Most Christians outside the US believe that God began evolution as very few educated Westerners can deny evolution but here we come up against Occam's razor. This states that when there are two possible explanation, the simpler of the two is to be assumed more likely. Here are the two options.
1) An incredibly dense piece of matter expanded rapidly and
chaotically and stuff crashed into each other until finally forming
planets and stars which each had a gravitational pull causing planets
to orbit stars. On one planet there was much of a very common
substance found in space - water and this planet orbitted a small
star. This combination of an energy source and water provided the
ideal environment for life to form and then evolve into many different
species depending on the different environments in which they lived.
2) An all powerful, omniscient, omnipotent being appeared perfectly
formed from absolutely nowhere and created everything with his speech
which then evolved.