 UTC
Sorry hun that would be us

Penicillin, Telephone, fax machine, steam engines.

All from a bunch of Kilt wearers..

Sorry, no religion needed to make a difference, just science.
2009-10-28 16:14:02 UTC
to the apostle,

what a joke the noble peace prize is, who has it been handed to this year, oh yeah mr invade pakistan and afghanista obama.
2009-10-28 06:01:57 UTC
Muhammed created a religion. jews invented google, instant messaging, drip irrigation, fiddler on the roof, adam sandler, the camera pill that has saved lives..... I vote jews.

EDIT: (a list of everything Israel has made, done or has a stake in- aka pretty much everything)
She said
2009-10-28 06:04:04 UTC
1 person against 16 million? Is that what your asking? One man against a whole faith? Balanced? Not so much...

Muhammad (pbuh) brought Islam to the world. 1.6 Billion people are followers of Islam. He brought Gods final revelations through the angel Gabrielle, pretty massive if you ask me...

Why not ask what Muslims have contributed? Why is one Muslim against a nation of Jews?

Muslims brought many innovations and inventions to the world, ask that?

PS its not a competition is it? If someone regardless of faith contributes something to the world that benefits all of mankind who is tallying scores?

Muslims gave the world...






three course meal




Crank shaft

Medicine capsules




eye surgery


fountain pen

Numerical numbering ie 1,2,3 etc





pin hole camera


metal Armour







modern chess


potassium nitrate



quartz glass

essential oils


luster ware

tin glazing

kerosene lamp

Tar roads and pavements

litter collection

Surveying instruments


central heating through underfloor pipes

hydro power water supply systems

spherical geometry

high rise buildings

tower blocks

factory milling installations

paper mills

stamp mills

pulp mills

sugar refinery

cosmetic dentistry


hair dye


academic degrees


trial by jury

Observatories as research institutes

public hospitals


drugstores / pharmacies

bolted locks

gas masks

hurrican lamps

cancer therepy

cough medicine from syrup

epilepsy medication

topical creams

adhesive bandages

hypodermic needle

injection syringe

cotton dressing

marching bands

military bands

fire proof clothing...

To name but a few...
- Petit Fantôme Aimé ♐ -
2009-10-28 05:59:33 UTC
why so... Shouldn't they be holding hands and build their relationship together for a better tomorrow?

May peace be with them!
2009-10-28 05:57:43 UTC
i do think the jews have more chance going to heaven then Muslims because they our so mean to women
The Canadian Atheist
2009-10-28 05:59:14 UTC

Science contributes to mankind. Religion is a disease of the mind that must be eradicated once and for all.
A Friend 4ever
2009-10-28 06:09:46 UTC

There are over 10 muslim winners of noble in the past 5 yrs only!

two of which for spreading peace :)

Prophet Mohamed contributed way more ...

Please tell me the count of people dead because of Jews in Palestine alone in the name of a Jew defending.

And please do not consider terrorism part of islam cause it is not ... islam is the religion of peace. and my support is Quran
2009-10-28 06:02:38 UTC
Both have been large burdens on society.
Islam, the way of life.
2009-10-28 06:00:15 UTC
Famous Muslims

Founder of Algebra

Father of Chemistry

Father of Physics

Famous many more
2009-10-28 05:58:50 UTC
its only a statement.Can you prove that Jewish people is superior..

give some examples for this?
2009-10-29 21:36:20 UTC
• The French philosopher Gustave le Bon stated in his book The Civilization of the Arabs:

We must bear in mind that the Arabs – and the Arabs alone – are the ones who guided us to the ancient world of the Greeks and Romans. European universities, including the University of Paris, based their curricula on translations of their books for six hundred years and used their methods of research. The Islamic civilization was one of the most amazing that history has ever known. End quote.

The Muslims are not like anyone else. When they adhere to their religion, they are at the forefront in worldly affairs too, but when they forsake their religion and neglect it, they end up tailing behind others. When the Christians adhered to their deviant religion, they were backward in worldly affairs, but when they burned their churches, killed their monks and separated church from state, they advanced in worldly affairs and in science. The Muslims’ religion motivates them to advance, and they fall behind when they fall away from their religion. The Christians became backward when they adhered to their deviant religion, because a religion that has been distorted by people cannot lead to advancement. They advanced when they left their religion behind. Which method calls for development of this world and strives to make scientific progress and help people in this world and in the Hereafter?

There are many verses and the Prophet Muhammad's sayings which urge the Muslim to develop the earth by means of agriculture and manufacturing. The Muslims understood that and hastened to strive to develop the earth without that affecting their worship and obedience to Allaah, and without thinking that there was any conflict between religious and worldly interests. The only thing to avoid in this endeavour is anything that distracts the Muslim from his religious duties and obedience to his Lord.

History of Science and Technology in Islam


Quran Miracles encyclopdia


Here are the opinions of some thinkers about Islam :

Professor Keith Moore, one of the world’s prominent scientists of anatomy and embryology. University of Toronto, Canada It has been a great pleasure for me to help clarify statements in the Qur’aan about human development. It is clear to me that these statements must have come to Muhammad from God, or 'Allah', because almost all of this knowledge was not discovered until many centuries later. This proves to me that Muhammad must have been a messenger of Allah.

Professor William W. Hay is one of the best known marine scientists in the United States. satellite photography and emote-sensing techniques. Professor Hay replied: I find it very interesting that this sort of information is in the ancient ******ure of the Holy Qur’aan, and I have no way of knowing where they would come from, but I think it is extremely interesting that they are there and that this work is going on to discover it, the meaning of some of the passages. Professor Hay: Well, I would think it must be the divine being!

Professor Yushudi Kusan: Director of the Tokyo Observatory, I

can say, I am very mush impressed by finding true astronomical facts in the Qur’aan.

Professor Alfred Kroner who is one of the world’s most famous geologists "Thinking about many of these questions and thinking where Muhammad came from, he was after all a bedouin. I think it is almost impossible that he could have known about things like the common origin of the universe, because scientists have only found out within the last few years with very complicated and advanced technological methods that this is the case.

Dr. T.V.N. Persaud is a Professor of Anatomy and Head of the Department of Anatomy, and a professor of Pediatrics and Child Health, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. He is the author or editor of 25 books, and has published over 181 scientific papers. In 1991, he received the most distinguished award presented in the field of anatomy in Canada. "It seems to me that Muhammad was a very ordinary man. He could not read or write. In fact, he was illiterate. We are talking about 1400 years ago. You have someone who was illiterate making profound pronouncement and statements and are amazingly accurate about scientific nature. I personally cannot see how this could be mere chance. There are too many accuracy’s and, like Dr. Moore, I have no difficulty in my mind in concerning that this is a divine inspiration or revelation which led him to these statements."

Joe Leigh Simpson , Professor of Obstetrics and Gyne ogy at the North Western University in Chicagoin the United States of America. Professor Simpson said: It follows, I think, that not only is there no conflict between genetics and religion, but in fact religion can guide science by adding revelation to some traditional scientific approaches. That there exists statements in the Qur’aan shown by science to be valid, which supports knowledge in the Qur’aan having been derived from Allah.


Professor Palmer a scientist from the U.S. We need research into the history of early Middle Eastern oral traditions to know whether in fact such historical events have been reported. If there is no such record, it strengthens the belief that Allah transmitted through Muhammad bits of his knowledge that we have only discovered for ourselves in recent times. We look forward to a continuing dialogue on the topic of science in the Qur’aan in the context of geology. Thank you very much.


Professor Tagata Tagasone, formerly Head of the Department of Anatomy and Embryology at the University of Shiang Mai in Thailand . He is now the Dean of the College of the Medicine at the University. From my studies and from what I have learned throughout this conference, I believe that everything that has been recorded in the Qur’aan 1400 years ago must be the truth, that can be proved by the scientific means. Since the Prophet Muhammad could neither read nor write, Muhammad must be a messenger who relayed this truth which was revealed to him as an enlightenment by the One Who is an eligible Creator. This Creator must be Allah, or Allah. Therefore, I think this is the time to say ‘Laa ilaaha illallah’, that there is no Allah to worship except Allah, ‘Muhammad Rasool Allah’, Muhammad is messenger of Allah...

Professor Armstrong, Scientist works at NASA, I am impressed that how remarkably some of the ancient writings seem to correspond to modern and recent Astronomy. There may well have to be something beyond what we understand as ordinary human experience to account for the writings that we have seen.


Professor Dorja Rao, It is difficult to imagine that this type of knowledge was existing at that time, around 1400 years back. May be some of the things they have simple idea about, but do describe those things in great detail is very difficult. So, this is definitely not a simple human knowledge

Everything made so much sense. This is the beauty of the Qur'an; it asks you to reflect and reason....When I read the Qur'an further, it talked about prayer, kindness and charity. I was not a Muslim yet, but I felt the only answer for me was the Qur'an and God had sent it to me." Cat Stevens (YusufIslam), former British pop star.

The essential and definite element of my conversion to Islam was the Qur'an. I began to study it before my conversion with the critical spirit of a Western intellectual .... There are certain verses of this book, the Qur'an, revealed more than thirteen centuries ago, which teach exactly the same notions as the most modern scientific researches do. This definitely converted me." Ali Selman Benoist, France, Doctor of Medicine.

"Islam is the fastest-growing religion in America, a guide and pillar of stability for many of our people..." HILLARY RODMAN CLINTON, Los Angeles Times, May 31, 1996, p.3


Already more than a billion-people strong, Islam is the world’s fastest-growing religion. ABCNEWS,

Muhammed is the most successful of all Prophets and religious personalities. " Encyclopedia Britannica

just go to youtube and type "Quran Scientific miracles " you will find a lot
JP (Jan)
2009-10-28 05:58:31 UTC
I would say Jesus since He died for all mankind
2009-10-28 06:00:27 UTC
Both will go to hell because they are rejecting the true Christian God

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.