nice questions you have there.....
well i will try to answer my best about your questiON......
Firstly, being christian is not about chosen or unchosen, but it's merely about how much you have faith to Christ. those who "choose to be christians are not 100% chosen, i dare to say this because, being christian is not as complicated as the human laws.
you said that "..., you are stating that those who do not believe like you do ARE NOT SAVED, Are Not Chosen and are condemed"
my opinion about your statement i think is right, but your main point is only half right, if i see from your main point you are making a sum as a whole, actually it is much better if you see from different point of view. all of the people on this earth are chosen, yet how many of those people want to hear this calling...... although I'm Christian since i was born in this world, the moment when i understand about the purpose of live, i learn all the religions in my country, i learn them with open hearted just like a new child that learn new things, but after learning, lots and lots of questions need answers, and i found it from the Christian side, specially about "THE CHOSEN".
the unwillingness to learn deeply about other religions sometimes taken us into a one perspective mind, but when you explore what you want to belief takes you into a lot of perspectives, and your analytical thought will guide you to the REAL TRUTH .
"There-by accepting this condemnation you have accepted a form of Bigotry that has caused millions of deaths through war and disparity throughout the history of mankind"
I DON'T KNOW WHY YOU SAID LIKE THIS BUT, those war (the crusade) happen because they are fanatic about their religion, less understanding caused them like that... but that's history right.... if you see from this era Christian people didn't war like in the history, because they learn by the mistake that they have done in past.. nowadays they spread about the death of jesus with love and no war to spread about the good news...... beside in the history it's not only christian that caused war and disparity, many other also..... please check the history of the religion...
''Why are you so afraid to Live with your fellow human being that you would create Hell on Earth to try to change the world to believe like you do.''
ABOUT THIS i think most christian nowadays never fear to live with human beings, what's the fact you said like this? your statement seems like you wanted ti provoke others. did you realized that many christian are bound with their fellow human beings? no matter the religions, the christian are bound with them, they consider the other human beings as tehir brothers and sisters, so, i 100% disagree with your conclusion.
the spirit humanism is good but did we live just for making kindness only? human spirit drives from different kind of motivations (just go with the flow), if we only follow the flow without knowing the end of the flow, it's almost the same like a lamb...... a stupid lamb, i think.
God gave us brain to think and analyze. so be more realistic in stating your own problem. i think your just dragging it up to the surface.